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THGPSAnnex 1 Questionnaire expert surveyWord下载.docx

1、This project is commissioned by the Belgian Science Policy and supported by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug AddictionIntroductionAlthough Belgium puts in a great effort to gain insight into the epidemiologic situation concerning drug use (e.g. among the school-going youth), Belgium

2、 has no extended research tradition in relation to the prevalence of drug use. So far, the prevalence of drug use within the general Belgian population has never been studied. The aim of this research is a feasibility study of a repetitive survey among the general population. The feasibility study i

3、s commissioned by the Belgian Science Policy() and carried out by the Institute for Social Drug Research (Prof. Dr Tom Decorte, University of Ghent) and the Research Centre for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies (Prof. Dr Dimitri Mortelmans, University of Antwerp). Most European countries have alr

4、eady conducted one or more general population surveys, but there are important intrinsic and methodological-technical differences. Our research covers a detailed comparison of prevalence studies in other European countries, and includes a limited cognitive test of the included items with a view to t

5、he implementation of such study in Belgium. The feasibility study is composed of five foci: intrinsic focus (which concepts, prevalence indicators, characteristics of drug use, socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle indicators and attitudes are to be included in the instrument), methodological

6、 focus (data collection method, sample size (sample frame, over representations, weighting, size), frequency of the survey, etc.), comparative focus (comparability with national and international surveys), financial focus (general costs in relation to the choices of data collection and length of the

7、 questionnaire) and valorisation focus (feasibility and desirability of the distribution mode of the findings). In the first phase of this study we studied the international recommendations regarding measurement of drug use in the general population (EMCDDA, WHO, etc.) Furthermore, a meta-analysis o

8、f all existing prevalence studies in Europe is made. The meta-analysis of general population surveys covers a detailed comparison of items and question modules, methods and designs, used in prevalence studies in other European countries, and the evaluation of strengths, restrictions, preconditions a

9、nd costs of these studies. A first draft of this meta-analysis is included in the appendix.All experts responsible for national population surveys in the European Union are invited to complete this questionnaire. We would like to ask you some questions about several aspects of the design and the org

10、anisation of general population surveys on drugs in your country. The questionnaire, developed in close cooperation with the EMCDDA, gives special attention to the legitimations for choices that were made and to (reasons for) deviations from European guidelines, and also to the impact of general soc

11、ial, cultural and political practices in a country on the design of the study and specific implications and limitations of the national context. The questionnaire also focuses on the comparability and valorization of the data. Next to gaining insight in the experiences and know-how of the national e

12、xperts, your answers may help us to complete and up-date the overview of general populations surveys previously made by the EMCDDA(). As a result, a proposal of a best fit design for a Belgian population survey on drug use will be developed and tested. This must enable Belgian policymakers to decide

13、 whether or not and how to implement a national prevalence study. The final report will be available in Dutch and English at the end of 2008.How to fill in the questionnaire?The questions are related to the Relazione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia administered in

14、 the years 2001, 2003 and 2005.The questionnaire contains four parts. First, some general questions are asked, followed by detailed questions about intrinsic (A.) and methodological aspects (B.) in order to complete the EMCDDA overview (2001). The questionnaire ends with some questions about financi

15、al (C.) and valorisation aspects (D.). It takes about 40 minutes to complete this questionnaire.The questionnaire can be completed in the electronic version (recommended) or on a printed version. We kindly ask you to return the questionnaire by e-mail, postal service or fax at the latest before 19 M

16、ay 2008. The contact information can be found at the end of this questionnaire.Open-ended questions may be answered by typing/writing the answer in the provided space. In addition, there are several multiple choice questions. These questions can be answered by clicking/ticking on the box () besides

17、the correct answer. Given the importance of and usefulness of this meta-analysis of general population surveys on drugs for many experts around Europe, we hope for your participation and express our gratitude in advance.Yours truly,A. General questionsThe following questions are only related to Rela

18、zione Annuale al Parlamento sullo Stato delle Tossicodipendenze in Italia administered in the year 2005.1. The survey has been carried out at: National level only Other, please specify2. What was the type of survey: Single: survey dealt with drugs (and/or alcohol, tobacco and pharmaceuticals) onlyPl

19、ease specify why it was decided to develop a single survey (and why, for example, the survey was not set up by piggybacking if there was an opportunity). Multi: questions about drug use were part of a survey with a wider scope (piggybacking) Please specify the type of survey: Health survey Crime sur

20、vey What was/were the reason(s) for piggybacking? Lower cost Obtaining information about related items (e.g. health, crime)Did your research team evaluate the impact of the context (e.g. health, crime) on prevalence rates? If yes, could you elaborate on the reflections made?3. Describe the main obje

21、ctives and research questions the survey wanted to answer:(a) (b) (c) (d) 4. Who was the commissioner of the survey (the authority or institute that initiated and commissioned the survey?) The government (e.g. Ministry of Health)Please specify which ministry or department An academic institution (e.

22、g. university)Please specify which faculty or research centre A private/commercial company (e.g. research agency)Please specify which5. Who was the responsible agent of the survey (the institute or organisation that was in charge for the organisation and analysis of the survey)?6. Frequency of the s

23、urvey: Each year (annually) Every years (example: every 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, etc.) Every to years (example: every 3 to 4 years)7. Can you specify the reason(s) why the research team chose to conduct the survey as frequently as indicated in the previous question?8. Year(s) in which a similar su

24、rvey was carried out in your country in the past:9. Year(s) in which a similar survey will be carried out in the future:10. What was the data collection method? Mail Telephone Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) Not computer assisted Face-to-face Computer-assisted personal interviewing (

25、CAPI) Computer-assisted self interviewing (CASI) Pen and paper Web-based survey Other please specify11. How do you motivate the choice for this mode of interviewing?12. Is the questionnaire compatible with the recommendations of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)? N

26、o YesHow do you assess the comparability of your questionnaire to the European Model Questionnaire (EMQ)? Fully comparable to the EMQ Highly comparable to the EMQ Moderately comparable to the EMQ Little comparable to the EMQ Not comparable to the EMQPlease specify to what extent the questionnaire de

27、viates from the EMCDDA recommendations Concerning the intrinsic aspects (time frames: LTP, LYP, TMP; frequency and age of first use; number of illicit drugs; inclusion of new products; inclusion/exclusion of a dummy drug )Please specify how:Please specify why: Concerning the methodological aspects(T

28、he EMCDDA is not very prescriptive on this point. However, the following aspects are recommended: probabilistic sample, regular surveys, maintain methodology and sample, a big enough sample and results should be reproducible ) 13. Is the questionnaire compatible with the recommendations of the World

29、 Health Organization (WHO)?Please specify to what extent the questionnaire deviates from the recommendations Concerning the intrinsic aspects (number of illicit drugs, inclusion of new products, inclusion/exclusion of a dummy drug ) Concerning the methodological aspects (sample size, sampling frame, data collection method ) 14. Have you also checked the European School S

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