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1、哪几个-甚至- 世界杯-write6的过去式)-(反身代词)我自己;我本人-面试;面谈-预报;预言-.将来;未来-预7言;预测-come的过去式)-实现;达到-.声音-公司-(think的过去式)-小说8-使人不愉快的-.科学家-未来;将来-大量;许多-早已;已经-(make的过去式)-9工厂-简单的;简易的-这样的;这种-厌烦的;厌倦的-各地;到处-人;人类-10外形;形状-巨大的;极大的-地震-可能的-.电的;导电的-牙刷-像是;似乎11-家务;家务- 不让进入-播放-兼职工作-争论;争吵-错误的;有毛病的;不12合适的-风格-不时髦的,过时的-can的过去式-打电话给票;入场券-使惊奇;

2、13使意外-用电话交谈;在通话-付款-好的-adj.任一的;(两方中的)每一方的 adv.同样14地(不);也(不)-烤;烘-面包或糕饼的售卖活动-家庭教师-新颖的-与15同样的-时髦的;流行的-理发;发型-除;把-除外-归还;送回-失败-相处;进展-足球-到-为止-适合;适应-尽可能压力-抱怨;控诉-包括;包含-16固执己见的;一意孤行的-推;推动;督促-发送;寄-许多-比较-疯狂的;狂热的17反身代词)他(她,它)们自己-成年人- (在)一方面 有组织的-(在)另一方面-自由二、短语背中记1do (the) chores do the dishes do the laundry=do th

3、e washing=wash the clothes2sweep the floor fold the clothes make the bed take out the trash 3go to a meeting=have a meeting stay out late get a ride give Sb a ride to +n.4hate doing/to do borrow Sth from Sb lend Sth to Sb work on5invite Sb to do Sth invite Sb to +n take care of=look after be/get ang

4、ry at Sb6take Sb for a walk=take a walk with Sb play with himplay with water/fire7be/get angry at Sb be in=be at homebe out/be outside agree with Sb8be careful with Sth dont forget to do Sth=remember to do Sth be busy doing Sth9in a fun part of town in the south of China=in southern China=in the sou

5、thern part of China10on the south of China to the south of China be close to home do a survey of11have/take a seat=sit down be a great success=be successful think about/of/over12cut the price(s) play a beautiful piano piece=play a beautiful piece of piano music13radio station clothing store the priz

6、e for the best performer an Ice and Snow Festival14talent/talk/TV show Hannan Province musical group friendly service15good quality clothing/clothes upside down三、牢记重点句 1Could you (please) feed my dog? Yes,sure. /Yes, I can. /Of course.2 Sorry/No, I cant. I have to do my homework.3Could I use your di

7、ctionary? Yes, you can. Sorry/No, you cant.4I need to buy some drinks and snacks for my party.5Can/May I use your car? Sure. I think doing chores is interesting.5、 课后我要练1. She shops with her friends twice a week. (划线提问) _ she _ with her friends?2. They surf the Internet on weekends. (划线提问) _ they _

8、on weekends?3. My father wants me to drink more water. (划线提问)4.She has a toothache. (划线提问) _the _with her ? _ _ your father want you _ _ 你的生活方式和我的不同。Your lifestyle_ _ _ _.6. 做眼操对我们的眼睛有好处。_ eye exercises _ good _ our eyes.7. Peter has a cold . (一般疑问句) _ Peter _ a cold ?8.They are looking after a baby

9、 now .(同义句) They are _ _ _ a baby _ _ _ .9.他们背部疼痛。 They _ a _ back . 10.现在他的歌曲很受青少年的欢迎。Now his songs _ very _ _ teenagers .11.每天晚饭后,她最喜欢躺着休息。She enjoys_ _and _.12.如果你的膳食平衡,就能很容易得保持健康。Its easy_stay_, if you eat a_ 13.直到她妈妈到家,她才睡觉。She didnt _ _ bed _ her mother _ home.1、他的饮食习惯和她的一样吗?_his eating habits

10、 _ _ _hers?2. We play football and baseball every day. (划线提问) _ _ they play every day?3. People should do more sports to keep healthy.(同意句)=People should do more sports to _ _ _ _.DearEditor, I am writing 1 _(say) that I am against 2_(build) a new zoo in our town. Zoos are terrible places for animal

11、s 3_(live). I 4_( visit) a lot of zoo s in my life and I 5_never_(see) one I liked or one that was suitable for animals 6 _( live) in. just last week I visited a zoo and couldnt believe what I 7 _(see). The animals 8 _(keep) in tiny cages and can hardly move at all. And they 9 _ only_( give)food onc

12、e a day. Is this a good way f or animals 10 _(live)? I dont think so.5. He went to bed after he had finished the work.(同义句) He_go to bed _he had finished the work .6.刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。Liu Xiang is one of the _ _ stars in China .7.别紧张. 一切都会好起来的。 Dont be _ _. Everything is going to be fine .8.吃太多的不健康食物会对

13、身体有害的。_ too much _food _good for body .Hi Jake, Sorry I couldn_(get )back to you sooner. I have so many chores 2_(do) today. I have 3 _( do) my homework of course. I 4 _( start) about an hour ago but I havent finished. Then I have to take the dog for a walk water my moms plants and do some 5_(shop).

