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1、(c)选择材料;(d)对最终产品的质量控制。The standard specifies controlled conditions for equipment and procedures to allow the test to be performed with a high degree of repeatability and reproducibility. It is designed to be suitable to run in various climate chambers, either as a fully automated procedure or with p

2、artial manual operations. 本标准说明了设备和程序的受控条件,让实验具有高度的重复性和再现性。本标准适用于多种环境试验箱,包括全自动试验或部分手动操作的试验。1.2 SUMMARY OF TEST CONTENT 试验内容摘要The workday test procedure consists of: 工作日的试验程序由以下几个方面组成: A 6 h wet phase at room temperature. with intermittent exposure to salt solution (0.5% NaCl). A 2.5 h transition pha

3、se with drying under climate control. A 15.5 h phase with constant temperature and humidity (50 C, 70% RH). 室温下6小时的加湿阶段,间歇曝露到0.5%的氯化钠溶液中 2.5小时的过渡阶段,通过环境控制进行烘干 15.5小时的恒温恒湿阶段(50 C, 70% RH)After repeating this procedure Mon-Fri a 48 h weekend phase under continued constant climate control is added.从周一到

4、周五重复该试验程序后,在周末加入持续恒定环境控,进行48小时的试验。1.3 COMMONALITY 共通性This is a CONTROL TEST and can be used to qualify components throughout the world. The test may be conducted at any location having the necessary equipment and facilities. Proposed revisions to this procedure must be submitted per FAP03-179. 这是一项可

5、验证世界上所有的零部件的控制试验,可在任何地方进行,只要具备所需的设备仪器。对本试验程序的修改建议必须按FAP03-179提交。2.0 Instrumentation 仪器The following elements are usually required to conduct the test procedure:进行试验程序一般需要以下仪器:2.1 Compressed, clean air of 4 - 6 bars for cleaning salt solution from spray nozzles, as a source for the renewal of chamber

6、 air and for humidification, supplied by spray humidifiers.2.1 4-6 bar的干净的压缩空气,用于清理喷嘴上的盐溶液、箱内换气和喷雾加湿器进行加湿。2.2 A low conductivity water supply (20 S max) for humidification or evaporative spray humidifiers and for the preparation of salt solutions. 2.2 一根低导电率的供水管(最大20 S),用于加湿或喷雾加湿器以及准备盐溶液。2.3 A tank

7、for preparation and storage of salt solution or, alternatively, a system for direct on-line mixing of water and saturated NaCl solution to the actual concentration (0.5 0.05% by weight)2.3 一个用于准备和存储盐溶液的水槽,或者一套直接在线按实际浓度(0.5 0.05%,按重量)混合水和饱和氯化钠溶液的系统。2.4 A conductivity meter with built-in temperature c

8、ompensation for preparation and control of the 0.5% NaCl salt solution (conductivity: 8.3 mS/cm + 0.80 at 20 C). A 0.50% by weight NaCl solution is used as a calibration standard at each measurement.2.4 一个带内置温度补偿的电导仪,用于准备和控制0.5%的氯化钠盐溶液(温度为20 C时的导电性:8.3 mS/cm + 0.80)。 一份按重量为0.50%的氯化钠溶液,作为每次测量时的校正标准。2

9、.5 A high quality device for independent control of temperature and relative humidity shall be accessible. This instrument shall on a stipulated regular interval (Ref 5.4) be used for independent monitoring and calibration of the conditions in the very test plane of the exposure chamber. The total m

10、easurement error must not exceed 0.1 C.2.5 一套高质量的设备,用于独立控制温度和相对湿度。该设备按照规定的时间间隔(参考5.4),独立监控和校正试验箱李的试验平面上的各项条件,测量总误差不超过0.1 C。2.6 Racks of inert material for support and aligned fixation of test specimens must not hamper a free air-flow around the test objects, nor collect standing wetness. The test ob

11、jects in a rack must not screen one another from the salt solution downfall and they should be exposed with the stipulated exposure angle to the spray (15- 20 degrees inclination from vertical).2.6 由惰性材料制成的夹具,用于支撑、排列和固定试样,但不得妨碍试样周围的空气流通,不得累积水分。夹具上的试样不得相互遮蔽导致盐溶液淋不到试样上。试样应按规定的角度曝露到喷雾中(偏离垂直线15-20度)。2.7

12、 Pressurized hand-spray equipment for application of the 0.5% NaCl solution if a manual spray procedure is used. The capacity must be sufficient to meet the downfall requirement (Ref. 3.3.1).2.7 如需采取手动喷洒,应使用适用于0.5%盐溶液的加压型手动喷雾器,喷雾器的容量必须能满足喷洒要求(见3.3.1)。2.8 Funnels, beakers/ measuring glasses and a bal

13、ance with at least 0.1 g accuracy for monitoring and calibration of salt solution downfall throughout the test plane of the exposure chamber.2.8 漏斗、烧杯/量杯以及精确度至少为0.1g的天平,用于监控和校准曝露箱中试验平面上落下的盐溶液。2.9 All test measurement equipment must be calibrated and maintained per FAP03-015, Control, Calibration, an

14、d Maintenance of Measurement and Test Equipment.2.9 所有试验的测量设备的校准和维护必须按照FAP03-015测量和试验设备的控制,校准和维护程序。2.10 All applicable safety guidelines and procedures must be followed.2.10 试验须遵守所有适用的安全指引和安全程序。3.0 Equipment and facilities 设备设施The necessary, permanently installed facility to conduct the test consist

