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1、00-15:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但15:40-15:55做快速阅读部分55-16: 16: 17:20全部考试结束分值分布四级分值分布英语四级考试各题分值具体分配:作文15%快速阅读10%听力分别是15% 10% 10%选词填空5%2篇阅读20%完形10%翻译5%四级考试单项分的报道共分为四个部分:听力(35%)、阅读(35%)、完型填空或改错(10%)、作文和翻译(20%)。各单项报道分的满分分别为:听力249分,阅读249分,完型填空或改错70分,作文142分。各单项分相加之和等于总分(710分)。六级分值分布1.作文分数占总分的15%,也就是106.5分,在这部分你要达到63.


3、5分,在这部分你要达到21.3分为及格,题号为87-91,答题时间是15分钟。写作15%听力35%仔细阅读25%改错或完型10% 英语四六级作文模板及要点总结要求:1)整洁的卷面和漂亮的书写 2)字体适中,字体达到最低要求,四级120150 六级150180 3)结构完整脉络清晰 4)避免犯低级错误 误区:主题不明确,论据不足,逻辑不清 改正:内容完整,紧扣提纲,层次清晰,过度自然,首句正确,再求亮点 开头语句 不言而喻的是 It goes with out saying that 可以毫不夸张的说. It may be said without fear of exaggeration th

4、at 必须承认的是 It must be admitted that 不可否认的实事是 There is no denying (the fact) that 运用单词转化 笔记本电脑:laptop=computer that/which 越来越多的人:1) an increasing /a growing number of people 2) people in increasing/growing numbers 餐厅:canteen=dining 牢固语法,扩大词汇,背诵名句,放些好篇,多写多练 具体:扩大阅读量,精度范文,掌握常用的框架结构,书籍常用的套据和过渡句,打好解释的语法基础

5、,多练真题 语言:准确性,鲜明度,生动感 订阅杂志:subscribe to a magazine 参与活动:participate in activities 词语不要用大众词语,要学会转化其他的 important = be of importance = significant = key 表示“同意”的词 Essential/vital/critical/crucial/substantial 适当的使用被动语态,倒装,强调句等句型 强调句:Tom saved my sister. = It is Tom who saved my sisiter. A is know that Chi

6、na is great.(主语从句) 写作原则(三T原则) Tell him/her what you going to tell him/her. Tell him/her Tell him/her what youre told him/her 作文模板 1)对立观点(写三或四段) 三段:1.写出观点,指出一种观点和理由 2.详细阐述另一种观点及理由 3.你的看法 四段:1.概括现状 2.一个观点 3.另一个观点 4.你的观点 主题句:明确的观点,一定的概括性 得出结论:come to /draw/reach/arrive at conclusion 例句:陆涛去年夏天毕业,他从大学获得一

7、张大学学时学位,毕业后不久他在北京加入了一家房地产公司。(不同的表示) 1) L.T. graduated last summer. He received a bachelor degree from his college. He joined a real estate company in B.J soon after graduation. 2) After graduating last summer with a bachelor degree, L.T. joined a real estate company in B.J soon after graduation. 3)

8、A bachelor degree holder, L.T. joined a real estate company in B.J last summer soon after graduating. 4) Having graduating with a bachelor degree, L.T joined a real estate company in B.J last summer soon after graduating. 文章开头 1When it comes to,peoples views vary from person to person . Some believe

9、 that ,but other insist that 2Nowadays /Recently /These days /Currently , there is no agreement of views among people as to (关于), Some advocate As opposed to(反对)them , a considerable proportion of people claim that 3When asked about a theme , different people will offer divergent (=different) opinio

10、ns , is no exception (例外) . Some people take it for granted (认为) that However , others , hold that 4When faced with /In the face of ,some , controversies (争论,争议) arise .Quite a few people declare that ,but others claim that 疑问句开头 1. Should /what ? Options of , /Attitudes towards(态度)/Answers to ,vary

11、 (=differ) widely from one to another .Some people who are in favor of (支持) regard (=think) that , while others claim that 2. “Why do / have ?” Many people often pose (提出) the question like this . 3. Recently , one of the hottest topics facing our society is ?中间段 1. We find /discover some people hol

12、d the opinion / view point / idea that 2. 反对。Some people take the negative / opposite /object to /oppose to (否定的) view towards 表示“认为”的单词 maintain , argue , clear ,regard , believe ,suggest , assume , insist , object , emphasize , consider , declare , say , assert , state , hold ,the view that , take

13、 the attitude that , harbor the idea that 句子:凡事都有两面性 Every coin has two sides . Every sword has two edges. No garden is without weeds . All roses have thorns , 短语及句型表达“我认为” From my point of view / For my part / As for me / Im of the opinion that /As far as /am concerned Weighing up the two arguments

14、 /the pros an cons ,Im inclined to agree that Taking into account all the factors /In view of(考虑)the above mentioned facts ,I prefer that (倾向于) 2)现象阐述型(社会热点) a.现象法开头 1 Recently the phenomenon (复数:phenomena) /issue of has aroused considerable concern 2 These days often tits the headlines of newspaper

15、. b.观点法开头 1. Now there is a growing awareness /recognition of the necessity to /Now people are becoming increasingly aware of the necessity to 2. Nowadays , people in growing number are begining to realize that 3. Nowhere /Never in history has the issue /change /idea of been more than 否定+比较=最高级 例:在历

