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1、2. 议论文写作结构 (总分总) Head 改写题目+ 提出总的观点; 2句 Body 分2到3个观点分别论述; 5句 Tail 总结上述观点 + 提出自己的观点/建议;head:提出观点I agree/disagree with this opinion.tail:换一种方式再说一遍观点body:少量说理+多举例子 分论点viewpoint:越具体越好; Explanatory sentences 1句; Reasoning sentence 2-3句; Conclusion sentences 1句; NB:每段开头要有连接词,句与句之间多加连接词。3. 论述方法 全文论述(难); 一句话

2、论述+例子;常见 若干例子;题型分析及满分作文讲解题型一讲义100页思路:衣、食、住、行(学习、生活)消失:女红、生炉子;保留:经典估计、建筑;讲义101页1. in many ways在许多方面not in any way(多用于否定句)=not at all(口)一点也不2. weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器3. impact on/upon sb/sth4. in additionadditionallyfurther moremoreoverbesides which/apart from whichon top of which5. 总结性短语

3、in conclusionin shortin briefin a wordin a nutshellin summary/sumto concludeto summarize/sum upto recapitulateoverallon the wholeall in all练习:(更多见周华章老师PPT) She is different from me in many ways. From then on, he help me a lot in many ways. This claim is by no means obvious.这个结论绝不是显而易见的 The task is t

4、oo important to be jeopardized in any way.无论如何不能搞砸讲义102页 背背诵:首先读,速度要慢,想象出场景、理解意思,声音和形象发生直接联系。 要做到眼到、手到、口到、心到。1. 转折连词、短语howeverin/by contraston the contraryon the other hand完全相反whereas不太一样的是、不同的是(比上述语气弱)neverthelessnonethelesswhileyet/still2. take sth. for example3. industry行业4. much as(书面语)=very muc

5、h like(口)就像5. revert to sth重新做6. be an integral part of sth不可分割的一部分7. brush aside=push away丢弃8. illustrate用形象的东西进行解释说明 Much as bats do, robots send out ultrasonic signals. 机器人就像蝙蝠那样地发出超声波讯号 In the middle of his speech he reverted to the unemployment issue. 他演讲到一半,又重提失业问题。 Revert to a former policy.

6、重新采取原来的政策。讲义103页1. it is inevitable=it is unavoidable不可避免2. it is (not) the case情况(并非)如此it is (not) always the case3. mass production 大众产品4. good old days=in the past good相当于叠词,加强语气, “安安静静”。5. come along=come existence6. have an impact on对产生影响7. in some fashion=in some way=in some manner This remind

7、s me of the good old days 这使我想起了过去的好时光 Lisa will never have a boyfriend if she keeps waiting for Mister Right to come along. 如果莉莎一直等待“白马王子”的到来,那她恐怕永远不会有男朋友。 此处一直不用always讲义104页折中的写法1. the issue of sth is a complex one很难说谁对谁错2. 关于:as to/as for/concerning/regarding 口语、写作均可使用with /in reference towith/in

8、 regard to with respect to in respect ofvis-vispertaining topertinent toin relation to related inrelating toreferring to3. undertaken=sb be engaged in sth=engage sb in sth4. old peoples home养老院nursery school幼儿园5. demanding work6. pay/exert arduous efforts=work hard 努力工作7. academic study and research

9、学习研究8. help with the house-hold帮助干家务 Air, for example, is invisible. 例如,空气就是看不见的。 He must, for example, perceive an egg as a simple single solid shape. 例如,他必须把鸡蛋看成是一个简单、单一的固定形状。 Madame Curie had undertaken far too heavy a task. 居里夫人担负的任务过于繁重。 I regard Beethoven as a genius who exerted arduous effort

10、s. 我认为贝多芬是一位勤奋努力的天才。讲义105页背1. bring benefits to sb2. cf. 拉丁语 相比较3. be vulnerable to 易受影响4. develop ones strong ethic形成良好的职业道德讲义105页先写后天再写先天,纯说理、折中写法纯说理写法可先写“背景介绍”,再写个人观点。1. more than ever before=more than before ever起强调作用Never ever in my life has anyone been so rude to me as they have. 倒装+ever强调Ill

11、leave it forever and ever. 出自简爱2. relate to关于3. identical twins 双胞胎4. its highlight to5. boost= strengthen加强6. over-ride推翻The president vetoed the bill, but the congress over-rode his veto.7. encounter(to meet unexpectly)8. shape v.促成 mould n.模具 v.铸造These events helped to shape her future career.促成了

12、她的事业讲义108页背1. for centuries=for decades=for a long time2. sb be right/wrong in doing sth3. commit crime犯罪commit wrong doing犯错commit offence against sb冒犯commit suicide自杀4. given that=if如果Given that he can get another chance, hell surely succeed.Given that, I think weve done pretty well.既然如此,我认为我们所做的还

13、算不错。讲义109页1. it has been last有关.的讨论一直持续到今天2. come for=have been important有.重要性3. A comes more than B A比B重要Their opinions come for little.他们的观点没有什么价值During that time, however, brainpower began to come for musclepower.4. have baring on 有关系The evidence has no immediate baring on the case.该证据与本案无直接关系Wha

14、t he said had no baring on.题型二 分析观点讲义110页Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal of money.好的一方面:有商业价值、努力训练、天赋、运动生命短;不好的一面:社会不公(其它职业的人也很努力,但收入一般)、对年轻人的误导;1. as a result of由于2. receive/attract/get media attention媒体关注3. 过.样的生活Mr. Zhou lives a simple life.生活俭朴4. luxurious奢

