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1、Lets ask the teacher for help.2、让我们在电视上看足球比赛吧。Lets watch the soccer game(s) on TV.3、让她弹钢琴吧。Let her play the piano.4、让我帮你吧。Let me help you.5、让他去取网球拍吧。Let him get the tennis racket(s).(4)1、他喜欢说英语,这对他来说很容易。He likes speaking English. Its easy for him.2、Jim非常喜欢做运动。Jim likes playing/ doing sports very muc

2、h.3、你妈妈喜欢读书吗?Does your mother like reading (books)?4、我不喜欢打篮球,我认为它一点也没有趣。I dont like playing basketball, because its not interesting (at all).5、我和我爸爸喜欢在电视上看球赛。My father and I like watching ball games on TV.(5)1、打篮球队他们来说很放松。Its relaxing for them to play basketball.2、弹钢琴对她来说很有趣。Its interesting for her

3、to play the piano.3、打网球对他来说很难。Its difficult for him to play tennis.4、看电视对我们来说很无聊。Its boring for us to watch TV.5、学英语对我来说很简单。Its easy for us to study/learn English.(6)1、他有一串钥匙。He has a set of keys.2、她喜欢那些紫色的盒子。She likes those purple boxes.3、这儿有两本英语词典。Here are two English dictionaries.4、这是我爷爷奶奶的房间。Thi

4、s is my grandparents room.5、在失物招领箱里有一些手表。There are some watches in the lost and found case.(7)1、她能讲英语。She can speak English.2、你能打排球吗?不,我不能。Can you play volleyball? No, I cant.3、他能帮助我学英语。He can help us (to) study English.4、我们能在放学后做运动。We can do/play sports after school.5、他们能弹钢琴。They can play the piano

5、.(8)1、让我们努力学习吧!Lets study hard.2、让他来取书吧!Let him get the book(s).3、让她向老师寻求帮助吧!Let her ask the teacher(s) for help.4、让他们帮助我吧!Let them help me.5、让我们打网球吧!Let us play tennis.(9)1、第一单元有很多生词(新单词)。There are many/ a lot of/ lots of new words in Unit 1.2、今晚有场音乐会。There is a concert this evening./There is a con

6、cert tonight.3、瓶子里有一些水。There is some water in the bottle.4、桌子上有2个苹果和1个草莓。There are two apples and a strawberry on the desk/ table.5、今晚电视上有场足球赛。There is a soccer game/match this evening.There is a soccer game/match tonight.There is a football game/match this evening.There is a football game/match ton

7、ight.(10)1、吃蔬菜怎么样?What about having/ eating vegetables?2、让他早上喝些牛奶。Let her have/ drink some milk in the morning.3、她喜欢每天早上吃两片面包。She likes eating/ having two pieces of bread every morning.4、我认为鸡肉是健康的。I think chicken is healthy.5、我想吃一碗饭。I want to have/eat a bowl of rice.(11)1、我想要去游泳。I want to swim/ go s

8、wimming.2、她想要给她儿子买辆新自行车。She wants to buy a new bike for her son.3、他们想要50本英文词典。They want fifty English dictionaries.4、他想要我给他带一些东西He wants me to take some things to him.5、我们想放学后去打网球。We want to play tennis after school.(12)1、他问我关于足球比赛的问题。He asks me about the soccer game(s).2、她问我关于饮食习惯方面的问题。She asks me

9、about my eating habits.3、我认为你是健康的。I think you are healthy.4、对于早点你喜欢吃什么?What do you like eating/having for breakfast.5、王老师要求我们努力学习。Miss. Wang/ Mr. Wang asks us to study hard.(13)1、我可以再吃点沙拉吗?Can I have more salad?2、我想买一些水果。I want to buy some fruit.3、桌子上有些食物。There is some food on the table/ desk.4、花园里有

10、一些花吗?Are there any flowers in the garden?5、她早饭吃一些鸡蛋吗?Does she have/eat any eggs for breakfast?(14)1、咱们不要打电子游戏了。Lets not play computer games.2、他的老师让他不要迟到。His teacher asks him not to be late.3、我们别在早上吃汉堡了。Lets not have/ eat hamburgers in the morning.4、妈妈让我们不要在河里游泳。My mother asks us not to swim in the r

