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1、See you later/ then / tomorrow / soon.I am sorry I have to go now.Have a good trip!Take care!(4)感谢 (Thanks )英语礼貌用语很多,尤其在接受别人的帮助、夸奖、邀请、礼品时,都要表示感谢。常用的有:Thank you (very much).Thanks a lot.Thank you for your help.Its very kind/ nice of you.回答: Its a pleasure. My pleasure.Thats OK /all right.Youre welcom

2、e.(5)道歉 (Apologies)在日常生活中,我们常因不小心而碰了别人、说错了话、打扰到别人、碰坏别人的东西或当着别人的面咳嗽等有损形象的事情而向别人道歉。 Sorry.I m sorry.Excuse me, please.I beg your pardon.Im sorry l m late.Thats OK.Its a1l right.Never mind.It doesnt matter.(6)邀请 (Invitation) 在生活中,我们总是邀请一些朋友参加聚会或一起去出游等,这时就用到邀请的句型:Wou1d you like to go for a walk?May l in

3、vite you to dinner?What / How about having a swim? 肯定回答:OK.Thank you.Id like that, thanks.Yes, Id love to.That would be very nice.否定回答:No, thank you.Its very nice of you, but my mother is ill.Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.I m sorry I cant. What about another time?(7 )请求允许 (Asking for perm

4、ission )May I come in?Can / Could I use your telephone?Would / Do you mind if I open the window?肯定回答: Yes, please.Sure.Certainly.Thats all right.Of course, you can.I m sorry, its not allowed.Im afraid not.Youd better not.(8)祝愿和祝贺 (Expressing wishes and congratulations) 每逢节日或喜庆之时,我们都会对亲朋表示祝福和祝贺。 Have

5、 a good day / time!Have a good journey / trip!Good luck!Enjoy yourself!Best wishes for you.Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!Happy birthday!Congratulations!Well done!You, too.The same to you.(9)提供帮助 (Offering help)英语中,看到别人有困难,经常主动提出帮助别人。我们经常使用的有:Do you want me to clean the room?Can I help you?Would you

6、 like me to help you?What can I do for you?Let me take your bags.Yes, please.Yes, thanks.Thank you. That would be nice / fine.Thank you for your (the) help.No, thanks / thank you.Thank you all the same.Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.(10)打电话 (Making telephone calls ) 生活中,我们经常打电话联系

7、亲朋。经常使用的语言有:Hello! May I speak to Tom? Id like to speak to Mr. Green.Is that Liu Ying speaking?Can I leave a message?Ill call back later / again.Ill ring him/ her up again.回应: Hello! This is Mary speaking.Hello, who is that?Hold the line, please.Just a moment, please.Hello, whos speaking?Sorry. He /

8、She isnt here right now.Can I take a message?Sorry. I cant hear you.The line is bad / busy.I couldnt get through.Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number.(11)就餐(Having meals)Would you like something to eat / drink?What would you like (to have) ?Would you like some more fish?Help yourself to some f

9、ish. Yes, Id like a drink.Id like rice and chicken.Just a little, please.Can I have some more soup?Its so delicious. Thank you.I like green tea.No, thank you. Ive had enough.Im full, thank you(l2) 就医 (Seeing the doctor)生活中,我们偶尔会生病,看医生。医生常问的有:Whats the matter?Do you have a fever?How long have you fel

10、t like this?Its nothing serious.Take this medicine three times a day.Youll be all right / well soon.病人的回答: I have a headache / cough / fever.I feel terrible / bad. I dont feel well.Ive got a pain here.It hurts here.I cant sleep well. (13)购物 (Shopping) 我们经常出门购物,在商场里经常发生一些对话。就像这样的: Can / May I help yo

11、u?How many /much would you like?What color /size / kind would you like?What about this one?Heres your change. I want /Id like a pair of shoes.How much is it/ are they?May I try it on?Its too big /small.Sorry, its too expensive.Do you have any other colors / sizes / kinds?Two and a half kilo / pounds

12、, please.Thats fine. Ill take it.Just have a look.Well, Ill think about it.(14) 问路(Asking the way)到一个陌生的地方,我们经常找不到一些地方,这时就需要问路。 Excuse me. Wheres the washroom?Can you tell me how to get to the Post office?Excuse me. Which bus goes to World Park?Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?Excuse

