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1、指导教师 杨萍 年 月 日从女性主义角度分析简爱摘 要简爱是现实主义时期著名的女作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的代表作品,她被认为是一位卓越的女作家。因为她在小说中描述的是与传统不同的女主人公简爱的勇于追求自由、平等和独立精神。它也是作者的自传体小说。通过对简爱的性格进行剖析,证明了简爱是一个标准的女权主义者。简爱这个人物形象,博得读者的爱怜,在英国文学史上是位具有代表性的人物,不仅表现在外表的朴实无华,而且表现在她性格上的独特魅力。爱因其性格中所具有的强烈反抗意识而特别地引人注目。她坚持自己的原则去不断反抗不公平的社会。她用尽全力去追求自由,平等,独立和真爱。经过坚持不懈的努力她最终获得自尊,自由和真爱。

2、关键词:女权, 反叛, 独立, 平等, 真爱ABSTRACTJane Eyre is the most famous work of Charlotte Bronte, who is considered as an extraordinary woman novelist. Because the novel throbs with the heart-beats of its author, both literary critics and the readers have taken great interest in its unconventional heroine Jane E

3、yre, whose unconventionality is shown in the heroines pursuit of liberty, equality and independence. It is an autobiographical novel in a certain degree. This essay attempts to prove Jane is a real feminist through the analysis of her personality. Jane Eyre is a typical and magnificent representativ

4、e in English literature, not only for her plain but famous appearance but also for her characters outstanding and alien thoughts. The image of Jane Eyre is brilliant for her rebellious character. She always insists on her principle to rebel and fights bravely against the unjust world. She still trie

5、s her best to pursue freedom, equality, independence and true love. By unremitting efforts she finally gets dignity, freedom and true love.KEY WORDS: feminist, rebel, independence, equality, true loveContentsIntroduction .(9)Chapter One The Development of Jane Eyres Resistance .(10) Outburst period

6、at Gateshead .(10) Janes resistance at Lowood Institution (11) The perfection period at Thornfield and Moor House .(13)Chapter Two Jane Eyres Pursuit of Independence and Freedom .(14) Jane begins to realize the importance of independence and freedom (14) Jane gains strength from her teacher and her

7、friend to achieve her independence .(14) Jane develops her independence fully and learns the pleasure of it . (15)Chapter Three Jane Eyres Attitude Towards Love (18) True love should be based on equality and mutual understanding.(18) The marriage pursued by women must be based on true love . (19)Con

8、clusion .(23)Acknowledgements (24)Bibliography (25)IntroductionCharlotte Bronte, an English writer, is a great critical realist in the 19th century. She writes lots of works in her life. She sets to work on a new novel, Jane Eyre, which is published in August, 1847. Jane Eyre is her masterpiece whic

9、h is a world famous novel. Jane Eyre has been translated into many languages and is always high in reading popularity. Jane Eyre, a plain, timid, weak and pale girl who appears to be a heroine, exists in numerous peoples minds. It seems to be a strange phenomenon. How can she arouse the eminent atte

10、ntion of the readers throughout the world? Because Jane Eyre stands for an idealized woman in the 19th century. Charlotte Bronte aims at awakening womens consciousness and courage to equal rights and freedom. Jane Eyre cuts a completely new woman image. She represents those middle-class working wome

11、n who are struggling for the recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being. Jane strives with all difficulties to gain womens liberation and to pursue freedom, equality and true love. The analysis of Janes personalities and her attitudes toward love has shown partly Janes love a ki

12、nd of direct, enthusiastic and faithful love. The story of the independentminded Jane and her love affair with Mr. Rochester opens up new dimension for women. She is a typical character of awakening bourgeois intellectual women. The heroine Jane moves most readers as a kind and unique image in spite

13、 of her plainness, poverty and low position. The profound meaning of Janes personalities makes this novel an extremely important work lists in the history of world literature as well as in the English literature.Chapter One The Development of Jane Eyres Resistance Outburst period at GatesheadJane Ey

14、re seems to be pale, thin and weak. She is like a piece of dust, nobody pays attention to her. At any time she may disappear. She was born an orphan, with an unfortunate family and long time repressive feeling; she builds up her resistant emotion. Under this background, everyone looks down upon her.

