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1、CIP Award SystemContinuous Improvement Process 持续改善奖励制度,Oct.2017,Content 内容,Purpose of CIP Award Program Enhancement 改善提案奖励机制目的Award Program-CIP Point Card奖励系统 改善积分卡Award Program Validated CIP proposal requirement奖励系统 有效改善提案条件Award Program-CIP proposal evaluation committee pool奖励系统 改善提案评委会Award Prog

2、ram-CIP proposal evaluation and award process奖励系统 评估和奖励流程Award Program Souvenir management奖励系统 奖品管理,Purpose 目的,Promote continuous improvement culture and CIP proposal program for quality,cost,service,delivery etc.推广持续改善文化和改善提案活动,在质量、价格、服务、交付等方面展开Attract and encourage peoples involvement into CIP pro

3、posal program 吸引和鼓励全员参与 Build up a solid and cooperation team 建立坚实并合作的团队 Remove the waste 消除浪费,Award Program-CIP Point Card奖励系统 改善积分卡,Participation Award 参与奖Participation award is adopted by release CIP point with CIP Point Cards,every validated proposal will get one CIP Point Card,the cards can be

4、accumulated to perspective number for souvenir exchange,the exchange rule refer to Gift Exchange Criteria参与奖使用发放改善积分卡的方式,每个有效提案可获取一张积分卡,积分卡可以累积使用兑换相应的奖品,兑换规则详见“礼品兑换标准”。,Back Side 背面,Front Side 正面,Award Program-CIP Point Card奖励系统 改善积分卡,CIP Point Cards control rules 改善积分卡管理规则:One validated CIP proposa

5、l will get one CIP Point Card(for the proposals rejected at 1st review process are not included),for best 5 CIP proposal monthly,we provide 3 CIP point cards 一个有效的改善提案可换取一张积分卡(对在首次评估被拒绝的提案为无效提案),月度最佳前5个高质量提案可获得三张积分卡Proposals completed by proposers department without other departments support,we prov

6、ide 2 CIP point cards本部门自主完成改善提案的,不需其他部门协助的,每个提案可获得两张积分卡 All the CIP Point Cards will be controlled by management representative after get register number from them,the card will be signed by management representative and respective department manager 管理者代表负责对积分卡的管理和控制,积分卡的发放应由管理者代表登记编号后,由管理者代表和提案部门

7、经理签字后生效 CIP Point Card is only applied for proposer,its invalid to transfer to other people 积分卡仅适用于提案人本人,转送他人无效 No time limit,the cards can be used accumulated 无时间限制,积分卡可累计使用 CIP Point Card can be exchanged as cash 15 RMB per point while they resigned but not reach the point to exchange the gifts 当提

8、案人离职时,而积分卡还未达到兑换奖品的数量,积分卡可以以每分15元做相应的现金兑换,Award Program validated CIP proposal 奖励系统 有效改善提案要求,Validated proposal with all below requirements 有效的提案需要同时满足以下要求Not repeat case before 之前无类似提案With deadline should be realizable in fiscal year 有最终实现期限,一般要求财年内可实现Compare with past have Improvement and its mean

9、ingful 对比过去某方面有改善,并有意义In general,proposer can not be more than two personals 提案人员原则上不超过2个人,Situations below rejected directly以下情况的直接退回:1)攻击团体或个人的;Attack some team or personnel;2)无合理要求改善待遇或加薪的;No reasonable request for salary 9)公司现有标准定义范围内的建议;Within the current company standard defined.,Award Program

10、 validated CIP proposal 奖励系统 有效改善提案要求,Award Program-CIP proposal evaluation committee pool奖励系统 改善提案评委团,每月在评委组内邀请4-6人参与改善提案的初评来决定是否采纳该提案 monthly review by committee pool 4-6 person based on CIP proposal to decide if the proposal accept or rejectEPOS经理为评委组长 EPOS manager is the leader of committee评委组如下

11、 committee pool常务理事带*标记 executive number*,Award Program-CIP proposal evaluation and award process奖励系统 改善提案评估和奖励流程,Monthly review top 5 proposal go to quarterly review(take 3 from 15 proposals)每月提出最佳5个提案进入季度评选(15选3)Quarterly top 3 winner will go to annual review(take 3 form 12 proposals)每季度胜出者参与年度评选(

12、12选3)Extract 5 lucky draw from participation personnel 年度评选时抽取5个幸运奖,Award Program-CIP proposal evaluation and award process奖励系统 改善提案评估和奖励流程,Award Program Quality award evaluation process奖励系统 质量奖评估流程,对评审通过的申报,授予200元购物卡作为奖励 For the approved application by the review,awarded 200RMB shopping coupon原则上于二

13、周内发奖 Generally present the award within two weeks.,部门主管、质量部和厂长评审Department manager,quality department and factory manager review,每月公布在CIP月报中 Each month announcement by CIP report,常务理事负责和采购沟通,协调礼品购买,负责礼品的兑换并组织季度和年度的颁奖活动 Executive number of committee pool need communicate,define and coordinate with bu

14、yer for gift purchasing,exchange points card with relevant gifts.只有在该季度完成的改善提案才能参与季度评估和奖励 Only completed CIP proposals during the quarter are permitted for quarterly CIP proposal evaluation and award competition.季度奖品和年度奖品需在公布结果后2-4周发放。Quarterly and annually souvenir will be provided within 2-4 weeks

15、 after evaluation.,Award Program Souvenir management奖励系统 奖品管理,Gift Exchange Criteria Point 5礼品兑换标准 5分,The souvenirs are only for reference,it could be changed to other equal value gifts upon the availability 礼品图片仅供参考,实际礼品可能为同价值的其他物品,Gift Exchange Criteria Point 10礼品兑换标准 10分,The souvenirs are only fo

16、r reference,it could be changed to other equal value gifts upon the availability 礼品图片仅供参考,实际礼品可能为同价值的其他物品,Gift Exchange Criteria Point 20礼品兑换标准 20分,The souvenirs are only for reference,it could be changed to other equal value gifts upon the availability 礼品图片仅供参考,实际礼品可能为同价值的其他物品,Gift Exchange Criteria Point 50礼品兑换标准 50分,The souvenirs are only for reference,it could be changed to other equal value gifts upon the availability 礼品图片仅供参考,实际礼品可能为同价值的其他物品,Award Program-Quarter Award奖励系统 季度奖,Every quarte

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