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1、 但是,从各方面来说,这些跟我们今天的话题都有密切的关联。那就是-介绍华流音乐。See, I am actually an ambassador of Chinese pop, whether I like it or not, both music and movies. And today Im here to give you the state of union address. Its not the Oxford Union. Its the union of east and west. I wanna frankly, openly and honestly talk abou

2、t how weve done a good job or how weve done a bad job of bringing Chinese pop to the west. And I also want to press upon all of you here today the importance of that soft culture, that soft power exchange and how each of us is involved in that exchange.其实无论我喜不喜欢,我都被认为在代表者华流音乐以及电影。那么今天,我就要来做一次“国情咨文”报

3、告了。但是,这个“国”不是牛津,而是东西方的一个联合体。我想跟你们聊一聊,我们在将华语音乐引入西方社会方面所做的事情,无论是成就,还是不足。我都会坦诚布公。同时,我也想借此机会给你们留下这样一个印记:软实力交流的重要性以及它同我们每个人的相关程度。Soft power, a term I am sure you are all familiar with this point软实力这个词我相信大家都不陌生。这个概念是由Rhodes Scholar 和牛津校友Joseph Nye 提出的。Coined by Rhodes Scholar and Oxford alumnus Joseph Nye

4、 is defined as the ability to attract and persuade.被定义为一种“吸引”和“说服”的能力。Shashi Tharoor called it, in a recent TED Talk, the ability for a culture to tell a compelling story and influence others to fall in love with it. Shashi Tharoor 在最近的一次TED演讲中把它定义为“一种文化让其他文化在听了他动人的故事之后受到影响并爱上这种文化”的能力。I like that de

5、finition. 我很喜欢这个定义。But I want to put it in collegiate term for all you students in the audience: The way I see it, east and west are kinda like freshman roommates. 但是我想用贴近你们在做大学生们的方式来解释这个词。在我看来,东方跟西方在某种程度上,像是两个大一刚入学的新生舍友。You dont know a lot about each other but suddenly you are living together in th

6、e same room. And each one is scared that the others gonna steal his shower time or wants a party when the other wants to study. 两个几乎陌生的人,突然来到同一个屋檐下,其中一个总是怕另一个会跟他抢洗澡的时间,或者在他想要学习的时候大开趴体。It has the potential to be absolute hell, doesnt it? We all had horrible stories of THAT roommate. Weve all heard ab

7、out those stories. I know a lot of students here in Oxford have your own separate bedrooms. But when I was a freshman at Williams College, I was not so safe and fortunate.这种关系很可能就变成跟地狱一样了,不是么?“我的室友是极品”的故事大家都讲得出来。这些事我都有耳闻。还有我知道牛津这儿的很多同学都一人一间的对吧,但是,在我刚上威廉姆斯学院的时候,我并不幸运,而且人身安全堪忧。(You are kidding me. Woo

8、-hoo! All right, all right!Great. )哇,你还真的是我们学校的!好吧,好棒!Well, I had a roommate, and he was THAT roommate. Lets just call him Frank. So Frank was my roommate and Frank liked nothing more than to smoke weed. And he did it every day. 我当时就有一个这样的极品舍友,让我们暂且叫他frank。这个frank 就是那种好像除了抽大麻没有别的爱好的人。而且他每天都抽。And Fra

9、nk had a two-foot long bong under his bed that was constantly being fired up. For those Chiese speakers in the audience. Frank would “火力全开” on that bong every day. 他床底下有一个两英尺长的烟斗,持续不断的得点着。给在做讲中文的同学们形容下,就是他每天会对着那个烟斗火力全开All right 好吧。So, I guess I was kinda of the opposite of Bill Clinton who “tried ma

10、rijuana but didnt inhale”. I didnt try marijuana but I did inhale, every single day, second hand. And strangely enough every time I dwelt into our bedroom, I mysteriously end up being late for class. I dont know how it happened. It was like “Dude, it is already ten oclock?”. 我可能在这点上算是跟Bill Clinton 相

