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综合英语教程第一册第三版Unit 8 The Message behind the Smile.docx

1、综合英语教程第一册第三版Unit 8 The Message behind the SmileUnit 8The Message Behind the SmileTeaching Objectives:1. Functions: Making requests2. Grammatical Points: modal verbs such as can/may/will/shall for expression of obligation3. Vocabulary: likely/unlikely, find, expect, involve, end up, concentrate on, f

2、ail to do, involve, come to, shapeI. Teaching AidMulti-mediaII. Teaching Arrangement8 class hoursIII. Teaching Procedure1. In this part, we are going to learn how to make requests. When you make a request, you ask someone for something or ask him to do something. When you tell someone to do somethin

3、g rather than ask him to do something, you give them an order or an instruction. Usually, a request may seem more polite than an order or instruction. Note that for all the politeness, a request can be made in various ways which show different degrees of politeness. The simplest way to ask for somet

4、hing is to say Can I have . ? and to sound more polite, you may use Could I . ? e.g. Can I have some tomatoes? Could I have another cup of tea? Note that people used to be taught that to make more polite requests, one should use may instead of can, might instead of could. However can and could are n

5、ow generally used. Requests with may could be too formal and those with might sound old-fashioned. To ask for something in an informal, indirect way, you can use Have you got.? or You havent got., have you?For a customer to ask for something in a bar, shop, restaurant, caf, or hotel, requests can be

6、 made like this: e.g. One salad, one glass of red wine, please.Id like a single room, please.You can ask someone to do something by saying Can you . ? or Will you . ? in informal situations. To make it more polite, you can use Could you . , please? or Would you., please?In formal letters and speeche

7、s, you use very polite expressions to make requests:e.g. I would be grateful if you let me know.You can use expressions such as Would you do me a favor? and I wonder if you could do me a favor to indicate that you are about to make a request. Possible ways to make requests:Could you possibly pass me

8、 the salt?Would you be so kind as to give me a call?Would you mind opening the window?Do you think you could post the letter for me?I wonder if you could go shopping with me?You havent got a torch手电筒, have you?Ill have a glass of beer.Have you got a book called Evolution?Can /Will you turn on the li

9、ght?Could/Would you turn on the heater, please?I would appreciate it if you could make an early reply.Would you kindly send me a brochure of your school?Bill, would you do me a favor?Could you lend your textbook to me for just one day? Ways to reply to a request:Yes, Ok.All right.Sure.Certainly.Im a

10、fraid I cant.Sorry, I cant.Go ahead, please.2. Conversation one 1) Have students practice the conversation, and highlight the sentences for making polite requests.May I speak to Judy? (A telephone formula)Make I take a message? (A request for permission)Please ask her to (A request for Judys sister)

11、Could you possibly ask herThese requests suggest Susan was very polite, so we may infer that she wasnt very familiar to Judys sister.2) Words and phrases1. Residencerezidns: n. a persons house, especially a large and impressive one寓所,住宅,大宅in residence: living in or occupying a particular place居住于(某一

12、场所);占用(某一场所)take up residence: start living in a particular place. 开始定居于permanent residence永久住处change ones residence改变住所2. tennistenis: a game in which two or four players strike a ball with rackets over a net stretched across a court. The usual form (originally called lawn tennis) is played with a

13、felt-covered hollow rubber ball on a grass, clay, or artificial surface网球运动tennis arm elbow 网球员肘病 tennis shoes网球鞋, 跑鞋a tennis court网球场 table tennis乒乓球运动3. cousinkzn: a child of ones uncle or aunt堂兄弟;堂姐妹;表兄弟;表姐妹cousin-in-law表姐妹夫, 表嫂, 表弟媳, 堂姐妹夫, 堂嫂, 堂弟媳4. racquet=racketrkit: n. a bat with a round or o

14、val frame strung with catgut, nylon, etc., used especially in tennis, badminton, and squash(尤指网球、羽毛球和软式墙网球的)球拍5. extraekstr: adj. added to an existing or usual amount or number额外的,分外的,外加的extra loss额外损失 extra bus加(班)车 extra allowance特别津贴extra hand临时雇工 extra train加(班火)车 We do not ask for extra pay. 我们

15、不要求额外报酬。6. a couple of: several两三个, (少数)几个7. altogether: adv. 1) completely; totally彻底地,完全地;整个地 2) including everything or everyone; in total. 所有地;总共地in the altogether: without any clothes on; naked(非正式)一丝不挂的,裸体的 eg: shes agreed to pose in the altogether. 她同意摆裸体姿态。8. prerecordpri:rik:d: v. (无线电与电视)预

16、先录制(广告、节目等)pre-recorded adj. (指磁带)已录影的,已录音的3. Speaking properly1) AppropriateFlatmate: a person who shares a flat with others(英)合住一套公寓的人2) Too directMotorbike is usually a valuable object. You can make the request like this: Hi, Paul, do you mind if I ask you for a big favor? I know you couldnt like

