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人教版六年级英语下册毕业升学模拟冲刺卷附答案 6Word文档格式.docx

1、C. I went to Sanya.( )5. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it was. C. No, it isnt.四、听短文,根据所听内容记录信息,并将单词填写在横线上。短文读三遍。笔试部分(60分)五、根据汉语提示选择正确的选项,补全单词。(5分)( )1. _ i _t (礼物) A. g; v B. f; v C. g; f( )2. _y _ ling (骑自行车运动) A. s; s B. c; c C. c; s( )3. badmint _ (羽毛球运动) A. on B. er C. en( )4. bef _ e (在之前) A. er B. or

2、 C. ro( )5. l _ st (最近的) A. o B. e C. a六、选择正确的疑问词(组)填空。1. _ are you? Im 48 kilograms.2. _ did you do last Sunday? We went boating.3. _ is older than you? Linda.4. _ did you go last week? I went to Beijing.5. _ was your summer holiday? It was great.七、单项选择。( )1. I often go to the bookstore _ 9 oclock

3、_ Sunday. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; in( )2. Would you like _ coffee?No, thank you. Id like _ milk, please.A. some; any B. some; some C. any; any( )3. Chinas National Day is in _.A. June B. March C. October( )4. _ lovely baby panda!A. How B. What a C. What an( )5. _ talk loudly here!A. No B. Not C.

4、Dont( )6. Shes my mothers sister. Shes my _.A. cousin B. uncle C. aunt( )7. We are from _. We are _.A. China; Chinese B. Chinese; ChinaC. Chinese; Chinese( )8. We _ to Yunnan next week.A. went B. are going C. go( )9. We had _ classes this morning and _ was my favouritemaths.A. four; the fourth B. fo

5、ur; fourthC. the fourth; the four( )10. _ Yang Ling make the bed yesterday? No, she _. A. Did; dont B. Does; doesnt C. Did; didnt八、给下列句子选择相应的图片。( )1. Now I love to ice-skate.( )2. We saw lots of grapes there.( )3. He played the part of a dog.( )4. One day Im going to visit the moon.( )5. Before, I w

6、as short. Now, Im tall.九、读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的选项。Baobao has a gift 1. _ his unclea pretty kitten. It 2. _ beautiful eyes, and it is all white but black on the top of its head. It 3. _ to Baobaos home yesterday, but now it is missing. 4. _ is the kitten? Baobao 5. _ worried because there are many cars and

7、buses on the street.( )1. A. of B. from C. at( )2. A. has B. have C. had( )3. A. came B. comes C. come( )4. A. What B. Where C. When( )5. A. are B. am C. is十、读对话,根据对话内容选择合适的语句将对话补充完整。 Jack: What are you going to do this vacation, Yangyang?Yangyang: Im traveling to Shandong with my parents. Where is

8、Shandong? 1. _ Whats the weather like in Shandong? 2. _ Are you going by train? 3. _ Well go by air. 4. _ It will only take us one hour. What will you do in Shandong? 5. _十一、阅读理解,选择正确的答案。Lucy is 13 years old. Shes 1.55 metres tall. Shes very clever. She likes singing and taking pictures. She had a c

9、old yesterday. So she stayed at home. And she didnt do her homework.Today she feels better. She is doing her homework now. She is going to clean her bedroom this afternoon. Next week she is going to see a film with her parents and her sister Lily. ( )1. How old is Lucy?A. Thirteen. B. Fourteen. C. F

10、ifteen. ( )2. What are Lucys hobbies?A. She likes singing and dancing. B. She likes taking pictures and dancing. C. She likes singing and taking pictures. ( )3. Lucy didnt _ yesterday. A. stay at home B. have a cold C. do homework( )4. Now Lucy is _.A. watching TV B. doing her homeworkC. cleaning he

11、r bedroom( )5. Lucy is going to _ next week. A. do homework B. clean her bedroom C. see a film十二、书面表达。假如你是Ben, 你通过微信认识了一位加拿大的笔友Kim。请你用英语向你的笔友介绍一下自己,要求不少于50词,必须用到所给的提示词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Kim,Im happy to be your new pen pal. _Your new friend,Ben 贵州省贵阳市花溪区小学毕业生学业监测考试试卷Part 听力部分 (30分)一、Listen and cho

12、ose. 听句子,选出与你所听内容相符的图片,将其序号写在题前括号内。(9分)(读两遍)二、Listen and number. 听对话,根据听到的内容给图片排序,将其序号写在图下横线上。1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _三、Listen and choose. 根据听到的问句,选择正确的答语。(8分)(读两遍)( )1. A. Im fine, thank you. B. Im twelve years old.( )2. A. Here you are. B. Youre welcome.( )3. A. Its Wednesday. B. Its three thi