11、反吧。Bill Clinton 是那种“我试过大麻,但我不上瘾。”我不抽大麻,但是我每天都在吸啊吸,而且还是二手的。奇怪的是,只要我在我们的卧室里,我最后都会稀里糊涂地上课迟到。我也不知道怎么回事。我当时就是那副吸了大麻的样子,嘿,已经十点了吗?So, how many of you have lived with the Frank, or could be a Frank Gat? Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also has the potential for being the greatest frie

12、ndship youve ever had. See, Frank, he didnt make it the second year. And I got two new roommates second year, Stephen and Jason. And in this day, the three of us are the best friends. 你们中有多少人有过frank那样的舍友呢?或者,你们也像他一样。所以有一个室友可能是一场灾难的开始。但也可能会酿造一段非凡的友谊。Frank第二年就辍学了。于是我换了两个新的舍友,Stefan 和 Jason。如今,我们三个是铁哥们

13、。So going back to my analogy, of east and west as roommates. Do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Stephen and Jason? And I think, in this day and age of 2013, we should all be striving for the latter, should weI mean Im assuming that we all agree that this is the goal we should all be strivin

14、g for.回过头来看我的那个类比,我们东方和西方的舍友。是应该成为frank那样的存在,还是想像Stefan 和 Jason那样呢?我认为在当时当下,在2013,我们应该努力成为后者。我们应该, 我是说,我想在这一目标上我们是可以达成共识的,对吧?Lets look at where we are in reality. Recent headlines in the media include, Foreign Policy Magazine: Chinas victim complex. Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the Unit

15、ed States? Or the AFP, the Agence France-Presse, human rights in China worsening US finds. Bloomberg says, on the cover of its magazine, “yes, the Chinese Army is spying on you.”那么,回过头来,正视我们在现实中的处境。看看最近的新闻头条:外交政策杂志上的,“中国的受害者情节:为何中国领导人如此猜忌美国”或者法新社的财经杂志彭博商业周刊上说,“没错,中国军队正在测探你。”And its such a great one

16、that I just want to show you the cover of the magazine. Yes. Be very afraid! Ok, is it shown to you right? OK. So theres actually an extremely high amount of negativity and fear and anxiety about China, sinophobia, that I think is not just misinformed, but also misleading and ultimately dangerous, v

17、ery dangerous. 这个特别逗,我来给你们展示一下这封面。是的,特别恐慌有木有!方向那对的吧,嗯,对的。当今对于中国有太多的负面东西。恐华情绪很严重。我觉得这种现象不仅是一种误传同时也是一种误导。这是很可怕的,超级可怕。And what about how westerners are viewed by Chinese? Well, we have terms for westerners. The most common of which are gweilo in Cantonese, which means “the old devil”, lao wai, meaning

18、the old outsider in mandarin, ang moh, which means the “red hairy one” in Taiwanese. The list goes on and on. So are these roommates headed for a best friend relationship? I think we need a little help. And as China rises to be global power, I think it is more important than ever for us to be discer

19、ning about what we believe, because after all, I think thats the purpose of higher education. 那么,中国人又是如何看待西方的呢?我们对西方人的称呼五花八门。大家熟知的有:香港人叫他们“鬼佬”,字面上就是“老妖”。大陆人叫他们老外,字面上就是“蛮夷”。还有台湾人叫他们“红毛”。还真说不完呢。这看上去像是能发展成一段最佳友谊的舍友关系吗?我认为我们得治治病。随着中国实力不断强大,看清楚应该相信什么这一点空前重要。因为,归根结底,这就是高等教育的目的。And thats why we are all her

20、e: to be able to think for ourselves and make our own decisions. Chinas not just those headlines, the burgeoning economy of the unique politics. Its not just the worlds factory or the next big superpower, its so much more. A billion people with rich culture, amazing stories and as a product of both

