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1、Picture 1What does the boy do?What is the mother doing? How is she probably feeling?What feelings may the boy have?Picture 2What happens to the girl with a bag?What did her parents ask her to do?Can you guess what might have happened to her?What will she do?Picture 3Why are the boys and girls around

2、 the pretty lady?What does the boy want to do? Is he allowed to do so? Why or why not?Picture 4What is the boy probably doing?Did the boy do well in his exams?How does his mother feel about the score?Get several students to talk about the pictures.Step 3 Picture DescriptionImagine the situations and

3、 try to describe each picture as fully as possible with their own words. Make sure that Ss have “when”, “where”, “who”, “what” in your descriptions. Invite some Ss to report back their descriptions.Step4 Further DiscussionDiscuss the following questions in groups of four.When you have a problem and

4、want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to?Do you think you understand your parents?Tell the students ways to solve generation gap between their parents and them.Do spend some time talking with your parents, and you will find your parents have the same interests as you.When your parents d

5、ont understand you, please try to think from the angles(角度)of your parents. Further discussion:Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what is the best way to solve the problem?Consolidation:Generation gaps happen a lot. But sometimes a smile, a walk, a gift, a le

6、tter or a talk can solve the problems. Do remember that your parents love you and sooner or later you will become parent , too. So be kind to your parents and try your best to understand them. Understanding is a bridge over the gap.Homework:1 Preview the Reading part.2 Write a short passage about an

7、 unpleasant experience with your parents/friends/teachers. Period 2 Reading 1(Comprehension focus) To develop students ability of reading a play To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents To form a positive attitude towards solving proble

8、ms between teenagers and parentsLearn to analyze the emotions of each character from the instructions of the play.Step 1 Lead-in:Get students to think about the following questions:Have you ever watched the famous American film “Home alone”?Could you give a brief introduction of the film?If you were

9、 left alone, can you imagine what might happen?Step 2 readingPlease go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a play.(make sure students know how to read a play.)First reading:Get students to read the play and finish Part A individually.Answers1.Eric,Daniel, Mom and Dad.2. The room was

10、 a mess./ There was trash all over the place.3. Spot was ill.Second readingReread the play and finish PART C1and C2Detailed reading1.Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the formCharactersThings they doFeelingsMom and Dadjust coming back from vacationExcited, disappointed , angryEri

11、cplaying soccer at homesurprised and frightenedDanielstay in another roomSorry, angry2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:Doing sth. Danielexpressing his angerangry Ericcomforting his brothercalm Momtalking about the things that happened todayfeeling sorry and regretful Dadstrong-willed

12、/ stubbornStep 3:Role-play Divide students into groups of five and one is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.Step 4:Consolidation1. Choose the best answers according to the play(见同步导学P41Ex1)2.Complete the task-based reading(见学英语报第四期B2版REDING)Step 5:Dis

13、cussion 1.Suppose you were one of the children what would you do?2.How do you think good parents should treat their children?3.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your family? How can you deal with it?Homework:1. Write an end to the play.2. Role-play the dialogue in groups of five

14、. And preview the language points in the article.Period 3 Reading 2(Word Focus)To learn new words and expressions and learn how to use them.The usage of: “expect, be supposed to do sth, go unpunished, leave sb in charge, to have sth. done, should have done”Step 1 Revision1. Ask two students to read

15、their writings.2Get students to look at Part E .First fill in the blanks and then compare their writings with the conversation.Step 2 Focuses in the texts:Go through the passage with the whole class and deal with some language points with them.一、 Some phrases: 1. 嘭地关上门 2. 以对话的形式 3. 恶劣行为4. 弯下身去摸那条狗 5

16、. 朝某人叫嚷 6.行为举止像大人一样7. 注意说明 8. 没有受到惩罚 9.描述一次不愉快的经历10. 环顾四周 11. turn up music 12. a waste of time 13. force to do something.14. deserve to know the truth 15. be angry with somebody16. be hard on somebody 17. argue with somebody about something18. leave you in charge 19. expect good decisions from you2

