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1、例:I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up.我觉得他太想念她了。你也许能使他振作起来。biology音标_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _英 bald 美 baldin. (一个地区全部的)生物;生物学Marine biology:海洋生物学;海洋生理学;海洋生物;水产生物学Alternative biology:非传统生物quantum biology:量子生物学;翻译

2、theoretical biology:理论生物学;生物学理论Radiation Biology:放射生物学;Wildlife Biology:辐射生物学;生物学;放射有生命的物质学Oral Biology:野生生物学;野生生物;野生动植物生物学;野生动物保护生物学Animal Biology:口腔生物学Tumor Biology:动物生物学;动物学1.N-UNCOUNT Biology is the science which is concerned with the study of living things. 生物学2.biologist N-COUNT 生物学家.biologist

3、s studying the fruit fly.研究果蝇的生物学家。3.N-UNCOUNT The biology of a living thing is the way in which its body or cells behave. (机体、细胞的) 作用方式The biology of these diseases is terribly complicated.这些疾病的作用方式极其复杂。puzzle英 pz()l 美 pzl附加_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 过去式 puzzled 过去分词 puzzled 现在分词 puzzling v. 迷惑,(使)困惑;(因迷惑)而苦思;使为难n. 谜,智力游戏;拼版玩具;不解之谜;谜一样的人或事物Transport puzzle:运输解谜Puzzle Dimension:三维平衡球;益智空间;三维均衡球;硬盘版Puzzle Game:益智游戏;拼图游戏;益智类游戏;解谜游戏Chinese puzzle:难答之事;中国迷宫Puzzle Kingdoms:谜题王国;解谜王国;益智王国Puzzle Inlay:宝石拼图;宝石拼图游戏;拼图彩晶Puzzle Hero:谜题英

5、雄;解谜英雄;消除英雄历险记;解谜英雄历险记Mayan Puzzle:玛雅之谜;玛雅消除;玛雅迷宫;玛雅谜题Puzzle Agent:谜题侦探;解谜特工;侦探故事1.V-T If something puzzles you, you do not understand it and feel confused. 使迷惑不解My sister puzzles me and causes me anxiety.我的妹妹常会让我不解,使我焦虑。2.puzzling ADJ 令人迷惑不解的His letter poses a number of puzzling questions.他的信中提出了几个

6、令人迷惑不解的问题。3.V-I If you puzzle over something, you try hard to think of the answer to it or the explanation for it. 对苦苦思索In rehearsing Shakespeare, I puzzle over the complexities of his verse and prose.排演莎士比亚戏剧时,我苦苦地思索着他诗歌和散文中的复杂难懂之处。4.N-COUNT A puzzle is a question, game, or toy that you have to thi

7、nk about carefully in order to answer it correctly or put it together properly. 智力问题 (或游戏、玩具) oft supp N.a word puzzle.一条字谜。5. see also crossword , jigsaw6.N-SING You can describe a person or thing that is hard to understand as a puzzle . 谜一样的人或事物 a NThe rise in accidents remains a puzzle.事故的增多仍是个谜。

8、solar system天 太阳系active solar energy system:现用的太阳能系统;solar energy system:主动式太阳能系统solar indirect system:太阳能系统compound solar heating system:太阳能间接系统;间接式太阳能集热系统solar regenerative system:复合太阳能加热系统Solar Monitoring System:太阳能蓄热系统;太阳能再生系统W solar generating system:太阳能监控系统solar streetlight system:瓦并网太阳能发电系统so

9、lar drying system:太阳能路灯系统1.N-COUNT The solar system is the sun and all the planets that go around it. 太阳系Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system.土星是太阳系的第二大的行星。unlike英 nlak 美 nlakprep. 不像,和不同;与不同,与相反;非的特征,不是的特点adj. 不同的,不相似的,不像的conj. 不同于unlike terms:非同类项very unlike:差得非常远unlike material

10、:不同材质mating unlike:异质交配Unlike its:不同于它unlike bishop:异色格象Unlike with:不同Unlike Midwives:不同助产士1.PREP If one thing is unlike another thing, the two things have different qualities or characteristics from each other. 不像This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose.这是异国,因而不像圣何塞。2.PREP You can use unlike

