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阶段质量检测十必修五Modules 46Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、3dramaticallydrmtIkli/ B/drmtIkli/C/drmtIkli/ D/drmtIkli/4branchA/brnt/ B/brnt/C/brt/ D/brt/A5meanwhileA BC D第二节:情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。Wife:We are back home now.What a tiring evening we had!Husband:Yes,and its good to sit down after three hours standing

2、.Nobody can bear it._6_Neither could IAlthough Ive been to various parties,I dont think Ive ever felt so tired in my life._7_And the heat.I hate the horrible weather there._8_You see,we shouldnt have accepted the invitation at the very beginning,honey._9_Were only in our early sixties.And we often d

3、o exercise.Yes,youre right.But we must be getting old now.Come on,darling._10_Then well feel much better.Sounds a good idea.AIm not that tired.BAll that silly talk,and the drink,and the cigarette smoke.CWhats more, I didnt sleep well last night.DBut we shouldnt have felt so tired.EA good nights slee

4、p will put you right again.FBut I could just sit here for ever and ever.And I could never get up.GLets have some coffee.6 10 FBCDG第三节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11I hate _ when someone smokes in the nonsmoking area of a restaurant.Ahim Bthat Cthis Dit解析:当enjoy/like/lo

5、ve/prefer/appreciate/hate/dislike等表示情绪的动词后接when或if从句时,通常要用it作形式宾语。句意:我讨厌有人在饭店的非吸烟区抽烟。D12It is hard to imagine a student focusing his _ on the textbook while other children are playing.Apower Benergy Cforce Dstrengthpower意为“力,权力”;strength意为“体力”;force意为“力,武力”;energy意为“精力,能源,能量”。根据句意“当别的孩子在玩耍的时候,很难想象一个

6、学生能集中精力在课本上”可知,答案为B。13We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without _.Abeing asked Bhaving asked Casked Dasking介词without后跟动名词作宾语,因为neighbor与ask之间为被动关系,因此用动名词的被动形式。我们正平静地交谈着,我的邻居贸然地插了进来。A14(2010延安一模拟)Some of the old plays we have seen years before _ on the stage.Theyr

7、e well worth seeing.Aare revived Bwere revivedChave revived Dhad revived revive意为“重新上演”,与主语plays之间是被动关系,因此用被动语态。根据have seen years before,可知用一般现在时。“我们多年前看过的旧戏中有几出又重上演了。”“很值得一看。”15Before the performance,the teachers were busy _ these children as little white rabbits.Amaking up Bpicking upCsetting up D

8、dressing up dress up as意为“打扮成”。演出前,老师们忙着把这些孩子装扮成小白兔。make up“化妆,编造,组成”;pick up“接收,接人,偶然学会”;set up“建立,安装”,均不符合题意。16Do you think well be able to make a profit this year?It all depends on the market _. Apositions Binformation Cconditions Doccasionsmarket conditions意“市场情况”。“你认为我们今年会盈利吗?”“取决于市场情况。17Where

9、did you find the pen?It was on the grass _ we played football.Athat Bthere Cwhich Dwhere本句考查强调句型,但题干中所给的句子是一个不完整的句子,补充完整的话应该是It was on the grass _ we played football that I found the pen。所填的where用来引导定语从句,修饰the grass,同属于被强调部分。18Because his father was old,he _ the company with a history of more than s

10、eventy years.Awent over Bhanded over Ctook over Dgot over go over意为“复习”;hand over意为“移交”;take over意为“接收,接管,接任”;get over意为“克服,恢复”。根据句意“因为他的父亲年事已高,他接管了这家有70多年历史的公司”可知,答案为C。C19Compared with that jacket,this one looks better,but it costs twice _.Aas many Bas much Cso much Dso many but it costs twice as m

11、uchbut it costs twice as much as that jacket.句意:跟那件夹克相比,这件看起来更好看,但它的价钱是那件的两倍。B20(2010西安铁一中模拟)_ long a vacation is ,I always want a few more days.I feel the same.AHowever BWhatever CNo matter DAlthough however意为“无论多么”,后接形容词或副词。“无论假期多长,总觉得不够。”“我有同感”。21A higher quality of life gives the countryside an

12、advantage _ the city.Aabove Bover Cbeyond Dthan advantage over.意为“使比有优势”。高质量的生活使得农村比城市具有优势。22Never arrive at a conclusion in a hurry until you _ further investigation and deeper analysis.Amade Bwill make Care making Dhave made在until引导的时间状语从句中,用现在完成时代替将来完成时。在没有深入地调查和分析之前,千万不要匆忙地得出结论。23It is w

13、ellknown that atmosphere gets thinner and thinner _ the height increases.Awhile Bwhen Cas Dwith都知道,随着高度的增加,大气越来越稀薄。强调“随着的变化”,用as。24(2010本溪高三模拟)This job _ dealing with people working in different departments so it is not easy to do.Aincludes Bcontains Cinvolves Dexpects include强调“包括作为整体的一部分”;contain着

14、重“其中确实包含有”;involve主要用于不可触知的抽象概念或行为动作,表示“包含、牵涉、涉及、必然包括(某种结果)”等意义;expect意为“预期,盼望,期待”。这项工作需要与在不同部门工作的人打交道,因此不容易做。25Shall we have beer or wine?_ Anything is OK with me.AIts your opinion. BSo what?CUp to you. DIts a pity.此题考查交际用语。根据答语后句“我怎么都行”,可知应选C项“由你决定”。第四节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C

