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1、4. A. Maggie thought the experiment was well done. B. Maggie could not continue the experiment. C. Maggie had expected the experiment to be easier. D. Maggie finished the experiment last night.5. A. Theyll not buy a new house because they dont have enough money. B. Theyll not buy a new house because

2、 they cant find a big one. C. Theyll buy a new house because they have enough money. D. Theyll buy a new house after they return from their vacation.Section B 5 points This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each convers

3、ation, there are recorded questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with

4、 a single line through the center.Conversation 16. A. San Francisco B. New York C. Washington D. Chicago7. A. Electric engineeringB. Business managementC. Computer programming D. Mechanical engineering8. A. The man is afraid of not getting accustomed to the life there. B. The man is afraid of the we

5、ather there. C. The man read a lot about crimes there in the newspaper. D. The man is afraid of being lonely there.Conversation 29. A. 18, Jiefang Road, Lixia District B. 80, Jiefang Road, Lixia District C. 18, Wenhua Road, Shizhong District D. 80, Wenhua Road, Shizhong District10. A. Wednesday, Mar

6、ch 23rd B. Tuesday, March 22nd C. Monday, March 21st D. Thursday, March 23rdSection C 5points In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. The first reading is for you t

7、o get the general idea. During the second reading, you are required to choose the missing words or phrases according to what you hear in order of numbered blanks. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. The third reading is for you to

8、check your answer. Now the passage will begin.There was once a man in South America who had a parrot, a pet bird that could imitate human speech. The parrot was 11. There were no other bird like him in the whole world. He could learn to say any word 12 one- he could not say the name of his native to

9、wn, Katuno. The man did everything he could to teach the parrot to say Katuno, but he never 13. At first he was very gentle with the bird, but gradually he 14 his temper. “ You stupid bird! Why cant you learn to say that One Word? Say Katuno, 15 Ill kill you!” But the parrot would not say it. Many t

10、imes the man screamed but failed at last.11. A. special B. unique C. common D. united 12. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for 13. A. success B. successful C. successfully D. succeeded 14. A. controlled B. control C. lose D. lost 15. A. or B. and C. but D. or elsePart II Vocabulary and Struc

11、ture(20 points, one point for each)16. Let me _ you before I can make you a suit.A. measure B. take C. see D. look17. Through out his life, Tom _ an interest in encouraging art in the city of Jinan.A. retained B. detained C. insured D. maintained18. The computer works very fast, _ data at the speed

12、of light.A. having handled B. hands C. handling D. having been handled 19.Yesterday it was _ that everyone stayed in the dorm.A. so hot day B. such a hot day C. a so hot day D. such day20. If you happen to _ my lost papers while you are looking for your book, please let me know at once by telephone.

13、A. come up B. come out C. come to D. come across21. His fluency in English gives him an advantage _ other boys for the job.A. than B. over C. with D. above22. What he told us about the affair simply doesnt make any _.A. idea B. meaning C. sense D. importance23. _ to recite the text again and again,

14、the little boy was very annoyed and angry.A. Forcing B. To force C. To forced D. Having been forced 24. We shall appreciate _ from you again.A. to hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hearing 25. The flower looked as it _ for a long time.A. hasnt watered B. hadnt been watered C. didnt water D. wasnt water

15、ed 26. Dont forget to walk the dog while I am away, _.A. will you B. can you C. shall you D do you27. _ for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now.A. Were it not B. Werent it C. Had it not been D. Had not it been28. Hardly had he arrived _ she started complaining.A. then B. but

16、 C. than D. when 29. Its necessary that _ the dictionary immediately.A. that he will return B. that he return C. that he returned D. that he has to return30. He hurried to the station _ that the train had left.A. so as to find B. to find C. in order to find D. only to find31. _ such a cold day, we d

17、ecided not to attend the meeting.A. It was B. It was C. It being D. Being32. Study hard, _ you will succeed sooner or later.A. or B. and C. but D. with33. I can tell you for sure that the new task _ by the time you come back next month.A. will be finished B. will finish C. finish D. will have been f

18、inished34. Young _ he was, he could handle such complex situations wonderfully well.A. as B. but C. and D. that 35. Franklins ability to learn from observations and experience contributed t greatly _ his success in public life.A. of B. to C. with D. withoutPart III Reading Comprehension 1 30 points,

19、 two points each This part is to test your reading ability. There are 3 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1 After reading the following passage, you will find 5 unfinished statements or questions, numbered 36 through 40. For

20、 each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Sinceancienttimes,people have dreamed of leaving Earth and exploring other worlds. But gravity holds everything on

21、the ground. Gravity is a pulling force between two objects. Earth is a very large object, and its gravity is strong. Even airplanes that fly thousands of feet above Earth cant leave our atmosphere and go into space. Scientists and engineers had to make a force much greater than gravity to travel to

22、outer space.Finally,thedreamcame true. Engineers built rockets powerful enough to lift a rocket into space. In 1957, scientists from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) sent the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space. The United States soon sent an artificial satellite, Explore

23、r 1, into space as well. The Space Age had begun.Thefirstspacecraftjust orbited (went around) Earth. There were no humans on these spacecraft. Then scientists sent robot spacecraft to the Moon. The spaceships carried cameras that took pictures of the Moons surface. Some robot spacecraft even landed

24、on the Moon.personwent into space in 1961. Soviet cosmonauts and American astronauts made several trips into orbit around Earth. The next goal was to send people to the Moon.36. What do you think is the best title of the passage?A. The dream of getting into space.B. The gravity of the earth.C. The f

25、irst person of getting outer space.D. The first time to lift a rocket into the space.37. According to the passage, what is gravity? A. the quality of being heavy.B. the amount that something weighsC. a pulling force between two objects.D. the seriousness of something38. Why cantairplanes that fly th

26、ousands of feet above Earth leave our atmosphere and go into space?A. Because the airplanes are too heavy themselves.B. Because the airplanes cant fly fast enough.C. Because the airplanes are controlled by men.D. Because the earth is a large object and has a strong gravity.39. Which of the following

27、 is not TRUE according to the passage?A. Gravity is a pulling force of certain object.B. In 1957, scientists from the USSR sent the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space.C. Thewent into space in 1961.D. Engineers built rockets powerful enough to lift a rocket into space.40. According to

28、the passage, which of the following countrys astronaut went to space first?A. China B. USSR C. German D.FranceTask 2 After reading the following passage, you will find 5 unfinished statements or questions, numbered 41 through 45. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Allanimalsmustbreathe oxygen to stay alive. They must breathe out a waste gas called carbon dioxide.Somebreathethrough lungs. Lungs t

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