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1、词汇:scan vt审视,细看,浏览elbow n.肘,肘部surface n, 表面,外表;vi.浮出水面,浮现drown vi.淹死,溺死注释:1. . cut two of his fingers on the sharks teeth.被鲨鱼咬掉了两个指头。2. A person has a greater chance of being struck by lightning or drowning in a bath than of being killed by a shark.比起被鲨鱼杀死,人类更有可能被闪电击中或是淹死在浴缸中。练习:1. After Craig Roger

2、s fell into the water, the shark_.A) bit his surfboardB) bit his fingersC) swam awayD) attacked him2. It is difficult for the author to understand why great whites_.A) often let humans escapeB) kill humansC) have so many teethD) grow to six meters or more3. Which of the following is closest in meani

3、ng to make up in line 2 of paragraph 4?A) create.B) are.C) increase.D) depend upon.4. The word their in line 2 of paragraph 4 means_.A) peoplesB) great whitesC) sea lionsD) seals5. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?A) Great whites eat low-fat, bony meals more slowly.B) Great whites see w

4、ell enough to include seals, sea lions, and humans in their diet.C) We now know great whites dont mistake humans for other animals.D) There is reason to doubt that great whites see well enough to attack humans.答案与题解:1. C选项A(鲨鱼咬冲浪板)和B(鲨鱼咬他的手指)两个选项发生在Craig落水之前,故排除这两项。从第二段第三行可以得到如下信息:当Craig落入水中,手指上的鲜血在

5、水中散开之时,这条五米长的鲨鱼却自己游走了。此信息排除了选项D(鲨鱼攻击他),因此答案为C (鲨鱼自己游走了)。2. A从第二段第一行我们可以看出:鲨鱼被人类视为杀手,这是一条常识,很容易理解,因此选项B(杀人)被排除。而选项C(有很多牙)和D(长到六米长或是更长)只是对鲨鱼的简单描述,也属于常识;而且文中并未出现对它们的质疑,说明作者也默认了这两条常识。因此选项C和D也被排除。所以答案是A(常常让人类逃脱),这在文中第三段得到了验证, 第三段整段就是在说虽然鲨鱼可以轻松杀死人类,但是它们却很少杀人。第三段最后两行甚至提到就连鲨鱼研究者们都在尽力寻找人类屡屡能鲨口逃生的原因,这就更能证明选项

6、A是正确答案。3. B本题要求读者根据上下文的语境猜测第四段第二行斜体标出的词组make up的意思。 结合make up词组前出现的单词seal和sea lion以及它后面出现的词组a large part of their diet,通过常识我们可以猜出:海豹和海狮应该是鲨鱼的主要食物来源。比对四个选项,我们可以发现选项A(创造)、选项C(增加)和选项D(依靠)在意思上都说不通,代入原文无法构成有意义的一句话。因此只有选项B(是)在意思上和make up最为接近,代入原文也说得通。在本文中,词组make up的意思为:组成,构成。4. B本题要求读者根据上下文的语境猜测第四段第二行斜体标出

7、的单词their的意思。结合第四段前两行的内容,我们可以很容易推测出,在这里their指代的是the great whites(大白鲨),因此答案为B。5. C本题要求读者总结出第四段的主要内容。第四段主要介绍的是:人们起初以大白鲨视力不好为由来解释人类为何屡屡鲨口脱险,但是最近的信息表明大白鲨的视力并不差,不会把人类误认为是海豹或海獅。大白鲨不吃人是由于它们觉得人类太瘦,没有海獅和海豹的肉那么肥。对比四个选项:选项A略显片面,不是本段的主要内容,故排除。选项B中提到大白鲨也把人类当作食物来源,这点是错误的,故排除B。选项D中说的是人们开始怀疑这一论断的正确性,但是选项D的表述和文中的信息正好

8、相反;人们现在开始怀疑的是“大白鲨 由于视力不好才去攻击人类”这一论断,而不是“大白鲨由于视力很好才去攻击人类”,故排除D。所以正确答案为C(我们现在知道大白鲨不会把人类误以为是其他动物)。参考译文第三篇 小心鲨鱼!克雷格罗杰斯正坐在他的冲浪板上估算着下一波浪离他还有多远,就在这时冲浪板不动了。他低头向水下看,惊悚的一幕出现了: 一条大白鲨正在撕咬冲浪板的前端。“我的肘部可能都已经碰到了它的眼睛”,克雷格谈道。原来,这条鲨鱼悄悄地浮上了水面,完全没让克雷格听到。克雷格惊慌害怕,手足无措,但是偶然之间他被鲨鱼咬掉了两支手指,然后随着滑板翻了个个儿,他也掉进水里。就在那时,处于水中的克雷格两支手指

9、鲜血直流,但这条五米长 的鲨鱼却径直游开,消失在深海之中。虽然鲨鱼常被认为是疯狂杀人的猎手,但事实上这是不准确的。鲨鱼很少猎杀人类。比起被鲨鱼杀死,人类更有可能被闪电击中或是淹死在浴缸中。在上个世纪,有报道的只有74人命丧鲨鱼之口。然而大白鲨可以长封6米长、2200公斤重或是更重。3000颗牙齿排成数排长在鲨鱼那可怕的血盆大口中,它们可以轻易杀死并吃掉无助的落水者。但为什么大多数人受到大白鲨攻击之后都能鲨口逃生呢?鲨鱼研究者们正在努力寻找使得人类鲨口脱险的原因。最常用的解释是说大白鲨的视力不好。人们认为大白鲨会把人类错当成是海豹或是海狮,后两者是鲨鱼的主要食物来源。但是人类又找到了理由来质疑这

