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1、native与to构成固定搭配指“(动植物等)源于的;原产于”,又如:Tobacco was native to America(烟草原产于美洲)。A.provedB.believedC.hypothesizedD.established解题思路 动词辨析。根据上下文,葡萄的真正来源尚无定论,因此葡萄进口自腓尼基(叙利亚西部之古国名)只是一种假设,hypothesize(假设,猜想)符合题意。prove意为“证明”;believe意为“相信,认为”;establish意为“建立,成立,证明”。A.thoughB.ifC.asD.when解题思路 语篇连贯。根据语篇,该空前后两个部分为让步关系,

2、意思是:有人猜测葡萄进口自古代的腓尼基,虽然其真正来源尚存在争议。A.disputeB.debateC.discussionD.argument解题思路 名词辨析与搭配。dispute意为“争论,争议”,与in搭配,如:The matter is in dispute(这个问题存在争议。)debate意为“辩论”,可与under构成搭配,如:the question under debate(争论的问题);discussion意为“讨论”,也可与under搭配,如:The question is under discussion(问题正在讨论中。);argument意为“意见不一致,争论,论据

3、”,如:His honesty is beyond argument(他的诚实是不容置辩的。)根据第3题和上面的分析,dispute为最佳选择。A.sinceB.afterC.byD.to解题思路 代词辨析。此处为一个主语从句,应由what引导。A.generationB.dynastyC.sovereigntyD.empire解题思路 名词辨析。generation意为“代”;dynasty意为“朝代”;sovereignty意为“统治,王权”;empire意为“帝国”。此句意为“公元前三千年,古埃及第一个朝代的国王们”, dynasty符合题意。A.costB.expenseC.exhau

4、stionD.consumptioncost意为“花费,成本”;expense意为“花费,费用”;exhaustion意为“耗尽,筋疲力尽”;consumption意为“消费”。本句意为:葡萄酒主要是在祭祀典礼上由王公贵族和神职人员来消费,D为最佳答案。A.impliedB.demonstratedC.evidencedD.aided解题思路 动词辨析和上下文重现。imply意为“暗示,隐含”;demonstrate意为“显示,说明”;evidence意为“用证据证明”;aid意为“帮助,辅助”。根据下文,大量的壁画为葡萄酒的消费情况提供了证据,evidenced符合题意。此外,下文重现了名词

5、性的evidence。A.archeologicalB.architecturalC.artisticD.anthropological解题思路 形容词辨析。古代的壁画是一种考古学的证据,archeological(考古学的)符合题意。 architectural意为“建筑的,建筑学的”;artistic意为“艺术的”;anthropological意为“人类学的”。A.AsB.ForC.AfterD.Since根据语篇,该句前后为因果关系,意思是:由于酿酒不再纯粹为祭祀仪式服务,古埃及人开始试验更简单的修剪葡萄树的方法。for不能用于句首,因此选择as。A.actB.serveC.workD

6、.reach解题思路 动词辨析和搭配。purpose需与serve搭配,意为“服务于目的”,又如:The book serves the academic purpose(这本书服务于学术目的)。 long well soon long as解题思路 连词辨析。根据上下文,“began to experiment.”与“found a way to.”是并列关系,as well as符合题意。as long as意为“只要”;as soon as意为“一就”;so long as意为“只要”。A.maintenanceB.protectionC

7、.careD.attention根据上文,古埃及人开始寻找新的方法修剪葡萄树,使它们变得低矮,容易维护,maintenance(维护,保养)符合题意。又如:maintenance of a car(汽车维修)。 protection意为“保护”;care意为“照料,照顾”;attention意为“注意”。A.maintainB.retainC.containD.attain解题思路 动词辨析与搭配。maintain意为“保持,维护”;retain意为“保持,留住”;contain意为“包含,含有”;attain意为“获得”。根据原文,古埃及人寻找方法使土壤留住水分以供葡萄树生长,retain符

8、合题意,可与moisture(水分)构成搭配。A.rather order to根据语篇,古埃及人给发酵前的葡萄汁加热,目的是让酒更甜,因此选in order to。A.finalB.endC.eventualD.ultimate四个选项都有“最后的,最终的”这个含义,但侧重点不一样。final意为“最后的,最终的”,如:final product(成品);end“终端,末端”,如:the end carriage(最后一节车厢);eventual意为“结果的,最终的”,如:the eventual failure(以失败告终);ultimate“最后的,

