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1、 Romance lacks general resemblance to truth or reality. It exaggerates the vices of human nature and idealizes the virtues. It contains perilous (dangerous) adventures more or less remote from ordinary life. It lays emphasis on supreme devotion to a fair lady.The Romance Cycles/Groups/DivisionsThree

2、 Groups matters of Britain Adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table (亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士) matters of France Emperor Charlemagne and his peers matters of Rome Alexander the Great and the attacks of TroyLe Morte DArthur (亚瑟王之死)Class Nature (阶级性) of the RomanceLoyalty to king and lord was th

3、e theme of the romances, as loyalty was the corner-stone(the most important part基石)of feudal morality.The romances were composed not for the common but for the noble, of the noble, and by the poets patronized(supported 庇护,保护) by the noble.3. Alliteration(押头韵): a repeated initial(开头的) consonant(协调,一致

4、) to successive(连续的) words. e.g. 1.To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise. 2.Sing a song of southern singer4. Understatement(低调陈述)(for ironical humor)not troublesome: very welcomeneed not praise: a right to condemn5. Chronicle编年史(a monument of Old English prose)6. Ballads (民谣)(The most important

5、 department of English folk literature )Definition: A ballad is a narrative poem that tells a story, and is usually meant to be 命中注定sung or recited 背诵in musical form.An important stream of the Medieval folk literatureFeatures of English Ballads1. The ballads are in various English and Scottish diale

6、cts.2. They were created collectively and revised when handed down from mouth to mouth.3. They are mainly the literature of the peasants, and give an outlook of the English common people in feudal society.Stylistic (风格上) Features of the Ballads1. Composed in couplets (相连并押韵的两行诗,对句) or in quatrains (

7、四行诗) known as the ballad stanza (民谣诗节 ), rhyming abab or abcb, with the first and third lines carrying 4 accented syllables (重读音节) and the second and fourth carrying 3. 2. Simple, plain language or dialect (方言,土语) of the common people with colloquial (口语的,会话的), vivid and, sometimes, idiomatic (符合当地语

8、言习惯的) expressions3. Telling a good story with a vivid presentation around the central plot.4. Using a high proportion of dialogue with a romantic or tragic dimension (方面) to achieve dramatic effect. Subjects of English Ballads1. struggle of young lovers2. conflict between love and wealth3. cruelty o

9、f jealousy4. criticism of the civil war5. matters of class struggle7. Heroic couplet (英雄双韵体)(introduced by Geoffrey Chaucer)Definition: the rhymed couplet 押韵的对句of iambic pentameter抑扬格五音步; a verse form in epic poetry, with lines of ten syllables 音节and five stresses, in rhyming pairs. 英雄诗体/英雄双韵体:用于史诗或

10、叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。8. couplet(两行诗,对句): Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme.A heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter couplet. During the Restoration period and the 18th C. it was a popular verse form. 9. iambic pentameter: A poetic line consisting of five Verse feet (penta- is from a Greek

11、word meaning “five”), with each foot an iamb- that is, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.10. Rhyme(韵,押韵): the repetition (反复) of sounds in two or more words or phrases that appear close to each other in a poem. E .g . river/shiver, song/long11. meter (格律) (属于Prosody prsd(韵文学;诗体学

12、;(某语言的)韵律(学): A generally regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables(音节) in poetry. The meters with two-syllable feet are:Iambic (x /)(抑扬格): That time of year thou mayst in me beholdTrochaic (/ x)(扬抑格): Tell me not in mournful numbersSpondaic (/ /)(扬扬格): Break, break, break/ On thy cold gr

13、ay stones, O Sea!The meters with three-syllable feet are:anapestic (x x /)(抑抑扬格): And the sound of a voice that is stilldactylic (/ x x)(强弱格,长短格,扬抑抑格): This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlock (a trochee replaces the final dactyl)12. Rhythm(节奏,韵律)(属于Prosody (某语言的)韵律(学): refer

