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1、6. Linda _ at the dance tonight, nor will Peter. A. cant be B. will be C. may not be D. wont be7. Can I get you a cup of tea? _. A. Thats very nice of you B. With pleasure C. You can, please D. Thank you for the tea8. I had a new tap _ the day before yesterday. A. fix B. fixing C. to be fixed D. fix

2、ed9. We couldnt eat at a restaurant because _ of us had _ money on us. A. allno B. anyno C. noneany D. no oneany 10. I was so _ moved by his words that I couldnt fall asleep _ into the night. A. deepdeeply B. deepdeep C. deeplydeeply D. deeplydeep11. The crowd cheered _ the sight of the honoured gue

3、sts motorcade. A. at B. on C. as soon as D. in12. Has anyone seen my glasses? _. A. Here it is B. It is here C. Here are they D. Here they are13. Hes a new comer. So we try to be as _ to him as we could. A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. good friends14. She had a good time last night, _? A. hadnt

4、she B. had she C. didnt she D. did she15. Dont _ the child, it will frighten him. A. call at B. laugh at C. shout to D. shout at16. It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big _ of feet. A. pair B. size C. couple D. number 17. Jack works so hard as he dreams _ owning his own

5、 house soon. A. to B. with C. of D. on18. There are about 70 people _ in the accident. A. were killed B. who killed C. killing D. killed 19. I suppose I can count _ you for help in this matter. A. of B. on C. at D. to 20. Watch your step, _ you might fall into the water. A. or B. and C. unless D. bu

6、t 21. Hardly _ his speech when he saw the audience rise as one. A. had he finished B. did he finish C. he finished D. he had finished 22. The reason _ Im writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday. A. because B. why C. for D. as 23. I didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly _ to me. A.

7、 happened B. entered C. occurred D. hit 24. The tailor made him a new _. A. clothes B. wear C. dress D. suit 25. If you want his address, you will have to _ the number in the book. A. look into B. look up C. look through D. look after Part III Reading comprehension There are some passages in this pa

8、rt. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best complete the sentence, then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneUsually when

9、 people move to another country and culture, they might feel very glad to be starting a new life. Its exciting to meet new people and see new places. Some newcomers feel like they are on top of the world. It is like a big adventure. They are pleased with themselves for having taken a big step. Howev

10、er, one month, six months, or even one year later, some people have different feelings. There are many new things that are hard to understand and accept in another country. People live in a new culture have to eat new kinds of food, learn a new language, and live in their daily lives far away from t

11、heir families and friends. At this time, people cry more and feel more sadly. They shed tears because they feel very homesick. They feel down in the dumps because it seems nobody understands them. Some newcomers burst into tears when they talk about or even think about their families. Sometimes, on

12、special holidays, they might not even be comforted. They are heartbroken because they are so far away from everything that is familiar and comfortable. This time of being in low spirits doesnt last forever. Eventually, newcomers start to adjust and to feel more contended with their new lives. People

13、 start to smile more and chuckle at jokes. They feel more optimistic and more accepting of their new life and the changes they have experienced. Newcomers wont ever feel life they are walking on air every day, but they will feel more pleased about their new lives. It takes time to make this adjustme

14、nt. The experience of living in a new culture will always have its low points, but it also has its joyous moments. Living in a new culture teaches us a lot about ourselves and about our ability to change.26. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about? A) People feel very excited to live in a new culture. B) P

15、eople often feel like making new friends. C) People are eager to start a new life. D) People like adventures.27. Which of the following is NOT true? A) The sad time seems to last forever. B) People have to deal with many different new things when they live in a new culture. C) People sometimes cry w

16、hen they miss their families. D) The longer they stay in a new country, the less sad they feel.28. According to the passage, the advantage of living in a new country is that _. A) We can enjoy adventure. B) We can have a taste of new kinds of food. C) We can walk on air every day. D) We may know mor

17、e about ourselves and our ability to adjust to a new life.29. Which of the following is NOT the reason for people being homesick? A) Nobody understands and comforts them. B) They are in low spirits when moving to another culture. C) They lose all the familiar things. D) They have to try new food.30.

18、 What is the best title to the passage? A) Homesick B) Living in another culture C) Culture shock D) Among the unfamiliarPassage Two We have just climbed out of a spaceship onto the surface of the moon. Behind us is the ship, half in sunlight and half in deep shadow. A few miles ahead is a wall of m

19、ountains towering against the blue sky. Moreover, there, as if resting on the mountains, is a great ball of light, beautifully colored in blue, green and brown with a patch of dazzling white at the top. It is our own far away worldthe earth.We take a step and rise like jumper-up, float and come down

20、 again. Hopping carefully, we looked over the valley and the plain.Not a sound can be heard because there is no air to carry sound, and wind; there are no smells, no plants, and no animals. There is nothing but rock and dust, blinding sunlight and cold black shadows.31. The passage is written as if

21、_. A) you were on the earth B) you were on the moon with the writer C) the writer were on the moon D) the writer were on the earth32. The ball above the mountain is _. A) the planet on which human beings live B) the sun which is very bright C) a man-made satellite D) a star very far away33. To get a

22、round the moon, men would _. A) float through the air B) walk heavily C) hop carefully D) ride in a spaceship34. The moon is a silent world because of _. A) no animals B) no human beings C) airless condition D) both A) and B)35. On the moons surface you would not find _. A) blinding sunlight B) vall

23、ey and plains C) rock and dust D) plants and animalsPassage ThreeIn sports, the sexes are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races. Women are less strong than man. That at least is what people say. Women are called the “weaker sex”, or if men want to please them, “the fair sex”.

24、But boys and girls are taught together at school and universities. There are women who are famous prime ministers, scientists and writers. And women live longer than men. A European woman can expect to live until the age of 74, a man only until he is 68. Are womens bodies really weaker? The fastest

25、men can run a mile within 4 minutes, the best women 4.5 minutes. Womens times are always slower than mens, but some facts are surprising. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are girls. One of them swam 400 meters in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16. The first “Tarzan(泰山)” in films wa

26、s an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weiss Muller. His fastest 400 meters was 4 minutes 59.1 seconds, which is 37.9 seconds slower than a girl 50 years later! This does not mean that women are catching men up. Conditions are different now, and sport is much more serious. It is so serious that some women are

27、 given hormone injections. At the Olympics a doctor has to check whether the women are really women or not. It seems sad that sport has such problems. Life can be very complicated when there are separated sexes.36. Women are called “the weaker sex” because _.A) in sports the two sexes are always sep

28、arateB) people usually think soC) women are less strong than menD) men want to please women37. The writer of this passage is trying to prove that _. A) men are stronger sexB) women are stronger sex C) women are weaker sexD) women are not weaker sex38. The writer implies that _.A) women are weaker than men, but fasterB) women are catching men up nowC) women are weaker than men, but live longerD) men are not always stronger and faster than women39.

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