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1、 or in other words, “walk the talk/practice what he preaches” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others; otherwise, no one will be serious about his words or orders;then leadership will become a joke. Second, communication skills. Being able to clearly and succinctly describe

2、 and convince others what you want to achieve is extremely important. If you cant relate your vision to your team, your people will be confused and distracted, and wont be able to work towards the same goal.T2Which do you think is more important: spend more time on accompanying your families or work

3、 and study.你是哪个忙于工作(学习)而疏于陪伴家庭的人?还是愿意哪个为了花更多时间陪伴家人,可以牺牲工作(学习)时间的人?工作(学习)和家庭都挺重要的,因此这道题的关键在于你个人的取舍。但事情并不是绝对的。你选择工作(学习)为重,是为了将来更好的陪伴家人,而不是置家人于不顾;你选择家庭为重,只是为了多花时间陪伴家人,而不是因此荒废了自己的工作(学习)。关于这个问题,老师是这样解答的。I think the situation depends. Like say, you are an ambitious young man, you have so many dreams to ac

4、hieve, then work and study is definitely your priority, you have to read widely, travel more often, and be thirsty for personal growth, so as to constantly upgrade yourself and become competitive enough to stand out from the crowd in this fierce competing world. But if you are a family man who enjoy

5、 family gathering time the most. Like say, a dog, kids, and a happy family are what you desire the most,then you should definitely spend more time on accompanying them;that is another kind of life-style, which is also admirable and should be respected.10 月 28 日托福写作真题回忆Do you agree or disagree with t

6、he following statement? It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago.时代在向前发展,科技在不断进步,社会也随着这些变化变得越来越好。但好事相对的。对于父母来说,当今的社会,可以利用的资源更多了,生活也逐渐变得越来越优质化,相比较过去,他们能更好地照顾自己的孩子。对于父母来说,当今的社会,生活成本也逐渐的增高。现在的父母自然不可能再选择像 50 年前那样照顾自己的孩子,为了孩子更好的成长,他们在养育孩子上的花销也越来越大。生活成本的提高加剧了父母肩上的压力,从这一点来讲,似乎如今的父

7、母抚养自己的孩子并不像 50 年前那样容易。故而从正反两方面来讲,都能有大量的材料来支撑自己的论据,你只需要整理好自己的思路,一步步解答这道题目。Taking a panoramic picture of human evolution, family education has been playing a very important role, especially in modern days. When it comes to the question of whether or not raising kids is easier than before. I, personall

8、y, think that parenting has becoming more and more difficult based on the following reasons.First off, with the advent of technological gadgets kids are now more susceptible to negative information on-line, making it tough for parents to monitor and guide their kids behavior and mindset. As we all k

9、now, with the appearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier for people of all age groups,including adolescents and teenagers, to get access to all kinds of information. To be more specific, celebrities especially entertainers, like movies stars, sports giants and pop singers

10、 are such bad exemplars for kids since they are constantly involved in sex scandals, abusive use of drugs, random hookups, getting rehabilitation. Kids, who arein their formative years, are not immune to these negative influence. Therefore, it is becoming absolutely tough for parents to guide them a

11、nd any negligence might lead to be catastrophic for the kids future development.Additionally, parents are so overwhelmed with their career and they tend to be negligent about their kids. Kids, on the other hand, without guidance from their parents tend to have both psychological and physical problem

12、s. A recent study done by National Society of Developmental Psychology indicates that there is a positive correlation between the parents working time and the likelihood for kids to experience psychological and physical problems in their adolescence. Indeed, fathers and mothers are more stressful an

13、d inclined to work more hours than those who did a few decades ago, leaving them little time to hang out and caress their kids. To make matters worse, kids who might experience unparalleled peer pressure, bullying and other kinds of school cliche are not able to get appropriate and timely instructio

14、n and encouragement from their parents, increasing the risk of a series of developmental problems. For instance, they might get addicted to computer games,involve in early sex, and even have marijuana and drinking problems.In conclusion, due to the susceptibility of kids when exposed to negative inf

15、ormation on-line or else and the parents lack of time spent with their kids, it is getting more difficult to raise kids now and kids are inclined to have both psychological and physical problems in their formative years.10月28日托福阅读真题回忆第一篇是讲热带动物的生活。第二篇是讲恐龙的灭绝还有陆地食物链和海底食物链的崩溃,以及在地球各层发现的物质对这些理论的支持还有陨石撞地

16、球。第三篇是讲地球的形成 地表地幔地心的形成。托福阅读词汇题回忆:consultextremegreat coalesceafter considerationsimultaneously=at the same timeconstantcontinua10月28日托福听力真题回忆Conversation1是office hours,学生和建筑系教授的对话,学生以后学law,收到信想要去law school参观,但是那天要做建筑学的presentation。建筑学presentation会有大牛来,学生想要别人做,老师说必须你做。后来老师让学生给law school打电话。Conversati


18、占比已经可以达到1/5甚至1/4,大家一定要把and、or、in addition to、besides之类的词反复多听,做到条件反射式地反应出句间逻辑,写下笔记符号。Lecture1是动物行为,鸟儿的calls和songs的不同,calls是与生俱来的,就像婴儿求食物,songs是后天学习的,像adults学习。两人先是William 然后是Peter。William研究让鸟儿听声音,一些是不让听的,一些听录音。Peter分两拨,一些鸟儿小于50天,一些大于50天,还有一些不给听。老师说后来有研究说大于50天也没事,但是要听见真正的鸟儿。最后老师觉得这些理论她都不是很确定。托福听力真题分析:

