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剑桥雅思词汇Word List18.docx

1、剑桥雅思词汇Word List18智课网IELTS备考资料剑桥雅思词汇:Word List18 摘要: 为了考生能够更好的备考雅思考试,积累雅思词汇量,小马过河雅思频道小编特为大家整理了“剑桥雅思词汇:Word List18”,希望对考生们能有所帮助! Archaeologists in recent decades have developed “ethno-archaeology”, where, like ethnographers, they live among contemporary communities. 考古学家在最近几十年里发展了“民族考古学”,像民族志学者一样,他们生活

2、在当代社区里。 ethnographer n.民族志学者 【释】 an expert specializing in a scientific description of the culture of a society by someone who has lived in it, or a book containing this 【派】 n. ethnography; a. ethnographic; ad. ethnographically contemporary a.属同时期的,当代的 【释】 belonging to the same time 【派】 ad. contempo

3、rarily 【例】 Life in contemporary Britain impressed me most. 当代英国的生活给我的印象最深。 community n.社区,团体 【释】 the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, background or nationality 【例】 Hes well known in the local community. 他在当地非常出名。 It presen

4、ts fundamental strategies and approaches in achieving health for all. 它涵盖了基本的策略和方法,以实现人人都可以享有医疗保健的目标。 fundamental a.基本的,根本的 【释】 forming the base, from which everything else originates; more important than anything else 【派】 n. fundamentals; ad. fundamentally 【例】 A knowledge of economics is fundamenta

5、l to any understanding of this problem. 经济学知识对于理解这个问题是至关重要的。 To observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonian seem unconquerable. 对于观察员和有影响力的自然科学家及区域规划者来说,郁郁葱葱的亚马逊森林似乎是不可战胜的。 influential a.有权势的,有影响的 【释】 connected with the power to h

6、ave an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do this 【派】 n. / v. influence 【用】 influential in doing sth. 【例】 Our newspaper is an influential media in this city. 我们的报纸在本市的媒体中有很大影响力。 luxuriant a.繁茂的,丰富的,肥沃的 【释】 growing thickly, strongly and well; pleasantly dense or full 【派】

7、 n. luxuriance; ad. luxuriantly 【用】 luxuriant in sth. 【例】 Luxuriant forests covered the hills. 山上长满茂密的树林。 unconquerable a.不可征服的,克服不了的,压抑不住的 【释】 not capable of being conquered or vanquished or overcome 【派】 ad. unconquerably 【例】 There is nothing unconquerable under the sun. 世上没有不可征服的东西。 But the search

8、 has been informative. 但搜救工作已详实。 informative a.情报的,使知道消息的,见闻广博的 【释】 providing a lot of useful information 【派】 n. informant / information / informer; a. informative / informed / uninformed / informational; v. misinform / inform 【例】 It will be most interesting and informative to hear Mr. Black. 届时能聆听到

9、布莱克先生的演讲,定会是极为有趣和增长见识的。 These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organized, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are not only erroneous, but also accessible to modification. 这些误解并不是孤立的而是被纳入一个多方面的、有组织的、有概念的框架之内,使之成为

10、观点的一部分,其中有些是错误的,但同时是可以修改的。 isolate v.隔离,孤立 【释】 to separate something or someone from other things or people with which they are joined or mixed, or to keep them separate 【派】 a. isolated; n. isolation / isolationism / isolationist 【用】 isolate from 【例】 Scientists have isolated the bacteria causing the

11、 epidemic. 科学家们已分离出引起这种流行病的细菌。 multifaceted a.多方面的 【释】 having many different parts 【派】 n. facet conceptual a.概念上的 【释】 based on ideas or principles 【派】 n. concept / conception; v. conceptualize 【例】 conceptual analysis概念分析 erroneous a.错误的,不正确的 【释】 wrong or false 【派】 ad. erroneously; n. error 【例】 An er

12、roneous belief probably lead to a serious mistake. 一个错误观念很可能铸成大错。 modification n.修正,修改;修饰 【释】 to change something such as a plan, opinion, law or way of behaviour slightly, usually to improve it or make it more acceptable 【派】 v. modify; n. modifier 【例】 The speech added by some modifications will be

13、perfect. 修改后的演讲稿将会更加完美。 This point is the opposite part of the Earths orbit. 这点是与地球轨道相反的部分。 opposite a.相对的,相反的,对面的 【释】 completely different 【派】 v. oppose; a. opposed; n. opposition 【用】 be opposite to 【例】 They have opposite views on the question. 在这个问题上他们持相反的观点。 orbit n.轨道,常轨;眼眶 v.绕轨道运行 【释】 the curve

14、d path through which objects in space move around a planet or star 【派】 a. orbital 【用】 go into orbit. around. 【例】 How many spacecrafts are orbiting the moon? 有多少航天器绕月球轨道飞行? A precise definition allows you to do very prescribed things in certain situations. 一个确切的定义可使你在确定的环境下做所规定的事情。 precise a.精确的,准确的

15、【释】 exact and accurate 【派】 ad. precisely; n. precision 【用】 at the precise moment 【例】 I am not clear about the precise bearing of the word in this passage.我说不准这个字在这段文章里的确切意义是什么。 prescribe v.规定,命令;开药方 【释】 to say what medical treatment someone should have; issue commends or orders for 【派】 n. prescription; a. prescribed / prescriptive 【用】 prescribe for; prescribe that 【例】 What medicine did the doctor prescribe for your illness? 医生开了什么药来治你的病? Behavioral ecologist looked at their predatory behavior when they reached adulthood. 行为生态学家观察过它们到成年时候的捕食行为。 predatory a.掠夺的,进行掠夺的,捕食生物的 【释】 a predatory anima

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