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1、no, not, never, seldom, hardly, doubt, neither,, little, few等。考生还应掌握虚拟语气的各种句型及在具体语境下的使用。 两读指的是阅读和朗读。在阅读时,应有目的的选择难易适中的相关读物。同时尽量做到分类阅读,使题材和体裁多样化,避免单一的阅读。朗读,即出声的阅读。可以解决语音辨别能力低、语流连贯能力弱、不同口音辨析能力差等问题。另外,朗读还有利于语感的培养、词汇的积累和写作能力的提高。 英语听力测试在把握所听内容话题中心的同时,一定要注意对具体事实信息的把握。如话题所涉及的具体时间、地点、数字、人物等等。这些问题大多以Wh

2、en, where, who, what, why, how等疑问词开头。 从历届高考听力测试的情况来看,考查材料的中心思想是测试听力能力的重要内容。短文或独立的主题句往往出现在文章的句首,偶尔也出现在句中或句末。主题句往往是一篇听力材料的中心思想,文章中的其他内容都用来说明和发展主题句。如果考生从问题和选项中已看出该题测试点为主旨要义、标题、中心思想及作者观点等方面的问题,那么听清主题句就尤为重要。单选策略 (一)单项填空的命题特点 新课程改革的目的就是要全面培养学生英语的交际能力。反映在高考试卷中单项选择题主要考查学生在具体条件中分辨和灵活运用英语语言知识的能力;在特定语境下灵活运用语法和

3、词汇知识能力;注重英语交际场景,灵活运用英语中某些固定搭配的能力。从测试内容的重要性来看,以更加能力化的形式去测试语法和词汇内容。从题干形式上看,单句测试题渐渐让位于篇章测试题,语言知识测试题渐渐让位于语言运用测试题。用对话来创设情景的题仍占一定的比重。从语言点的分布上看,一直保持了覆盖面广、重点突出的特点。动词永远是该题型的主旋律、重头戏。高考试卷的命题趋势:连词/介词,时态/语态,非谓语动词,动词/词组辨析,定语从句和交际用语是必考点;其他考点穿插进行。虚拟语气、词义辨析、简单句和特殊句式是命题弱项,概率会很低。 高考侧重考查学生语言运用能力。单项选择题信息多,较灵活,语境表现得更自然,纯

4、语法题很少;通过设计情景,将知识考查与语言意义及其功能的考查有机结合,达到了知识与能力综合考查的目的。因此,学生既要全面掌握基础知识,兼顾语法目的,又要能灵活运用所学的知识,分析问题,解决问题。 基于知识的语言运用能力的考查。几乎每小题的答案选择都需要借助于一个完整的微型语境,情景设置合只要平时扎实学习,认真备考,就一定会考好。 1. 把握题干所给语义信息,抓住关键词、句,提高语义题的得分率。 题干中所提供的语义信息有时很明显,有时只能通过分析才能找到,考生务必仔细推敲。如: (1) Which of these two ties will you take?Ill take _, to gi

5、ve me a change sometimes. A. either B. neither C. all D. both 注意题中所给信息:two和give me a change sometimes 答案为D. (2) Tom, you didnt come to the party last night? I _, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. A. had to B. didnt C. was going to D. wouldnt 2. 把握上下文的时间隐含 有时题干中没明确给出时间,而是隐含在上下文中,考生只有通过对

6、题干所给信息的推断,才能选定正确的时态。 (1)You do not need to describe her. I _ her several times. You do not need to describe her. I _ her several times while I was in Beijing. A. have been B. had been C. saw D. was seeing 根据时态应用的规则,several times通常与现在完成时连用,所以上一题选择A。下一题中的while I was in Beijing是个关键的时间信息,句中的应从属于大的时间前提,所

7、以答案为C。 (2) She_ a new book last year, but I dont know if she has finished it. She_ a new book last year, and it will be published soon. A. has been writing B. wrote C. was writing D. had written 3. 排除思维定势的干扰 (1)He was busy writing a story, only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette. A. to stop B. s

8、topping C. to have stopped D. having stopped 句意为他忙于写故事,只是偶尔停下来抽支烟。only to do形成思维定势,易错选A,但它表出乎意料的结果,依句意显然不合理。stopping在此作伴随状语,表在写故事期间偶尔停下来抽支烟,故选B。 ( 2 ) I suggested the problem worthy _ attention to _ at the class meeting. A. being paid; discussing B. to be paid; discussing C. to be paid; be discussed

9、 D. being paid; being discussed 4. 综合语法知识,注意句子结构 (1) a: Dad, can I go out to play basketball with my classmate? Im afraid you cant _ your homework is being done. b: Im afraid you cant _ your homework is done. A. after B. until C. as D. when (2) It was the village _ the scientists found some ancient

10、tombs, containing a lot of treasures. It was in the village _ the scientists found some ancient tombs, containing a lot of treasures. A. where B. that C. the place D. the place where 5. 似是而实不是,还原一举两得: 疑问句还原成陈述句;复杂句还原成简单句。 (1) Who do you think youd like _ with you, a boy or a girl? A. to have go B. t