9、终极的”,如:the ultimate aim(最高目标)。此处指葡萄酒珠最终成品,应选final。A.whichB.whenC.whereD.and解题思路 定语从句关系词辨析。此处是一个非限制定语从句,修饰earthenware jars,缺少地点关系副词,因此选where。A.protectionB.fermentC.tasteD.drink根据原文,将葡萄酒的成品置人罐内,用漆封上,开始发酵。ferment (发酵)符合题意。A.qualityB.quantityC.natureD.aura解题思路 名词辨析与上下文重现。最后一句意为:古代埃及人准确地记载葡萄酒生产的年份和质量,然后将

10、其清晰地标在酒罐上。Vintage(葡萄酒生产的年份)和quality两词均重复出现。A.markedB.writtenC.labeledD.recordedmark意为“标记”;write意为“书写”;label意为“贴标签于”; record意为“记载,记录”。根据上题分析,古埃及人将葡萄酒的生产年份和质量都用标签清晰地贴在罐上,label符合题意。二、BSection Reading Comprehension/B(总题数:4,分数:40.00)BPart A/B /BRead the following four texts. Answer the questions below ea

11、ch text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. BText 1/BAbout three-quarters of Americans, according to surveys, think the country is on the wrong track. About two-thirds of the public disapprove of the job performance of President Bush, and an even higher number disdain Cong

12、ress. The media are excited about the prospect of a wealthy businessman running for President as an independent who could tap into broad public disgruntlement with the partisan politicians in Washington.2007? Yes. But also 1992, The main difference between the two situations is that Michael Bloomber

13、g is richerand sanerthan Ross Perot. But one similarity might be this: the American people were wrong then and may be wrong now. The widespread pessimism in the early 1990s about the course of the country turned out to be unwarranted. The rest of the decade featured impressive economic growth, a fal

14、ling crime rate, successful reform of the welfare system and a reasonably peaceful world. Perhaps the problems werent so bad in the first place, or perhaps the political system produced politicians, like Bill Clinton, Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich, who were able to deal with the problems. But, in

15、any case, the country got back on course. Thats not to say all was well in the 1990s, especially in foreign policy. Responsibilities in places ranging from Bosnia to Rwanda to Afghanistan were shirked, and gathering dangers werent dealt with. Still, the sour complaints and dire predictions of 1992oh

16、, my God, the budget deficit will do us in! were quickly overtaken by events. Whats more, the fear of many conservatives that we might be at the mercy of unstoppable forces of social disintegration turned out to be wrong. Indeed, the dire predictions were rendered obsolete so quickly that one wonder

17、s whether we were, in 1992, really just indulging in some kind of post-cold-war victory. Sometimes the public mood is . well, moody.Today were moody again. We are obviously fighting a difficult and, until recently, badly managed war in Iraq, whose outcome is uncertain. This accounts for much of the

18、pessimism. It also doesnt help that the political system seems incapable of dealing with big problems like immigration, an energy policy and health care. Still, is the general feeling that everything is going to the dogs any more justified today than it was 15 years ago?Not really. Think of it this

19、way: Have events in general gone better or worse than most people would have predicted on Sept. 12, 20017 Theres been no successful second attack here in the U. S. and very limited terrorist successes in Europe or even in the Middle East. Weve had 5 1/2 years of robust economic growth, low unemploym

20、ent and a stock-market recovery. Social indicators in the U. S. are mostly stable or improvingabortions, teenage births and teenage drug use are down and education scores are up a bit.As for American foreign policy since 9/11, it has not produced the results some of us hoped for, and there are many

21、legitimate criticisms of the Bush Administrations performance. But, in fact, despite the gloom and doom from critics left and right (including, occasionally, me), the world seems to present the usual mixed bag of difficult problems and heartening developments.The key question, of course, is the fate

22、 of Iraq. A decent outcomethe defeat of alQaeda in what it has made the central front in the war on terrorism and enough security so there can be peaceful rule by a representative regimeseems to me achievable, if we dont lose our nerve here at home. With success in Iraq, progress elsewhere in the Mi

23、ddle East will be easier. The balance sheet is uncertain. But it is by no means necessarily grim.(1).According to the text, what might have happened in 1992?2.00)A.The Americans had unwarranted pessimism about their state affairs.B.A wealthy businessman made his way into the white house.C.Slow econo

24、mic progress with political crises prevailed the US.D.The media were unhappy about businessman running for the office.解题思路 事实细节题。文章第二段第五句话说:90年代对国家进程存在的广泛的悲观主义最终证实都是没有根据的。正好是A选项提到的内容。(2).According to the author, the present pessimism in the US is mainly due to(分数:A.their chronic bad mood.B.the uncertain prospect in Iraq.C.the incapable political system.D.the unpromising president candidat

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