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人教版英语七年级下册 unit5 Why do you like pandas练习学案设计无答案Word下载.docx

1、树袋熊 _狮子 _长颈鹿 _ 可爱的,精灵的_=lovely 吓人的,恐怖的_真正地_ 聪明的_稍微,有点 有趣的_ _ 美丽的_ 懒散的_ 友好的_ 羞怯的_come from.= be from .国家 _澳大利亚 _非洲 _美国 _泰国 _在南方_ the _在.的南方_ the _ of.2. Key Phrases:1. .之一 _ _ + 名(复) 2. 好运的象征 the _ _ good luck3. 忘记要做某事 _ _ _ sth 忘记做过某事 _ _ sth4. 记得要做某事 _ _ _ sth 记得做过某事 _ _ sth5. 步行很长时间 walk _ a _ tim

2、e 6. 迷路 _ _ = be lost7. 处于危险中 be _ _/big danger (_ n. 危险 - _ adj. 危险的)8. 砍倒 _ _ 9. 超过,多余 _ = more than10. 保护大树 _ the trees11. 由.制成的 be _ _ (看得到原材料) be _ _ (看不到原材料)3.Key sentences提建议句型1. Lets do sth.2. What / How about doing?3. Why dont you do sth? = Why not do sth?Part II教材基础过手1. Pandas are _ and _.

3、 熊猫是黑白相间的。2. Elephant is the symbol of _ _. 大象是幸运的象征。3. The dog can _ _ two legs. 小狗能用两条腿走路。4. Cats sleeps _ _. 猫整天睡觉。5. kind 用法: kind表示善良 kind of表示有点儿 kind做名词表示种类,常用短语all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of一种 6. why引导的特殊疑问句:why + 一般疑问句 回答:用because,作“因为”讲,其后接一个句子来陈述原因,理由。Something about elephant:地位-特征-现状-保护Hell

4、o. We are students _(来自) Thailand, and we want _ _(拯救) the elephants. The elephant is _ _ (.中之一)Thailands symbols. Our first flag had a white elephant _ (在.上面)it. This is a symbol of good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very well. People say that

5、“an elephant never _(忘记)”. Elephants can walk _ a long time and never get _(迷路). They can also remember places _(有) food and water. This helps them to live. But elephants are in great _(危险). People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their _(象牙). T

6、oday there are only about 3,000 elephants (_(多于) 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory. Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day. Part III知识过手小测(一)单项选择( ) 1. There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa. A. a; the B. an; the C. /; an ( ) 2. My lit

7、tle cat sleeps _ the day, but _ night he begins to work. A. at; at B. on; in C. on; at ( ) 3. - What _ animals do you like? - I like dogs, too. A. other B. another C. other( ) 4. Mr. Li is kind _ us. But sometimes he is kind _ serious. A. to; of B. with; to C. of; of( ) 5. - Do you like tigers? - Ye

8、s, I like them _. A. a lot of B. a lot C. lots of ( ) 6. He usually _ two hours _. A. relaxs; every day B. relaxes; every day C. relaxs; everyday ( ) 7. It is a sunny day, why _ go to the zoo? A. dont B. not C. not you( ) 8. - Lets _ the quiet and beautiful park! - That sounds good. A. enjoy B. like

9、 C. watch( ) 9. Old horses can remember places _ food and water. A. of B. for C. with( ) 10. - Do you have _ brothers or sisters?- Yes, _ only one brother. A. any; and B. any; but C. some; but( ) 11. I know one of the koalas _ a baby. A. have B. is C. are( ) 12. - What _ books do you like? - I like

10、picture books. A. kind of B. a kind of C. kinds of(二)用所给词的正确形式填空1. I like _(monkey) because they are interesting.2. Lets see the dolphins _ (one).3. _(not fight) with your classmates, please.4. I dont like lions because theyre _(friend).5. Im sorry Tony _( not do) his homework on time every day.6. T

11、here _(be) some water in the glass.7. Look at that _(interest) panda.8. Tina wants _(eat) meat today.9. Which animal _(live) in China?10. Lets _(go) to see elephants.(三)句型转换1. She needs our help because she is in danger. (对画线部分提问) _ _ she _ _ help?2. 狮子聪明又强壮,所以我很喜欢它们。 (翻译成英文) Lions _ smart and stron