19、动物行为类的文章一直是高频话题,之前考过两种水鸟(shore birds)的比较,猩猩之间互相grooming的行为等等。已经在TPO中出现过的就有:Distraction display 迷惑表演、Displacement activity 替换行为、Food foraging 觅食行为、Defense mechanism 防御机制、Camouflage 伪装行为、Cognitive ability 认知能力。而这次考试不一样的地方在于与动物实验进行紧密结合,这种考法比较难,多涉及到比较、递进的逻辑关系,听的时候一定要注意实验的对象、条件、过程和结果。如果大家不熟悉此类话题的话,可以通过类似

20、篇目T28L2、T30L1进行复习。Lecture2是考古学,说的是jewel,jade从哪里来的,如何制作的?先说mapping的方式对考古学特别有用。jade是从哪里来的。先是研究materials 发现blanks的东西,以及一些矿物物质,后来发现它们都是在台湾发现的。后来说可能是500年前从台湾传播到菲律宾,然后人们像用同样的材料和工具来制作这个jade发现不行,觉得那个时候约500年前技术很厉害。这篇文章涉及到的是人类和文化传播话题,这个话题在上周末的托福考试中也涉及到了,可见它的热度,建议大家可以使用TPO10L2、TPO14L3进行精刷练习。另外,考古类文章也会经常涉及到材料的选

21、取和使用话题,可以TPO28L4进行参考复习。Lecture3是艺术学,说的是Realism的定义的演变。Professor说Realism的定义就是反应真实细节的事物。然后说一开始有个叫melodrama的特别夸张,会使用到spectacles(壮观的场面),后来改进引入set box,这个set box就像是墙一样。观众可以听见水流的声音就在舞台上,显得非常的真实。这个题目还是很经典的艺术流派考法,同学们在听的时候可以多多关注以下几个方面:该流派产生的背景(它是如何承上启下的)、代表艺术家、代表作、有何创新点、同时代和后时代的人对它的评价等。补充阅读:A melodrama is a dr

22、amatic or literary work in which the plot, which is typically sensational and designed to appeal strongly to the emotions, takes precedence over detailed characterisation. Characters are often simply drawn, and may appear stereotyped.Lecture4是天文学,主要描述土星的卫星Titan。Titan特别的奇特,它的组成成分有很多气体,还有liquid,而且就像地球

23、一样有着厚厚的大气,后来发现南部还有lakes,但是这些lakes正在shrink。然后学生就说可能变成solid了,professor说温度不对因为那是夏天。后来说vapor了,然后问这些水去哪里了,学生类比在地球上会进入cloud。后来老师说从南部到北部等其它地区啦。因为夏天太阳、土星和Titan很近,所以它会蒸发。连续两周考天文学话题,ETS这次给了我们a big surprise。不过,如果对这类话题有一定的词汇量,辅之以有效的刷题练习,那么它看起来也不是那么令人畏惧了。天文学要不就是探寻地外生命,要不就是说明星体。这篇文章是后者,那么在听的时候,需要注意听星体的characteris

24、tics,比如它的density,gravity,cycle,orbit,distance,axis是否tilt等,同学们可以参考T26L3、TPO42L2进行刷题练习。Titan (or Saturn VI) is the largest moon of Saturn. It is the only moon known to have a dense atmosphere, and the only object in space other than Earth where clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has bee

25、n found.10 月 29 日托福口语真题回忆What is your opinion on the following statement: students should be allowed to take snacks and beverage into classrooms?该不该在教室里吃零食和饮料?其实不该,但有些特殊情况也是可以被允许的。譬如早上匆匆忙忙赶来上课,没有吃早餐,在上课前吃些零食,可以被允许。譬如中午因为学习的缘故,没顾得上吃午餐,在休息间隙吃些零食,也可以被允许。但更多的时候,在教室里吃零食是不被允许的。有些吃起来动静太大,有些零食味道很重,更何况教室里多是学

26、习的学生,吃零食难免要影响他们的学习,故而不该被允许。无论同意哪种观点,重要的是选对自己的论点和论据,整理好自己的思路后娓娓道来。下面看看老师的答题范文。Well I think it is a good idea. Because first, eating snacks can help students to concentrate better in classes; like in my school, we usually have to take classes like 4 hours straight in a single morning; hunger makes it

27、hard for us to focus,so a small biscuit or a bar of chocolate can certainly help us to replenish energy, so we will perform better in learning; second, with snacks and beverages, we could have more opportunities to socialize with each other during class breaks, exchange or share our favorite foods w

28、ith others, which will add spice to our routine life.Which do you prefer: taking classes in the morning or in the afternoon?但不可否认的是,有些人在早晨学习效率高,有些人在下午学习效率高。所以无论是青睐于早上上课还是青睐于下午上课,都可以归结到个人喜好上。中国有句古话叫“一天之际在于晨”,说的就是早晨学习很重要。一般来讲,上午是一天里精神最好的时候,因此这个时候学习起到的效果是最好的。而下午特别是午后,往往是一个人容易犯困的时间,这个时候的学习效果反而不如上午。老师从一个

29、简单的角度来写范文吧。I will definitely choose to take classes in the morning. First it is more efficient, I am an early bird, and I think it brings a lot of benefits if we rise early and sleep early; after a whole night sound sleeping, we are much more clear-minded and full of energy; so if we take those impo

30、rtant and difficult classes in the morning we could have better absorption; second, it would be much easier for me to arrange my schedule that way. Like in the afternoon, I usually go off campus to take internship,oin community service or work part time; and then I will go back to my school to finish my homework or attend school clubs at night.10 月 29 日托福写作真题回忆 Its better to use own experience and knowledge than other peoples experience and acknowledge to solve problems.

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