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1、废水处理系统Waste Water Treatment System,西北发电运行有限责任公司Shaanxi Northwest Power Generation Operation Co.,Ltd.,电厂废水的分类Classification of Waste Water in Power Plant,1)工业废水Industrial waste water 工业废水来自电厂各生产工艺过程。按照它们的来源和发生的频率又可分为经常性废水和非经常性废水。经常性废水包括锅炉补给水处理系统和凝结水精处理系统的再生废水,锅炉排污水,地面和设备的排水和实验室废水等;非经常性废水包括空气预热器冲洗水,炉前

2、系统冲洗水,锅炉向火侧冲洗水,锅炉化学清洗废水,煤场废水和含油废水等。,Industrial water comes from various production processes in power plant,which can be divided into usual waste water and unusual waste water on the basis of their sources and production frequencies.Usual waste water includes regenerating waste water of boiler make-

3、up water treatment system and condensate polishing system,boiler blowndown water,drainage from ground and equipments and lab waste water and so on;unusual waste water includes air preheater flushing water,boiler-front system flushing water,boiler fire side flushing water,boiler chemical cleaning was

4、te water,coal yard waste water and oily waste water,etc.,电厂废水的分类Classification of Waste Water in Power Plant,2)输煤、除灰冲洗用水2)Coal handling and ash handling flushing water除灰系统及主厂房地面冲洗水、空压机房、灰库气化风机房用水取自淡水和工业废水处理后的回用水。灰水的回收再利用在很大程度上取决于灰水水质。影响灰水水质的主要因素有除尘方式、粉煤灰的化学特性、除灰用水的水质、灰水回收率等,主要指标是PH、悬浮物、硬度、碱度和氟化物等。,A

5、sh handling system and main power building ground flushing water and water used in air compressor station and aeration blower for ash silo house are taken from desalinized sea water and reused water.The recycle of ash sluicing water depends on its quality to a great extent.The main factors influenci

6、ng as sluicing water quality are ash dust removing mode,chemical characteristics of pulverized coal ash,water quality of ash handling water,and recovered rate of ash sluicing water;the main indexes are pH,suspended matters,hardness,alkalinity and fluoride,etc.,电厂废水的分类Classification of Waste Water in

7、 Power Plant,3)生活污水3)Domestic sewage生活污水来自电厂职工日常生活中(烹调、洗涤、沐浴、冲洗等)排出的污水,其水量取决于电厂职工的人数。生活污水中考虑的主要的污染因素是生物需氧量(BOD5)和油类等。Domestic sewage comes from sewage produced by daily life water consumption(cooking,washing,bathing,etc.)of power plant staff,whose water quantity depends on the number of power plant

8、staff.The main pollution factors considered in domestic sewage are biological oxygen demand(BOD5)and oil,etc.,电厂废水的处理方法Treatment Method of Power Plant Waste Water,1)工业废水的处理方法1)Treatment method for industrial waste watera)经常性废水的处理:经常性废水的主要污染因子是PH值超过标准,因此主要利用酸、碱进行中和处理,处理至PH值为69即可回收利用或排放。如果出现悬浮物超过标准的情况

9、,应先进行混凝澄清处理,澄清后的清水再把PH值调整至69,然后回收利用或排放。a)Treatment of usual waste water:the main pollution factor of usual waste water is pH exceeds the standard,so the main treatment method is using acid and alkaline to neutralize it;it can be recycled or discharged till pH is 69.If suspended matter content exceed

10、s the standard,coagulation and clarification treatment should be done at first and the regulate pH of clear water after clarification to 69 and finally recycle or discharge it.,电厂废水的处理方法Treatment Method of Power Plant Waste Water,b)非经常性废水的处理:非经常性废水的特点是发生频次少,但一次的水量却很大,其种类较多,根据其污染因子的不同可分为两大类:PH值和悬浮物都超

11、过标准的废水和PH值、悬浮物和化学需氧量(COD)都超过标准的废水。属于PH值和悬浮物都超过标准的废水有空气预热器冲洗水、炉前系统冲洗水、锅炉火侧冲洗水、净化站系统泥浆水等;属于PH值、悬浮物和化学需氧量(COD)都超过标准的废水有采用有机酸清洗的锅炉化学清洗废水。,b)Treatment of unusual waste water:the characteristics of unusual waste water are its appearance is not frequent but its water quantity is very great once and has man

12、y types;it can be divided into two types on the basis of pollution factors:waste water whose pH and suspended matter content exceed the standard and waste water whose pH,suspended matter and chemical oxygen demand(COD)exceed the standard.Waste water whose pH and suspended matter content exceed the s

13、tandard includes air preheater flushing water,boiler-front system flushing water,boiler fire side flushing water and mud water of purification station system and so on;waste water whose pH,suspended matter and chemical oxygen demand(COD)exceed the standard includes chemical cleaning waste water of b

14、oiler which is cleaned with organic acid.,电厂废水的处理方法Treatment Method of Power Plant Waste Water,c)PH值和悬浮物都超过标准的废水的处理:收集的此类废水,先送至PH值调整池,在搅拌的作用下,加酸或碱调节PH值。经PH值调节后的水中再加入混凝剂和高分子聚合物进行混凝处理。经混凝反应后的水送至絮凝沉淀池澄清,澄清后的清水再送至中和池,通过酸、碱中和至PH值为69,其出水可回收利用或者排放。沉淀池的泥浆被送至泥浆浓缩和脱水的单元进行处理。c)Treatment of waste water whose pH

15、 and suspended matter content exceed the standard:this type of waste water is collected and sent to pH regulation basin firstly and then its pH is regulated under stirring.Coagulant and macromolecular polymer are added to water after pH regulation for coagulation treatment.Water after coagulation re

16、action is sent to flocculation-sedimentation basin to be clarified;clear water after clarification is then sent to neutralizing basin for acid and alkaline neutralization till its pH is 69;its outlet water can be recycled or discharged.Mud in the sedimentation basin is sent to mud concentration and dewatering units for treatment.,电厂废水的处理方法Treatment Method of Power Plant Waste Water,d)PH值、悬浮物和化学需氧量(COD)都超过标准的废水的处理:大型动力锅炉的化学清洗介质大多使用有机酸。该类化学清洗废水的水质特点是PH值超过标准(212),悬浮物可高达2000 mg/L,化学需氧量一般为4000 mg/L,有

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