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外研版学年九年级上学期英语教学质量检测一 I卷Word下载.docx

1、B . At 8:50.C . At 9:20.5. (2分)Why did Mrs. Li say sorry?A . Because she didnt know she was speaking too fast.B . Because she thought she was speaking too slowly.C . Because she knew his English was very poor.二、 听下面两段对话,每段对话后有两个或三个小题,请从题中所给的 (共2题;6. (6分)听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。(1)What are David and Kitty ta

2、lking about?A . foodB . The twinsC . seasons(2)Which sport does Kitty like ?A . swimmingB . skatingC . running(3)Who likes spring best?A . The twinsB . KittyC . David7. (4分)听第一段对话,回答小题。(1)Whats Bettys classroom like?A . Its yellowB . Its small.C . Its cool.(2)How many students are there in Bettys cl

3、ass? A . 11.B . 21.C . 31.三、 听下面一段独白,从题中所给的请从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择 (共1题;8. (10分)听独白,回答以下小题。(1)The temperature in Guangzhou is _. A . from 28 to 33B . from 27 to 32C . from 25 to 27(2)The weather in Zhongshan will be _ next 48 hours. A . rainy to sunnyB . windy to rainyC . sunny(3)The weather in Zhaoqing wa

4、s _ last night. A . cool and cloudyB . rainyC . sunny and cool(4)_ is the coolest place in Guangdong. A . GuangzhouB . FoshanC . Zhaoqing(5)The best way to stay cool is to _ when it is very hot. A . drink more waterB . go swimmingC . stay in the sun四、 完形填空 (共1题;9. (10分) 完形填空Ill tell you1about my Eng

5、lish teacher, Mrs. Wang. She is a middle-aged woman. She is not tall and not short , and she is also not2and not thin . She3long black hair. She likes4a red dress. She is very beautiful. She5very good English . She has three classes a week , but they arent6Tuesday or Friday. All the students in her

6、class love her very much.Mrs. Wang lives not7the school. She walks to school with her son and her daughter early every morning. Her two children are8.They look the same. They are in Grade Two, but they are not in9class . They often wear the same clothes. They look very10.(1)A . anythingB . something

7、C . nothingD . some thing(2)A . bigB . smallC . shortD . heavy(3)A . hasB . haveC . isD . with(4)A . put onB . wearingC . wearD . putting on(5)A . saysB . speaksC . talksD . tells(6)A . inB . atC . onD . of(7)A . farB . far fromC . nearD . near to(8)A . twinB . twinsC . boysD . girls(9)A . theB . di

8、fferentC . sameD . the same(10)A . happilyB . happyC . greatD . greatly五、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)10. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Australias Great Barrier Reef(礁) is the worlds largest reef system. It is over 2,600 kilometers long. The reef is home to many animals: fish, birds, turtles, sharks and

9、even whales. Unfortunately, the reef that all these animals call home is in danger.Climate(气候)change, over fishing and water pollution are damaging(毁坏)the reef every year. Coral(珊瑚)reef experts at Australian universities say that if we do nothing to stop it, the coral reef could be destroyed before

10、the year 2030.Everyday things like driving cars, using electricity and running a factory give out greenhouse gases into the air. These gases make Earth warmer and warmer. This is a problem for the Great Barrier Reef and other reefs around the world.Coral is very fragile, and even a 2-degree increase

11、 in water temperature is enough to kill it, according to Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, reef researcher at the University of Queensland, Australia. If the water temperature doesnt go down, the coral dies.But its not only the coral thats in danger. One quarter of all sea life lives on coral reefs.If air polluti

12、on is not slowed down or stopped, then the water will warm by at least 3 degrees in the next 20 years, according to reef experts in a report from University of Queensland. This would spell the end for the Great Barrier Reef and all its sea life.(1)Which of the following can damage the Great Barrier

13、Reef?a. sea animals b. global warming c. overfishing d. water pollutionA . abcB . acdC . bcdD . abd(2)Ove Hoegh-Guldberg said that _. A . the coral reef will be destroyed before 2030B . greenhouse gases are the biggest problemC . rising water temperatures could kill the coralD . other sea animals li