15、s of a programmable humidity chamber of good quality. It is preferably equipped with an integrated rig for spraying salt solution of the required amount and accuracy, cooling capacity and a good internal circulation system for the conditioned air (Fig. 1). The exposure chamber shall be designed so t

16、hat the test conditions described in the subsequent paragraphs can be obtained, controlled, and monitored during the test.试验所需的永久性安装的设施包括一个可编程的高质量湿度箱。湿度箱中最好能配备一套喷量准确度高的综合性盐雾喷洒装置、冷却装置和一套性能良好的空气内循环系统(如图1)。曝露箱应按要求设计,以使下文所述的试验过程中的各项条件能在得到满足、控制和监控。Fig. 1 Schematic view of a climate chamber equipped with

17、functions suited for performance of the described test procedure: 1. Chamber test space, 2. Climatization unit, including fan, heating, cooling and humidification, 3. Test plane with samples, 4. Temperature/ humidity sensor for regulation, 5. Insulated walls/ lids, 6. Diffusors for improved air dist

18、ribution, 7. Fresh air inlet/ bleed, 8. Rain rig with nozzles and motor for swaying mode, 9. Gutter, 10. Control/ steering/ recording unit, 11. Position for monitoring/ calibration of climate with independent temperature/ humidity sensor.图1 环境试验箱的图示,配备了进行本文所述的试验程序所需的功能:1. 试验空间;2. 环境系统,包括风扇、加热器、冷却器和加

19、湿器;3. 放置试样的平面;4. 温湿传感器(调节用);5. 隔热壁/盖; 6. 空气扩散器(改善空气分布);7. 新鲜空气进气口; 8. 带喷头和摇摆模式驱动马达的喷洒器;9. 排水口;10. 控制/操作/记录系统;11. 带独立温室感应器的环境监控/校正位置。3.1 CLIMATE CONTROL 环境控制The humidity and temperature levels of the chamber during the test cycle shall be continuously monitored. The sensors should reflect the climate

20、 conditions in the test plane (Fig. 1, item 4). The mean value of the constant temperature/ relative humidity climate conditions must be within 0.4 C and 2% relative humidity (RH) respectively vs. the real, set value, i.e. these are the max tolerable mean offsets caused by the sum of calibration err

21、ors. At annual calibration this degree of accuracy must be fulfilled for the following three constant conditions: 25 C, 95% RH, 50 C, 95% RH and 50 C, 70% RH. At bimonthly control, during normal operation, this accuracy should be fulfilled at the constant climate conditions (50 C, 70% RH) during a w

22、ork-day cycle. 试验过程中应连续不断地监控试验箱的湿度和温度水平。传感器会反映试验“平面”上的环境(如图1中第4项)。恒定温度/相对湿度的均值必须在0.4 C范围内,相对湿度(RH)在2%,分别对应实际值、设定值,这些就是由于累积的校正误差造成的平均偏移值的最大允许范围。 在年度校正过程中,这一精确度必须得到满足,以保证以下三项恒定条件:25 C, 95% RH, 50 C, 95% RH以及50 C, 70% RH。在进行两月一次的正常控制时,工作日循环中的恒定环境条件(50 C, 70% RH)应能到达这一精度。The maximum allowed short-term f

23、luctuations in relative humidity overlaid on the calibrated mean value is 3% RH, which implies a maximum allowed short-term temperature fluctuation of 0.6 C. Figure 2 is exemplifying the requirement on relative humidity. 叠加到校正平均值的相对湿度短期波动最大范围是 3% RH。这意味着短期温度波动的最大范围只能是 0.6 C。图2举例说明了相对湿度的要求。Set RH val

24、ue 相对湿度设定值Fig. 2 Accuracy requirement on humidity deviations from set value 图2 湿度偏差离设定值的精确度要求The chamber controlling software/ hardware must be designed so that the relative humidity may be changed linearly with time as depicted in the illustrated test conditions, see Figure 5. In the 2-stage rampin

25、g from a wet chamber at 25 2 C to humid conditions at 50 C, 70% RH, the first heating stage to 40 C should be reached within 30 minutes without sample drying, which is secured by a nominal relative humidity setting to 95% RH. The second 2 h ramp must reach the stipulated final 50 C, 70% RH at the en

26、d of the ramp.控制试验箱的软件/硬件必须设计成能使相对湿度随时间呈线性变化,如图5所示。从试验箱温度为25 2 C的湿润状态到50 C, 70% RH的湿润状态需经过两个阶段。第一阶段应通过将相对湿度读数设定到95%RH,以保证温度在30分钟内达到40 C而试样不干燥。第二阶段为两小时,必须在结束前达到规定的50 C, 70% RH。NOTE: For each new exposure situation this condition must be verified by an independent monitoring device (paragraph 2.5) wit

27、h the sensor positioned among the actual test objects in their actual average plane of exposure (Fig. 1 Item 11). For monitoring : Deploy the sensor directly after the last spray event of the work-day wet phase.注意:每次曝露的条件必须经过独立监控设备验证(见第2.5段),也就是实际试验物体所在的曝露平面之间的传感器(如图1,第11项)。在工作日湿润阶段的最后一次喷洒后直接调节传感器来进行监控。In automated testing, forced cooling is necessary when proceeding from 50 C, 70 % RH controlled, constant conditions to macro-wet conditions at 25 C. The chamber must achieve a cooling from 50 C to 30 C within 30 minutes with the targeted 25 C met

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