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1、/fancy cakes花式糕点/That pattern is too fancy for me. 对我来说,那种式样太花哨了。【词组】take a fancy to喜欢上,爱上Ive taken a fancy to that silly hat. 我特别喜欢那顶怪帽子。【记忆】fan(词根)外观,出现fancy想象,爱好,迷恋approval n. 赞成,同意The decision met the committees approval. 决定得到了委员会的同意。批准,认可The plan is likely to meet with the approval of the minis

2、ter. 此计划很可能会得到部长的批准。【词组】on approval(商品)供试用的,包退包换的take the skirt on approval试穿裙子artistic adj. 艺术(家)的,美术(家)的the artistic community艺术界富有艺术性的,精美的,精彩的an artistic design精美的图案prejudice n. 偏见,成见(同义:bias, favour, injustice) A new law has been brought into discouraging racial prejudice. 新法律用以抵制种族偏见。vt. 使有偏见Th

3、ese facts prejudiced them against him. 这些事实促使他们对他有偏见。对不利,损害Your bad spelling may prejudice your chances of getting this job. 你那糟糕的拼写可能会减少你获得这一工作的机会。【词组】without prejudice(to)(对)没有不利,无损(于)【难句】To take advantage of this tool, some impoverished countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial

4、 prejudices with respect to foreign investment.为了能充分利用外国投资这一工具,一些贫困国家不得不克服早已过时的反殖民主义偏见。recommendation n. 推荐,推荐信I went to the new hotel on your recommendation. 经你的介绍我去了这家新旅馆。建议,劝告She made some good recommendations to me on this subject. 就这件事她给了我不少好建议。 优点,长处,可取之处The cheapness of coach travel is its on

5、ly recommendation. 乘长途汽车的唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜。【用法】recommendation后接that从句时,that从句用虚拟语气。I followed my mothers recommendation that I be in bed at least one week. 我听从了母亲要我至少卧床一周的建议。【难句】Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusual animal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds n

6、ot be used for such an experimentalthough no one had proposed to do soand asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning. 他宣布自己反对使用这种非同寻常的畜牧繁殖技术来克隆人类,并下令不准动用联

7、邦政府基金做此类试验尽管还没有人建议这么做他还请一个以普林斯顿大学校长哈罗得夏皮罗为首的独立专家组在90天内向白宫汇报关于制定有关克隆人的国家政策的建议。statistics n. 统计数字,统计资料The recent statistics on marriage are interesting. 最近关于婚姻情况的统计资料挺有意思。统计学Statistics is not so difficult as some people think. 统计学并不像某些人想的那样难。【用法】statistics表示“统计学”时,谓语动词用单数;表示“统计或估计资料”时,谓语动词用复数。endless

8、adj. 无止境的,没完没了的It seems that there are endless arguments between some couples. 有些夫妻之间似乎总是没完没了地争吵。hazard n. 危险,公害(同义:danger, risk;反义:safety, security) a hazard to health危及健康的因素/Fog can be a hazard on the motorways in winter. 冬季的大雾会在高速公路上制造险情。vt. 尝试着做(或提出)You may hazard a guess. 你可以来大胆猜一下。冒风险He hazard

9、ed his whole property in an attempt to save the business. 他孤注一掷以全部财产挽救公司。normally adv. 通常,正常地normally off常闭状态optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的(同义:hopeful, positive;pessimistic) The experts are optimistic about our chances of success. 专家们对我们成功的机会持乐观态度。【记忆】opt(词根)希望optimistic乐观(主义)的【真题】1. I am afraid that you h

10、ave to alter your _views in light of the tragic news that has just arrived.A) indifferent B) distressing C) optimistic D) pessimistic 选C 考虑到刚刚传来的不幸消息,恐怕你得改变你那些乐观的想法。从上下文看,只有C)符合逻辑。A)“无动于衷的”;B)“令人苦恼的”;D)“悲观的”。【真题】2. He is _ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A) optimi

11、stic B) optional C) outstanding D) obvious 选A 对于在明年的奥运会上获得一枚金牌,他表示乐观。四个选项的意思分别是:A)“乐观的,乐观主义的”;B)“可任意选择的,非强制的”;C)“杰出的,优秀的”;D)“明显的”。independent adj. 独立的,自主的,自立的She has an independent income. 她有一份独立的收入。无偏见的,中立的an independent witness/observer无偏见的证人/观察者不相关联的,无关的He made a decision independent of the outco

