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配套K12学习安徽省届中考英语总复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第二讲 七上 ModuWord格式.docx

1、C. great D. boring7.2018合肥庐阳区二模Do you know Johnson left?To pick up his son from school.A. when B. how C. where D. why8.2018安庆一模Its impolite for guests to leave saying goodbye to the host.A. against B. beside C. without D. through9.Do you like watching movies on your mobile phone?No, I do that becaus

2、e it makes me uncomfortable.A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. seldom10.Is China the third country in the world in terms of size?Sorry, Im not sure.A. largest B. largerC. the largest D. large二、完形填空2018河南Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was,and I said, Fried chicken. She said I wasnt fu

3、nny, but she wasnt1, because everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite 2. I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a(n) 3of PETA. He said they loved animals very much. I do, too. Especially

4、chicken, pork and beef. 4, my teacher sent me to the principals office(校长室). I told him what happened, and he 5, too. Then he told me not to do it again. The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was the chicken. She asked me6, just like shed asked the

5、 other children.I told her it was because people could7them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principals office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I dont 8. My parents taught me to be honest, 9my teacher doesnt like it when I am. Today, my teacher asked us to tell her what famous

6、 person10like(s) most. I told her, Colonel Sanders(肯德基创始人). Guess where I am now?1.A. angry B. right C. patient D. serious2.A. food B. animal C. answer D. taste3.A. example B. discoverer C. enemy D. member4.A. Instead B. Again C. Anyway D. Also5.A. laughed B. believed C. shouted D. agreed6.A. when B

7、. where C. how D. why7.A. cut B. divide C. make D. add8.A. care B. regretC. understand D. remember9.A. but B. and C. or D. for10.A. I B. we C. she D. they三、阅读理解APets have their own body language. Their body language is different depending on what kind of animals they are. Understanding your pets bod

8、y language will help you to communicate with your pet better. When dogs are in danger or feel stressed out, their eyes will look larger than normal. If your dog is not feeling well, you may find it looking at things with its eyes partly closed. If your dog isnt looking directly at you, it might be a

9、bout to hurt others.If your cat looks at you and blinks (眨眼睛) at you slowly, its likely showing love for you. You can do this back at your cat to show your love, too. For cats, closing eyes is a way to show trust. If your cat feels that it is in danger, its tail may look like the end of a toilet bru

10、sh. The change of a birds pupil (瞳孔) size can show a lot of feelings. If your birds pupils enlarge(扩大) and shrink rapidly, this can be a sign that it is excited or greatly interested, scared or angry. Birds can also show their feelings through their feathers. Birds will make their feathers untidy wh

11、ile they are cleaning themselves. However, if their feathers remain untidy, this could mean theyre not feeling well. Then you can take them to a vet for a checkup. 1.When your dog feels that it is in danger, . A. its eyes will look bigger B. it will look at you directly C. its eyes will be partly cl

12、osed D. its tail will be like a toilet brush 2.If your cat trusts you, it will . A. eat much food B. close its eyes C. blink at you slowly D. sit by your side 3.The underlined word shrink probably means in Chinese. A. 扩散 B. 缩小 C. 发光 D. 变色4.Whats the main idea of the text?A. How to choose the right p

13、et. B. How to take care of dogs, cats and birds.C. How to communicate with your pet better. D. How to understand your pets body language. B2018河北改编Artificial intelligence (AI) (人工智能) is growing rapidly. We are living in a world that depends more and more on AI. AI is a group of technologies that hel

14、p machines get, understand and use information to do tasks.AIs recent developments have got a lot of social attention. Some people have welcomed AI because it makes things possible. For example, AI will have a big influence on areas like medicine and engineering. But this attention has also produced

15、 a lot of fear. Especially, many workers are worrying that AI could make them lose their jobs.According to a recent study, nearly five percent of jobs will disappear because of AI. In some industries, AI is already doing the work that people used to do, such as assembling (装配) cars, digging the coal

16、 and lifting goods. Self-driving cars and trucks controlled by AI will also take away the drivers jobs in the future.On the other hand, AI will also create many new jobs for people. More people will be needed to write programmes for AI systems (系统) and they will set up and work on them, too. Meanwhi

17、le, jobs that require feelings, excellent communication skills with people will not be replaced (取代) by AI. These include jobs in fields like teaching, nursing and personal training.AI is here. It is changing how people live and work in many ways. That makes AI important to watch, not to fear.5. Wha

18、t is AI?(不超过10个词)6.What may make the drivers lose their jobs?(不超过5个词)7.What will AI create for people?四、单词拼写1.Lily kept looking nervously at her w(手表).2.Birds usually c(选择)places which are comfortable for winter.3.Please turn down the music. Im b (忙碌的) with my homework.4.My sister and I spent a plea

