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1、(tell) stories in your class?14. I want (join) the art club.15. She likes to make (friend) on the Internet.16. Can your sister (play) ping-pong well?17. She doesnt want (watch) TV this evening.18. Mary is good at (draw). What about you?19. - Does your little brother like (eat) chicken? - No, he does

2、nt.20.They buy some (sport) shoes today.21. I want to be a (music) when I grow up.22. Do you have a (swim) club at school?23. The doctor has saved a lot of peoples (life).24. Jack gets up late. He eats breakfast (quick) and goes to school.25. My parents (usual) have dinner at home.三、根据句意及首字母提示填词1. M

3、iss Wang t us English. She is a good teacher.2. I want to m friends with you.3. I often go to see my grandparents on the w .4. My brother is good at English. I a like it.5. Li Lei can d pictures well.6. Lets e today. What about running?7. My sister usually goes to bed at a q to ten in the evening.8.

4、 When do you usually c your room?9. They often do homework at school, but s they do it at home.10. I like to eat hamburgers. They t good.11. We usually s in the river in summer.12. Can you sing or d ?13. Im thirteen years old. He is a thirteen years old.14. She is Chinese, but she can s English very

5、 well.15. Zheng Yuanjie can w many interesting stories. Hes a writer.16. - Can your brother play the g - Yes, he can.17. She likes volleyball. She wants to j the sports club.18. My grandfather cant t stories.19.our English teacher t how to learn English well.20. - Who is your favorite m - Liu Huan.2

6、1. - Can you s - Yes, I can. And I can dance, too.22. Cindy is an American, but she can s Chinese well.23. I cant play the piano, but I can play the v 24. I can tell stories, but I cant w them.25. The big family has four p 四、选择正确的单词填空 (who, where, when)1._ is that pretty girl? She is my sister.2._ a

7、re Jack and Tom? They are behind you.3._ do you go to school? I go to school from Monday to Friday.4._ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower.5._ are they? They are my parents.(job,work)1. Li Ping has a good in a hospital.2. Her mother in the hospital.3. Peter doesnt like hard 五、用can, ,

8、 must, need的适当形式填空:1.You _ return the library book on time.2.I _ (not) find the way to the hospital. _you show me the way?3._ I finish the work right now? No, you _ (not). You _ do it later.4.Its time for class. You _ stop playing football 。5.We _ start right now, or they would get there first.六、短文填

9、空(A)根据首字母提示及文意填入合适单词Thank you very much f your letter. You w to know about my favorite sport and instrument. Now I tell you. I like p basketball very much. And I also like volleyball and ping-pong. Playing basketball is my f . I go to play basketball with my friends on w . What a you? Whats your fav

10、orite s Can you t me? Do you like to play the piano? Are you good w old people? Whos your favorite player? Please write and tell me. You can also call me a 861-5235.(B)选用合适词汇并用其恰当形式填空 With chess people busy Play stories talk well Good speak My name is Jenny. I am an English girl. I like to 1. basket

11、ball. I can 2. English and Chinese 3. . I can also play soccer. I am not 4. after school, so I often help 5. sports for English-speaking students. It is relaxing and easy!My friend Li Ling can play ping-pong and 6. . She likes to talk and play games with 7. . She usually goes to the old peoples home

12、. She is 8. with old people. She can 9. and play games with them. The old people can tell her 10. . She likes to make friends with old people.参考答案:1. dancing 3. draw 4. teaches 2. tells 5. swim1. dressed 2. teeth 3. teacher 4. to play 5. drawing6. musicians 7. swimming 8. stories 9. to clean 10. us1

13、1. clubs 12. stories 13. telling 14. to join 15. friends16. play 17. to watch 18. drawing 19. eating 20. sports 21. musician 22. swimming 23. lives 24. quickly 25. usually1. teaches 2. make 3. weekend 4. also 5. draw6. exercise 7. quarter 8. clean 9. sometimes 10. taste11. swim 12. dance 13. also 14

14、. speak 15. write 16. guitar 17. join 18. tell 19. teach 20. Musician21. sing 22. speak 23. violin 24. write 25. people四、选择正确单词填空1:Who 2:Where 3:When 4: Who 5:Who1.job 3.work五、用can, , must, need的适当形式填空1:must 2:can not ,can 3: Must ,need not , can 4:must 5:must1. for 2. want 3. playing 4. favo

15、rite 5. weekends6. about 7. sport 8. tell 9. with 10. at1. play 2. speak 3. well 4. busy 5. with 6. chess 7. people 8. good 9. talk 10. stories【重点句型专练】一、按要求转换句型1. Its seven oclock. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is it?2. He was born in 1992. _ was _ born?3. My mother usually takes the bus to work. (改为否定句)My mother th