12、me of the study. 他做了个与研究结果无关的决定。【记忆】in-(前缀)表示否定independent独立的,自主的keen adj. (on)热心的,渴望的My father is dead keen on fishing. 我父亲酷爱钓鱼。敏锐的,敏捷的(同义:sharp, acute) A leader should have a keen eye and mind. 领导者应具备敏锐的眼光和敏捷的头脑。激烈的,强烈的He was involved in a keen struggle for power. 他被卷入一场激烈的权力之争中。锋利的,刺人的a keen swor

13、d锋利的剑词汇辨析keen, sharp keen指物品的锋利。作用于感官时,给人以神清气爽的感觉。形容快乐、痛苦等情感时,表示感受强烈,He takes a keen interest in his work. 他对自己的工作有极大的兴趣。当指人的品质时,表示敏锐,有洞察力。sharp指物品的尖端,边缘锋利。作用于感官时,表示令人不快的尖利;形容情感时,表示感觉突出;当指人或人品时,多表示过分的精明甚至是诡诈。You wont catch him, he is a sharp trader. 你迷惑不了他,他是个很精明的商人。publication n. 出版,发行He died of he

14、art attack two days after the publication of his novel. 小说出版两天后,他死于心脏病突发。公布,发表Radio is a great method of communication and publication. 无线电是传播与发布信息极为有效的手段。trim vt. 修剪,整修I went to the barbers and had my hair trimmed yesterday. 我昨天去理发店把头发修剪了一下。装饰She bought a curtain trimmed with lace. 她买了一块带花边的窗帘。削减,删

15、减trim the military budget削减军费预算adj. 苗条的,修长的a trim figure苗条的身材整齐的,整洁的The gravel paths are square and trim. 沙砾人行道都是方正整洁的。n. 修剪,整修The hedge needs a trim. 灌木树篱需要修剪。overcome vt. 战胜,克服She lacks courage to overcome difficulties. 她缺少克服困难的勇气。(感情等)压倒,使受不了We were overcome with joy. 我们喜出望外。overdue adj. 过期的,到期未付

16、的We received an overdue bill this morning. 我们今天早上收到了过期的账单。早该有的,迟到的,延误的I was late due to the overdue train. 因为火车晚点,我迟到了。retrieve vt. 重新得到,取回,收回I ran back to my room and retrieved my bag. 我跑回房间取回了我的包。挽回,补救He went to great lengths to retrieve his honor. 他竭尽全力挽回名誉。检索The researchers are retrieving the in

17、formation they need on the computer. 研究人员正在计算机上检索他们所需要的资料。throat n. 咽喉,嗓子The speaker paused to clear his throat, and then went on. 报告人停下来清了清嗓子,接着继续讲了起来。occupation n. 工作,职业What is her occupation?她的职业是什么?(人)从事的活动,消遣The young man became bored for lack of occupation. 这个年轻人因无所事事而感到无聊。占领,占据the military oc

18、cupation军事占领occupation, employment, profession occupation指某人经常做的或训练有素的工作,不论此时他是否从事这工作,或领受工资与否。He is a lawyer by occupation. 他的职业是律师。employment指替别人做工而接受薪水的工作。含有“雇用”的意思。The new factory provided employment for many young people. 这家新工厂为许多年轻人提供就业机会。profession特指必须受过专门教育或训练而具有某种专业知识的工作。The most suitable th

19、ing you could do is to enter your fathers profession. 你所能做的最合适的事情是开始从事你父亲的行当。clap vi. 拍手,鼓掌He clapped for silence. 他拍手示意大家安静下来。vt. 拍,击He clapped his friend on the back and congratulated him. 他拍拍朋友的背,向他表示祝贺。n. 拍手,鼓掌They gave the performer a clap. 他们给演出者报以掌声。unusual adj. 不平常的,少有的an unusual hat不寻常的帽子与众

20、不同的,独特的The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. 最奇特的小汽车是只有三个轮子的奔驰汽车。occurrence n. 发生的事情,事件(同义:incidence, happening, event) Newspapers record the chief occurrences of the day. 报纸刊载每天的大事。发生,出现It is really an event of rare occurrence. 真是件不寻常的事。racial adj. 人种的,种族的racial pride种族优越感/ra