15、华extravagant奢侈,区别于奢华5. instead of=rather6. so the notion.of is not the issue现在讨论的不是.问题7. be under intense pressure 承受巨大压8. justify sth=make/have/get sth justified使.合理9. place/put value on sb/sth=value sth The visiting politician received coast-to-coast/country wide/national wide media attention. 这位来

16、访的政治家受到了全国各地新闻媒介的注意。 Shes very extravagant and spends all her money on clothes. 她很奢侈,花掉了所有的钱来买衣服。 How can you justify your rude behavior? 你如何解释你的粗鲁行为呢? Dont try to justify your mistakes. 不要为自己的缺点辩护。讲义111页背很标准的一篇文章1. 全权负责give sb complete/full power to doinvest sb with full power to doauthorize sb to

17、do I give you full power to act for me.全权带我负责I invested my lawyer with complete power to act for me.2. achievement成就3. features(相貌)特点sb has a delicate feature五官清秀sb has a rough feature五官吓人4. be born+adj. 生来.He is born mentally challenged.生来智障5. cap sth at.=set an up limit上限Last year the Isle of Man

18、capped income tax at100,000, in the hope of convincing London investment managers of the charms of island living. 去年,马恩岛就打算利用十万英镑的所得税限额来吸引伦敦的投资商。6. idolize偶像化、醉心于Youve got the size of eyes I idolize. (歌声)你有一双让我陶醉的眼睛题型二变体一 三句话 第一段:改写题目;二三段:一至两个原因(不易过多);四五段:写两三个解决方案; 原因:内因、外因;解决方案:个人、家庭、社会(主要是政府); 例如作

19、弊问题:内因:自己不努力;外因:别人作弊、课程设计不合理;个人:重新调整学习计划;学校:调整课程安排;政府:宣传、措施;开头:套用所讲的18篇文章的句型。讲义113页1. be an increasingly widespread (问题)越来越普遍Their proposal met with widespread opposition.2. be responsible for=such a problem can be attributed to.not in termsnot in terms of A but in B 不是A是BIn terms of money, he is qu

20、ite rich, but not in terms of happiness.3. regardless of priceregardless of gain or loss 不计得失regardless of age or sex不顾男女老少4. consideration for othersbe considered of othersbe thoughtful for others5. get to.age 到.年龄When you get to a certain age, youll come to understand.6. have less respect for sbha

21、ve great respect for sbhave little respect for sbhave no respect for sb7. take measures to do sth8. 解决问题combat heat fight againstdeal with +problemtackleaddresstake care of9. solution/key/answer to the problem10. lie with在于The responsibility for this failure must lie with the CEO.11. community(周围的人)

22、大家12. fund出钱(资助)fund sb/sthfinance sb/sth题型二变体二工作:赚钱、人脉、经验;旅游:放松、开阔视野;坏处:不回来上学、回来后心不在学习上、失去学习的连续性;讲义114页1. 句型:it is quite common for sb to do sth2. 句型:the trend is not restricted to A, but also to B3. involve包括、涵盖、涉及Different circumstances involve adopting diffident tactics.不同形式需要采取不同策略4. general kn

23、owledge=knowledge5. by contrast相反6. have a broader view开阔视野have broaden ones horizon7. personal resources人脉personal resource to draw on人脉广experience to rely on经验丰富8. academic study and research9. cope with克服=deal with successfullyInexperienced as she was, she could cope with difficulties wonderfully

24、 well.尽管她没有经验,但她能巧妙地克服这些困难。 adj.+as+倒装=Although.10. take time off to do sth/for sthHe is too busy to take time off to travel to Hongkong.11. end up doing 介词短语12. be essential for至关重要13. broaden ones horizons14. get a clear perspective of=get a clear idea of.(口语)讲义115页背1. favour doing sth2. be suited

25、 to sth=be suitable to sht适合3. options are open/available to sb有. 的机会A big break is open to me.4. be on project5. a minoritya few6. get out of the routine打破常规7. the advantages (of.) outweigh the disadvantages .利大于弊In these case the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.利远大于弊Task2基本题目从讲义118页开始是写作

26、机经,其中每个方面都有一两个常考话题。共43篇118页 教育类-教育目的 4)119页 教育类-科目设置 2) 5) 7)120页 教育类-教学方式 1) 3) 5) 6) 7)121页 教育类-教育相关 3) 4) 政府职能 1)122页 政府职能 3) 5) 6)123页 资源环境 3) 5) 6)124页 科技类 3)125页 科技类 5) 6) 7) 8) 工作就业 2)126页 工作就业 4) 大众传媒 1) 3)127页 大众传媒 6) 衣食住行 2) 4) 5)128页 个人观点 2) 4)129页 个人观点 5) 艺术 1)130页 生物 2) 3) 国家发展 1) 3)131页 国家发展 6) 建筑 1) 人口 2)132页 犯罪 3)如何利用讲义练习Task21. 看下册讲义(只有总部有卖的)中的素材,划出观点句、例子;30-45mins2. 写基本题目,对照素材,开卷写;30mins3. 与满分范文对比,修改自己的文章;4. 背自己文章中所用到的素材(背自己文章更熟悉,但一定是在反复修改之后);练习30篇左右,历时一个月,写作水平将有所提高。

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