11、to contrast two people, things, or situations, and show how they are different. 和不同Unlike aerobics, walking entails no expensive fees for classes or clubs.不像有氧运动,散步不需要昂贵的课时费或俱乐部费。3.PREP If you describe something that a particular person has done as being unlike them, you mean that you are surprised

12、by it because it is not typical of their character or normal behaviour. 不像是It was so unlike him to say something like that, with such intensity, that I was astonished.那样激烈地说那样的话真不像是他,以至我很惊讶。mammal英 mm()l 美 mmln. 脊椎 哺乳动物mammal fossil:哺乳动物化石primary mammal:原兽亚纲lower mammal:低级哺乳动物Ruminant mammal:反刍mamma

13、l diversity:兽类多样性mammal gene:哺乳动物基因mammal distribution:兽类分布1.N-COUNT Mammals are animals such as humans, dogs, lions, and whales. In general, female mammals give birth to babies rather than laying eggs, and feed their young with milk. 哺乳动物Albert Einstein阿尔伯特爱因斯坦(著名物理学家,相对论的提出者)Albert-Einstein Gymnas

14、ium:雇主Albert t Einstein:爱因斯坦;陈尔伯特爱因斯坦Albert LaFache Einstein:爱因斯坦Albert-Einstein Gesamtschule:Albert-Einstein Realschule:Albert Brooks Albert Lawrence Einstein:艾伯特albert- einstein -universitt einstein:爱因斯坦大学Albert-Einstein-Schule Ettlingen:Albert Einstein Medical Center:爱因斯坦医学中心;被送往爱因斯坦医院;艾伯特爱因斯坦医学中

15、心in time及时;适时In Our Time:光阴的故事;在我们的时代里;在我们的年代里;年in real time:等速或即时;及时的;实时地;等速或立即in the time immemorial:在远古时discovery in early time:早期发现In bookstores time spent:在书店里度过的时光;上一篇in reing time:in free time:在空闲时间;在自由时间;在课余时间monitor in real time:实时监测Retual in Transfigured Time:变形时间的仪式gentle英 dent()l 美 dntl

16、比较级 gentler 最高级 gentlest 过去式 gentled 过去分词 gentled 现在分词 gentling adj. 温和的;文雅的vt. 使温和,使驯服n. 蛆,饵n. (Gentle)人名;(英)金特尔gentle breeze:微风;三级风;和风飘香;微风之恋gentle dip:缓倾斜;平倾斜Gentle Rain:温柔的雨;绵绵细雨;发着白日梦的猫儿gentle wind:和风;惠风;温柔的风Gentle Yoga:舒缓流畅;和缓瑜珈;缓瑜珈Extra Gentle:超级温和;额外的温柔;超级温顺;加温Gentle Repose:遗体防腐;尸体防腐Gentle L

17、ime:柠檬色1.ADJ Someone who is gentle is kind, mild, and calm. 温和的My son was a quiet and gentle man who liked sports and enjoyed life.我儿子是个安静温和的男人,他喜欢运动和享受生活。2.gently ADV 温和地 ADV with vShe smiled gently at him.她温柔地对他微笑。3.ADJ Gentle actions or movements are performed in a calm and controlled manner, wit

18、h little force. (动作) 轻柔的.a gentle game of tennis.一场不很激烈的网球比赛。4.gently ADV 轻柔地Patrick took her gently by the arm and led her to a chair.帕特里克轻轻地扶着她的手臂,引她落座。5.ADJ A gentle slope or curve is not steep or severe. 平缓的 (斜坡或弯道).gentle, rolling meadows.平缓、起伏的草地。6.gently ADV 平缓地With its gently rolling hills i

19、t looks like Tuscany.它拥有平缓起伏的山丘,看起来像托斯卡纳。7.ADJ A gentle heat is a fairly low heat. 微热的Cook for 30 minutes over a gentle heat.用文火烹饪30分钟。8.gently ADV 微热地 ADV with vAdd the onion and cook gently for about 5 minutes.加入洋葱,文火烹饪5分钟左右。comet英 kmt 美 kmtn. 天 彗星n. (Comet)人名;(法)科梅Comet Kohoutek:科胡特克彗星Air Comet:彗星航空公司;彗星航空Comet Impact:陨石恶梦;陨石噩梦;轰天浩劫comet shape:彗星形状;彗星外形comet m

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