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1、 Youre a soldier now! 13. She was permanently disfigured by the fire, but it soon came to represent her determination to succeed in life. 14. During the World Cup, attendance in class was down because everyone stayed at home to watch television.15. I had five exams last weekit was like one long, con

2、tinuous nightmare. 16. Normally, we allot one vote to each member, but this is a special case. 17. I can remember feeling very insecure when I was young; I was desperate for my classmates acceptance.18. Her final year of school was marked by considerable uncertainty as she tried to figure out what t

3、o do next. 19. Ive tried working in the morning, but I find that Im most productive late at night. 20. Ernie is a really decent guy; he would never try to impose his beliefs on someone else. Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. We dont have the budget to do everything, so Im af

4、raid your plan will have to go on the back burner. 22. All I need is some peace and quiet, and Ill be able to figure out a solution. 23. Brace yourself for some bad news, this doesnt look good. 24. Its all down to you! Dont let us down!25. The new evidence creates a lot of uncertainty about who real

5、ly reached America first. 26. Im only a law school studentIm hardly in any position to help you with your legal problems. 27. In the back of my mind, I have my doubts about whether hes right for the job. 28. He is having a shot at cooking his own dinner. 29. Jessica had her life mapped out since she

6、 was a little girl: college, marriage, children, career. 30. Quick, cram the bag under the bed!Part II: Banked ClozeFor ten years, I lived in the city and loved it. Everything was stable, and I didnt have many worries. Then, within one month, I got a (31)promotion at work and my girlfriend and I dec

7、ided to get married. Suddenly, my life was in (32) transition with big changes ahead!The new position at work was wonderful. I was no longer relegated to the (33)sidelines. My boss was starting to notice all of my hard work! After a (34)lengthy speech about my new responsibilities, my boss took me t

8、o my new private office. Fantastic! I didnt have to sit in the (35)rear of the office anymore, behind the copy machine. I loved my job already. My girlfriend also suggested that we move out of the city and buy a house in the suburbs. We had been city (36)dwellers for so long that it was a difficult

9、decision for us to make. On top of that, I was worried about taking out a (37)mortgage for the house. My new job paid better, but our resources were still (38)finite. Finding a down payment would be tough. In the end, we decided to go for it. Theres no time like the present, right? With the new job,

10、 I could honestly say that I had a (39)budding career, so it felt right to take the plunge and buy a house. After all these changes, wed be ready to just relax and enjoy life. So, we took on a honeymoon to the (40)coastal California. Part III: Reading ComprehensionIt would be a fairly accurate state

11、ment to say that, when I was in elementary school and high school, I was a painfully shy child. I usually kept to myself, had only a few friends, and rarely spoke in class. My parents were always very busy, so they never pushed me to become more involved in activities and meet more people. I was per

12、fectly happy by myself. I spent much of my time with my nose buried in a book. The only times that I ventured away from the comforts of my bedroom were when I explored the seemingly endless aisles of stocked bookshelves at my favourite bookstore.In retrospect, it was no surprise that I read with suc

13、h an incredible appetite. Reading was my escape. My favourite books were adventure and travel storiesstories that brought the readers to exotic, unexplored, or dangerous places. These were places I longed to go, and they were adventures I yearned to experience, but I knew it was all just a fantasy.

14、I had a hard time working up the nerve to talk to a fellow classmate, I knew there was no way I could travel around the world and live out one of these adventures. Therefore, I read. I read every book I could find that promised adventure, excitement, or escape. By the time I graduated from high scho

15、ol, I had probably read more books than our school had in its library. It was quite an achievement, but no one knew about it except for me. I told no one because I had no one to tell. My only friend was Justin, and that relationship only existed because we had been next-door neighbors for fifteen ye

16、ars.Like most of my classmates, I applied to college and eventually worked up the courage to go. It wasnt easy. I had lived at home with my parents my whole life, and I rarely ever thought about leaving. However, it had finally become inevitable; I couldnt stay with them forever. I attended a local

17、college and moved out to live in a dormitory with a roommate. It would be an understatement to say that I was nervous. I was terrified.My roommates name was Greg, and the first few weeks of school were very awkward. He kept trying to start conversations and be friendly. I was able to answer his ques

18、tions, of course, but I found it difficult to keep the conversation going. I just wasnt used to itI had no practice at this sort of thing. Then one day I returned from an afternoon class and found him reading a Jack London book. Suddenly, I found that I had a hundred questions to ask Greg. Did he li

19、ke Jack London? Which was his favourite book? Did he read a lot? What other authors did he like? The list was endless.To my surprise, Greg was also in love with adventure and travel books. One of his dreams was to travel around the world and follow in the footsteps of some of historys greatest explo

20、rers. There must have been magic at work that day. It was as if my shyness suddenly disappeared. Greg and I talked for hours about our favourite books and dreams of travel. I also found it easier to talk to other people at school and make friends since that day. I felt like the world opened up to me

21、. So many things suddenly seemed possible. In fact, Greg and I are planning a great adventure for this summer! It may have taken me a while, but I finally found a way to break out of my shell and start enjoying life. 41. Which of the following is a rite of passage that helped the writer to become le

22、ss shy? A. Attending high school. B. Reading many books. C. Attending college. D. Planning a great adventure. 42. In which paragraph does the author compare his desire to read to hunger? A. Paragraph 1. B. Paragraph 2. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5. 43. Which of the following would make the best ti

23、tle for this passage? A. A Painfully Shy Child B. My College Life C. Travels with Greg D. Breaking Out of My Shell 44. It would be an understatement to say that I was nervous. I was terrified. What does the writer mean by this statement? A. He wasnt nervous at all. B. He was mildly nervous. C. He wa

24、s as nervous as usual. D. He was extraordinarily nervous. 45. Which of the following statements can you infer from the passage? A. Jack London wrote exciting stories. B. Jack London wrote dull stories. C. Jack London wasnt a famous writer. D. Jack London was the writers favourite writer. Unit 21. Wh

25、en was the last time you were in _ with your childhood friends? A. context B. contact C. control D. content 2. Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _ when he wasnt interested. A. float B. soar C. sink D. drift 3. Mrs Jones didnt trust Jack, so she was very _ to let him cut her grass. A. reluctant

26、 B. reluctantly C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically 4. My house seems to be in a _ state of disrepairsomething is always broken! A. perpetually B. perpetual C. perpetuity D. perpetuate 5. The problem needs to be looked at from a historical _ . A. prospective B. directive C. perspective D. executive

27、6. Dr. Carter has written _ about the brain and its influence on our emotions. A. extensively B. intensively C. extensive D. intensive 7. The accident of last week _ a review of school safety policy. A. prompted B. prompt C. prompting D. prompts 8. I am easily _ by ice cream, so its probably the bes

28、t if I dont look at the dessert menu. A. tempt B. tempts C. tempting D. tempted 9. Wouldnt it be _ if we didnt need to worry about money? A. predictable B. marvellous C. astonishing D. depressing 10. Researchers claim that there is a _ link between caffeine and headaches. A. definite B. definitely C. definition D. defined 11. Its incredible to see how newborn babies are completely _ on other people for everything. A. depending

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