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1、 did arrive 2. when did, go 3. did, spend 4.did finish 5.why did unit 2 he decided to be an actor. 基础练 i.词汇 1. successful 2. rich 3. fire 4. die 5. language .短语 1. finish school 2. at the age of 3. move to sw. 4. join a theatre company 5. a successful actor 6. childrens day7. labors day .基本句型及

2、交际用语; didnt learn to 2. so; want to; after ; at many 4. became; began to 5.told us a story 根据所给的首字母,写出所缺的单词,使句子意思完整、语法正确 1. tuesday 2. long 3. one 4. throw 5. playing 1. b 2.d3. e 4.a5. c 语法句型练 i.根据句子意思和汉语提示,完成下列句子. 1.where did you go 2. didnt go shopping 3.enjoyed ourselves 4.did walk

3、to work 5. didnt stop crying ii. 按要求完成下列各句,每空一词 1. what did, do 2. at the age of 3. learning 4. moved to 5. didnt go away unit 3 language in use i.词汇: 1.young 2.forest 3. worth 4.historic 5. playwright.短语 1.national team 2.table tennis 3. olympic gold 4.all around the world 5. well worth 6.historic

4、town .基本句型及交际用语 1. built 2.the age of three 3. decided; movie star 4. sat down; watch cartoon 5. join 6. one of ; popular actor 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 2.poem 3. age 4. company 5. became 6.great 7. rich 单项选择。 1. c 在某一年内用in 2. a 两者比较。 3. d 物品的归属,必须明确是哪一个人的。 4. a 人拥有的数量多少。 5. d 在英语中嫁和娶都是同一个单词。 6. a 最伟大

5、的之一,故用单数is。 7. d 这是个省略句回答形式。完整回答是wrote the play.用did回答则简洁。 根据图示,用所给单词或词组,写出语法正确、意思连贯的句子。 1. the boy watched tv at home last night. 2. li ling usually gets to school at seven fifty. 3. it is cloudy today. 4. they will /are going to go to the park next sunday. i.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1.left hometown 2. where

6、did you live 3. didnt eat breakfast a book was very hot . 按要求转换下列句型 1. went 2. wrote 3.sent 4.didnt make 5.did; go 貌。 10. c 一条新闻用a piece of news。 11. b汤姆汉克斯是个成功的演员。 12. a 两年前用ago. 13. areached 指到了某一地点 14. b want sb to do sth. 15. d由题意知吃饭肯定是到餐馆。 6.became 7.did; do 8.had 模拟练 1.c 他七岁时字就写得很漂

7、亮了,即到七岁时用by。 2.a exactly作补语,确切地告诉我他在什么地方。 3.c 我代表毛主席向您承诺。 4.b finish+ doing 5. d die此处表示消失。 中考练 6. b 考查动词辨析。leave“离开”;live“居住”;come“来”;go“来”。句意“你知道汤姆吗?当然了,我们居住在同一个村庄许多年了”。故选b。 7. a 考查动词短语。题意:复旦大学的一名学生仅仅因为日常生活的一点小事被他的室友杀害了,学生学会如何彼此相处是重要的。get on with “相处”;come over to “从远方(或克服障碍后)过来”; stay away from “

8、躲避;离远点”。根据题意选a。 8. c考查点:本题考查形容词的词义。 hard “困难的”;impossible“不可能的”;easy“容易的”;serious“严肃的”。句意为“她读了很多关于历史的书籍,所以对他来说回答这样的问题很容易”。故选c。 9.b well worth +doing 很是值得去做什么事情,一般情况下使用动词的现在分词形式。 10. a本题考查时态和被动语态的用法。根据题意:-你知道露茜的奶奶吗?-当然,她是一位慈祥的老人,在车祸中丧生已经大约一年了。has been dead表示已经去世的状况,was killed表被动,丧生。故本题选a。 单元检测8 一、单项填

9、空。(15分) 1. a 根据句意所表转折关系,且由mike did可知,用一般过去时。 2. c 由答语可知为否定回答,时态应与问句相同。 3. d 七月是一年中第七个月。 4. c 由句意,可知是“影剧院”。 5. d 本题考查start doing sth开始做某事。 6. b 对一段时间进行提问,用how long。 7. a 联系句意可知peter很气愤。 8. a 本题考查动词不定式主语的用法。 9. c 由“ never says hello to everyone”可知很没有礼 二、完形填空 1. a 自行车既便宜又快捷。 2. c 公交车是很慢的。 3. b 又迟又累,需要用

10、and 连接。 4. d 跟随某人用follow. 5. b 迅速地,由前面的转折和后文的时间比较可知。 6. c 花费时间用take 7. c 多挣钱了。 8. d as像一样 9. b 讲出了自行车多的原因。 10. c 表达了作者的美好愿望,环保理念。 三、阅读理解 a) 1. a 正在回家的路上。 2.c 都是勤劳的农夫。 3.a 乌云厚重即要下雨。 4.c 俩人观点不一致。 5 .c 第三者是想弄明白怎么回事。 b) 6.c 他去看望女儿。 7.d 找了个男孩来问时刻。 8.b 男孩已把时间告诉他了,所以就离开了。 9.d 时间表达的另一种方式。 10. c 由文中内容可知是1:58

11、 四、单词考查。根据汉语完成句中所缺的单词 1.february 2.september 3.away 4.december 5.january 五、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.decided to be 2. at the age of twenty 3. moved to 4. in color 5. ride a bike to 6. is successful 7. hurried out of 8. in pieces 9. goes through 10. twenty years later 六、下面的每个句子中含有一处错误,请找出并更正。1.把one full改为a