19、sant day in the c(乡村)with my grandparents last Sunday.5.David c(检查) the answers carefully every time before handing in his papers.五、书面表达2018绍兴你校英语社团正在开展主题为How do students find study partners?的讨论,为此你采访了一些学生。请你根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并说明你自己的方式及理由。方式理由部分学生使用网络方便找到学伴及时得到帮助参加社团面对面分享经验共同解决问题你注意:(1)短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当

20、增加细节;(2)你的理由至少两条;(3)词数:80100;(4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词汇:学伴study partner方便的convenient短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how students find study partners. 【参考答案】1.D【解析】A项意为我害怕;B项意为真遗憾C项意为放轻松D项意为当然,我很乐意。根据答语中的我一直很期待它可推断D项符合语境。2.C【解析】句意:在国外旅行时,你最好观察当地人并遵循他们的习俗。A项:控制;B项:改变;C项:观察;D项:教。根据语境可知答案,故选C。3.

21、C【解析】此处是说,因为春节,冬季出行非常困难。根据语境可知此处表示原因,because of后面接名词,because和since后面接句子,故选C。4.B【解析】水形物语获得了四项奥斯卡奖:最佳艺术指导奖、最佳音乐奖,还有最佳导演奖和最佳影片奖。表示还有;和;又要用as well as。5.A【解析】此处是说,难怪我们同学对冬季运动更感兴趣了,故interest符合题意。6.C【解析】句意:你看过冯小刚导演的这部电影吗?看过。它太棒了,以至于我还想再看一遍。故用great。7.D【解析】句意:你知道Johnson为什么离开吗?为了去学校接他的儿子。根据答语可知问句问的是原因,故选D。8.C

22、【解析】句意:客人不向主人说再见就离开是不礼貌的。根据语境可知选C。9.D【解析】句意:你喜欢在手机上看电影吗?不,我很少那样做,因为它会让我感觉不舒服。根据设空后的它会让我不舒服可知我很少在手机上看电影。故选D。10.A【解析】由in the world可知在全世界范围内比较,应用最高级;又最高级前有序数词third修饰,最高级前不用定冠词the。故选A。【短文大意】老师问我们最喜欢的动物是什么,我回答是炸鸡,老师把我送到了校长室;第二天老师问我最喜欢的活的动物是什么,我回答是鸡,因为人们可以把它们做成炸鸡,我又被送到了校长室。今天老师要我们告诉她我们最喜欢的名人是谁,我告诉她是Colone

23、l Sanders(肯德基创始人)猜猜我现在在哪里?1.B【解析】angry生气的;right正确的;patient耐心的;serious严肃的,认真的。老师问我们最喜欢的动物是什么,我回答是她说我一点儿都不好笑,但她并不对,因为班里的其他人都笑了,故所缺的词是right。2.B【解析】根据上文中的.what our favorite animal was可推断,炸鸡就是我最喜欢的动物,故所缺的词是animal。3.D【解析】example例子;discoverer发现者;enemy敌人;member成员。爸爸说我的老师可能是PETA(善待动物组织)的一名成员,故所缺的词是member。4.C


25、9.A【解析】父母教育我要诚实,但是当我诚实的时候老师并不喜欢,此处表转折,故所缺的词是but。10.B【解析】根据设空前的us可知,此处是说今天老师要我们告诉她我们最喜欢哪个名人,故所缺的词是we。【A篇短文大意】本文是一篇说明文,讲的是如何理解你的宠物的肢体语言。文章中提到了三种宠物,分别是狗、猫和鸟。文章介绍了它们表达兴奋、紧张或愤怒等时的一些肢体语言。1.A【解析】根据第二段中的When dogs are in danger or feel stressed out, their eyes will look larger than normal可知答案为A。2.B【解析】根据第三段中

26、的For cats, closing eyes is a way to show trust可知答案为B。3.B【解析】词义猜测题。最后一段的第一句表示鸟类瞳孔大小的变化可以表达很多感情,而画线词所在句是对这句话进行阐释的,再结合画线词前的enlarge(扩大)可推测,此处shrink应该是对瞳孔尺寸变化的一种描述,故四个选项中只有B项正确。4.D【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是怎样理解你的宠物的肢体语言,故答案为D。【B篇短文大意】本文是有关人工智能的介绍。5.AI is a group of technologies.6.Self-driving cars and truc

27、ks.7.Many new jobs.1.watch2.choose3.busy4.country5.checksOne possible version:I have recently done a survey about how students find study partners.Some students find study partners through the Internet. They believe its convenient to find partners to study with online. Besides, they can get help from study partners whenever necessary. Some students prefer to join clubs to find study partner

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