14、 I havent 6 _(do) any of those things yet because my grandfather came to chat with me. He loves talking and I love 7 _(listen) to him. He started 8_(tell) me about all of the chores he had to do when he 9 _(be) a kid. He had to get up at 5 am 10_(chop) wood and light the fire for breakfast. Then he

15、had to collect water from the village well. Then he had to feed the animals- he and his family lived on the farm.Take care.Crystal 八下3-4单元1浴室-卧室;寝室-.厨房-出去;离开-剪;切;割-从另一个世界来的生物;外星人2-(buy的过去式)-着陆-get的过去式)-衬衫;衬衣-起飞-.当的时候-经3历;体验-想象;设想-奇怪的;陌生的-跟随;追随-令人惊奇的-开玩笑;戏弄;欺骗4恐惧的-攀登;爬-跳跃-呼喊;呼叫-(ride的过去式)-火车站-run的过去5


17、实的-使人13失望的;令人扫兴的-幸运的-复制;抄袭-名词性物主代词)她的-自己的-克服;14恢复;原谅-贫穷的;穷困的-乡村-志愿者-乡下的,乡村的-地区;地域-米;公15稀薄的-(eat的过去式)-幸运地-决定;决心-丈夫-宿舍- 高中-16打开始;开端-影响-.回来;返回-.家乡;故乡-照料;照顾-边界,边境- 危险二、短语背中记 1on computers/TV/phone/the radio less free time use the subway less2a piece of paper a newspaper live to be 200 years old in 100 y

18、ears How soon3agree with Sb be in college be at work be at table fly to Sw=go to Sw by4live on a space station /live in an apartment answer to the question fall in love with5live alone feel lonely wear a suit /a uniform dress Sb/oneself be able to=can6be able to 用于各种时态,而 can 只能用于一般现在时态和一般过去时态中)7one

19、day=some day twenty years from now=in twenty years the next World Cup8job interview come true one of the biggest computer companies my own robot9science fiction movies help (Sb) do Sth=help (Sb) with Sth such+a/an+adj.+单数名词= 10so+adj.+a/an+单数名词 such+adj.+复数名词/不可数名词 so+many/much/few/little+n11seem +a

20、dj. seem to do sth. seem that从句 I seemed to hear a voice in the distance.12It seemes that he is sad.=He seems to be sad. argue with Sb=have an argument with Sb13have a fight with Sb out of stylein style a ticket to a ball game14write him a letter=write a letter to him=write to him call him up=ring h

21、im up=phone him15enough time /busy enough pay (some money) for get a part-time job get a tutor16borrow Sth from Sblend Sth to Sb get on/along (well/badly) with Sb 17leave Sth at home be angry with Sb look up the word in a dictionary good luck to you18notuntil on the phone fitinto as much/soon/fast/

22、complain about Sb/Sth19as possible=as much/soon/fast/ as Sb can/sould be under (too much) pressure 20compareto compare withpush their kids so hard all kinds of a bit more time 21on the one hand /on the other hand need/have free time to relax 22 the same age as me=as old as me牢记重点句 1Do you think ther

23、e will be robots in peoples home? Everything will be free.2There will be more /less/fewer pollution. We find it easy for boys to play football.3Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance.4He thinks that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.5We never know

24、 what will happen in the future. Pushy parents are nothing new.6My friends wears the same clothes and has the same haircut as I do.7 Parents these days push their children much harder than before.8 Competitions between families starts at/from a young age.9I thought I failed my test and found out I p

25、assed. I dont know what to do.10Could you please give me some advice? Maybe you should learn to relax.五、课后我要练1. She was playing computer games at this time yesterday.(划线提问) _ _she _at this time yesterday?2. She was playing computer games at this time yesterday.(划线提问) _she _at this time yesterday?3.

26、Tom watched TV yesterday afternoon.(用at three yesterday 改写句子) Tom _TV at three yesterday4. “Can I copy your homework?” he asked me. (变为间接引语) asked me _ _ copy _homework. 1. 当我看到来自学校的信封时,我总是感到紧张。I always _when I see the_from school2. 我们应当尽力克服各种各样的困难。We should try to _ all kinds of difficulties3. 上学期我

27、物理和数学学得都很吃力。I had a reall_ _my physics and math last _.4. 在甘肃省的贫困山区教高中在你看来可能不会有趣。_high school in a _ _ _in Gansu _may not sound like fun to you.5. 听说他看见过外星人,我很吃惊。I was _ _hear that he had seen aliens.6. 该计划是在1999年由中国少先队发起的。The program _ _ _ the Chinese Young _in 1999.7.纽约世贸大厦于2001年9月11日被恐怖分子炸毁。The World Trade Center in New York _ _ by _ on Septemb

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