12、g, so I like _ _ _.3. Koalas like eating leaves. (用meat把句子变成选择疑问句) _ koalas like _ leaves _ meat?4. There are some tigers in the zoo. (改成一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ _ _ tigers in the zoo?No, _ _.5. Kangaroos are kind of shy. (变同义句) Kangaroos are _ _ shy.(四)完形填空A Animals are very important to us. They can 1 us a

13、 lot. The animals that we have at home can bring us food. They can also help us with some farm work. We can get milk from sheep and cows. What about horses? They can 2 us to other places. People love animals. We think that animals are our good friends. In America, when people speak of “mans best fri

14、end”, they mean lovely animal-a dog! Dogs and other pets can bring happiness (快乐)to people. Some old people even 3 their pets as their children. “Be Kind to Animals Week” is in the first week of May in America. Even if(即使), you dont 4 in America, you can also do this. But how? If you have a pet, spe

15、nd more time playing with it. Remember to give it delicious food. Also, be sure to keep your pet from 5 places or food. If you dont have a pet, be nice to animals around you. You can do all of these things to protect animals. ( ) 1. A. follow B. help C. keep( ) 2. A. ask B. teach C. take( ) 3. A. wa

16、nt B. feel C. think( ) 4. A. study B. sleep C. live( ) 5. A. sport B. money C. dangerousB The wolves are very hungry. They go out to look for food There are 1 sheep (羊) near the hill.| There are also a few sheepdogs (牧羊犬) 2 them. The wolves think out an idea. They 3 to the sheep-dogs,“You are like u

17、s and we are brothers. 4 we have a very different life. We do what we like,and you must work for 5 . They make you look after their sheep. They 6 meat and give you the bones (骨头). If you listen to us and 7 us the sleep, we can eat them together. All of us will be 8 , right?” The dogs are happy and d

18、o like this. The wolves ask the 9 to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves home. But the wolves eat 10 and then eat the sheep.( ) 1. A. many B. much C. a( ) 2. A. and B. or C. with( ) 3. A. know B. speak C. like( ) 4. A. But B. Why C. Because( ) 5. A. animals B. men C. zoos( ) 6. A. eat

19、B. drink C. like( ) 7. A. show B. get C. give( ) 8. A. happy B. unhappy C. sad( ) 9. A. dogs B. sheep C. wolves( ) 10. A. it B. him C. them(5)阅读理解判断正 (A)误(B)Tom and Ann have a dog and a cat. The dog is Toms. Its black, and its name is Peter. The cat is Anns. Its name is Helen. Its black and white.On

20、 Saturday, Tom and Ann want to go to the park. And they want to take their dog and cat with them. They put two boxes in the room. They want to put the dog and the cat in the two boxes. “Go! Go!” Ann says to the dog. But the dog doesnt listen. It runs in the room and goes out. “Go!” Ann says to the c

21、at. The cat then walks into the box. “You are lucky, my cat!” says Ann. “Yes, it is. But my dog isnt,” says Tom.( ) 1. Toms cat is black.( ) 2. Peter is Anns dog.( ) 3. Helen is a black and white cat.( ) 4. On the weekend Tom and Ann want to walk their cat and dog in the park.( ) 5. At last, the dog

22、 goes to the park with them. Do you want to see animals? Well, the Long Lake Zoo is really a good place. There are many kinds of animals at the zoo. Lets see the koalas first Koalas are from Australia. They are quiet and smart. People like them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people

23、like these black and white animals. Theyre shy. So never be noisy when you see them. Theres a tiger with her two daughters at the zoo. They are from America. They are quiet and interesting, but they are nit friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. They have long necks(脖子). They are beautiful. The li

24、ons are also from Africa. They are really scary. Many people dont like them. They always sleep in the day.They are very lazy.You can also see many other kinds of animals at the zoo. Have a good time there!( ) 1. What are koalas like? A. Quiet and smart B. Shy C. Quiet and interesting.( ) 2. Which an

25、imal has two daughters at the zoo? A. A panda B. A tiger C. A lion( ) 3. When we see _, we must be quiet. A. tigers B. giraffes C. pandas( ) 4. Why dont some people like lions? A. Because they are friendly and interesting. B. Because they are scary. C. Because they are not friendly.( ) 5. Where does giraffes come from? A. China. B. America. C. AfricaB卷提升(一)完成对话A: Excuse me. What are you doing?B: Im reading a book about 1 . Do you like t

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