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摩登家庭 第3季第12集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语打印word版Word格式文档下载.docx

1、Yeah, but its the most important question 是的 可那是最关键的问题because it launches me into my big finish. 它将引出我的压轴好戏- Yes. - That way, people leave excited. -没错 -那样人们会高高兴兴地离开Oh, I think people will be excited to leave. 我看是很高兴能离开吧Luke. 卢克Why? 你在干嘛Im sorry. Its for school. 抱歉 我是为了完成学校作业I have to design a conta

2、iner thatll protect an egg 我必须设计一个容器保护鸡蛋in a 1-story drop. 从1层楼高处跌落而不摔碎Yeah, so, um, 好吧 所以you thought you would go with an egg carton? 你准备用包装鸡蛋的纸盒吗What if the best idea was under my nose the whole time? 也许最佳方法就藏在我眼皮底下呢re gonna need to come down and clean this up now. 你得下来把这一摊收拾干净Ugh! I wouldnt have

3、to do any of this 其实我本来完全不用瞎折腾的if Alex would just let me use hers from when she took the class. 都怪艾丽克斯不肯让我用她当年上这课时的作品Never. 门都没有That design is my intellectual property. 那设计是我的知识产权I think it has applications for unmanned space flight. 我觉得它足以应用在无人驾驶太空飞行上Keep talking like that 你再继续当科学怪胎and youll go thr

4、ough life unmanned. 一辈子都无人可嫁了- Funny. - Girls. -真会搞笑 -姑娘们Luke, honey, listen to me. 卢克 亲爱的 听我说re gonna need to do this project on your own. 你得独立完成这个作业And you can do it. Just. really think. 你能做到的 只要努力动动脑子ve got it! 我想到了What if Im the container? 用我自身做容器如何Theres a thought. You could be. 算是个想法 你可以.No, L

5、uke! Luke! 别 卢克 卢克第三季 第十二集 摩登家庭Okay, si, te quiero. Mwah, mwah, mwah! 好 好 亲亲 爱你哦I understood Crazy old witch, 我听懂了疯老巫婆子Go kill yourself, Then I love you. 去死吧 以及 爱你哦ll never get this, how you all yell at each other. 我一直搞不懂 你们怎么老互相嚷嚷Thats how you know that your family loves you 如何感受家人爱when they feel f

6、ree to scream at you. 就在他们嚷你时Oh, I guess I owe my ex-wife an apology. 那我应该对我前妻说声抱歉了Apparently,she was nuts about me. 显然 她当年爱我爱得如痴如狂Darn it! 该死Try the next one over a frying pan. 下次在炒锅上试验吧I could use some breakfast. 正好给我当早饭This is so frustrating. 真让人丧气At least youre getting your hands dirty for a cha

7、nge. 至少你是在亲自动手做事It is a nice break from the life of the mind I usually live. 平时都沉迷于精神世界 现在能动动手也不错s the spirit. 说得很对Plus its a metaphor for the human condition. 再说也是对人类境况的一种暗喻Arent we all just fragile eggs 我们不都是易碎的鸡蛋吗hiding behind bubble wrap and bravado? 躲藏在气泡垫的背后And were back. 又回到老样子了Well, Im sure

8、that your egg-droppy thing 我保证你的鸡蛋坠落作品is going to be the best in the class. 会是全班最棒的Except for Lukes. 肯定比不上卢克的Really? Our Luke? 是吗 我们家卢克吗But isnt he, like, a little, like. 可他不是 有点.天然呆I bet Claires gonna help him, 克莱尔肯定会帮他忙的just like she did with his self-portrait for art class. 就像上次美术课帮他画自画像一样There w

9、as life in those eyes. 那双眼睛囧囧有神It was haunting. 让人难以忘怀Tell you what. Im gonna nip this in the bud. 那行 我要将此不正之风扼杀于萌芽中You deserve a fighting chance. 你应该有公平竞争的机会Hey, Im calling about that, uh, egg project the boys are doing. 我是为孩子们的那个鸡蛋坠落作业打来的Parents arent supposed to help out on that, right? 家长不该插手帮忙

