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1、Text 6 Its been ages since Ive seen you. Hows it going, Judy? Great. My new bakery is doing well. (6) How are you, Gary? You look busy. Yeah, ever since school got out, weve been fully booked. Thats strange. Why would people need car repairs? Just because the school year is finished? I think its bec

2、ause everyones going on vacation. Oh. You think they want their cars ready for long road trips? It makes sense, doesnt it? And theyre willing to pay for repairs now. Maybe its because everyone has more free time now. (7)Text 7 Hello, I heard from my friend that you carry hard-to-find books. He stron

3、gly recommended your bookstore for these books. Do you carry a copy of Secret signed by the author? (8) Yes, I know the title, but only one is available now, and its not signed. If you need it soon, I recommend buying that. Otherwise, I can search online to find a signed copy. It could take some tim

4、e, though, and of course, it will cost more. I understand that, but what really matters is the signature. Im giving my father the book as a gift. He was a fan of the authors. (9) I see. If you give me your phone number, Ill inform you when I find something. Text 8 (第10题为总结题) I heard there is a storm

5、 coming tonight. Do you know how bad it will be? The news report said well get at least four maybe even six inches of rain throughout the night. We might even get some ice on the roads, as well as small balls of ice falling from the sky. Oh, no. I hope no one will get hurt. (11) Im sure itll be all

6、right, dear. (12) But we should get ready for it. Lets go to the grocery store and get some basic food. We should also make sure all the windows in the house and the car are shut tight. But what about our garden, and the flowers I planted? They could get blown down. Oh, dear, Ive worked so hard to g

7、row them. (11) Well, we could cover them with something to protect them. Everything will be okay. Lets go get ready!Text 9 Good morning, John. Hello, Professor Williams. How are you today? Excellent. You may have heard that our department received a large research award (13) Yes. Congratulations, Pr

8、ofessor. (13) Thank you. Well, we are going to begin a fairly large research study, and we need assistants. You have always been a very bright, reliable student. Id like to know if youd be interested in being a researcher on our team. Absolutely! Thank you so much. Its an honor to be offered a job w

9、orking with you. (14) Great! I know you are already working with Professor Ramos. You may not be looking for another project. But wed need you for ten hours a week. (15) The pay would be fifteen dollars an hour. I see. Well, I am already working twenty hours a week in Professor Ramos lab. But I only

10、 make ten dollars an hour there. It is possible that I could reduce my hours for him. (16) If I could work ten hours for each of you, that would be best. Very good. Please talk to Professor Ramos about this as soon as possible. Text 10 Have you heard of Jane Goodall? She is a famous scientist who li

11、ved with and studied chimpanzees for many years. A chimpanzee is an intelligent African animal that is like a large monkey without a tail. When Jane was young, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee. And she became interested in these animals. (17) In 1957, her love for animals led her to call Dr. Lou

12、is Leakey, a famous scientist, who offered her a job as an assistant. Even though she had no college degree, he asked her to become a researcher. She lived with the chimpanzees for over thirty years and wrote down what they did. She published her research. Some people criticized her research. They s

13、aid she should have given the chimpanzees numbers instead of names. (18) After she left the jungle, she became interested in saving the environment. (19) She opened the Jane Goodall Institute in 1977 to educate people about the environment. She has written many books and still travels around the wor

14、ld, helping children understand the natural world. In 2002, she opened a Jane Goodall Institute in Hong Kong, China. (20) Everywhere she goes, people ask her about her research on chimpanzees.21A【解析】细节理解题。由第一段最后一句Mr. Davies was proud of the fact that he never got drunk, so he was careful not to drin

15、k too much可知选A。22B由第二段第三句Thinking someone might be in trouble可知选B。23B【解析】推理判断题。因为被人嘲笑,他不得不登广告来找到那只熊来证明自己的清白。24A【解析】标题归纳题。该题难度较大。B选项比较容易排除,因为该故事中的bear并未参加酒会。C选项干扰性很大,但文章的标题用A Man Never Gets Drunk只表示Mr. Davies对喝酒的自控能力,没有提及因为熊按喇叭引起的误会。D选项则表示一对夫妇参加圣诞节晚会的事,没有谈及期间发生的插曲。本文亮点部分在于熊按喇叭这一事件。【备注】Davies夫妇应邀参加酒会。

16、Davies出去为妻子取手帕时听见汽车喇叭在响,就去看个究竟,结果他发现一只熊崽在按喇叭。他返回酒会后向人谈及此事,却被人误以为他已经喝醉,之后登广告才澄清事实,沉冤得以昭雪。25A根据第二段第一句This 1973 classic, adapted from the 1971 book of the same name, tell the story of a 12-year-old girl named Regan McNeil who gets possessed by the devil (恶魔) after using a Ouija board to communicate wit

17、h her imaginary friend Captain Howdy.可知,电影驱魔人的主角是Regan McNeil。故选A。26D根据第三段提到的“after reading a pop-up book about a ghoul (食尸鬼) wearing top hat named Mister Babadook”可知,Babadook是一个食尸鬼的名字。故选D。27C根据最后一段最后一句Filming in such a way makes it seem like real life, or at least real life presented via a home mov

18、ie, and leaves you fearing the nighttime scenes, for obvious reasons.可知,这部电影的主要特点是电影场景像真的一样。故选C。28B根据第一段第二句So look over our picks of some scariest ones.可推断,这四部电影都是恐怖电影,因此推断它们的主题是恐怖的。故选B。【备注】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍四部恐怖电影,简单讲述了电影的故事梗概。29B【解析】词义猜测题。根据第一段的最后两句可知,美国印第安人非常重视给孩子取名,在有些文化中,给孩子取名时甚至举行仪式,由此可推知ritual意为大事

