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1、_太可惜“ Work? ” said Tom. “ This isn _ t work. I 玩得很愉快 ). Does a boy(得到做的机会) paint a fence like this every day?” _T_h_e_n_he_继续粉刷 ) .Ben watched Tom(沉默地 ). He became越来越感兴趣).过了一会儿, he said,Tom, will you lett._A_u_n_t _Po_lly_me do some painting?(警告我做)it well. ITom said, “No, Ben, I canm the only person

2、 that can do itright. ”Oh, please, Tom,” said Ben.I can do i_t._I (小 ll be reallyll give you all of it.心 ). I ll give you half my apple. Wait, I就这么办吧 ), ”said Tom. “But you mustbe careful. ”Tom gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down again and started to eat the a

3、pple.When Ben got tired, Billy Fisher was waiting. He gave Tom a kite for the chance to paint. Then Johnny Miller offered him two toy soldiers.Soon Tom had got many new toys, and the fence got three(涂料层 ) of paint. Aunt Polly was如此高兴以至于 )she gave Tom a big apple!Unit 7 重要短语1.have a rest 休息一下e along

4、出现3.think of . 想到4.what a pity 真可惜5.go on doing 不停地做 silence 沉默地7.after a while 过了一会儿8.turn sth over 使某物翻转*9. pick up 捡起*10. make fun of sb 取笑某人*11. enjoy oneself 过得快乐*12. get a chance to do sth 得到一个做某事的机会*13. let sb do sth 让某人做某事*14. offer sb sth 提供给某人某物*15. as . as .像 一样*16. trick sb into doin

5、g sth 诱使某人做某事*17. finish doing sth 完成做某事*18. make sb / sth+adj. 使某人 / 某物*19. try to do sth 试图 / 尽力做某事*20. become famous for .因 变得出名 /著名 *21. begin to do sth 开始做某事1. trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事*2. get away from .逃离 ;摆脱*3. dig up 挖出;掘出*4. knock sb out 把某人打晕 / 击昏*5. wake up 醒来;唤醒*6. be happy about

6、.对 感到高兴*7. feel sorry about .对 感到遗憾*8. What a shame! 真可惜! / 真遗憾!*9. be sorry to do sth 遗憾做某事*10. prefer to do sth 喜欢做某事;宁愿做某事*11. walk on 继续走*12. take sb s hand 拉着某人的手*13. hurry sb away 使某人迅速离开*14. thousands of .数以千计的 ;成千上万的*15. be full of . 装满*16. put out 熄灭;扑灭*17. at last 最后;终于*18. for a long time

7、 很长时间*19. play a small part 扮演一个小角色Unit 7知识点 On Saturday morning, every boy in town was happy, except TomSawyer.在星期六的早晨,镇上的每个男孩都兴高采烈, 除了汤姆索亚。【解析】except是介词,意为“除 之外”。例如:I saw nothing except snow.除了雪,我什么也没有看到。【拓展】except和except for的意思都是“除 之外”,但用 法不同: except 表示“除去; 不包括”,强调所排除的人或物 包括在内”,一般表示同类之间的关系, 通常与 n

8、othing ,all,none,nobody, any,every 等连用;而 except for 指的是对某种基本 情况进行具体的细节方面的修正, 后面接的词与句中的整体词不 是同类的,表示从整体中除去一个细节或一个方面。例如:You can have any of the cakes except the biggest one.除了这块最大的蛋糕,你吃任何一块都可以。This article is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.除了几处拼写错误以外,这是一篇非常好 的文章。 He knew the boys who were

9、 free would soon come along .他知道那些有空的男孩会很快出现解析】 who were free 是一个定语从句,修饰前面的名词(先 行词boys)。定语从句的基本结构为:“先行词+关系代词+句 子”。若先行词指“人”,关系代词用who或that;若指“物”, 关系代词用 which 或 that 。关系代词可以作从句的主语或宾语, 作宾语时可以省略。I want to find the boy who / that helped me just now.我想找到刚才帮我的那个男孩。Have you read the novel which / that was wr

10、itten by Mo Yan?你看过莫言写的那部小说吗?He saw the singer (who / that) he talked to last night.他看见了昨晚与他交谈的那个歌手。Jenny lost the stamp (which / that) I gave her last year.珍妮丢失了去年我给她的那枚邮票。 I m enjoying myself. 我正玩得开心。【解析】enjoy on eself意为“玩得开心;过得快乐”,与have a good time 同义,两者可互换使用。Dick enjoyed himself at the birthday

11、party last night.= Dick had a good time at the birthday party last night.迪克昨晚在生日宴会上玩得很开心。Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?别的男孩每天都有像这样粉刷栅栏的机会吗?解析】 get a chance to do sth 意为“得到一个做某事的机会” 。He got a chance to visit the TV station.他得到一个参观电视台的机会。Then he went on painting.然后他继续粉刷。

