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1、vary from person to person 因人而异depend on 依赖,依靠;取决于shape ones life塑造人生tend to (p.3) 往往,倾向于be linked with 与有关联connect.with. 把与联系/连接起来take care of 照顾,看护;处理,应对unlock memories of a time 打开一段时间的记忆look after 照顾cheer sb up 使某人振作起来sense of belonging 归属感move away from ones home country 离开祖国right away 立刻,马上giv

2、e up 放弃a saucer of vinegar 一碟醋take sb back to ones cultural roots 使某人回到自己的文化的根the taste of home “家的味道”relieve feelings of homesickness 解除乡愁build an emotional bond with 与建立情感纽带compare. to. (p.4) 把比作key concepts 关键概念,核心概念in a broad sense 在广义上,广义上讲,从广义上来说,从广义上看in a narrow sense 在狭义上,从狭义上来看remind sb of

3、sth 使某人想起某事,提醒某人某事in ones opinion 在某人看来in low spirits (p.5) 情绪低落a sense of security 安全感brings back happy memories of the past 带回过去的美好回忆(be) high in 含量高blood sugar levels 血糖水平,血糖量as a result 结果,因此in a better mood 心情好一点,情绪好一些the sharp increase in 的急剧增加cause. to do sth 促使做某事be likely to 很可能enter a cycl

4、e of highs and lows 进入高潮和低谷的循环be aware of 意识到,明白the hidden dangers 隐患,隐藏的危险take up 开始从事;喜欢上;开始处理;讨论的处理方法;开始干(工作);接受,答应(提议或挑战);占用,花费(时间、空间或精力);占领,占据,占有(位置、阵地);继续;把接着进行下去keep up (与)齐步前进;不落后(于);跟上(变化等);跟上(活儿、人等);同做(或理解)得一样好;了解;熟悉;继续做(或提供);使不减少(或降低)set up 创建;建立;安排;组建;建起;设立;设置;安装,装配,调试(设备或机器);立业;开业;创业;安(

5、家);开(店);引起;引发;产生;诬陷;陷害;冤枉show up 出现;露面;(使)变清晰;(使)变得明显;(使)显现出来;使难堪;使尴尬;使丢脸a blog entry (p.6) 一篇博文eat out 出去吃,在外面吃饭not that long ago 不久前at mealtimes 吃饭的时候,在用餐时间be eager to 渴望,急于enhance the relationship with 加强与的关系come across 偶然发现,偶然遇见;使产生印象;a variety of 各种各样的,多种offer detailed instructions 提供详细说明step b

6、y step 一步一步地,逐步地give it a try 试一试,试试no wonder 难怪be good at 擅长,善于new-found skills 新发现的技能at the beginning of 在开始的时候,在初home-cooked meals (p.7) 家常菜,自家做的饭菜open a restaurant 开饭馆some day 总有一天,有朝一日as long as 只要;长达be afraid of 害怕be impressed by 被所感动,对印象深刻at the top of 在最高地位,在顶部;用最高最大的(速度,声音等)better still 更好的

7、是,更甚者get bored with 对厌倦,觉得无聊get the most wonderful views 看到最美妙的景色(be)full of eye-catching Asian dishes 充满吸引眼球的亚洲菜range 范围从到be considered to be 被认为是take sb out to dinner 带某人出去吃饭write a thank-you note 写一封感谢信return the favour 报恩invite sb to ones home for dinner 邀请某人到家里吃饭make an announcement (p

8、.8) 发布通告the school Food Festival 学校美食节make changes 做出改变,进行更改the writing competition 写作比赛food stands 食品摊no less than 不少于,多达hand in the article 上交文章the sweet red bean filling (p.9) 甜红豆馅remember doing sth 记得做过某事the full moon 满月,圆月shiny golden-brown 闪亮的金棕色pick up 拿起;提起;拾起;捡起;(跌倒或被击倒后)使(自己)慢慢站起(或爬起);(通常指