19、,特殊的事,即B项正确。30C根据第二段的最后两句可知,A、D两项描述正确;根据第二段第二句中的or the name of a family member who has died可知B项描述正确,C项描述错误,并不是孩子的梦,而是长辈的梦31C根据最后一段的第三句可知,美国印第安人认为他们不能用给孩子取的名字来称呼孩子,因为如果这个名字太过为人所知的话,这个孩子可能会被召回到灵魂世界,这也是他们给孩子起绰号的原因,故C项正确。32D【解析】主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了美国印第安人取名时的一些风俗习惯,故D项正确。【备注】父母给孩子取名时都想找一个独具特色的名字,美国的印第安人也不例外。本文主

20、要介绍了美国印第安人取名的一些风俗习惯。33B根据文章前两段,尤其是第二段非常明确地道出了理财的目的和意义是管理好钱。34A根据倒数第二段的句子“Budgets are not complex, but sticking to them can be tough. When planning your budget, be realistic about your expenses.”可知计划预算的时候,按照实际的费用填写。35D根据第一段的句子“For kids and grown-ups alike money is easy to spend. If you arent careful,

21、 it can be gone in no time.”可知文章是写给孩子看的。【备注】文章是教孩子怎么理财,怎么计划预算,怎么使收支平衡。36E【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据后面一句“在做决定之前应该仔细考虑以下的这些因素”可以推断出前一句应该是“每一个人理所当然的都想选择合适的学校”。故选E。37G根据小标题“毕业学生的成果”,可推断出学生选择大学应该考虑毕业学生的成果。故选G。38A根据第一段“中国是一个很大的国家,所以南方和北方在气候和饮食方面有很大的不同”,可以推断出,选大学也要考虑对地域和城市的喜好。39B根据前面一句“南方和北方在天气和饮食方面有很大的差异”,所以后一句

22、应讲不同的城市有不同的特点。B选项“每个城市都有自己的特点”符合题意。40C前一句“选择专业性的大学还是选择综合性大学的?”是问句,所以后面应该给出答案。C选项没有绝对的答案。符合语境。【备注】文章主要讲述在选择中国大学的时候,应该考虑到哪些因素。41C【解析】既然发生了火灾,美术课应该是被取消了,故选C。42B【解析】不让靠近自然是怕有危险43B【解析】去危险的地方难免有风险。take a risk冒险。44A【解析】从后文中的looking hard the door window可知,我们并没有进入美术室,而是按约定时间到达了这里。45D【解析】作者和Kirn无视被抓后要承担的后果。if

23、(如果)引导条件状语从句,表示假设。46C【解析】这里应该是指透过门上的窗户向里看,故选through。47A【解析】作者想看看被禁止的是什么what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语。48B【解析】由后面的shoulders可知用hold。49A【解析】很多的想法在脑子里出现。thought想法。50D【解析】worse than that比那个更糟糕的是,符合语境。51C【解析】从前面的内容可知Johnson老师禁止学生去美术室,所以当我意识到Johnson老师知道后会怎么样时,我的情绪更加低落了。所以此处应该选择sank(降低,下降)。52B【解析】由后面的rather than anger

24、可知Johnson老师知道我做的事之后应该会生气。53C【解析】由于羞愧,作者想找个地方藏起来,却找不到。所以应该选择nowhere。54D【解析】作者觉得无地自容,想钻到地缝里。55B【解析】teach a lesson给一个教训,符合语境。56A【解析】look sb. in the eye直视某人。57C【解析】因为我违背了老师的意愿,老师自然会失望58D【解析】比起违反规定来老师更加关心我的安全safety安全。59B【解析】对于作者所犯错误,老师非但没有责怪,反而表现出了极大的关心,作者自然会心怀愧疚。be heavy with充满。60B【解析】老师既没有在班上公开提到这个事,也没

25、有告诉我的父母。nor/neither+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语表示也不【备注】由于火灾,老师禁止我们进入美术室。然而出于好奇我要去一探究竟,却被老师逮住了。本以为我的老师会严厉地责备我并告诉家长,但是他并没有那样做【难句解读】He spoke softly as he explained why he was disappointed in my decision to go where I may have got hurt. 当他给我解释他为何对我决定去我可能受伤的地方感到失望时,他的声音很柔和。分析本句为三重主从复合句。as 引导时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中又含有why引导的宾

26、语从句,该从句充当explained的宾语;在why引导的宾语从句中,不定式短语to go where I may have got hurt作后置定语,修饰抽象名词decision, 其中where引导地点状语从句。61her【解析】考查代词。根据下文中的“Without her husband”可知,她失去了她的丈夫。故填her。62for【解析】考查介词。语境表示,Rawlins寻找她丈夫的结婚戒指。search for“寻找”是固定搭配。故填for。63when【解析】考查从属连词。语境表示,Rawlins一直在Kentucky探望她的家人,就在那时风暴来了。when“在那时”符合语境。故填when。64completely【解析】考查词形转换。语境表示,她回来发现她的家完全成碎片了。副词completely修饰介词短语in pieces作状语。故填completely。65or【解析】考查连词。语境表示,她失去了她的丈夫和她的家。根据否定词“without”可知,应用or代替and。故填or。66hopeless根据语境可知,在瓦砾堆中找到戒指确切的位置似乎是没有希望的。故填hopeless。

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