13、 me. Could you tell me the way to the station, please?How can l get to No. 4 Middle School? Its over there.Its about 400 meters from here.Go down this street until you see the tall red building.Turn right /left at the first / second crossing / corner.You cant miss it.You can take bus No. 103.Youd be

14、tter take a taxi Sorry. I dont know. Im a stranger here.(15)谈论天气 (Talking about weather)英国是最喜欢应天气作为开场白。下面是一些常用的句型:Whats the weather like today?Hows the weather in Beijing?What a cold /hot day today!Its a nice /fine / beautiful day today.Its sunny/ cloudy / windy / rainy / snowy / foggy.Its getting c

15、ool / cold / warm / hot. 时间 (Time)(16) 时间(Point of time) Excuse me. Whats the time, please?Excuse me. What time is it?When did you come to China?What time do you get up every day? Its half past five / twenty to nine.I came to China in 1998.I get up at 6oclock.A.日期 What day is it today? What date is

16、it today? 回答:s Monday. Its March 3rd.(18)价格(Price) How much is the dictionary?How much is it?How much are they?Is it cheap /expensive?The dictionary costs me 100 yuan.The dictionary is expensive / cheap.(19) 工作(Job) What do you do?Whats your job?What are you going to be?Im a teacher / doctor / worke

17、r / farmer / businessman / manager.Im going to be a scientist / computer engineer.功能意念和话题专项练习一把II栏中的相应序号填在I栏前的括号里.I II( ) 1. How do you do? a. Its 7:30.( ) 2. Whats your job? b. Its cold.( ) 3. Do you like apples? c. I am.( ) 4. Whats the time, please? d. Yes, I do.( ) 5. Whats the weather like? e.

18、Yes, I can.( ) 6. Whos on duty today? f. Its Friday.( ) 7. Can you help me, please? g. How do you do?( ) 8. What day is today? h. I am a teacher.二选择填空:1.当别人帮助你的时候,你可以说: A. How are you? B. Thanks a lot. C. Thats all right. 2. 当你上学迟到时,你可以这样对老师说:_ A. It doesnt matter. B. Im sorry. I am late. C. I go to

19、 school on foot. 3. 当你要睡觉的时候,你可以对爸爸、妈妈说:_A. Goodbye! B. Good night. C. See you. 4. 当你要回家的时候,你可以这样对老师说:A. May I go home now? B. How are you? C. May I come in?5. 当你要打扰别人的时候,你可以说:A. Excuse me. B. I am sorry. C. Come on!6.老师说你在英语学习上有很大进步,你应该说: AThank you. B. Of course. C. Just so-so.7. 你的同桌不小心撞了你一下,向你道歉

20、,你应回应对方: A. Excuse me. B. It doesnt matter. C. Youre welcome.8. 你想知道同桌最喜欢的科目是什么,你可以这样问他: A. Do you like maths? B. Do you want an English book?C. Whats your favourite subject?三, 选择句子,完成对话1. A: _ B: I have got a fever. A. What are you ? B. What is it? C. What is the matter with you?2. A: Can I speak t

21、o Sarah? _ A. Yes, you can. B. Hold on, please. C. I can speak English to Sarah.3. A: It is fifty yuan. A. How much is it? B. How many umbrellas are these? C. I like it, too.4. A: Shall we go to the zoo?_. A. Yes, you are right. B. It doesnt matter. C. That sounds interesting.5. A: Can you tell me t

22、he way to the post office? A. Not at all B. Turn right and you will see it C. You can do it in this way四读下面的对话,从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话A: Where do you live, a flat or a house?B: I live in a house. 1_ Yes, there are. 2._ No, they are behind the house. 3_ Yes, we do. Where is the bike? 4_ Do you have your own bedroom? Yes, I do. 5_ There is a bed, a shelf, a mirror in my room. A: Do you have your own bike? What is in you bedroom? C: Are there any trees near your house? D: Excuse me. E:s in the cabin. F: She has a brother. G: Are they in front of the house?

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