17、0. earlier than expected二、Useful drills1Mom and Dad arrived back from vacation a day earlier than expected. (page 22, line 2) 爸爸和妈妈外出度假,比孩子们预计的时间提前一天返回家中。than expected意思是“比预期的,比预料的”There were more men who died in the air crash than reported. 在飞机坠毁中死亡的人数比报道的要多。expect vt.“期望,指望,期待;预期,预料” sth. to do st

18、h.expect sb. to do sth. sth. from sb. that-clauseso./ not.We were expecting you at eight, but you didnt turn up. 我们预计你八点钟来的,但是你没有来。He is a selfish man. You cant expect too much from him.How can you expect to make progress if you dont work hard? 你不下苦功怎么能指望取得进步?I expect him to pass the college entranc

19、e exam. 我预料他会通过高考考试。- Will it rain tomorrow? “明天会不会下雨吗?”- I expect so (not). “我想是 (不是)。Ex.1. He came back _ later than _.(C)A. much; expecting B. very; expectedC. much; expected D. even; to be expected2. Does this meal cost $50? I _ something far better than this!(B)A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D.

20、 suppose 3. Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls? Yes. They have better players, so I _ them to win. (C)A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want2 you werent supposed to come here until tomorrow! 你们不是应该明天才回来的吗?be supposed to (something) is expected to happen according to the arrangement“(按照规定、习惯、安排等

21、)应该(做),理应”“被期待”。有时含有“本来应该如何如何,但事实并非如此。”之意。The sports meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we had to postpone it due to the bad weather.The door, although supposed to be open, is now locked. 门,本应该开着,现在却关着。我们本来应该八点钟到达这里,而我们却迟到了。We were supposed to be here at eight, but we are late.You ar

22、e not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不可以在公共汽车上抽烟。不定式有时用进行形式或完成形式:She was supposed to be reading at home, but her mother found her in the park. 她本来应该在家里读书的,可是她妈妈却发现她在公园。This isnt what we are supposed to be discussing. 这不是我们应该正在讨论的。1. You should apologize to her, Barry.(A) _, but its not going to be e

23、asy. (2007浙江) A. I suppose so B. I feel so C. I prefer to D. I like to 2. The train _ arrive at 1:30, but it was an hour late.(C)A. was about to B. was likely toC. was supposed to D. was certain to3. Why didnt you keep your words, Billy? Sorry, dear. But I really forgot where I was _ to meet you. (C

24、)A. demanded B. imagined C. supposed D. guessed4. The professor also mentioned an article _ by Zhu Ziqing.(A)A. supposed to have been written B. supposed to be writtenC. supposing to have been written D. supposing to be written3 This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and you (pages

25、22 23, lines 28 29) 这个家可不是一个对不良行为听之任之的地方,而你go unpunished In the phrase go unpunished, go is a linking verb meaning be or remain in a particular and usually undesirable state. 不受惩罚go + 过去分词Her decision went unchallenged. 她的决定未引起异议。Her complaints went unnoticed. 他的抱怨未引起注意。It is necessary not to let er

26、rors go uncorrected. 有了错误就必须纠正。go 连系动词 “变,变成”,后多跟形容词作表语,表示主语由好变坏,或由正常情况变成特殊情况。还可以跟有关颜色的形容词。become 和 get的变化可以是由好变坏,也可以是由坏变好。go wrong / cold / hard / red / mad / blind / bad / hungry 出毛病 / 变冷 / 变硬 / 变红 / 发疯 / 变瞎 / 变坏 / 挨饿Many people are still going hungry all over the world. 世界上很多人仍在挨饿。My father went

27、grey when he was in his late thirties. 我父亲不到四十岁就两鬓斑白了。He went pale at the news. 听到这消息他脸色发白。他听到这个消息时几乎发疯了。He went almost mad when he heard the news.(C)On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she pale.A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared4 Listen to me young man -remember the day when we left you in charge? 听我说年轻人还记得那一天我们将这个家委托你负责的吗?leave 用作使役动词,表示“使某人/某物继续处于某种状态,听任,让做”,其后可以接名词、形容词、副词、介词

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