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1、Step-by step building of the Chinese medical professional training system in order to efficient health care providersStrengthen and reorgnize the educational systems for training better qualityThe purpose is that through analysis and discussion, we could explore different options as well as provide

2、insightful and helpful tips for Chinese medical education and health care reform, which are currently being conducted in ChinaAs far as we know that the medico medics have almost the busiest college life compare with other majors. Room for individual studyChina充足准备,背景各异动力十足,作为一生职业费用巨大病人量不足不努力就滚蛋多种学习

3、方式 高中毕业,少经历少,对病人责任感不足 犹豫是否应该学医 分数够就行 经验上有优势 竞争少 主要在课堂篇二:医疗英文dispense分配、分发、配药vi.免除、省掉 medication药物,药物处理,处方prescription命令,处方,惯例 ailment病痛,(轻微的)疾病,精神失调 hybrid 混血儿,混合物,混合的 bactericidal杀菌的,有杀菌性的spectrum谱,光谱,色谱 resistance抵抗力、抗药性beta-lactamase B-内酰胺酶 meningitis 脑(脊)膜炎affinity 亲和力,亲和性 intestinal 肠的,肠内的pneum

4、onia 肺炎 bronchitis 支气管炎resistance 抗药性 tolerance 耐受性selectivity 选择性 dependence 依赖性gonorrhea 淋病 Metoprolol 美托洛尔Propranolol 普萘洛尔 Timolol 噻吗洛尔Pindolol ISA 吲哚洛尔 Atenolol 阿替洛尔Labetalol 拉贝洛尔 blocker 阻滞剂,阻断剂competitive 竞争性 hypertension 高血压angina pectoris 心绞痛 cardiac arrhythmias 心律失常myocardial infarction 心肌梗

5、塞 heart failure 心力衰竭hyperthyroidism 甲亢 migraine 偏头痛Omeprazole 奥美拉唑 ulcer 溃疡esophagitis 食管炎 gastric 胃的duodenal 十二指肠的 pediatric 儿科的endoscopic 内窥镜检查的 hypersensitivity 过敏症Lansoprazole 兰索拉唑 Pantoprazole 泮托拉唑Rabeprazole 雷贝拉唑 diclofenac 双氯酚酸anti-inflammatory 抗炎药,抗炎的 analgesic 止痛的,止痛剂antipyretic 退热的,退热剂 pro

6、staglandin 前列腺素absorption 吸收 metabolites 代谢产物airway 气道,导气管 hyper responsiveness 高反应性wheezing 喘鸣 breathlessness 气喘,呼吸急促chest tightness 胸部紧迫感 cough 咳嗽reversible 可逆的,可翻转的 spontaneously 自发地,自然地,本能的 antipyretic 解热 analgesic 镇痛osteoarthritis 骨关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎 ankylosing spondylitis 强制性脊柱炎

7、allergic reaction 过敏反应itching 瘙痒 hives 寻麻症swell 肿胀 tingling 麻刺感gastrointestinal(GI) effects 胃肠道反应 GI ulceration 胃肠道溃疡bleeding 出血 perforation 穿孔Pharmacokientics 药动学 absorption 吸收distribution 分布 metabolism 代谢excretion 排泄 elimination 消除 It involves the interpretation of prescription orders; the compoun

8、ding, labeling, and dispensing of drugs and devices.它包括解释处方,混合、标记、调配药物和装置。 In these settings, pharmacists dispense medication, prepare sterile solutions, advise other professionals and patients on the use of drugs, monitor drug regimens, and evaluate drug use.在这些机构中,药剂师分发药物,准备消毒溶液,给病人和其他专业人员使用药物提供建议

9、,监测药物方案,评价药物应用。 It is more resistant to hydrolysis by beta-lactamases than cefamandole.与头孢孟多相比它更能耐受B-内酰胺酶的水解作用。 Cefuroxime axetil is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is rapidly hydrolyzed in the intestinal mucosa and blood to cefuroxime.头孢呋辛酯自胃肠道吸收后,在肠黏膜和血液被迅速水解为头孢呋辛。 It is also used for

10、 surgical infection prophylaxis.它也用于外科预防感染。 Metoprolol is used in the management of hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and heart failure.美托洛尔可用于治疗高血压、心绞痛、心律失常、心肌梗塞、心力衰竭。 Metoprolol is also used in the management of hyperthyroidism and in the prophylactic treat