16、史上没有任何时候比现在污染更严重 Never in history has (the issue of ) pollution been more serious than it is now. 中间段落 1) 万能句引出句 1. 原因引出句:这个现象包含以下几个原因 The phenomenon (may) involve(s) several factors as follows 因到果中间的导词:cause ,lead to , be responsible for , contribute to ,account for 果导因:involved, attribute to 这个现象可

17、能是由这样的原因引起的 The phenomenon /change /issue /situation /condition /trend (may) attribute to several factors /causes /reasons /elements /ingredients 2. 问原由 这个现象为什么会发生 Why do the phenomenon take place / happen /appear ?序数词 第一:first of all , in the first place , to begin / start with ,first an foremost(首

18、先并且非常重要的) 第二:besides , moreover , inaddition , next , whats more , what is worse , to make matters worse , in the second place 第三:furthermore , in the third place , last but not least(最后但也恨重要的) 两点情况:for one thing and another , on the one hand and the other hand 结尾段 1. Taking into account these facto

19、rs /In view of the above mentioned facts , we may draw the conclusion that 2. All the available /reliable evidence goes to show /pils up to show that 3. To sum up / conclusion is self-evident 2) 问题解决型 一概括现状 二+分析问题(评述问题产生的原因或危害性) 三解决问题(作者的态度和建议) 1.背景法 (第一段) 1)There has been a discussion today about w

20、hich has been brought into focus. 2 ) With the improvement /development of there be For example,There reasons are as follows. 3) Recent years has witnessed a sharp increase /decline in 2第二段 原由分析 (可以用以下几个方面) 1)经济(节约浪费)money worship / money-oriental 拜金主义 frugal economical 节约 2)科技 3)知识(有利、不利) explore n

21、ew knowledge (探索新知识) learn / gain knowledge (获得知识) broaden /widen horizon (开拓视野) 4)环境 environment/ surrounding Pollutants(污染物) 5)方便 instant noodles (方便面) 6)效率efficient(有效地) 7)健康安全 8)成就 achievement 9) 性格 shape our personality (塑造性格) interpersonal skills (人际交往能力) 10)娱乐休闲 3 结尾 建议措施型 1) It is high time

22、that (后面动词退一个时期) 2) It is necessary that effective / efficient / quick / proper measures / actions (should) be taken to 3) There is no denying that considerable attention must be paid to the plight (困境) of 4) My suggestion to deal with the problem are as follows .In the first place , Secondly Furthe

23、rmore *address the problem(解决问题) 后果法 1) As long as , we will be able to /the problem is bound to (一定会) 2) If we work on from now on ,in the foreseeable future ,we will not be perplexed by the same dilemma (困境) . 3) 分析讨论认识 在以上的分析基础上,我们可以得出这样的结论 Based on the analysis mentioned above ,we can draw a con

24、clusion . 认识到。的重要性是必须的 To realize the importance of is necessary for us . =It is necessary for us to realize the importance of 怎么做?从现在开始我决定为了目标。From now on ,I determine to try my best to in every attempt towards the goal . 4) 展望未来型结尾 The more the more , 虚拟语气(如果这个趋势继续,情况会变得越来越糟) If the trend were to

25、continue , the situation will go from bad to worse. Were the trend to continue , the situation will 但所有措施被认真执行的时候,一个光明的未来正等着我们。A bright / promising future is awaiting (等待)us ,when all the measures are taken seriously. 只有通过这种方法,我们才能彻底解决这种问题 Only in / through / by this way can we address /deal with th

26、e problem completely . 3) 谚语警句型 一解释涵义(点明要解释的谚语或名言,用自己的话解释) 二分析论证 三总结发挥(总结全文,给出结论) 引语法开头 1)”such is the remark made by , one of the greatest men in history .This view has been confirmed time and again by an increasing number of people .In other words , (阐明名句) 2) There is an old /a popular saying whic

27、h goes that The truth of it is profound and significant ,That is , 3)There is an old saying that (常言说) It is correct in many cases even today . 例证法 举例:for example , for instance ,take as an example , such as , a good case in point ,just in image , suppose 例证的范围:故事(包括亲身经历) ,大众常识,合力想象 故事:A good case i

28、n point is Another telling example is (一个有效的例证是) To illustrate my point ,I can think of no better example than that Lets take to illustrate (证明) this . 例证主义:1.例证要和主题密切相关 2.新颖,由趣味 3.有逻辑性 文章最后一段 1)To conclude / On the whole , 2) It is sagacious (睿智的,敏锐的) to support the statement that 3) It is safe to

29、draw the conclusion that 四 图表文(三段) 一描述数据(描述趋势,重点数据) 二说明原因 三总结建议或其他 第一段 1) 主+谓 (s+v) The number 上升:increase / rise / jump / clim /go up / soar / 下降:decline / drop / fall / go down 修饰副词(程度大):sharply , greatly , considerably , dramatically 程度小:slowly , slightly , steadily 2) There be According to the table / graph / chart / diagram , there have been great changes in the past 3) The diagram + V The diagram / graph / chart / table shows /proves / indicates / demonstrates that 4) It is +p.p +that It is said /told / ind

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