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1、C. The boys having not done D. The boy having not doneKeys: 1-5 CACAA ii. 动名词作动词宾语1. 常见的只能接动名词不能接不定式作宾语的动词,记住下列动词可以避免在使用时产生错误。 表示“建议”、“完成”、“推迟”和“想像”:suggest, finish, postpone, delay, imagine表示“需要”、“承认”、“介意”和“原谅”:require,admit,mind,pardon,excuse表示“避免”、“冒险”、“练”、“逃”和“错过”:avoid, risk, practice, escape,

2、miss 表示“允许”、“考虑”、“理解”和“欢”、“赏”:allow, permit, consider, understand, enjoy, appreciate2. 常见的可以接动名词作宾语,而且也可用“sb.sth. doing”结构的动词有appreciate, consider, excuse, mind, propose, suggest, admit, delay, prevent, decline, forgive等。3. 但是在advise, allow, permit后,如果提到有关的人,可用动词不定式结构:sb. to do。1. He got well prepar

3、ed for the job interview, for he couldnt risk the good opportunity.A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost2. We are considering a new decision.A. making B. being made C. to make D. to have made3. I usually go there by train.Why not by boat for a change?A. try going B. trying to go C. to try

4、 and go D. trying going4. Our monitor suggested a discussion on the new holiday plan.A. to have B. should have C. have D. having5. The wild rabbit was lucky that it just missed .A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch 1-5 BAADC iii.动名词作介词宾语动名词作介词宾语常用在某些动词短语后,如insist on. keep on. get

5、used to, see to, pay attention to, take to, equal to, give up, persist in, aim at, believe in, be engaged in, care for, accuseof, put off, preventfrom, thankfor, devoteto, depend on. set about, be fond of, be tired of, be sick of, succeed in, be keen on, be responsible for, worry about, apologizefor

6、, advise on,feel like, put off, get through, think of, set about, be capable of, dream of, lead to, chargeof等。1. The discovery of new evidence led to .A. the thief having caught B. catch the thiefC. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught2. He hasnt got used in France yet.A. live B. to live

7、 C. to living D. living3. He insisted on abroad for his post-graduate study.A. he should B. he go C. his going D. him to go4. The teacher began by us where the city was and went on about its history.A. telling. to talk B. to tell. to talk C. telling. talking D. to tell. talking5. That evening, he se

8、t about the report the next morning.A. write. to hand in B. to write. . handing inC. written. to hand in D. writing. to be handed in 1-5 CCCAD iv. 动名词作定语和状语1. 动名词作定语修饰名词表示该名词的用途。2. 动名词本身不能作状语,但放在介词后构成介词短语作状语表示时间、原因、目的、方式、让步等,常见的介词有on,with,after,by,upon,before,at,Without,for,besides,against,about,in,

9、from等。1. He left goodbye to us.A. with saying B. without saying C. by saying D. on saying2. the news, he burst into tears.A. On hearing B. To hear C. By hearing D. At hearing3. Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan.A. his being not able B. him not to be ableC. his not being ab

10、le D. him to be not able4. After for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. being interviewed B. interviewedC. interviewing D. having interviewed5. Who is in the .A. swimming pool B. pool to swimC. swim pool D. pool that swims6. She bought for her grandfather.A. a stick to walk B.

11、a walk stickC. a walking stick D. a stick for walk 1-6 BACA ACv. 动名词的复合结构:逻辑主语+动名词1. 动名词可以有自己的逻辑主语,有生命的逻,辑主语用所有格或用通格;无生命的用通格;指示代词、不定代词等都用通格。2. 动名词的复合结构多用作主语和宾语。1. Do you mind alone at home?A. Jane leaving B. Jane having left C. Janes being left D. Jane to be left2. the meeting himself gave them a gr

12、eat deal of encouragement.A. The president will attend B. The president to attendC. The president attended D. The presidents attending3. He has always insisted on his Dr. Turner instead of Mr. Turner.A. been called B. called C. having called D. being called4. What worried the child most was to visit

13、 his mother in the hospital.A. his not allowing B. his not being allowedC. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed 1-4 CDDBVi. 动名词的时态与语态意义1. 动名词一般式所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时或在其后发生。2. 动名词完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。3. 动名词的被动式表示其动作的逻辑主语是动名词所表示动作的承受者。1. I dont remember before.A. being seen B. to see himC

14、. to have seen him D. having seen him2. I dislike while attempting to learn skiing.A. being looked at B. looking at C. to look at D. having looked at3. Babies enjoy before they go to sleep.A. to pat B. to be pat C. patting D. being patted4. While shopping, people sometimes cant help into buying some

15、thing they dont really need.A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded5. He is proud of the first place in the match yesterday.A. winning B. being won C. having won D. to have won6. He was surprised at about it.A. having asked B. having been asked C. being asked D. asking 1-6 DA