9、开车)接载,取走;逮捕;拘捕;(不费力地)获得,学会;(以发生性关系为目的)与搭讪;得(病);染上(疾病);接收到(信号或声音);发现,找到,识别(特点或模式);重提,接过(观点或话题);(贸易或经济)好转,改善;指出的错误;纠正;收拾残局;努力恢复正常;加速take each bite 每咬一口a light, creamy experience 淡淡的奶油味体验a bitter taste of coffee 咖啡的苦味associate. with. (p.10) 把与联系起来a rhetorical question 反问句a figure of speech 比喻,修辞格in the

10、 form of a question 以问题的形式emphasize a point 强调一点express feelings and attitudes 表达情感和态度a piece of descriptive writing 一篇描述性的文章create a vivid picture 创造生动的画面plenty of sensory details 丰富的感官细节state clearly 清楚地说明,说清楚way of cooking 烹饪方法create an image of 创建的图像/形象in the mind of the reader 在读者心中remember to

11、do sth 记得去做某事the mouth-watering hot pots(p.11) 令人垂涎欲滴的火锅heat up a cold midwinter evening 让寒冷的仲冬之夜热起来rivers of sweat 汗流浃背,大汗淋漓a gas burner 煤气炉be covered with 覆盖着quicken ones laughter 哄堂大笑the damp, foggy climate 潮湿多雾的气候be believed to 被认为start off 从开始,从着手;开始;使开始in the late Qing Dynasty 在清朝末期keep warm 取

12、暖,保温in the beginning 一开始,在初期over time 随着时间的推移multiple options 多种选择appeal to 对有吸引力;向呼吁,向请求,向投诉,诉诸武力people of different tastes 不同口味的人socialize with friends 与朋友交往salted duck 盐水鸭food export 食品出口countless waterways(p.12)无数的水道raise waterbirds养水鸟/水禽in particular 尤其,特别without equal 天下无双,无与伦比cooling properti

13、es 冷却性能all year round 一年到头,终年,全年it is estimated that 据估计tens of thousands of 数万,数以万计an essential part of the daily routine 日常生活中必不可少的一部分take off起飞;拿掉,脱掉;腾飞,成功stimulate customers appetite 刺激顾客食欲work ones way 以自己的方式做事beef balls 牛肉丸rice noodle rolls 肠粉dumpling wrappers (p.13) 饺子皮stick the edges of the

14、dumpling wrappers together 把饺子皮的边粘在一起serve with vinegar 配醋食用,蘸醋吃press out extra water 挤出多余的水have difficulty (in) doing sth (p.14) 做有困难an animated film 动画片dream of 梦想,渴望the fearless 无畏者reveal surprising information 揭露令人惊讶的信息Unit 2(1)词汇表重点短语(7)tear apart使(关系密切的人)分离,分开(16)rely /rla/ on 依赖,依靠;信任(17)thro

15、w in奉送,额外赠送 (17)for good measure作为额外增添 (17)consist /knsst/ of 由组成(或构成)(19)get down to (doing) sth开始做某事,开始认真注意(或对待)某事(21)all of a sudden 突然,猛地(26)(2)课本中其它短语(153)the universal language (p.15) 通用语言,世界语言a classical musician 古典音乐家musical instruments 乐器in a wide range of types 种类繁多in the Tang Dynasty 在唐朝(

16、be)known as 被称为a blind erhu artist 盲人二胡艺术家(be)famous for 因为而著名Moonlight on the Second Spring二泉映月performing techniques 表演技巧Moon Night月夜Birdsong over Empty Mountain空山鸟语in the early 18th century 在18世纪早期an Austrian composer 奥地利作曲家a Polish composer and pianist 波兰作曲家和钢琴家musical pieces 音乐作品host countries (

17、p.16) 东道国,主办国watch a music performance live 现场观看音乐表演on TV 在电视上,通过电视,在电视上播放understand culture through music 通过音乐了解文化Butterfly Lovers梁祝a beautiful violin concerto 优美的小提琴协奏曲deserve to be heard 值得倾听the twists and turns of a classic story 一个经典故事的曲折force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事fall sick 患病,生病,病倒weep bitterly

18、 over the loss of 因失去痛哭流涕(be) overcome with sorrow 悲痛欲绝take a softer turn 柔和地一转Western musical elements 西方音乐元素on Western instruments 在西方乐器上have its roots in 根植于,扎根于All the best 一切顺利,万事如意host family (p.17) 寄宿家庭,东道家庭big fans of country music 乡村音乐的忠实粉丝introduce sb to sth 向某人介绍某事all the time 一直,始终,总是It