15、 Jane asks herself “why was I always suffering, always browbeaten, always abused, for ever condemned.” (Bronte, 2002:13) Her reason says “unjust!-unjust!” (Bronte, 2002:14) A first angry voice bursts out from her deep heart. When John beats her again, she attacks him viciously. She shouts at him, “W

16、icked and cruel boy! You are like a murderer you are like a slavedriveryou are like the Roman emperors! (Bronte, 2002:7) When Mrs. Reed tells Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane has a bad character and a deceitful disposition, she defends that “I am not deceitful: if I were, I should say I loved you; but I d

17、eclare I do not love you: I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed; and this book about the liar, you may give it to your girl, Georgiana, for it is she who tells lies, and not I.48) However, Jane is a brave soldier who dares to face up all kinds of injustice and fights again

18、st them. Before she leaves Gateshead, she rebukes her aunts cruelty, “How dare I, Mrs. Reed? How dare I? Because it is the truth. You think I have no feelings and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so: and you have no pity. I shall remember how you thrust me backrou

19、ghly and violently thrust me backinto the red- room, and locked me up there, to my dying day; though I was in agony; though I cried out, while suffocating with distress, Have mercy! Have mercy, Aunt Reed! And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck meknocked me down for not

20、hing. I will tell anybody who asks me questions, this exact tale. People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hard-hearted. You are deceitful!49) Jane suffers various violent treatments by her aunt and cousins; she tries her best to be a good girl but only results in failure in Mrs. Reeds eyes.J

21、ane resists and resists, but finally breaks out and speaks all her anger; Janes courage frightens Mrs. Reed, for she knows Jane is right. In those days at Gateshead Hall, Janes strong, brave and unbending characteristics are expressed step by step. Her every behavior shows her great indignation. Iso

22、lation, poverty, discrimination and oppression cause her to revolt against the unfair society in her own way. Jane is driven away from and escapes from Reeds house partly because of fearless courage. Jane fights not only for just treatment, but also for equality. This is the first step of the develo

23、pment of Jane Eyres rebellious character. Janes resistance at Lowood InstitutionLowood Institution is a charity school for poor clergymens daughters. Jane lives here for eight years. Her rebellious sprits become mature. In fact it is a hell for poor girls. The school is like a prison dominated by co

24、ld, implacable cruelty and Brocklehurst. Children here are not supplied with enough food, clothes and good treatment of disease. Many of them die of illness. They have no love and sympathy at all, living in hunger and cold. Children must pray for God and thank for oppressors. Helen, a clever, intell

25、igent and beautiful girl receives curse and beat, finally loses her young life. She believes in God. She says to Jane, “I am sure there is a future state; I believe God is good; I can resign my immortal part to Him without any misgiving. God is my father; God is my friend: I love Him; I believe He l

26、oves me.” (Bronte, 2002:121) Just because of these ideas, Helen hasnt a little rebel against that kind of cruel treatment.However Jane is not like Helen. She always tries to rebel, though she is still a child. She tells Helen: “A great deal: you are good to those who are good to you. It is all I eve

27、r desire to be. If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust, the wicked people would have it all their own way: they would never feel afraid, and so they would never alter, but would grow worse and worse. When we are struck at without a reason, we should strike back aga

28、in very hard; I am sure we shouldso hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again.82) This rhythmic and forceful speech embodies the deep bourgeois oppression of the lower women and Janes rebellious spirit. To achieve independence as an equal human, Jane never yields to fate and bac

29、kground. She does as she says. Her attitude towards her cousins, her aunt and Mr. Brocklehurst all proves it.Another woman, Miss Temple, is also admired and deeply loved by Jane. Miss Temples learning stimulates Janes longing for intelligence and Miss Temples kindness stirs up her enthusiasm for ide

30、al life. So when Miss Temple leaves Lowood, Jane cant put up with dullness and isolation there. She thinks that now she is left in her natural element, and begins to feel the stirring of old emotions. Jane looks forward to a new life and a free sky. No matter what will happen in the future, she will

31、 face it bravely. The rebellious fury is burnt again. Then Jane makes an advertisement and gets a governess profession at Thornfield. In this period, Janes rebellious spirit is up to a new standard and catches a more profound meaning. Her fighting is not only against a person, but against the social convention. The perfection period at Thornfield and Moor HouseAt Thornfield, Jane, as a grown-up, changes her harshness into a refined woman with good education, delicacy of feeling and gentleness of manne

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