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1、remove file:删除文件;将选中的文件名字从右边的文件列表中删除remove fear:移除恐惧;消除恐惧;要准备移除恐惧术;移除惧怕remove from:搬离;移动;除去Remove Noise:除杂点;移出噪点;去除噪音;移除杂点Remove Mask:删除遮罩例句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.V-T If you remove something from a place, you take it away. 移开

2、书面例:As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven.蛋糕一烤好,就把它从烤箱里移出来。2.V-T If you remove clothing, you take it off. 脱下; 摘下 书面He removed his jacket.他脱掉了夹克。3.V-T If you remove a stain from something, you make the stain disappear by treating it with a chemical or by washing it. 去除 (痕迹); 洗掉 (污渍)Thi

3、s treatment removes the most stubborn stains.这个处理方法能洗掉最顽固的污渍。4.V-T If people remove someone from power or from something such as a committee, they stop them from being in power or being a member of the committee. 把免职The student senate voted to remove Fuller from office.大学评议会投票将富勒免职了。5.V-T If you rem

4、ove an obstacle, a restriction, or a problem, you get rid of it. 去除 (障碍或限制); 解决 (问题)The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty.该协议为武器条约的签署去除了最后一个重大障碍。Peter the Great彼得大帝Peter I the Great:Discovery Peter the Great:Peter The Great Monument:彼得大帝纪念雕像;彼得大帝纪念碑peter t

5、he great b:彼得大帝湾Peter the Great Apartment:彼得大帝公寓式酒店Peter the Great Egg:彼得大帝彩蛋Peter The Great Monum:彼得大帝纪念雕像Peter the Great Gulf:Peter the Great Bay:彼得大帝湾;大鸟班尔rare英 re 美 rradj. 稀有的;稀薄的;半熟的adj. 杰出的;极度的;非常好的adv. 非常;极其vi. 用后腿站起;渴望Rare Range:勒尔山脉Rare earth:稀土元素;稀土;珍稀地球;氧化物rare earths:稀土资源rare species:稀有种

6、;稀有品种;稀有物种;偶见种rare breed:凤毛麟角;稀罕rare base:稀有碱基;稀有盐基;详细翻译Rare commodity:奇货可居rare diseases:罕见病;罕见疾病;少见病rare visitor:稀客1.ADJ Something that is rare is not common and is therefore interesting or valuable. 稀有的.the black-necked crane, one of the rarest species in the world.黑颈鹤,世界上最珍稀的物种之一。2.ADJ An event o

7、r situation that is rare does not occur very often. 罕见的.on those rare occasions when he did eat alone.在他独自吃饭的那些不常有的时候。3.ADJ You use rare to emphasize an extremely good or remarkable quality. 极好的 (素质) ADJ n 强调Ferris has a rare ability to record her observations on paper.费里斯有将自己的观察结果以书面形式记录下来的杰出能力。4.A

8、DJ Meat that is rare is cooked very lightly so that the inside is still red. (肉类) 半熟的Thick tuna steaks are eaten rare, like beef.厚厚的金枪鱼片要半熟吃,就像牛肉一样。dynasty英 dnst 美 dansti 复数 dynasties n. 王朝,朝代Qing Dynasty:清朝;水利纷争;清朝宫廷油画;年代Dynasty Warriors:三国无双;真三国无双;真三国无双的英文名Flavian dynasty:弗拉维王朝Ottonian dynasty:奥托王

9、朝Salian dynasty:法兰克尼亚王朝Tahirid dynasty:塔希尔王朝Chakri Dynasty:却克里王朝;查克里王朝;察克里王朝;基王朝Argead dynasty:阿吉德王朝;德王朝Taungoo Dynasty:东吁王朝1.N-COUNT A dynasty is a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family. 王朝The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094.叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝建立于1094年。2.N-COUNT A dynast

10、y is a period of time during which a country is ruled by members of the same family. 朝代.carvings dating back to the Ming dynasty.可以追溯到明朝的雕刻。3.N-COUNT A dynasty is a family which has members from two or more generations who are important in a particular field of activity, for example, in business or