19、turns out that 原来,结果是,证明是in the south of 在的南部spread across the nation 遍布全国grow out of 产生于;改掉(或戒除)folk music 民间音乐leave sb deep in thought 使某人陷入沉思in rural America 在美国农村beautiful natural images 美丽的自然画面be suggestive of. 提示有,使想起,暗示an introduction to (p.19) 的介绍give access to 让接触,接见,允许进入put on a series of

20、free concerts 举办一系列免费音乐会in different styles 风格各异,用不同的风格the worlds best-known works 世界上最著名的作品in the downtown square 在市中心广场at the concert 在音乐会上the Yellow River Piano Concerto黄河钢琴协奏曲be well received across the world 受到全世界的欢迎/好评an adaptation of 的改编led by the Communist Party of China 在中国共产党的领导下Ode to the

21、 Yellow River黄河颂end with 以结束music-related vocabulary 音乐相关词汇on ones own 靠自己的力量,独自地enable sb to do sth 使某人能做某事in ancient China (p.20) 在中国古代,在古代中国In Chinas Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods 在中国春秋战国时期a master of the qin 琴师think highly of 尊重,高度评价mountain ranges 山脉High Mountains and Flowing Wat

22、er高山流水get tired of 对感到厌倦,对厌烦its no use doing sth 做某事没有用the preparatory subject it 形式主语itgive it ones best shot (p.21) 尽力而为,尽力做好be meant for 注定,针对be capable of 能够the solar system 太阳系have trouble (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦a larger audience 更多的观众hold music festivals 举办音乐节Hot Hits and Super Sounds (p.22) 热门歌

23、曲和超级声音on the radio 通过广播,广播中every other week 每隔一周get in touch 取得联系the radio presenter (p.23) 电台主持人play the latest single 播放最新单曲rush down the stairs 冲下楼梯get nearer to 靠近in a state of 处于的状态turn up the volume 增大音量,调高音量stare at 凝视,瞪着看hold ones breath 屏住呼吸,闭气uncover the beauty of the song 揭开这首歌的美丽a force

24、for change 促进变革的力量,变革的推动力explode onto the music scene 引爆音乐现场grab the attention of 引起的注意be swept along on waves of joyous rock and roll music 被欢快的摇滚乐的浪潮席卷the less complicated music 不那么复杂的音乐be taken back to ones teenage years 被带回到少年时代(be) decorated with 装饰有,装饰着at the top of ones voice 以最大的声音,声嘶力竭look

25、to the future with expectation 满怀期待地展望未来reflect on 反思,考虑,回想a memorable time (p.24) 难忘的时光ask for further information 询问更多信息,要求提供进一步信息a little bit more 再多一点,多一点点an unforgettable memory 难忘的记忆(be)related to 与有关express positive feelings 表达积极的情感get rid of negative feelings 摆脱消极情绪a remarkable life (p.25) 非

26、凡的人生a crowd of music lovers 一群音乐爱好者stream into a theatre 涌进剧院the first-ever performance 首次演出break into enthusiastic cheer 爆发出热烈的欢呼at this point in ones life 在人生的这一刻be unaware of 没有意识到,没有注意到,没想到a sea of people 人山人海express ones appreciation of ones masterwork 对某人的杰作表示赞赏in a vast body of works 在大量的作品中a

27、 gifted child 天才儿童,有天赋的孩子day and night 日日夜夜,夜以继日not long after 不久之后enjoy a reputation 享有盛名important figures 重要人物extraordinary future 非凡的未来take a sharp turn 急转,急转弯in ones late twenties 二十大几岁one of the worst possible twists 最糟糕的转折点之一keep.a secret 保守秘密be perfect in sb 在某人身上完美in the greatest perfection (p.26) 完美至极abandon hope 放弃希望be determined to 下决心in public 公开地;当众one of the most famous and treasured pieces 最著名和最珍贵的作品之一break into an energetic theme 进入一个充满活力的主题course thr

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