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1、Have a blasthave a good time,enjoy yourself中文翻译: 享受一段美好时光We are going hiking next week hopefully to have a blast.Tag-alonga person who follows along,and in some cases,not wanted在某些你不希望的情况下,被别人跟随着I dont like to have tag-along fellow.Lounge aroundbe lazy or idle闲逛He used to lounge around on weekends.G

2、et some shut eyego to sleep去睡觉Im thinking of getting some shut eye till he comes ever.Be glued to the tubewatch intensely the TV长时间看电视Youre always glued to the tube.On a first-come,first-served basis英文翻译:not reserving an item for sale没有保留的去出售To rent our apartment,we make deals only on a first-come,f

3、irst-served basis.Greennative or a novice at something,without experience新手,新人,没有经验的You are still green but this job needs hands on experience guy.Gimmicka clever sales trick to get people to buy一种聪明的推销手法I never believe any gimmick whenever I go shopping.Blow moneyspend money carelessly花钱大手大脚Stop bl

4、owing your money or you will be broke one day.Bump intomeet unexpectedly偶遇,恰巧撞见I bump into my ex-girlfriend last week with a new boy.Flunkhave to leave school because of poor grades留级生He is going to flunk the test due to his carelessness.Hit the booksstudy学习I need hit the books for the coming exam.W

5、orkaholica person who works a lot工作狂Since he got a new baby,he became workaholic to make money for him.Work your fingers to the bone work very hard工作非常刻苦You just cant keep working your fingers to the bone for such little money.Get your foot in the doorget a chance to work for or be involved in a bus

6、iness organization得到一个工作的机会He is such a right person,once he gets his foot in the door he will get his boss satisfaction.Have a crush onromantic love,used especially for young people.浪漫的爱情Surprisingly she had a crush on him and got married in a month.Be on cloud nineextreme happiness非常开心I would be o

7、n cloud nine if I got that job opportunity. Down to an art to learn something very well学某事学的很好My brother has skiing down to an art.Get aheadbecome successful in the business world在商界变得很成功If you want to get ahead in life,you have to set clear goals.Acedo very well on an assignment or test考试考得很棒I cant

8、 believe she aced the test because she didnt study much last night.Elaborateexplain in more details在细节上解释的更加清楚Could you elaborate on your ideas on starting your company?Tactilethe idea of touchingHe is a very tactile learning and always benefits from hands -on activities like building things.Strollt

9、ake a leisurely walk悠闲的散步During the early spring ,you often see couples strolling through the park.Commencebegin,start开始The meeting was supposed to commence at 9:00 AM,but it was postponed until tomorrow.Tentativenot certain , still in review不确定,还在观望中Here are our tentative travel plans for next week

10、s trip.To be hard pressedto have difficulty doing something做某事很困难Im going to be hard pressed to complete the presentation this evening. Get this rollingto start something开始做某事If you help,we can get things rolling and complete the assignment by tomorrow.Jot downto write down a quick快速记下Let me jot dow

11、n your phone number so I dont forget it.Tall ordersomething difficult to do一些很难做的事情Completing work order by noon is a real tall order.To give the green lightto give the okay or permission to亮绿灯,行方便The president of the company must give the green light before we proceed with the plan.To wrap things u

12、p to complete or finish完成Since everyone lent a hand to the project ,we were able to wrap thins up in time for the party.Bottom linethe most important point最重要的点We want to emphasize that the bottom line in our business is great customer satisfaction.Exterminatedestroy,kill off 毁灭,毁坏The farmers were d

13、etermined to exterminate the crickets eating their crops.Roarto move very quickly移动的非常快My sisters always coming roaring home from school so she can go online and chat with friends.Breathtakingincredible,awesome非常赞的,非常棒的The scenic views of the valley were breathtaking. Strenuousphysically difficult艰苦

14、的We took a very strenuous hike that lasted all day,and Im exhausted. Sturdystrong强壮的You need to wear sturdy hiking boots for this trip because we will be going through some rough terrain.Outskirtsthe outer area of city城市的郊区Often,the outskirts of the city are the most peaceful.Bleakhopeless没有希望的The e

15、conomy looks very bleak at this point with sky high inflation and unemployment at 27 percent.Linger oncontinues slowly on 持续The conflict has lingered on for more than three years.Thrillingexciting令人兴奋的I watched a thrilling game on TV last night.Dig oneself out of a hole get out of a difficult situat

16、ion摆脱困境We couldnt dig oneself out of a hole when we were way behind in the game.Hecklebother and harass someone打扰或骚扰某人The fans for the other team tried to heckle our players for having fouled one of their players.Sluggishmoving slower than normal, poor performance比平常表现的差劲He looked really sluggish du

17、ring the first part of the game.Horrendousterrible恐怖的 Over twenty people lost their lives in the horrendous accident.Charitylove爱We should show acts of charity to those less fortunate throughout the year.Fretto worry unnecessarily of excessively,or be unhappy担心 不开心The boy fretted over losing his fav

18、orite toy.Vegetationplants in general植物的总称Having vegetation in some areas can slow down the process of erosion.Revitalizationthe process of bringing back something to strength or prosperity.复兴I am proposing a city center revitalization project.To be elated very happy or excited非常开心兴奋They were elated

19、 to hear the good news.Inspiredinfluenced or encouraged激励She felt inspired to seek professional help in raising her kids.Lavishgive a lot,or too much of something某件事给予的太多Instead of lavishing our kids with gifts for Christmas,we ought to teach them to serve others who are in need.Headinggoing or trav

20、eling toward去.旅行Lets head east to avoid the traffic.At easea condition of comfort一种舒适的环境He feels at ease when speaking in Spanish.Knacka special way of doing something做事的特殊方式If you practice enough,you soon get the knack of speaking in a foreign language.Chaotic complete disorder and confusion非常的混乱,无

21、秩序The traffic is very chaotic during the rush hour, so I always take the train. Blase unconcerned and uninterested不关心的 不感兴趣的He felt the visit to the museum was so blase ,having been to many others over the past few days.Dartmove very quicklyTaxis often dart in and out of traffic to take passengers t

22、o their destinations.Landfind寻找I need to land a good job where I can earn a lot of money.Count ondepend on依赖I can always count on my kids to drive safely.Otherwise ,I wouldnt let them use my car.Wreckcompletely destroy or ruin彻底毁灭My father wrecked the family car last night,but fortunately,he wasnt h

23、urt.Gloomysad or depressed悲伤的 令人失望的Ive noticed a very gloomy atmosphere in their family recently. Blisshappiness开心的Marriage is filled with a combination of bliss and trails.Peekto take a short look at something一瞥This car looks nice.Take a peek inside to check how many miles it has.Mishapsaccidents事故

24、There were a few unfortunate mishaps while we were on vacation.Out of the ordinaryunusual or unexpected不正常的,不寻常的If you notice anything out of the ordinary ,call the police.Confrontationa fight or argument争斗 冲突There was a serious confrontation between the neighbors.Blaringvery loud声音非常大I cant do my h

25、omework with the TV blaring next door.Resumecontinue , start again重新开始 继续Classes will resume at the beginning of September.Good griefan expression of disgust of surprise表达惊讶的一种方式Good grief!I cant believe your hiding your money.Stick withremain with someone or something继续做某事Stick with me,and you wont get lost.Treka long walk , often through the mountains长时间的散步 They estimate that the trek will take about a week.Gearequipment设备We rented some camping gear for the backpacking trip.

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