11、o have to go C. to have gone D. having to go 在确定答案之前,我们先来看看这个句子:I think Id like to have a boy go with me.句中的 go 要用原形,这是因为其前有表示使役的动词have。在此句中,假若对名词a boy 提问,便可得出:Who do you think youd like to have go with you? 对照上面一题,答案很显然是A。 6. 连、代不可小看,有无大不相同 (1) If weather _,we will go to the Western Hill for a picn

12、ic. Weather _,we will go to the Western Hill for a picnic. A. permitted B. permitting C. permits D. to permit 答案为:C / B 做好非谓语类的题目,除了要掌握它的各种基本形式与语法功能,能准确分析句子成分、结构、还应熟悉一些有效的解题技巧。 (2) All my homework _, so I went out to play football with other boys. All my homework _, I went out to play football with

13、other boys. A. having finished B. had been finished C. finished D. finishing (3) _ himself to the experiment he was doing, he didnt notice me when I went in. _ to the experiment he was doing, he didnt notice me when I went in. A. Employed B. Employing C. Employ D. To employB / A 类似的表达法还有: apply ones

14、elf to/be applied to absorb oneself in/be absorbed in dedicate oneself to/be dedicated to devote oneself to /be devoted to bury oneself in / be buried in engage oneself in/be engaged in involve oneself in/be involved in 7.重视标点作用,细析结构解题 (1) Which material can be thrown into the sea _ its nature? Whic

15、h material can be thrown into the sea _ its nature. A. depends on B. depending on C. to depend on D. depend on 根据上一题后的问号我们可以得知该句的主语为Which material,谓语部分can be throw into the sea,所以填空部分应该在句中充当状语,因此答案为B,意思是根据性质,哪种材料可以被扔到海里呢;而下一题中的句号表明该句的主语为从句Which material can be throw into the sea,填空部分为句子的谓语,所以答案为A,意思

16、是哪种材料可以被扔到海里取决于它的性质 (2) _ you believe him when he says he loves you! He says the same to many girls. A. Do B. Didnt C. Did D. Dont 8. 注意英汉表达习惯差异,排除母语干扰 英汉两种语言在表达上存在很大的差异,考生很可能会用汉语的思维方式去认识和解决英语中的问题,掉入命题人设置的陷阱。 (1) Were all the toys for the children carried to their new kindergarten? only some of them

17、. A. it was B. they were C. there were D. there was 考生很可能误选C。因为,考生想表达不,只有一些被运往新幼儿园,很可能用There be.结构表达自己的思想。但是,本句实际采用了强调结构,强调only some of them,后面省略了that were carried to their new kindergarten因此,正确答案为A。 (2) My uncle used to smoke _, but he was given it up since he was operated on last year. A. seriousl

18、y B. heavily C. badly D. hardly 高三英语辅导实战练习 1. No doctor would like to see a change for _ worse in a patient; they hope he or she can improve in _ health soon. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. /; / 2. There is _ as a free dinner in this world. As the saying goes, No pains, no gains. A. no such a go

19、od thing B. such no good thing C. no such good thing D. not so a good thing 3. Its quite _ of beginners to forget to use an article before a noun. A. ordinary B. usual C. regular D. typical 4. -You should have discouraged him from giving up registering for this years university entrance examination.

20、 - _, but he didnt listen. A. So did I B. I did C. So should I D. I had done 5. -How is your mother? -She, _ to the hospital without delay, is out of danger. A. rushed B. rushing C. having rushed D. to rush 6. -It is said that Johnson is the first young teacher _ to professor in your university this

21、 year. -Exactly. _ of his own competence is an important factor in his success. A. promoted; convincing B. to have been promoted; convincing C. promoted; being convinced D. to have been promoted; being convinced 7. _ is expected, according to the online survey, is that prices of houses wont go up an

22、y more. A. As B. It C. What D. Which 8. How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen in class? A. when B. as C. unless D. because 9. The girl is seriously ill, otherwise she _ working instead of staying in bed all day long. A. is still B. will still be C. would still be D. has still been

23、10. Failure left me at the edge of desperation, but, _. I managed to go out of the shadow through years of efforts. A. He laughs best who laughs last B. Failure is the mother of success C. There is no royal road to learning D. Time heals all wounds 11. -So you missed the meeting. - _. I got there te

24、n minutes before it finished. A. Not exactly B. Not really C. So what? D. How come? 12. He just stared at me and there was an expression in his eyes I couldnt _. A. say B. sense C. read D. notice 13. We are going away in June but _ that Ill be here all summer. A. rather than B. other than C. in view

25、 of D. except for 14. It was not just the size of the party last night _ made it unique, but _ it meant to our company. A. that; that B. what; that C. what; what D. that; what 15. The questions in the second half of the form _ only _ married men. A. cater; to B. apply; to C. adapt; to D. turn; to 看过的人还:微信扫一扫二维码分享到微信好友或朋友圈来源:网友投稿

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