17、 to lend your motorbike. But I have an urgent need to go downtown for an important date. Could I borrow it this afternoon if youre not using it? I promise to take good care of it, and return it to you by five.3) Inappropriate, very rude, and it sounds like you want to have a fightAss:s, as: 屁股You ca

18、n be fairly direct when making the request by saying: Come on! Get out the bathroom. Youve been in there for too long. Dont be selfish.4) Inappropriate even if your flatmate is not a tidy person/Soup su:p: a liquid dish, typically savoury and made by boiling meat, fish, or vegetables etc. in stock o

19、r water汤;羹Mark: a small area on a surface having a different colour from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage(尤指事故、伤害导致的)痕;疤痕;斑You can make the request like this: Hi, Tom, can you tidy up the desk, and clear up the room?4. Communicating culturally.1. Puerto Rican pw:tu ri:kn:

20、 波多黎各人2. Thoughtless: adj. 1) (of a person or their behaviour) not showing consideration for the needs of other people(人,行为)不为他人着想的,不顾及他人的 2) without consideration of the possible consequences. 不考虑后果的,轻率的3. Offend fend: (常作 be offended)cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful得罪;冒犯4. Text The Messa

21、ge Behind the SmileLeading in 1. Describe a smile.The teacher finds two students to give smile and then asks other students to describe. The teacher lists some words that can be used to describe a smile as reference:attractive, instinctive, artificial, wry, pleasurable, genuine, forced, incomprehens

22、ibleThe teacher then explains the meanings of these adjectives, describing the word smile. attractive smile: 漂亮的(诱人的,有吸引力的)微笑instinctive smile : 直率,真诚的(本能的)微笑artificial smile : 装出来的,虚假的微笑wry smile : (英国人特有的表示幽默,冷嘲,乐趣,厌恶等感情时将嘴角作微微翘起状的)狡黠的微笑;面部扭曲的微笑pleasurable smile: 令人高兴的微笑genuine smile: 真诚的微笑,天真无邪的微

23、笑forced smile: 强作的微笑,苦笑incomprehensible smile: 令人难以琢磨的微笑,难解的笑2. Pre-reading tasks:The teacher presents 3 pre-reading questions to the students and ask them to answer:1) Do people smile in the same way? The teacher asks the students to talk about times when whey have experienced different kinds of sm

24、ile. 2) What are the functions of a smile?express pleasuremake people attractivehelp communicate with others easilyhide peoples real feelings (e.g. embarrassment, anger, sadness, disgust, etc.)3) What kind of smile would you prefer?3. Words & PhrasesAsk 2 students to read the new words, and then the

25、 teacher explains some of them.Paragraph 11. fake: n. a thing that is not genuine; person who tries to deceive others假货,赝品adj. not genuine: 伪造的,假冒的 e.g. a fake policeman synonym: counterfeit: n./ adj. 仿冒品;伪造的,假装的v. make sth. so that it seems genuine 伪造,假冒 e.g. He faked his fathers signature. pretend

26、 to feel or suffer from (an emotion or illness).: 假装,伪装(感情,疾病) e.g. fake surprise: pretend to be surprisedParagraph 21. psychologist .sakldst心理学家 psychology saikldi心理学philosopher filsf 哲学家 philosophy filsfi哲学2. pick up: obtain, acquire, or learn something, especially without formal arrangements or i

27、nstruction(尤指未经正式安排或指点)获得,取得,学会 eg: he had picked up a little Russian from his father. 他从父亲那儿学了点俄语。3. apparently : 1) as far as one knows or can see看来,根据所能观察到情况来看 eg: the child nodded, apparently content with the promise. 孩子点了点头,看来他对这个许诺还满意。 2) used by speakers or writers to avoid committing themsel

28、ves to the truth of what they are saying. 为避免对所说或所写内容的真实性表态时使用 似乎 Eg: ministers met but apparently failed to make progress. 部长们开了会,但似乎没有取得什么进展4. wrinkle rikl: n. lines on your face or skin when you are old; small or untidy fold in a piece of clothing or paper; 皱,皱纹;褶皱small problems (非正式)困难,难题;障碍 e.g

29、. iron out the wrinkles: to solve the small problems in sth. v. to move part of your face so there are wrinkles on or around it使起皱纹 e.g. wrinkle your nose/ eyes/ brow etc. 5. function: n. special activity or purpose of a person or thing 功能important social event or official ceremony 宴会,典礼(mathematics

30、) 函数 work, operate 工作,运转,起作用 e.g. This machine has stopped functioning. (故障,out of work)( function as sth.): work as/ used as, serve as起作用;执行任务e.g. The sofa can also function as a bed.6. vital vaitl: adj. connected with or necessary to life; fatal 生命的,致命的,生命必需的 e.g. The heart performs a vital bodily

31、 function. (plays an important role) a vital wound 致命伤 a vital question 生死攸关的问题be vital to/ for: very important/ essential to/ for必不可少的;必要的e.g. It is vital that the matter is kept secret. of vital importanceenergetic or lively 有生命力的n. vitality vaitliti: energy 活力 ability to continue functioning生命力7. survival svaivl: n. the state or fact of continuing to live or exist, typically in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult

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