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本文(江苏省仪征市月塘中学九年级英语下册《Unit2Robots》单元综合测试无答案牛津版文档格式.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、A. if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. to had()11. The meat smells . You d better throw it away.A. won derful B.wo nderfully C. badly D. bad()12. Sorry, you speak quickly I can t follow you.A. too, to B. so, that C. as, to D. very, sot seem at all ()13. Harry Potter is an book for childre n, bu

2、t my cous in does nin it.A. in teresti ng, in terest ing B. in terested, in terestedC. in teresti ng, in terested D. in terested, in teresti ng()14. Miss Green didn t tell us in 2020.A. where does she live B. where she livesC. where did she live D. where she lived( )15. I spe nd half an hour my home

3、work.A. finish doingC. finishing to finish doingD. finishing doing16. Either your brother or your sister already.A. took it awayB. has take n away itC. have take n it awayD.has take n it away17.1 ll climb the hill if ittomorrow.A. doesn t rainB. isn C. isn t rainingD. won train18.Some people

4、spe nd their lives about mon ey.A. to thi nk B. thi nk C.thinking D. on thinking19.We did some jobs for him and he gave us some money .A. in returnsC. foran swerD. i n20. She s never late for school,she?A. hasntBhasC.isn is21. Let s show the rubber toyher,?A.for will youB. toshall usC. to

5、 shall weD. fordont we22. The fired suckli ngpiglooks,butit tastesoA.nice deliciouswell badC. nice -badwell badly23. He has herehalf past ten.A. been since B.come -sinceC. been forD. come for24. Don t worry. The little girl canA. take careB. take good care ofC. be take n good careD. be take n good c

6、are ofA.B. to see watchD. to watch seeto see to watchC.seeing watching28. The man had eno ugh money and he could afford the famous car.A. to buyB. buyingC. buyD. bought29. Her camerathe night of Nov. 25.A. stole inB. was stole nonC. was stealedinD. stole on30. My sister was made into the puddle.A. t

7、o jumpB. jumpC. jumped D. jumpi ng31. Will you pleasethe television? I want to watch the fashion showA. openB. to openC. turn onD. to turn on32. Glass can bema ” ny won derful thin gs.A. made into made ofB. make intoC. making33. How long have youA. marriedB. be marriedC. got marriedD. been married34

8、. You shouldeverythi ng for yourselves.A. lear n to doB. to lear n to doC. lear nt to doD. lear n do35. restaura nts can be found in Australia.A. Thausands ofThousands ofB. ThousandC. Thousands36. Taiwa n lies the south of Chi na.A. at C. on D. to37.Her sister went to the teacher-pare nts meeti

9、 ng A. in stead B. in steadof D. in stead for38.Tables wood can be easily broke n.A. make offrom39. The soldier wasn t afraidB. made fromA. todeaddieD. of death40. Whose computer away tomorrow.A.will be movedB. shallbe movedmoved41.1 wasat then ews.A. surprisedsurprisedC. surprise42. Would you likes

10、now?A. to play play ing withplay ingher pare nts.ofin steedC. made ofD. makefor deathC. ofC. willmoveD. will beenB. surprised surpris ingD. s urprise -surpriseC. to play with D.43. Who found the door of the refrigerator ?A.openB.openedC. to ope nD. ope ning44. Which of the follow ing is wrong?A.I sp

11、e nt much time on lear ning En glish.B.I paid much money for the famous car.C. It took me much time to learn En glish.D.The en tries made of wood cost me a lot of money.45. Which of the followi ng is right?A.He has left China for a year.B.He has bee n away China since last year.C.He has left China s

12、ince last Janu ary.D.He has bee n away from China for a year三、完形填空(15分)Ashley Smith is a 26-year-old single mother with a daughter.She was moving into her housein Atlanta,Georgia early on the morning of March 12,when a man 1 her to her door,and put a gun(枪)to her side.“ I started walking to my door,

13、and I felt really,really 2 , ” she said in a TVin terview (采访)last week.The man was Brian Nichols,33 years old.He 3 at an Atlanta courthouse on March 11.The police were 4 him.Nichols tied Smith up with tape,but set her free after she begged him not to take her 5 _again and again. “ I told him _6_ he

14、 hurt me,my little girl wouldn t have a mummy, she said with tears.“ I just talked to him and tried to 7_ believe me, ” Smith said.She asked Nichols 8 he chose her. “ He said he thought I* was an an gel 9 from God,a ndGod asked him to do so. ”Smith even 10 for the man before he allowed her to leave.

15、Nichols was 11 when she made him breakfast and that the two of them watched TV,see ing 52 look ing for him. “ I cannot13 that s me on the TV! ” Nichols told the woman.四、阅读理解more tha n a cen tury. The closest look showed Mars to be a dusty, cold world, covered by airtoo thin to breathe. A British spa

16、ceship and Europes Mars spaceship pla n to land on Marsor enter orbit ( 轨道)around it. One of the NASA s (美国宇航局 )spaceships is expected toland on Jan uary 3, the other is going to land on the opposite side of Mars on January 24.Si nee 1960, over twenty spaceships sent to Mars have failed. Most have b

17、ee n lost on flyi ngup or landing because those are the most difficult times of any flights.Scien tists wan ted to find out whether there was water in Mars. I n October, a team ofscientists reported that Mars had been a dry wasteland. But weeks later, a second team reported differently that they had

18、 found some marks showed clearly that they were made by the rivers.Such marks told us that Mars was a warmer place billi ons of years ago just as life firstappeared here on Earth. Scientists at once raise a question: if what they said is true, what happe ned on Mars? Then what about the earth?1.Whic

19、h is right about Mars?A.It s cold without dust. B. There is no water or air.C. It s warm with some thin air. D. It s a dusty, cold world almost without air.2.Two NASAs spaceships .A. will land on the differe nt sides of Mars B. will la nd on the same dayC. will en ter orbit around Mars D. will land

20、with a man3.The most difficult times of a flight are .A. taki ng off B. flyi ng up and arrivi ngC. entering the orbit and landing D. leaving the earth and entering the orbit4.A team of scie ntists reported that there might be in Mars.A. no thi ng but air B. nothingC. water billio ns of years ago D.

21、thick air and lakes5.What are scie ntists worried about whe n they raise the questi on?A. Life disappeared on Mars. B. Spaceships can t la nd on Mars.C. The air on the earth gets less and less. D. The earth might be cha nged like MarsThe un dersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people wa

22、nt to dive inthe water to find the secrets there. Scuba divi ng is a new sport today. It can take youinto a won derful un dersea world.You will find many stra nge ani mals in the sea. Some are as large as a school bus.Many sea ani mals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.During the

23、day, there is eno ugh light. Here, un der the sea, everyth ing is blue andgree n. When fish swim n earby, you can catch them with your han ds. When you havebottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. However, youcan t dive too deep. And you must be very careful when you

24、dive in deep water.The deep sea is notan easy place to live in .It s cold, and it s dark, too. The deeperit is, the less sun light there is. At ab out 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is darkin the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side.Besides ( 除了 )

25、the cold and dark ness, deep-sea ani mals face a third dan ger -other ani mals.Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, someAn imals eat meat. This means these sea ani mals have an imals have two big jobs.They n eed to find ani mals as food, and they have to try not

26、 to become other ani mals6.Why do people want to dive in the sea? Because .A.they want to catch fishB.they want to find the secrets of the un dersea worldC.the sea is deepD.there are all kinds of pla nts in the sea7.In the daytime, whe n you dive in the sea, you .A. can see everyth ing gree n and blueB.can t be in dan gerC.can atch no thi ngD.can t see

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