21、of those cultures, I want to help foster understanding between the two, and help create that incredible relationship.这就是我们坐在这里的原因:有能力独立思考,自主选择。中国当然不能通过那些新闻头条来定义。也不只是所谓的特殊政策下快速增长的经济。中国不仅仅是一个世界工厂,也不仅仅是未来超级大国。中国的意义价值远大于此。一个拥有十几亿人口,丰富悠久的历史文化与传奇故事的民族。作为中西两种文化的共同产物,我特别想要帮忙在两种文化之间培养起一种互相的理解,建立起一种很美好的情谊。Bec

22、ause knowing both sides of the coin, I really think that there is a love story waiting to be told, waiting to unfold. And I am only half-joking when I said love story because I believe it is, the stories that will save us, will bring us together. And my thesis statement for todays talk is that, the

23、relationship between the east and west needs to be and can be fixed via pop culture. Thats a big fat plan. And I am gotta trying to back it up!但凡事都有两面,所以我认为这背后蕴含着一个亟待讲述的爱情故事。我说“爱情故事”不完全在说笑。因为我相信,这些关于爱的故事能够拯救我们,把我们凝聚在一起。我今天讲的主题就是,通过流行文化修复东西方世界的关系。好宏伟的计划有木有啊!我会想办法讲明白的。The UN Secretary general Bunki Bo

24、o said: “There are no language required in musical world.” That is the power of music. That is the power of the heart. Through this promotion of arts, we can better understand that the culture and civilizations of other people. In this era of instability and intolerance, we need to promote better un

25、derstanding through the power of music. 联合国秘书长潘基文说过,在音乐的世界里,沟通时无需语言的。这就是音乐的力量。这就是人心的力量。通过发扬艺术,我们才能够更好的了解其他民族的文明与文化。在这个动荡不安,人与人之间不甚宽容的年代,我们需要利用音乐的力量来更好的了解彼此。Now the UN Secretary General thinks we need more music, and I think he is right. Music and arts have always played the key role in my life in bu

26、ilding relationships, replacing what once was the ignorance, fear and hatred with acceptance, friendships and even love. So I have a strong case for promoting music between cultures because it happened to me early in life. 联合国秘书长认为我们需要更多的音乐。这一点我很赞同。音乐和艺术一直在我的生命中占据着很重要的地位。音乐和艺术的力量能够帮助建立人与人之间的关系,用包容,友

27、谊和爱来驱逐因为无知的仇恨而产生的恐惧。在不同文化之间推广音乐这一点上,我自己的童年时期的经历是一个最好的例证。I was born and raised in Rochester, New York. I barely spoke a word of Chinese. I didnt know the difference between Taiwan or Thailand. I was Thats true. I was as American as apple pie. Until one day, on a third grade playground, the inevitable

28、 finally happened. I got teased for being Chinese. Now every kid gets teased or made fun on the playground, but this was fundamentally different. And I knew it right then and there. This kid, lets call him Bryan M. He started making fun of me, saying “ Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, look at these.”

29、 I cant believe you are laughing at that and that hurts. OK, I am just kidding. I can still remember how I felt. I felt ashamed. I felt embarrassed. 我在纽约的罗切斯特长大,几乎不会说中文。我连“台湾”和“泰国”这两个词都分不清楚。那是真的!我那时是个地地道道的美国人。直到我上了三年级,有一天在操场上,不可避免的事情终于发生了。因为中国人的血统,我第一次被人嘲笑了。当然一起玩的小孩都会互相戏弄开玩笑,但这次绝对不同。这点当时我立马就感觉到了。我们暂且管那个孩子叫Bryan M吧。它开始嘲笑我说,中国人,日本人,脏膝盖,快来看。(英文还押韵)你们居然还笑,我太受伤了!好吧,我只是开个玩笑。我依然能够记得我当时的感觉。我感觉特别丢脸,特别尴尬。But I laughed along with him, with e

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