10、一论断。最近的研究信息表明大白鲨视力不错。并且当大白鲨在攻击海豹时,它们会迅速窜上海面,用力撕咬。但当大白鲨在攻击人类时,它们在大多数情况下会慢慢浮上海面,撕咬的力度也轻得多。它们很快就会发现人类的肉不够肥。“它们把我们吐出来是因为我们太瘦了”,艾丹马丁说道,他是鲨鱼研究暗礁搜索中心的领头人。诸如马丁这样的鲨鱼研究者们提出了这样一种假设:大白鲨实际上是一种好奇心很重的动物,它们喜欢探索新鲜事物。有可能它们撕咬物体不仅仅是为了猎杀和吃掉,也是为了搜集信息。虽然这种经历对于像克雷格罗杰斯这些人来说很不幸,但是当鲨鱼在撕咬冲浪板, 或是别的物体,甚至是人类时,很可能它们只是在尽量了解那到底是个什么东

11、西。第五篇 The Travels of Ibn Battuta“I left Tangier, my birthplace, the 13th of June 1325 with the intention of making the pilgrimage to Mecca. to leave all my friends both female and male, to abandon my home as birds abandon their nests. ” So begins an old manuscript in a library in Paristhe travel jou

12、rnal of Ibn Battuta.Almost two centuries before Columbus, this young Moroccan set off for Mecca, returning home three decades later as one of historys great travelers. Driven by curiosity, he journeyed to remote comers of the Islamic world, traveling through 44 modem countries, three times as far as

13、 Marco Polo. Little celebrated in the West2, his name is well known among Arabs. In his hometown of Tangier, a square, a hotel, a cafe, a ferry boat, and even a hamburger are named after him.Ibn Battuta stayed in Mecca as a student for several years, but the urge to travel soon took over. In one adv

14、enture, he traveled to India seeking profitable employment with the Sultan of Delhi.3 On the way, he described his group being attacked in the open country by 80 men on foot, and two horsemen: “we fought . killing one of their horsemen and about twelve of the foot soldiers .I was hit by an arrow and

15、 my horse by another, but God in his grace preserved me . We carried the heads of the slain to the castle of Abu Bak, har . and suspended them from the wall. ” In Delhi, the sultan gave him the position of judge, based on his prior study at Mecca. But the sultan had an unpredictable character, and I

16、bn Battuta looked for an opportunity to leave. When the sultan offered to finance a trip to China, he agreed. Ibn Battuta set off in three ships, but misfortune struck while he was still on the shore. A sudden storm grounded and broke up two ships, scattering treasure and drowning many people and ho

17、rses. As he watched, the third ship, with all his belongings and slaves一one carrying his childwas carried out to sea and never heard from again.After a lifetime of incredible adventures, Ibn Battuta was finally ordered by the Sultan of Morocco to return home to share his wisdom with the world. Fortu

18、nately, he consented and wrote a book that has been translated into numerous languages, allowing people everywhere to read about his unparalleled journeys.pilgrimage n.朝圣,远游ferry n.渡船sultan n,苏丹(伊斯兰教国王,某些伊斯兰国家统治者的称号)slain:slay的过去分词slay v.杀死,杀戮unparalleled adj.无比的,空前的finance v.给提供资金scatter vt. 撒播,驱散;

19、 vi.消散consent vi.同意,赞成1. . with the intention of making the pilgrimage 打算去朝圣2. Little celebrated in the West,. 虽然在西方社会不怎么知名,3. . seeking profitable employment with the Sultan of Delhi. 在德里的苏丹王那里谋到了一份收入颇丰的工作。1. What is the passage mainly about?A) Visitors to Mecca.B) The adventures of Ibn Battuta.C)

20、Ibn Battutas character.D) Asian countries of the 14th century.2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to set off for in line 5?A) left to go to.B) discussed.C) arrived at.D) decided upon.3. The Sultan of Delhi gave Ibn Battuta a position of judge because .A) the sultan needed a translator.B)

21、 Ibn Battuta had been a judge before.C) Ibn Battuta had studied in Mecca.D) Ibn Battuta had traveled to many countries.4. Which of the following would the writer of this passage most likely agree with?A) Ibn Battutas journeys were very common for people of that time.B) Ibn Battutas stories are proba

22、bly not true.C) Ibn Battutas journey was less important than Marco Polos.D) Ibn Battuta should be better known in the West today.5. Why did Ibn Battuta finally return to his home?A) He was tired of traveling.B) He didnt have any more money.C) He feared the Sultan of Delhi.D) The Sultan of Morocco as

23、ked him to return.1. B根据i文的内容以及标题(The Travels of Ibn Battuta),我们可以很快排除选项A、C和D。所以答案为 B(The adventures of Ibn Battuta)。2. A从第一行我们知道伊本白图泰的家乡是丹吉尔,所以第五行中set off词组后提到的麦加必然是伊本白图泰要去的城市,想必他是离开家乡前往麦加。因此,对比四个选项之后,我们不难发现正确答案为A( left to go to)。3. C在第三段第七行中,我们可以发现本题的答案:因为有在麦加的学习经历,德里的苏丹王 给伊本白图泰安排了法官的工作。因此,对比四个选项之后,我们不难发现正确答案为C (Ibn Battuta had studied

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