12、解析】 go on doing 意为“不停地做;继续做” ,相当于词组:kee p (on) doing。He went on wandering along the street.= He kept on wandering along the street.他继续在街上闲逛。 Then Johnny Miller offered him two toy soldiers.然后约翰尼米勒给了他两个玩具士兵。解析】 offer sb sth 意为“提供给某人某物” ,可以改写为: offer sth to sb,与 give sb sth (give sth to sb) 同义。The old

13、 man offered the poor child some food.= The old man offered some food to the poor child.= The old man gave the poor child some food.那位老人给了那个可怜的小孩一些食物。I try to think of something else to do.我尽力想一些别的事情来做。【解析】else意为“别的,其他的”,常置于不定代词(something,anything,nothing)或疑问词(what,where,who)之后。He has something else

14、 to deal with.他有其他事情要处理。Do you have anything else to tell me?你还有别的事情要告诉我吗?Where else have you been?你还到过其他什么地方? Dr Robinson hit Muff Potter and knocked him out.罗宾逊大夫打了莫夫波特并把他打晕了。解析】 knock sb out 意为“把某人打晕;使某人不省人事” 。Jack saw the naughty boy knock his classmate out yesterday.杰克昨天看见那个顽皮的男孩打晕了他的同学。You mus

15、tn t knock him out.你不可以把他打晕。 He would prefer to play games.他更喜欢玩游戏。解析】 would prefer to do sth 意为“更喜欢(愿意)做某事” 。I would prefer to have a picnic this Sunday.我更愿意这周日去野餐。 They went deeper and deeper into the cave.他们在洞里越走越深。【解析】dee per and dee per意为“越来越深”。“比较级+a nd+比级则在词尾加“ ?er”;如果是多音节的形容词则用“ more and mor

16、e+形容词”结构。The weather is hotter and hotter.天气越来越热。Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的城市正变得越来越漂亮。. he took Becky s hand to hurry her away .他抓着贝琪的手迅速离开【解析】hurry away意为“迅速离开”;hurry sb away意为“使某人迅速离开” 。It s going to rain heavily soon, so tchheildren on the playground are hurrying away.很快就要下大

17、雨了,所以操场上的孩子们正匆匆离开。The building would fall down in a few minutes, so the policemen hurried the people away.那栋楼在几分钟内就要倒塌了,所以警察让人们赶紧离开。拓展】 hurry up 意为“快点,赶快” ; hurry to do sth 意为“匆 忙做某事”; in a hurry 意为“匆忙” ,表示匆忙的状态。Hurry up! Its very late. 快点!很晚了。They hurried to school.= They went to school in a hurry.

18、他们匆忙赶去学校。. but one of the bats followed and put out Becky s candle with its wings.但是其中的一只蝙蝠跟了上来,用翅膀扑灭了贝琪的蜡烛。解析】 put out 意为“熄灭;扑灭(火) ”,其宾语为名词时,名词可以放在它的后面或中间, 其宾语为代词时, 代词放在它的 中间。There was a fire in the house yesterday.The firemen put out the fire soon.= There was a fire in the house yesterday, but the

19、 firemen put it out soon.昨天那座房子着火了,但消防员很快扑灭了火。Unit 7 语 法 梳 理定语从句观察下列例句中的划线部分,归纳定语从句的用法。1.John is a good boy. 约翰是一个好男孩。2.The boys who / that were free would make fun of him.那些有空的男孩们会取笑他。3.WeChat is an invention which / that can help people talk to friends.微信是一种能够帮助人们跟朋友聊天的发明。4.The lady (who / that) I

20、 met yesterday is from Beijing.我昨天遇见的那位女士来自北京。5.The gift (which / that) he likes most is the watch.他最喜欢的礼物是那只手表。、上面例句 1中,形容词 good 在句中充当定语,修饰后梳理】面的名词boy;而例句25,是由划线部分的整个句子来充 当定语,修饰前面的名词或代词,我们称之为定语从句。让我们来解剖一下定语从句的结构:The boys who / that were free would make fun of him.先行词定语从句 (其中 who 和 that 叫引导词, 没有实际意思

21、)、引导定语从句的关系代词有 who,which ,that 等。关系代词一般放在先行词和定语从句之间,起连接作用,同时又 作定语从句的一个成分。1.who 指代人,在从句中作主语或宾语;作宾语时可以用whom ,也可以省略。I want to see a friend who is ill. 我想去看望一个生病的朋友。Do you know the woman (who / whom) my father is talking to?你认识那位正在跟我爸爸聊天的女士吗?2.which 指代物,在从句中作主语或宾语;作宾语时可以省 略。This is the shop which sells Barbie toys.这间就是那间卖芭比娃娃的商店。Did you find the bike (which) you lost last week?你找到你上周丢失的自行车了吗?3.that 既可指人,也可指物,在从句中作主语或宾语;作 宾语时可以省略。Do you often visit the lady (that) we saw yesterday?你经常去看望那个我们昨天见过的女士吗?I like the music that is rock and roll.我喜欢摇滚的音乐。

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