11、ment of migraine.美托洛尔也用于治疗甲亢和预防偏头痛。 Metoprolol is widely distributed; it crosses the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, and is distributed into breast milk.美托洛尔分布广泛;它可以穿越血脑屏障和胎盘屏障,在乳汁中也有分布。 Symptomatic response to omeprazole therapy does not preclude the presence of gastric malignancy.奥美拉唑治疗即使有效也

12、不能排除胃部恶性肿瘤。10. Omeprazole is considered the gold standard in the short-term treatment of gastric ulcers.奥美拉唑在胃溃疡的短期治疗中被认为是黄金标准。1 Because renal elimination is not a significant pathway of elimination for unchanged diclofenac, dosing adjustment in patients with mild to moderate renal dysfunction is no

13、t necessary.因为肾脏消除并非双氯酚酸原形消除的主要途径,所以,对轻度肾功能不全的患者不必调整剂量。1 Food has no significant effect on the extent of diclofenac absorption.食物对双氯酚酸的吸收没有显著影响。1 To minimize the potential risk for an adverse GI event, the lowest effective dose should be used for the shortest possible duration.为减少潜在的消化道事件风险,应尽量使用最低剂

14、量最短疗程。1 Asthma is a problem worldwide, with an estimated 300 million affected individuals. 哮喘是一个全球性的问题,估计有3亿受累者。1 There is good evidence that asthma prevalence has been increasing in some countries and has recently increased but now may have stabilized in others.在某些国家有明确证据说明哮喘患病率已经增高并还在继续增高,但在另一些国家最

15、近已经稳定了。1 Host factors are genetic, obesity and sex. Environmental factors are allergens, infections, occupational sensitizers, tobacco smoke, outdoor/indoor air pollution anddiet.宿主因素包括基因、肥胖和性别。环境因素有过敏原、感染、职业致敏物、烟草、户外和室内空气污染和食物。1 The allergic reaction of these drugs include itching, hives, swell and

16、 tingling. 这些药物的过敏反应包括瘙痒、寻麻疹、肿胀和麻刺感。1 Do not use more shots or use it more often than your doctor tells you to. Use a new needle and syringe each time you inject.不要使用超过医嘱的剂量或增加给药次数。每次注射的时候使用新的注射器和针头。关于医疗的英语作文.1 Once the powder has been mixed with the liquid, this mixture must be stored in the refrig

17、erator.一旦粉末与液体混合了,混合物必须贮存于冰箱中。1 一天两次,一次两片Twice a day, two tablet each time.2 饭前1小时服用 Take the medicine an hour before meals.3 必要时加服一剂 Take it another time when necessary4 如果发现任何不良反应请致电给你的医生 Call your doctor if you notice any of the adverse effect.5冷水送服 take it with cold water.6 这是控释片 This is control

18、- released tablet.7 该药耐受性良好This medicine is well tolerated.8 该药应贮存于冰箱中Keep the medicine in the refrigerator.9 使用前震摇瓶子Shake the bottle before each use.10 不要超量使用Dont use extra medicineChoose 10*2” What kind of care can pharmacists provide to patient? (E)A Provide drug information B dispense drugsC pre

19、pare sterile solutions D monitor drug regimensE all of them It is more resistant to hydrolysis by beta-lactamases than cefamandole. That means(A)A it is more useful in the treatment of beta-lactamase-producing strains inflammatory. Cefuroxime only achieves therapeutic coneentrations in the CSF when

20、the meninges are inflamed. That means (D)D it can pass the blood-brain barrier only when meningitis. Which one is not the indications of Metoprolol? (B)A hypertension B asthma C cardiac arrhythmias D myocardial infaretion Metoprolol is a (A) beta blocker. It is competitive antagonist of ()A selectiv

21、e beta-1 receptor B non selective beta-2 recepror Omeprazole is PPIs, in clinical trails it can not used in (A)A gastric malignancy B ulcer C gastroesophageal reflux disease Elimination means metabolism and which one? (D)A absorption B distribution C metabolism D excretion Which one is not the adver

22、se effects of diclofenac?A ulceration B bleeding C inflammatory D perforation E meningitis T.I.D. means(C)A once a day B twice a day C three times a day10. Factors that influence the risk of asthma can be divided into those that cause the development of asthma and those that trigger asthma symptoms;

23、 some do both. This means:(C)C the mechanisms of asthma are complex and interactive.1 Diclofenac can be used in (E)A arthritis B osteoarthritis C rheumatoid arthritis D ankylosing spindylitis E all of them1 Asthma is problem (A), with an estimated 300 million affected individuals.A worldwide B locally C individuallyP1: some patients may need to use this medicine for 2 to 4 weeks before it starts to help. Others may

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