11、iver.5、咱们让他们别抽烟了吧。Lets ask them not to smoke.(15)1、我们班有多少学生?How many students are there in our class?2、瓶子里有多少水?How much water are there in the bottle?3、街上有多少棵苹果树?How many apple trees are there on the street?4、Tim想要多少面包?How much bread does Tim want?5、Mike需要多少西红柿?How many tomatoes does Mike need?(16)1

12、、我对英语感兴趣。I am interested in English.2、他对学习语文感兴趣。He is interested in studying/learning Chinese.3、Tom对打排球感兴趣。Tom is interested in playing volleyball.4、他们对那位电影明星感兴趣。They are interested in that movie star.5、我和Alice都对读有趣的故事感兴趣。Alice and I are both interested in reading interesting stories.(17)1、他每天打网球。He

13、 plays tennis every day.2、她的妈妈想给她买一本英语词典。Her mother wants to buy an English dictionary for her.Her mother wants to buy her an English dictionary.3、我的叔叔喜欢做运动。My uncle likes doing/playing sports.4、他每天都上数学课。He has math/ has a math class every day.5、妈妈让我按时到校。My mother asks me to get to school on time.(1

14、8)1、他从12:00到1:00点上生物课。He has biology from 12:00 to 1:00.He has a biology class from 12:2、我的英语老师说英语很有趣。My English teacher says English is interesting/fun.3、我今天的科学课9:00结束。My math class finishes at 9:00 today.My math classes finish at 9:4、我的学校每年都举办艺术节。Our school has an art festival every year.5、这家鞋店卖红色

15、的运动鞋仅需20美元。This shoe store/shop sells red sports shoes for only 20 dollars.(19)1、和老师谈论这个问题怎么样?What about talking about this question with the teacher ?。Thanks for sending an e-mail to me.3、他喜欢谈论他的饮食习惯。He likes talking about his eating habits.4、丽丽(Lily)善于弹钢琴。Lily is good at playing the piano.5、Lily不善

16、于打网球(be weak in)。Lucy is weak in playing Tennis.(20)1、他们的父母对他们很严格。Their parents are very strict with them.His geography teacher is very strict with students.3、我的父母对我在学习方面要求很严格。My parents are very strict with me in my study.4、他很严格但却善良。He is strict but kind.5、Tom的英语老师对他的英语要求很严格。Toms English teacher is

17、 strict in his English.(21)1、Peter忙于他的家庭作业。Peter is busy with/doing his homework.2、张磊的妈妈忙于家务活。Zhang Leis mother is busy with/doing housework.3、同学们忙于努力学习。Students are busy studying hard.4、John忙于询问老师关于那道数学难题的问题。John is busy asking the teacher about that difficult math problem.5、Linda和Jack忙于帮同学打扫教室。Lin

18、da and Jack are busy helping students clean the classroom.(22)1、他最喜欢的运动是篮球和足球。His favorite sports are basketball and football.2、她不喜欢吃草莓和花椰菜。She doesnt like eating/ having strawberries or broccoli.3、这些袜子便宜,所以他买了两双。These socks are cheap, so he buys two pairs.4、他们不需要运动穿的羊毛袜。They dont need woolen socks

19、for sports.5、Tom想卖给我一些书。Tom wants to sell some books to me.(23)1、我常常在晚上10 点完成作业。 I usually finish (doing) homework before 10 oclock.2、这学期在2月5号结束。This term finishes on February 5th.3、他只能完成一半的工作。He can only finish half (of) the work.4、如果我们相互帮助,很快就能完成打扫教室。If we help each other, we can soon finish clean

20、ing the classroom.5、她在赛跑中获得第二。She finishes second in the race.(24)1、我喜欢上英语课,因为英语课有趣。I like having English (classes), because English classes are interesting.2、我喜欢弹钢琴,因为它令人放松。I like playing the piano, because its relaxing.3、他长的象他爸爸。He takes after his father.4、你觉得听听音乐怎么样?What do you think of listening to music.How do you like listening to music.5、我想和朋友一块吃晚饭。I want to have dinner with my friends.

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