15、、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。Many years ago,when I was in high school and working on weekends to pay for the extras that my parents couldnt really afford (like a school ring,class trip,etc.),I lost my wallet.My old car _26_ putting gas.I had prepaid and then put my _27_ on the bumper(保险杠),and _28_ off.I

16、 hadnt even had time to _29_it when my phone rang and a man asked me _30_ I had lost my wallet.I checked my purse and to my _31_ ,I had.He asked me to tell him how much money was in it,and I told him.He then told me where to _32_ my wallet.As I pulled _33_ his driveway,I noticed his handicapped van(

17、残疾人专用车)and the ramp(斜坡)_34_ to the house.I was thinking that there was no way this man would _35_ get out of his van and got my wallet off the _36_.He had to pull over ,_37_ in his wheelchair,_38_ the seat,and then pick it up.I was just _39_.I knocked on the door and he told me to come in.I_40_ him

18、for 10 times for finding my wallet.I didnt know what to do,_41_.I really felt like offering something _42_ I didnt want to insult(侮辱)him by offering money.So I asked him if there was anything I could do to repay his _43_,and he said,“Just pass it on.”I said I would be _44_ to do that and I must pass

19、 it on I would have done so,without _45_ this fellow I would,but I wanted to repay his kindness,so I wholeheartedly promised I would.26A.required Bconsidered Csuggested Dexpected本题根据事情发生在加油站,肯定是汽车“需要”加油,其他选项与故事意思不符。27A.bag Bwallet Chat Dphone根据下文“.I had lost my wallet.”可知是把钱包放在了保险杠上了。28A.flew Bwalke

20、d Cdrove Dtook由于作者驾驶着汽车,所以应该是drove off“开车离开”。29A.see Bwatch Cobserve Dnotice根据句意“在我还没有来得及注意到钱包丢了的时候,有人就打来电话了”,所以答案为notice。30A.if Bwhy Chow Dwhere捡到钱包者问我“是否”丢了钱包。31A.disappointment BpuzzleChorror Danger发现自己的钱包确实丢失,肯定非常“震惊”。32A.look out Bget in Cpay for Dpick up根据下文提到的,可知作者去拿钱包。 look out“往外看”;get in“买

21、进”;pay for“付钱”;pick up“取回”。33A.around Bat Cinto Don pull into“把车开进”;pull around“拖来拖去”;pull at“用力拉”;pull on“继续拉”。只有选项C与故事情节最吻合。表示作者把车开进拾到钱包的人的车道。34A.turning Bgoing Clooking Dleading一个斜坡通往一座房子,lead to 正是这个含义。35A.easily Bgently Ccomfortably Ddifficultly看到这种状况作者认为这个残疾人想从车上下来是很不容易的。前面用了no way“决不”,只能用easi

22、ly,构成否定句。36A.street Bcar Cwheelchair Dvan钱包肯定是掉在地上了,从地上把钱包捡起来。37A.sit Bbring Ctake Dget残疾人要想活动需从车上进入轮椅,再利用轮椅的升降功能才能拣起地上的东西。这一步骤表明他行动的艰难。get in“进入”。38A.hold Bremove Clower Draise根据下文“要把钱包捡起来”可知是要把座位降低,故用lower。39A.moved Binterested Csatisfied Dworried此处形容作者想象到残疾人为自己捡钱包是如此艰难而被感动。40A.appreciated Breward

23、ed Cpraised Dthanked从上下文的逻辑上推理应该是表示感谢。41A.then Bthough Csuddenly Dinsteadthough在这里是副词,表示“虽然,可是”,虽然感谢了很多次,不知如何做好了。属于一种情况的转折,不表示时间或因果。42A.for Bwhile Cuntil Dafter虽然用给他钱的方式感谢可能是对他的“侮辱”,然而我真想给他点什么东西,while在本句中表示“转折”。43A.concern Bpatience Cgenerosity Dkindness根据下文“.repay his kindness.”可知答案。D44A.certain Bc

24、areful Cpatient Dcalm当对方让他继续做好事回报他时,作者答应“一定去做”。certain表作者的承诺。45A.asking Bpromising Cfollowing Dfinding结合上文I said I would,这就是承诺,所以此处说“(即使)没有向他承诺,我也会做好事的”。其他与故事情节联系不密切。第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Horror took hold of the heart of the World War I soldie

25、r,as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle.Caught in a trench (战壕) with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head,the soldier asked his officer if he might go out into the “No Mans Land” between the trenches to bring his fallen comrade back.“You can go,” said the officer,“but I dont think it wil

26、l be worth it.Your friend is probably dead and you may throw your own life away.”The officers words didnt matter,and the soldier went anyway.He managed to reach his friend,hoisted him onto his shoulder,and brought him back to their companys trench.As the two of them tumbled in together to the bottom

27、 of the trench,the officer checked the wounded soldier,then looked kindly at his friend.“I told you it wouldnt be worth it,”he said.“Your friend is dead,and you are greatly wounded.”“It was worth it,sir,”the soldier said.“What do you mean ,worth it?”responded the officer.“Your friend is dead!“Yes,sir,”the soldier answered.“But it was worth it because when I got to him,he was still alive,and I had the satisfaction of hearing him say proudly,Jim,I knew youd come.”Many a time in life,whether a thing is worth doing or not really depends on

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