10、对吧Why would the parents be helping? 家长干嘛要帮呢Why do they cut grapes for 8-year-olds? 那干嘛要帮8岁的孩子切葡萄呢I figure if you can eat a chicken finger, 我觉得他们都会啃炸鸡条了you can tear your way through a grape. 肯定也能成功解决一颗葡萄Again, dad? 又旧事重提吗 爸爸Oh, Im sorry, it just. 抱歉 那事.bugs me, is all. 总让我不爽而已The point is, Im not hel

11、ping, 我要说的是 我不会帮忙and I hope no one else is helping, either. 我希望大家也都别帮忙Okay, dad. Thanks for the heads-up. 好吧 爸爸 多谢你提醒Love you. Bye-bye. 爱你哦 再见Well, my dad is doing Mannys project for him. 我爸要帮曼尼做作业了He called to tell you that? 他专门打电话来告诉你吗Oh, no. He called to tell me that he wasnt, 不 他打来告诉我他不会帮忙which

12、is exactly what you say when you are, 那正是当你要插手帮忙时but you dont want anybody to suspect it. 又不想引人怀疑的说辞 是吗What would you say if you had issues with your father? 那你和你爸之间的问题又是什么说辞呢Claire and Jay are incredibly competitive. 克莱尔和杰非常喜欢一较高低Tennis games, card games, everything. 网球比赛 扑克比赛 任何事Who knows why? 没人知

13、道原因Claire is the son that my dad never had. 克莱尔就像是我爸期望中的儿子I mean, he just wanted someone to throw a ball in the backyard. 他希望有个儿子一起在后院投球玩I did once, but. 我投过一次 可是He did not attend. 他没有来Looks like fun. 看起来挺有趣的It was, but now its hard. 开始是 可现在变难了m sure youre gonna do great, buddy. 你一定能做得很好 老弟Claire? 克

14、莱尔Uh, I am just showing interest in our sons project, 我只是对咱儿子的作品感兴趣which any parent would- 任何家长都.Think! Think. to do. Thinking. I am, 想想 好好想 我在想that maybe I should stay here 或许我应该留在这儿in case Luke has any questions. 以防卢克有什么问题要问Do you think you can find somebody else 你能找到其他什么人to help you with your sem

15、inar? 去帮你完成解说会吗I dont know. Thats a little last-minute. 估计不行吧 现在让我去哪儿找啊re kind of irreplaceable. 你是不可替代的啊Well, I mean, its just one question, 我意思是说 反正就只有一个问题and the seminar isnt for a few hours. 而且那个解说会也不会花太多时间Hey, Gloria? Quick favor. 喂 歌洛莉亚 帮个小忙Okay. See you there. Bye-bye. 好吧 那边见 拜拜What was that?

16、 什么事Phil. 是菲尔He needs help with a seminar that hes giving. 他请我去帮他完成一个解说会Why cant Claire help him? 怎么不找克莱尔帮他- He didnt say. - Ill tell you why -他没说 -我告诉你为什么because shes knee-deep in Lukes egg drop project. 因为她投身于卢克的鸡蛋坠落实验了She said that she was not going to help. 她说过不会插手帮忙的s exactly what I would say t

17、o me 那正是我对自己的惯用说辞if I was helping my kid and didnt want me to know. 用于我想帮孩子 又想骗自己说没插手的场合Why would you be talking to you? 你为什么会跟自己说话m just saying its unfair to Manny. 我只是说 那样对曼尼不公平The kid doesnt stand a chance on his own. 那孩子只靠自己是没希望赢的m tagging in here. 我要插手了Jay, he doesnt need you to baby him. 杰 他不需

18、要你插手m just gonna give him a few tips. 我就给他一点点指导而已Kid, get yourself a snack. 孩子 去吃点东西Okay, Ill cut him some grapes. 好吧 我给他切点葡萄Damn it! 别捣乱Not like that, Jay. 不是那种切片 杰Like this. Look. 是这样 瞧着It just irritates me, you know what I mean? 那个能惹毛我 你懂的Were meeting with prospective birth mothers. 我们近期在见一些孕妇 是未

19、来要领养孩子的生母ve had a few of these meetings, 我们曾有过一些类似的见面and theyre very nerve-racking. 那种事让人十分伤脑筋You want to look good, 你希望打扮得帅气迷人You want to make a good first impression 给对方留下良好的第一印象kind of like a first date. 有点像初次约会Actually, its-its the opposite of a first date. 事实上 跟初次约会正好相反You dont wanna have sex,

