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1、Well, the thing is,Well, you know, er,I meanOh, let me think for a momentWell, let me see.s a very big / interesting / difficult questionUm eractuallyin factyou seethe thing is how shall I put it sort ofWell its like this, you seetheeeayyy* 下列句型则通常用以了解信息:Can you tell me something about it?d like to

2、know more about*表示你对某事感兴趣:I find quite attracting.I have some interest inm interested inMy hobby isinterests me a great deal.* 表示你的意见:As far as Im concerned, I thinkAs I see it,In my opinionPersonally, I believe下列句型则通常用以表示重述:* 请某人重述某事:Could you repeat that, please?Could you say that again, please?m

3、sorry?sorry, but I didnt quite catch what you were saying.sorry, whats that?*重述:I was just sayingI was just wondering*换一种方式重述:in other words,Let me put it another way,s to say*一般情况下,我们不鼓励大家打断考官的话,但是如果确是必要,那么请适用下列语句:Can I say something here?Can I add something?Excuse me for interrupting, but*如何提出问题,获

4、得更多的信息及回答技巧:*(1)如何提出问题I was wondering if you could help me. Id like to knowI wonder if you could tell meThis may sound like a dumb question, but IExcuse me, do you knowI hope you dont mind my asking, but IWould you mind (very much) telling meExcuse me, but could I ask you a quick question?Do you hap

5、pen to know (你是否碰巧知道)(2) 回答技巧:如何拖延Well, let me seeOh, let me think for a minutem not sure; Ill have to checks a very interesting question.(3)回答技巧:如何拒绝m not really sure.I cant answer that one.m sorry, I really dont got no idea.d like to help you, buts something Id rather not talk about just n

6、ow.Ask me another question. (别问我这个。)(4)如何获得更多的信息Could you tell me some more about Would you mind telling me more about Something else I was wondering about was Something else Id like to know is Sorry, thats not really what I mean, What Id like to know isSorry to keep after you, but could you tell me

7、Sorry, I dont quite understand whySituational dialogues (情景对话)明确:Who is your character?What does your character need?What relationship does your character have with the character played by the interviewer or another candidate?见面寒暄:1. A: How are you?B: Not bad. How about you?A: I am very well, thank

8、you! Its been a long time that we havent seen each other.s really has been a long time.2. A: Hi, Im Jack.m Jean. Nice to meet you. Me, too. Where are you from? Beijing, China. Oh, really! Are you have on vacation or on business? Neither. Im a student here. Is that right? Which university? Eastern Wa

9、shington University. What are you studying? Business Education Oh, that sounds interesting. Not bad. What about you? Are you a student, too? No, I work for an auto company in town.3. A:m 。 Glad to meet you. Are you from around here? No, from China, but I live in the States. Really? No wonder you spe

10、ak English so well.What do you do?m an analyst. You mean a psychoanalyst or an economic analyst? Neither, a stock market analyst. Oh, its no easy job to analyze and predict the quotations on the stock exchange. Do you work in town? Yeah, I work for the Marloo Research Institute. Mm sounds great. Wel

11、l, what about you, whats your job?m a truck driver. I just cant imagine driving a huge truck.s easy. You want try it?s fun. Oh, thank you, but I prefer not.电话用语? Hello, is in now?m sorry, you have the wrong number. Oh, Im really sorry. Hello, this is , I would like to speak to Sorry, she is not here

12、. Do you have any message for her?ll call again in 20 minutes. Hello? Hello! Lucy? This is Ted. Oh, hello, Ted, how are you doing? Fine thanks, Lucy, how are you? pretty good. Whats on your mind? What are you doing this weekend? Nothing. Why? Well, Im having several friends over for dinner this comi

13、ng Saturday, and I was wondering if youll have time to join us. Sounds interesting. What time would you like me to come? Is six o clock all right? Thats fine. I think I can make it. Very good. Ill see you Saturday. Good-bye. Thank you for calling. So long. office. What can I do for you? Hi, this of

14、ABC company. Is Mr. Robin there? Wait a minute, Ill go and find him. Sorry, he is not in the office at the moment. Could you tell me where I can get him on e phone now?ve got something urgent. I have no idea where he is, but he said he would be back early this afternoon. Hell be having a sales meeti

15、ng. Can I take a message? Yes, please. Would you ask him to call me as soon as he gets backs. The phone number is , is that right? Yes. And your name is? of ABC Company. I got it. Ok, I will have Mr. Robin call you the moment he comes back. Thanks a lot. Youre welcome. Good-bye.问路? Excuse me, could

16、you show me how to get to ? I am lost. Is there a subway station around here? Excuse me. Do you know how to get to 4. A: Where can I find , please?Answers:1. Ok, you go south three blocks. On your right hand side. You will see a huge building. Thats it.2. Yes, you go this way until you get to the ne

17、xt traffic light. The subway entrance is just over there.3. Im sorry. Im not familiar with this area, please ask somebody else.4. Keep walking down this hall way and in front of the escalator on the right hand side, youll find it.闲聊:1.天气 What a stuffy hot day! I cant stand this kind of weather anymo

18、re. What weird weather.s probably due to the so- called El Nino effect. The TV said that today we might have rain. Dont you believe the weather forecasts?s always wrong. But youd better bring an umbrella with you.2.电视节目 What kind of TV programs do you like? I like watching new programs. Why do you l

19、ike to watch that kind of program.I think keeping myself informed of the latest world news is very important. What program do you like most? The Discovery Channel on cable TV is the one I like most. Its full of knowledge and is a very good educational channel. I like to watch it with my family.3.兴趣爱

20、好 What are your hobbies? I like music. Can you play any kind of musical instrument? I can play piano, but Im not very good at it. How about you? I know nothing about any musical instrument. But I have a collection of many different CDs and records.4.体育运动 Mr. , whats your favorite sport? My favorite

21、spot is tennis. What is the most popular sport in China? Ping-Pong is the most popular one in China. In our country, we prefer soccer to ping-pong. If it is the convenient for you, how about we go to watch the professional ping-pong game together tomorrow? I would be glad to.讨论问题、分享意见:这类话题可以涉及的对象比较广

22、泛,但是不论说什么,都会用到下面这六组句型。1.Asking for opinionsWhats your opinion of ?What do you think of?How do you feel about?I was wondering what your opinion of was?I was wondering where you stood on the question of?What about?2. giving opinionsd like to point outm concerned,In my opinion,From my point of view, I

23、thinkPersonally, I thinkIt would seem to me thatm able to judgeFrankly, I thinkI reckonIf you ask meYou know what I think, I think thatd say thatThe point is Wouldnt you say that?Dont you agree that?As I see itd just like to say that I think that3. agreeingI agree entirely.I totally agree.I couldnt

24、agree more.I agree with you on that.s just what I was thinking.You know, thats exactly what I think.s a good point.I take you point.m with you on that.d go along with you on that /there.4. disagreeingdo you really think so?I wouldnt agree.I disagree.I see what you mean, butYes, thats quite true, butm

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