12、full one 解析:full是形容词,修饰代词,放在其前。 2.在other前加定冠词the 解析:两个中的另一个应说the other。 3.把a去掉 解析:球类运动前一般不加冠词。 4.在dont后加do 解析:因为dont是助动词,其后要加动词原形。 5. some 变any 解析:在否定句中some要变为any. 七、书面表达one possible version: dear lily, last sunday, we went to tianheng island for a trip. i took some bread, juice, cola and so on. on

13、the way there, i felt my bag heavier and heavier. so i regretted buying too much food. when we reached the island, unfortunately it started raining . oh my god! i forgot to take my umbrella. miss jennie helped me , we used an umbrella together. the scene was so beautiful that i wouldnt go back home.

14、 hope to see you soon! yours truly betty【篇二:外研版_七年级下册英语期末测试卷及答案】txt满分120分,考试时间100分钟 听力部分(20分)(略) 笔试部分(100分) . 单项选择。 ()1. lucy and lily _ china next week. a. is visitb. are visitingc. visitd. visits ()2. how do you go to work? i usually go to work _. a. by a carb. in a carc. on a car d. by cars ()3.

15、must i finish my homework now? no, you _. a. may notb. mustntc. cant d. neednt ()4. they each _ a cd in their bags. a. haveb. has c. is d. are ()5. it is a good time _. a. sing b. to sing c. singing d. sang ()6. find the answer _ the question, please. a. of b. with c. to d. for ()7. _ do you go for

16、a picnic? once a month. a. how long b. how many times c. how often d. how many time ()8. _ will you stay in america? about two months. a. how many b. how oftenc. how long d. how ()9. shes good at _. a. read b. readingc. to readd. reads ()10. mum, i m going to ann s party this evening. _. a. why not

17、b. have a good time c. come back earlyd. good idea ()11. im going to hawaii with my aunt this month for my holiday. _! a. have a good timeb. best wishes to them c. thand you very much d. its ok ()12. excuse me, which is the way to the post office? sorry. im new here. a. not at all b. bad luck c. tha

18、nk you all the same d. thank you ()13. would you like to go for a picnic with us? _, but im too busy. a. no, i cant b. id like c. yes, id love tod. why not ()14. leo likes _, but he doesnt like _ now. a. hike; hiking b. hikes; hiking c. hiking; to hiked. hiking;()15. the flowers smell _. a. well b.

19、badlyc. goodd. much well . 完形填空。(10分) first the wind tried. it began to blow very hard. it blew hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. the wind was with the man. then it said to the sun,“now, its your on the man. soon it got very was over. we know the was stronger now. ( )1.a. strong b. st

20、ronglyc. stronger ( )2.a. walking b. walk c. walks ( )3.a. web. our c. us ( )4.a. upb. on c. off ( )5.a. notb. so c. such ( )6.a. sadb. happy c. angry ( )7.a. wayb. turn c. turns ( )8.a. shinesb. shine c. shining ( )9.a. hotb. hotter c. hottest ( )10.a. windb. sun c. man .阅读理解。(15分)(略) . 词汇。 (a) 根据句

21、意及首字母提示补全单词。(8分) 1. what is the w _ like in beijing? 2. history is my favorite s _. 3. the students should r _ some english words every morning. 4. fall is a h _ season. 5. d _ the 25th is christmas day in western countries. 6. maria can p _ ballet at the birthday party. 7. they sang and danced happ

22、ily and really e _ themselves. 8. there will be a heavy snow this evening, and the t _ will fall below zero. (b) 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(7分) 1. polly cant _ _(计算出) math problems. 2. he felt very tired because he _ _ (熬夜) all night. 3. its _(多云) today? 4. they made the cards _ _(手工). 5. look! they are _ _ _(划船

23、) over there. 6. his sister goes shopping _ _ _(每周两次). 7. i bet it _ _(一定) fun. 句型转换。 1. there is some rice in the bag. (改为否定句) there _ _ _ in the bag. 2. children often have a good time on childrens day. (改为同义句) children often _ _ on childrens day. 3. it starts in may, and goes on to july. (改为同义句)

24、it _ from may to july. 对划线部分提问) _ _ does she write to her mother? 5. youd better go to fuzhou by train. (改为否定句) you _ _ _ _ to fuzhou by train. 6. i like apples. i like bananas, too. (合并句子) i like apples _ _ _ bananas. . 补全对话。 a. 选用方框中所给句子完成对话,有一句是多余的。 a: hello! may i speak to bill? b: speaking! hi,

25、 bill! this is jane speaking. i called you yesterday, but nobody answered the telephone.b: i went to the world on water (水上世界) with my parents. really? it was great. we saw the dolphin show (海豚表演). it was very wonderful. a: that sounds interesting. oh, the day after tomorrow will be my birthday. yes

26、, id love to. thanks a lot. youre welcome. 1._ 2._3. _4. _5. _ b. 根据对话内容, 从方框中选出正确的单词或短语补全对话。come? jane: , what kind of party is it? michael: you see the new year is coming, we hold a party to it. jane: that sounds exciting. what time does it start? half past six, by the way, would you like to something at the party? i can ballet, is that ok? sure, its great!1._ 2._3. _4. _5. _ . 综合填空。 there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. in spring, the weather is warm. it is a good season for (hike). this is a(hope)season. summer (come)a

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