20、but you do want a baby. 你不想做爱 但却希望直接要个孩子I have to say, Lily is adorable, 我必须承认 莉莉太可爱了and such a good eater. 而且很能吃哦Oh, not all the time. 并非总是如此She just happens to love my tuna salad. 她只是喜欢我做的金枪鱼沙拉而已Dolphin safe, of course. 当然 我们没吃海豚Oh, who cares about that? 谁在乎那个啦Well, I bet the dolphins do. 我觉得海豚们介意

21、Its okay to eat tuna, but not dolphin? 你意思是说吃金枪鱼可以 吃海豚就不行My theory is, a fish is a fish. 我却觉得 鱼就是鱼而已Well. 其实呢A dolphins actually a mammal, so. 海豚实际上是哺乳动物 所以说Eh, to-may-to, to-mah-to. 就像番茄和西红柿 都一回事More like tomato, cow. 区别可大了 母牛Mitchell, can you help me with the scones in the kitchen? 米奇 来厨房帮我弄一下司康饼O

22、kay. 好的Excuse us. 失陪一下Okay, this is not really about the scones. 好吧 我们不是来弄司康饼的Oh, really? You didnt need help carrying six scones? 是吗 你一个人能拿得了六块饼吗No, this is about your need to correct 不 问题是你得改掉everyones every little mistake. 偏执地纠正别人小错误的毛病I am sorry. 不好意思I thought that she could use a basic biology

23、lesson. 但我觉得她需要学习一些基础生物知识Well, let me give you a basic biology lesson- 好吧 我来告诉你一点基础生物知识you and I cant make a baby. 你跟我生不了孩子So if she points to a lamp and calls it Uncle George, 所以如果她指着一盏灯 说那是乔治叔叔What are you gonna say? 你怎么说Pleased to meet you, Uncle George.很高兴见到你 乔治叔叔Very good. Now lets get out ther

24、e, 很好 现在我们出去smile, nod, and get ourselves a baby. 微笑 点头 弄个孩子回来Okay. 好吧And those are your five keys. 眼前就是你们的五把钥匙关键要点Now if there are no more questions. 如果没有别的问题的话Ah, yes, the lovely home buyer right here 哦看 这边有位可爱的买家On the edge of her seat. 正跃跃欲试呢I was wondering. 我想问的是I was wondering, 我想问的是Is there a

25、 sixth key? 有第六把钥匙吗As a matter of fact, 事实上There is. 的确有ll work on that. 待会儿得再练练s the key to the new home youve purchased below market. 此乃你能够以低于市场价买到新居的关键Thanks to Woosnum, Keneally, and Dunphy. 感谢沃斯南&肯尼利&邓菲公司吧Bravo! 精彩绝伦Fire the confetti cannon, drop the banner, 放彩花 落帷幕autographs, autographs, autog

26、raphs, 签名 签名 签名and were done. 然后搞定We still have, like, an hour left. 我们还剩一个小时呢Can I go shopping? 我能去购物吗No. I-I have vocal exercises to do, 不行 我得做一些发声练习and I need you to do a sound check for me. 我需要你帮我检查一下嗓音I was hoping we could go to my hair salon. 我打算和海莉去一趟发廊来着s nearby. I didnt have time to finish

27、my hair this morning. 就在附近 今天早上我没时间弄头发 That just happens? 不是吧 就要弃我而去了吗Ooh, and I can get my nailse done. 真好 我可以去做美甲Is it okay? 行吗Okay. Sure. 好吧 走吧Oh, oh! 对了Could one of you guys stick this under a chair on your way out? 你们出去时谁能把这个钉在某一个椅子下面One of the lucky attendees is going home 某个幸运参会者可以带回家with a brand-new mouse pad. 一个新型鼠标垫哦Wait, wait, wait, wait! 等一下 等一下t wanna see which chair. 我不想知道是哪个椅子I wanna be blown away like everyone else. 我想到时候和其他人一样被震撼到Yes. Now that is feng shui. 没错 那就叫顺应风水Doesnt that feel better? 现在是不是感觉舒服多了Oh, yes. Its wonderful for

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