11、politics. 世家This is a family-owned company the current president is the fourth in this dynasty.这是一个家族企业现任总裁是该世家的第4代。amber英 mb 美 mbn. 琥珀;琥珀色;黄褐色;黄灯adj. 琥珀制的;琥珀色的;黄色的Amber Road:琥珀之路;安珀路Amber Ann:安心亚Amber Tamblyn:爱波塔布琳;儿艾斯丽;安柏谭柏;他女女艾斯丽amber opal:琥珀蛋白石;虎魄卵白石AMBER NOTE:琥珀香调Amber Dream:琥珀之梦;梦幻琥珀;琥珀;block

12、amber:天然块状琥珀;自然块状虎魄;自然块状琥珀amber glaze:琥珀色釉;琥珀釉clsrified amber:油光琥珀1.N-UNCOUNT Amber is a hard yellowish-brown substance used for making jewellery. 琥珀 usu N amber choker with matching earrings.一条琥珀贴颈短项链和相配的耳环。2.COLOR Amber is used to describe things that are yellowish-brown in colour. 琥珀色 (的)A b

13、urst of sunshine sent a beam of amber light through the window.一道阳光透过窗户射进了一束琥珀色的光。3.COLOR An amber traffic light is yellow. 黄色 (的)Cars did not stop when the lights were on amber.当交通灯是黄色时汽车没有停下来。explode英 kspld; ek- 美 ksplod 过去式 exploded 过去分词 exploded 现在分词 exploding vi. 爆炸,爆发;激增vt. 使爆炸;爆炸;推翻X EXPLODE:

14、分解;剖析;炸开Explode Effect:爆炸特效explode firecrackers:燃放鞭炮;放爆竹explode fireworks:放礼花thermal explode:热爆Would Explode:就要一触即发Explode Bill:预先产生用料表explode appallingly:令人震惊的爆炸Evil Explode:超级狂爆1.V-T/V-I If an object such as a bomb explodes or if someone or something explodes it, it bursts loudly and with great fo

15、rce, often causing damage or injury. 使爆炸; 爆炸They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.他们在清理时第二颗炸弹爆炸了。2.V-I If someone explodes , they express strong feelings suddenly and violently. (情感) 迸发Do you fear that youll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?你害怕在她面前突然大哭或勃然大怒吗?3.V-I

16、 If something explodes , it increases suddenly and rapidly in number or intensity. 暴涨The population explodes to 40,000 during the tourist season.旅游季节人数暴涨至4万。4.V-T If someone explodes a theory or myth, they prove that it is wrong or impossible. 推翻 (理论等)Electricity privatization has exploded the myth

17、of cheap nuclear power.电力私有化打破了廉价核电力的神话。sailor英 sel 美 seln. 水手,海员;乘船者n. (Sailor)人名;(英)赛勒Sailor Moon:水手月亮;美少女战士;月野兔;第一部bad sailor:晕船的人sailor blouse:水兵上衣;水手衫SAILOR STA:最后星光Sailor fuku:水手服与机关枪sailor urrectum:水手天王星apprentice sailor:实习水手Sailor Circus:水手马戏团项目Sailor Win:期望会有你响应1.N-COUNT A sailor is someone

18、 who works on a ship or sails a boat. 船员; 船只驾驶员.sailors, marines and Coast Guard personnel.船员们、海军陆战队士兵们和海岸警卫队人员。eyewitness英 awtns 美 awtns 复数 eyewitnesses 过去式 eyewitnessed 过去分词 eyewitnessed 现在分词 eyewitnessing n. 目击者;见证人eyewitness witness:指见证人eyewitness guides:丛书项Eyewitness evidence:目击者证词eyewitness in

19、vestigation:目击者调查children eyewitness:儿童目击证人external eyewitness:外部阅览器eyewitness identification:目击辨认;目击证人识别Eyewitness Company:目击者系列宗教;目击者系列神话1.N-COUNT An eyewitness is a person who was present at an event and can therefore describe it, for example in a law court. 目击者Eyewitnesses say the police then opened fire on the crowd.目击者说警察随即向人群开了火。Catherine n. 凯瑟琳(女子名)短语_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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