21、cial customs种族习俗【记忆】rac(词根)种族racial种族的,人种的excitement n. 刺激,激动,兴奋The excitement of the games has made them tired. 玩游戏的兴奋使他们很疲劳。令人兴奋的事,刺激的因素Traveling around the world in a big airship? Its really an excitement!乘坐大飞艇环游地球吗?真是件让人兴奋的事啊!【记忆】cite(词根)呼叫,驱策excitement刺激,兴奋practicable adj. 可行的,适用的Before the era

22、 of electronics, television did not seem practicable. 在电子时代之前,电视似乎是不现实的东西。tolerate vt. 容许,承认The government tolerates all religions. 政府尊重各种宗教信仰。容忍,忍受I cannot tolerate his rudeness. 我不能容忍他的粗鲁行为。weaken v. (使)变弱,(使)减弱His illness had weakened him. 他的病使他孱弱下去。【难句】Last year Mitsuo Setoyama, who was then edu

23、cation minister, raised eyebrows when he argued that liberal reforms introduced by the American occupation authorities after World War had weakened the Japanese morality of respect for parents.去年,当担任教育部长职务的濑户光夫争辩到二战后由美国占领当局引入的自由主义革新削弱了日本民族“尊敬父母的道德品质”时,也不禁为此皱眉。whoever pron. 引导名词从句谁Ill take whoever wa

24、nts to go. 谁要去我就带谁去。无论谁,不管谁Whoever telephones, tell them Im out. 无论谁打电话来,都说我出去了。究竟是谁Whoever can that be?那究竟会是谁呢?【真题】We agreed to accept_ they thought was the best tourist guide.A) whatever B) whomever C) whichever D) whoever 选D我们同意接受任何人,只要他们认为是最好的导游。分析句子结构,空格处应作accept的宾语,同时作was 的主语,且表示人,所以应选D)项。part

25、ial adj. 部分的,不完全的It is at most a partial success. 这至多是部分的成功。(to)偏爱的,癖好的Hes very partial to beans. 他特别爱吃豆子。(to, towards)偏向一方的,偏心的(反义:impartial)Examiners are partial towards pretty women students. 主考人员偏袒漂亮的女生。【记忆】part(词根)分,分开partial部分的,局部的;偏爱的【真题】It is said that the math teacher seems _ towards bright

26、 students.A) partial B) beneficial C) preferable D) liable 选A据说数学老师似乎更偏爱聪明的学生。四个形容词的意思分别是:A)“偏袒的,不公平的”;B)“对有益的”;C)“更可取的,更好的”;D)“易于的”。semester n. 学期In many American universities the total course work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. 在美国的很多大学读一个学位要学36门课程,每门课程上

27、一个学期。shut v. 关,闭Will you please shut the door?能不能关上门?【词组】shut away把藏起来,隔离The children shut themselves away in a closet. 孩子们把自己藏在储藏间里。| shut down(使)关闭,(使)停工He decided to shut down the shop. 他决定关闭商店。|shut in把关在里面,禁闭We are shut in by hills here. 我们被群山环绕。| shut off切断(水、电等),关掉,(使)停止运转shut off water停水 | s

28、hut out把排斥在外shut out immigrants拒绝移民|shut up 1. 住口Shut up!闭嘴! 2. 监禁shut up a prisoner囚监犯人variable adj. 易变的,多变的Her variable mood put her boyfriend at an utter loss as to what to do. 她易变的脾气真令她男朋友全然不知所措。/variable weather 多变的天气可变的The temperature inside the car is variable. 车内温度是可变的。n. 可变因素,变量Have you tak

29、en all the variables into account in your calculation?计算中你考虑所有的变量了吗?livestock n. 总称家畜,牲畜livestock prices 家畜价格/a livestock auction家畜拍卖swift adj. 迅速的,速度快的a swift runner跑得很快的人敏捷的,反应快的The frog made a swift leap into the pond. 青蛙敏捷地跳入池塘。exceedingly adv. 非常,极其They are exceedingly generous. 他们非常慷慨大方。sake n. 缘故,理由(同义:purpose, reason, benefit, favor) for the countrys sake为了国家的利益/For goodness sake, stop

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