16、e bus to work.4. They sometimes play games after class. (对划线部分提问) they sometimes after class?5. He often does his homework every evening. (改为一般疑问句) he often his homework every evening?6. I can sing and speak English. (改为否定句)I sing speak English.7. Tony can cook Chinese food. (就划线部分提问) Tony do?8. Man

17、y students can sing this song. (对划线部分提问) many students 9. I can play the guitar. (用the violin改为选择疑问句) play the guitar the violin?10. We want to join the music club. (就划线部分提问) you want to join?11. She usually does homework at ten oclock. (对划线部分提问) she usually do homework?12. Scott usually gets up at

18、half past six. (对划线部分提问) does Scott usually up?13. Jack wants to join the chess club. (对划线部分提问) Jack to join?14. My sister can play the guitar. (用piano改为选择疑问句) your sister play the guitar the piano?15. Do you have time on the weekend? (改为同义句) you on the weekend?16. My sister can play the piano well.

19、 (改为一般疑问句并作出肯定回答) your sister the piano well? Yes, she 17. Frank can play the drums. (改为一般疑问句) Frank play the drums?二、根据汉语提示完成句子1. 我周末通常起床很晚。I usually late on weekends.2. 我通常在6:40淋浴。 at six forty.3. 我经常在晚上做作业。I often in the evening.4. 只有一个座位,要不你去,要不我去。There is only one seat; I can go.5. 我工作从不迟到。Im w

20、ork.6. 让我们到乡村去帮助孩子们学习。Lets go to the countryside to the kids their study.7. 玛丽很善良,她善于与朋友相处。Mary is kind. She her friends.8. 学生们将通过电脑和老师谈话。The students will their teachers their computers.9. 你会弹钢琴或拉小提琴吗?Can you 10. 我给她看我的书。 my book 11. 李连杰会表演功夫。Jet Li kung fu.12. 我姐姐不会跳舞。My sister 13. 他哥哥小提琴拉得好。His b

21、rother 14. Susan不会弹钢琴。Susan piano.15. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。 the music club.16. 在周末我的叔叔也很忙。My uncle is also very busy 17. 史密斯太太喜欢和孩子们一起做游戏。Mrs. Smith likes to kids.18. 我可以参加你们学校的音乐节吗?Can I your school music festival?19. 玛丽喜欢英语。她英语说得非常好。Mary English and she 20. 你会画画或者下棋吗?Can you draw 21. 你们经常什么时候吃晚饭?When you oft

22、en 22. 你通常什么时候上班? do you usually go to 23. - 他晚上常干什么?- 他常做作业。- What he usually in the evening?- He usually his 24. 他们经常帮助妈妈做家务。They often their mother the housework.25. 她在晚上做家庭作业。She 26. 你能在运动方面帮帮我吗? me with 27. 吉尔和她的同学相处得很好。Jill her classmates.28. 她喜欢和我交谈。She likes to me.29. 艾丽斯会弹钢琴还是唱歌? Alice play

23、 the piano sing?30. 让我们交朋友吧!!31. 你想加入什么俱乐部? do you want 32. 吉娜非常擅长游泳。Gina is quite 33. 我喜欢同人们交流,同人们一起玩游戏。I like to and with people.34. 你们跟孩子们相处的好吗? kids?35. 我想和那些老人交朋友。I want with those old people.36. 我通常在6:37. 你通常几点起床?What time you usually 38. 斯科特有一份有趣的工作。Scott interesting 39. 那个时间吃早饭是有趣的!Thats a t

24、ime 40. 我工作从不迟到。41. 我不喜欢早起床。I dont like to 42. 放学后,我有时打半个小时篮球。After school, I sometimes play basketball 43. 在12:00,她吃许多水果和蔬菜作为午饭。At twelve, she eats fruit andvegetables 44. 她总是在晚饭后吃冰激凌。She always after dinner.45. 商店里有许多水果。There are fruit in the shop.1.what time2.when he3. doesnt usually take4. What

25、do; do5. Does;6. cant, or7. What can 8. What can;9. Can you, or 10. What club do11. When does12. What, time, get13. What club does, want14. Can, or15. Are, free16. Can,play;can 17. Can1. get up2. take a shower3. do my homework4. either; or5. never late for6. help, with7. is good with8. talk to; on9. play the piano or10. show, to her11. can do 12. cant dance 13. plays the violin

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