13、rty.( )4. A. Four. B. Twelve.( )5. A. Its on October 1st. B. Its on June 1st.( )6. A. Tiger. B. Giraffe.( )7. A. Its windy and cold. B. Its windy and cool.( )8. A. No, we cant. B. Yes, we can.四、Listen and judge. 听短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F)。(4分)(读三遍)( )1. My uncle likes going fishing with his friends on

14、the weekends.( )2. My uncle is a good man.( )3. The little boy cant find his parents.( )4. My uncle gives a toy bike to the little boy.Part 读写部分 (70分)五、Letters and Phonics. 字母、语音题。(21分,其中A部分5分,B部分6分,C部分10分)A. Read and judge. 判断下列各组字母是(T)否(F)按26个字母表的先后顺序排列。1. XYZ( ) 2. BGD( ) 3. LNP ( )4. OHN( ) 5. R

15、VW( )B. Read and write. 请将下列字母规范地抄写在四线格上(注意每个字母只写一遍)。D m K j f QC. Find and choose. 从下列句子中找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的词,将其写在横线上。She has a little bag. It is from her mom. There is a cute cat on it. She often uses it to carry her books. It looks good.1. dad _ _ _ _2. pig _ _ _ _3. cook _ _ _ _六、Read and write. 用括

16、号里所给单词的正确形式填空。(9分)1. He is _ (write) a letter now.2. I _ (be) strong and short two years ago.3. Its _ (sun) today. Lets have a picnic.4. Mothers Day is on the _ (two) Sunday in May.5. My uncle works at the school. He is a _ (teach).6. There are some kinds of _ (animal) in the zoo.七、Read and choose.

17、下列每题只有一个正确的选项,请将正确选项的序号填在题前括号内。(15分)( )1. Lets go _.A. shopping B. shop C. the shop( )2. I want to go to the post office _ my mother.A. to B. with C. and( )3. There _ no subway in Guiyang two years ago.A. was B. were C. are( )4. Whose pen is it? Its _.A. my B. mine C. me( )5. Tom is from England, so

18、 he _ English well.A. speak B. speaks C. spoke( )6. Go to the bathroom. _.A. Take a shower B. Watch TV C. Read a book( )7. _ are the shoes? Theyre 87 yuan.A. How many B. How much C. How old( )8. Which way is faster to go to Shanghai than bus? _.A. Bike B. Train C. Boat( )9. People like winter. Becau

19、se they can _.A. swim in the river B. make a snowmanC. pick apples( )10. When the traffic light is _, we must stop and wait.A. green B. yellow C. red八、Read and choose. 情景交际: 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,将其序号写入题中横线上。Tom: Where did you go last holiday?Lily: 1. _ Great! Who did you go with? 2. _ 3. _ We visited the

20、 Great Wall and the Palace Museum. We also bought many things. 4. _ We went there by train. 5. _ Im not sure. Maybe Ill go to Hainan.九、Read and write. 阅读理解题。(15分,其中A部分9分,B部分6分)Its a fine and warm day. Tom, Mike, John and Daming are going to have a trip in the nature park. Tom likes eating meat. He b

21、rings some beef and chicken. Mike likes eating fruits. He brings some watermelons. John likes drinks. He brings some orange juice. Daming likes vegetables. He brings a lot of tomatoes. They do a lot of activities in the nature park. Look! Tom is going fishing in the river. Mike is flying kites on th

22、e grass. John is drawing pictures under the tree. And Daming is busy taking photos everywhere. They have a great time today!A. Read and judge. 根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F)。( )1. The weather is fine and warm.( )2. We can see five boys in the passage.( )3. They are going to have a picnic in the nature park.( )

23、4. Tom likes meat and vegetables.( )5. Daming is drawing pictures under the tree.( )6. It is a happy trip for them today.B. Read and fill in the bank. 根据短文内容完成表格信息。十、Write a composition. 作文。每年都会有很多的节日,如Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Teachers Day等等。现在,请选择一个你最喜欢的节日,用句型I will.或者I can.把你在节日里为他们所做的事写出来与大家一起分享吧。提示词: make a card, sing a song to her/him, write her/him a letter, tell her/him a story, play the pipa for her/him要求: 1.把题目补充完整,并写在标题横线处; 2.所给提示词全部用上,可适当发挥;3.语句通顺,书写工整,不少于5句话; 4.文中不可出现真实的姓名和学校。_ Day_

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