14、s to the regular recurrence(反复,重现) of the accent(重读) or stress in poem or song. e.g. the rhythm of day and night, the seasonal rhythm of the year, the beat of our hearts, and the rise and fall of sea tides, etc.basic patterns of rhythmsa)Iambic foot (iambaimb)(抑扬格): an unstressed syllable followed b

15、y an stressed one as in the word “prevent” or “about” Its time the children went to bed. Well learn a poem by Keats.b)Trochaic trukeiik foot (trochee truki:)(扬抑格): a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one as in “football”, “never”, “happy” or “English” William Morris taught him English. Dou

16、ble, double, toil and trouble. Fire burns and cauldron bubble.c)Anapestic foot (anapest npi:st)(抑抑扬格): two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed one as in “comprehend” or “intervene” Ive been working in China for forty years.d)Dactylic foot (dactyl)(强弱格,长短格,扬抑抑格): a stressed syllable followed

17、by two unstressed ones as in “dangerous”, “cheerfully”, “yesterday” or “merrily” 13Common line lengths:number of feet per line one foot monometer mnmit (rare)(单音部) two feet dimeter dimit (二步) three feet trimester trimit(三步) four feet tetrameter tetrmit(四步) five feet pentameter pentmit(五步) six feet h

18、exameter heksmit seven feet heptameter hepmit (rare) eight feet octameter k14Line patterns:Couplet(相连并押韵的两行诗,对句): 2 lines rhyming with each other A heroic couplet is an iambic pentameter couplet.Tercet t:sit(三行押韵诗句,三拍子): 3 lines, terza rima (aba, bcb, cdc, ded)Quatrain kwtrein(四行诗): 4 lines, ballad

19、stanza (abcb)Octave ktv, -,tev(八行诗): 8 lines, ottava rima (abababcc)Spenserian stanza (斯宾塞诗节): 9 lines (ababbcbcc) (The Faerie Queene(仙后)Sonnet (十四行诗): 14 lines (Shakespearean: ababcdcdefefgg) Example: She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all thats best of da

20、rk and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies1. Foot and length: Iambic tetrameter2. Rhyme (scheme): ababab15Humanism1) Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. According to humanists, human beings were glorious creatures 极好的生物ca

21、pable of individual development in the direction of perfection完美 and the world can be questioned, explored and enjoyed. 2) By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, in contrast to the medieval emphasis on God and contempt轻视 for the things of this world, they

22、voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to pursue happiness of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wanders. 16. Drama1. Definition Drama is “a composition in prose or verse, adapted to be acted upon a stage, in which a story is related by means of dialo

23、gue and action, and is represented with accompanying gesture, costume, and scenery, as in real life.”2. The Development of Drama1. Religious Period 1) Mystery plays presented stories from the Old and New Testament of the Bible. Creation of the World, the Fall, the Great Flood, Redemption, Final Judg

24、ment, etc. The birth of the Christchild symbolized hope in the darkness of winter; Christs resurrection(复活) accorded with the earths renewal in spring, and the promise of harvest at midsummer. 2) Miracle plays (奇迹剧) Dramatizing(将-改编成剧本) the lives and miracles of saints, or divine intervention (神的干预,

25、介入) in human affairs, that is, stories from the lives of saints. Often focused on blessed virgin Mary3) Morality plays (道德剧) Presenting stories containing abstract(抽象的) virtues and vices (美德和恶习)as characters. They were plays which had a moral message: Good and Evil fight for domination(统治) of the hu

26、man soul. Everyman, the best example, is the story of a character representing mankind. 2. Artistic Period The first Comedy, Ralph Roister Doister拉尔夫罗伊斯特多伊斯特written by the schoolmaster, Nicholas Udall between 1550 and 1553 The first English tragedy, Gorboduc written in 1561 by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton 3. Elements of drama 1. Plot (情节) The structure of a plays action, the order of the incidents, their arrangement and form.2. Character(人物): the vital center of a play Ho

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