14、ving in coral reefs are also in danger(3)The underlined word fragile in Paragraph 4 probably means _. A . easily damagedB . hard to breakC . small and softD . clean and tidy(4)The passage tells us that _. A . coral can easily get used to changesB . its time to take action to protect coralC . coral i

15、n other areas is not in dangerD . all sea animals will die with the Great Barrier11. (8分)阅读理解The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Rain (谷雨), as the last term in spring, starts on April 19 and ends on May 4.Grain Rain comes from the old saying, “Rain brin

16、gs up the growth of hundreds of grains”, which shows that this period of rainfall is very important for the growth of crops. Heres something that you may not know about the Grain Rain.1 _Grain Rain falls between the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and the temperature rises much higher tha

17、n it does in March. With dry soil and heavy winds, sandstorms may happen more often.2 _There is an old custom in southern China that people drink tea on the day of Grain Rain. Spring tea during Grain Rain is good for the eyes. It is also said that drinking tea on this day would prevent bad luck.3_Pe

18、ople in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes “toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk (嫩如丝)”. The vegetable is good for the stomach and skin.4 _The Grain Rain Festival is celebrated by fishing villages in nort

19、hern China. Grain Rain marks the start of the fishermens first voyage (航行) of the year. The custom dates back to more than 2000 years ago.(1)When Grain Rain ends, _ starts. A . springB . summerC . autumnD . winter(2)The people in southern China _ on the day of Grain Rain. A . drink teaB . eat toona

20、sinensisC . start the first voyageD . get together(3)We can infer that “toona sinensis” must be a kind of vegetable which _. A . can bring good luckB . is delicious and healthyC . prevent bad luckD . grows at the seaside(4)The right order of the titles from 1 to 4 should be _.a. Eating toona sinensi

21、sb. Sandstorms happenc. Grain Rain Festivald. Drinking teaA . b-a-d-cB . b-c-a-dC . b-d-a-cD . d-b-a-c12. (10分)阅读理解Horatio Spafford, who was born in 1828, was a wealthy Chicago lawyer with a promising career, a beautiful home, a wife, four daughters and a son.At the very height of his financial and

22、professional success Horatio and his wife, Anna, suffered the loss of their young son. Shortly thereafter, on October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed most of his real estate(地产) Investment.In 1873, Spafford planned a boat trip to Europe in order to give his wife and daughters a much-needed

23、 vacation and time to recover from the loss of their young son. Spafford sent his wife and daughters ahead of him while he remained in Chicago to take care of some small business. Several days later he received notice that his familys ship had had a collision (碰撞). All four of his daughters had drow

24、ned, only his wife had survived.With a heavy heart, Spafford boarded a boat that would take him to his broken-hearted Anna in England. It was on this trip that he wrote those now famous words: When sorrows like sea billows roll, it is well, it is well with my soul.Philip Bliss (1838-1876), composer

25、of many songs, including Hold the Fort, Let the Lower Lights be Buming, and Jesus Loves Even Me, was so impressed with Spaffords life and the words of his hymn (赞美) that be composed a beautiful piece of music to accompany the poem. The song was published by Bliss and Sankey in 1876.For more than a c

26、entury, the tragic story of one man has given hope to countless people.(1)When did spaffords son die?A . Before the Great Chicago FireB . On October 8, 1871C . On a trip to Europe.D . After he went to England(2)Why did Spafford send his family to Europe?A . He wanted to do some businesses alone in C

27、hicago.B . He wanted them to move to Europe.C . He sent them to have a summer holiday.D . He wanted them to recover from his familys tragedy.(3)What did Philip Bliss think of Spaffords words?A . TerribleB . Uninteresting.C . WonderfulD . Hard to understand(4)Which of the following statements is NOT true?A . At the height of his success, Horatio lost his son.B . Spafford went to Europe with his family at the same time.C . Philip Bliss was a composer of many songs.D . Spaffords tragic story encouraged a lot of people.(5)In what order did the following events take place in the story?a. Hor

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