16、DCCBvii. 动名词需要注意的问题1. need,want,deserve,repay,require,bear,take,stand等分别表示需要”、“值得”、忍受”、“经受”等动词及形容词worth后,动名词常用主动式表示被动意义。2. 常用动名词的结构如下,记住以下这些结构非常重要: have difficulty/ trouble/ pleasure in doing sth.表示在做某事方面有困难快乐 there is difficulty/ trouble/ pleasure/ in doing sth.表示在做某事方面有困难快乐 have a pleasant/ good t

17、ime in doing sth.表示做某事很快乐 have a time in doing sth.表示费很大力气做(注意区分:to have time to so sth.表示有时间做) waste/ spend time/ money/ energy doing sth.表示浪费时间金钱精力做某事 be busy in doing sth./busy oneself in doing sth.表示忙于做某事 burst out laughing/ crying表示突然笑了哭了 be any/some/ no use doing sth.表示做某事有用没用 its fun/ good/a

18、waste of time/a bore/ such an encouragement doing sth.表示做某事是快乐的事是有好处的事是浪费时间的事是没有意思的事是件令人鼓舞的事s enjoyable/ foolish/ better/ nice/ rather tiring/ interesting/ pointless/ worthwhile/ terrible/ crazy doing sth.表示做某事是让人高兴的/愚蠢的/更好/令人累的/有意思的/无意义的/值得的/是疯了 of ones doing(=-ed by oneself)表示自己做的 What/ how about

19、doing sth.?表示询问做某事意下如何 What do you say to doing sth.? to spend ones time/ money in doing sth. 表示在做某事方面花钱花时间 lose no time in doing sth. 表示不失时机做某事 be long in doing sth. 表示干事情很慢 it is no use doing sth. =it is of no use doing sth. 表示做某事是没有用的 there is no use/ point in/ of doing sth. 表示做某事是没有用处意义的 Whats t

20、he use/ point/ good of doing sth. 表示做询问某事有什么用 be through with doing sth. 表示做完某事 no doing表示不准做某事 it goes without saying that.表示毫无疑问 make a point of doing表示“认为必要” be on the point of doing= be about to do表示“快要” never/ notwithout doingwhenever表示“没有而不” What do you say to doing?表示询问“认为如何?”1. The problem w

21、as difficult, but it was worth out.A. work B. to work C. being worked D. working2. The old peasant preferred in the field to at home in his free time.A. to walk around. staying B. walking around. stayingC. walking around. to stay D. to walk around. to stay3. You should do some reading instead of TV

22、all the time.A. to watch B. you watching C. you watch D. watching4. Besides , she is kind and considerate.A. pretty and clever B. being pretty and cleverC. her pretty and clever D. she is pretty and clever5. What about fishing together with us this afternoon?A. we go B. we going C. going D. to go 1-

23、5 D B D B C动名词综合练习AChoose the best answer. 1. Tom admitted _ the document in the morning without getting his managers permission. (长宁区) A. read B. being read read D. having read2. One of the basic principles of wildlife protection involves _ adequate natural food and shelter to maintain populat

24、ions of each species in a given environment. (崇明县) A. provided B. providing C. to provide D. provide3. Something as simple as_ thoughts openly can make a powerful difference to ones health. (奉贤区)A. to share B. sharing C. share D. shared4. I stayed up late doing my homework yesterday, so I had troubl

25、e _ up early this morning.( 黄浦区) A. get B. getting C. got D. to get5. The advertisement convinced Kelly to buy the makeup by _ her self-admiration. (静安 杨浦 青浦 宝山) A. appealing to B. being appealed to C. having been appealed to D. appeal to6. The man denied anything at the supermarket when questioned

26、by the police. (闵行区)A. to have stolen B. to be stealing C. having stolen D. to steal7. _ in a top-level university abroad is what many students wish for. ( 浦东) A. Educated B. Being educated C. To educate D. Educating8. An excellent source of advice about traveling with infants is B. It recommends _

27、until the baby is 3 months before traveling. (普陀)A. to wait B. having waited C. wait D. waiting1-5 DBBBA 6-8 CBD B. 用括号动词的适当形式填空。1. I like to see the smiles on their faces, so (say) “thank you” every day is the way I make the world a better place. 2. A friendly dog named Bonnie, who also happens to

28、be deaf, is being praised by her owner for _(help) him catch a suspected intruder in their home. 3When Strasser walked into the living room, he caught the intruder _(try) to steal his computer. 4. I imagined (sign) by some famous model companies5. His main customers were truck drivers and traveling salesmen who drank coffee and are cheeseburgers when they stopped (break) their journey. 6. Several of the worst man-made disasters happened in the last few hours before dawn, when even the most experienced night-worker has difficulty (stay) awake.

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