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沪教牛津试用版 4B M3U3Days of the week 学生版Word下载.docx

1、t.( )4. Whose dress is that? D. Its Wednesday.( )5. What time do you go? E. Its Wendys.3.Read and judge(阅读短文判断,用“T”或“F”表示) Cats are good pets. They are clean and quiet. They can live in the town or in the country. Cats like milk, and they need water, too. They cant eat vegetables or bread. They need

2、 meat or fish. Some people buy packets of cat food for their pets. Some cats are very beautiful. This is a Persian cat. Its hair is very long and fluffy. Cats can catch mice or birds. The cat usually eats them.( )1. People like cats.( )2. Cats can catch the birds, but they dont eat them.( )3. The Pe

3、rsian cats hair is short and fluffy.( )4. Cats dont like meat.( )5. Cats like water and milk. 一、词汇与句型【知识梳理1】1always 副词 总是【例句】I always go shopping with my mother at weekends. 我总是和我妈妈在周末购物。【反义词】never 副词 从不【例句】I am never late for school. 我上学从来不迟到。2Monday 名词 星期一【例句】I am sleepy on Monday. 星期一我很困。3Tuesday

4、 名词 星期二【例句】I often play basketball on Tuesday afternoon. 我通常在星期二下午打篮球。4Wednesday 名词 星期三【例句】Wednesday is in the middle of the week. 星期三在一周的中间。5Thursday 名词 星期四【例句】My brother often swims in the pond on Thursday. 我哥哥常常星期四在池塘里游泳。6Friday 名词 星期五【例句】We have music classes on Fridays.星期五我们有音乐课。7Saturday 名词 星期

5、六【例句】Saturday is the last day of a week.星期六是一周的最后一天。8Sunday 名词 星期日【例句】What are you doing this Sunday?这个星期日你打算干什么?9usually 副词 经常【例句】What do you usually do in your free time?你空闲时间经常做什么?10often 副词 通常【例句】I was often late for school.我以前上学老迟到。二、核心语法【知识梳理2】1时间介词at, on, in at 后面可跟钟表时间、某一具体时刻,或把某一段时间看作某一时刻、以

6、及不含Day或Eve的节日。+ 钟表时间:at 7:30 在七点半 + 某一具体时刻,或把某一段时间看作某一时刻: at noon 在正午 at night/midnight在午夜 at breakfast 在吃早饭时 at weekends 在周末 + 不含Day或Eve的节日:at Christmas 在圣诞节 on表示星期、在具体的某一天、以及对某一天的早晨、中午或晚上进行详细描述时也用on。+ 星期:on Friday在星期五 on Monday 在周一 on Friday morning 在周五早晨 +具体的某一天: on October the first (on October

7、1st)在十月一日 on the morning of May 1st 在五月一日上午 + 对某一天的早晨、中午或晚上进行详细描述时: on a cold winter morning 在一个寒冷的早晨 on a sunny day 在晴朗的一天 + 含有Day 或者 Eve(前夕)的节日:on Christmas Day / Eve 在圣诞节那天/前夕 in表示所指的时间比一天更长或更短,in还可以表示在将来,或表示从现在算起的一段时间之后。+ 年份: in 2019 +月份: in January 在一月 in February 在二月 in April 在四月 + 季节:in summe

8、r 在夏季 in spring 在春天 + 世纪:in the 21st century 在二十一世纪 + 没有任何修饰的早上、下午和晚上: in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 + 一段时间:in my school days 在我上学期间 in the future 在将来 in ones life在某人的一生中【注意】 a. 当表达年、月、日时,如果没有“日”就用介词“in”。【例如】in June, 2008 在2008年6月 如果有“日”就用介词“on”。其顺序为“月、日、年”或“日、月、年”。 【例如】

9、on March 12th, 2008 或 on 12th March, 2008 在2008年3月12日b. 在every, this, that, last, next 这些词前,省略时间介词 。 【例如】I go to school every day. I went to a park last Sunday.c. in除了可以作表示时间介词,地点介词外,还可以用来表示用什么材料,或什么语言,以及表示衣着,声调的特点。 【例句】in ink 用墨水in pen 用钢笔in English 用英语in French用法语 in red dress 穿红色连衣裙in low voice用低

10、沉的声音 【例题精讲】请用介词in, on, at填空。 the morning Thursday 10 oclock Childrens Day May Friday morning Christmas a hot afternoon breakfast July 12th winter English night the evening of August 1st 【巩固提升】I. 给下列图片选择相应的短语。A. visit my grandparentsB. see a filmC. play badmintonD. go to the parkE. play football1. _

11、2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _II. 请根据频率的强度,用“”将频率副词never;always; often; sometimes;usually连接起来。正确的顺序是: _III. 根据实际情况,选用方框中的词或短语填空。 always; usually; sometimes; never; 1. My parents _ get up early.2. I _ go to school late on weekdays.3. My sister is always busy Monday Friday.4. I _ make mistakes(犯错误)in my

12、 homework.5. I _ play basketball with my classmates at weekends.6. I like reading. I _ go to the school library on Monday afternoon. Read and complete.(用适当的介词填空)1. Sometimes my aunt goes to the beach _Friday. 2.-What time do you go to bed? -I go to bed _nine thirty.3. I usually play basketball _my m

13、other.4. Do you go to the park _weekends?5. _Monday afternoon, he often goes to the school library.6. Plants grow and grow _spring.7. The cat is chasing the mouse. The cat is _ the mouse.Read and fill in the blanks.(用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. - _you usually _ (see) a film with your friends? -No, I _. 2. Its l

14、ate. Ben _ (watch) TV in the living room. 3. Miss Chen _ (drive) a car from Monday to Friday. 4. My pen is red. _ (who) pen is this? 5. Now the _ (child) _are not making a noise. 6. There _ (not be) four windows in the classroom. 7. Your mother _ (have) a new hat in her bag. 8.-Where are the girls?

15、-They _ (run) in the playground. 9. Its my birthday today. I cant _ (wait).Answer the questions.(根据短文,回答问题)Look at the bird. Its red and yellow. It has a sharp mouth and two big wings. It can fly high. But now its in the cage. Its sad. Suddenly, the cage is falling. And the door opens. A cat is chas

16、ing the cage. The bird is afraid and it is flying in the tree. The cat cant climb onto the tree. It is jumping and jumping. But it cannot catch the bird. Woof Woof The dog is coming. Its strong. The cat is afraid of the dog. It is running away. The cat is chasing the bird. The dog is chasing the cat

17、.How interesting it is!1. What colour is the bird?2. What can the bird do?3. Is the cat chasing the bird?4. WoofWoof What do you hear?5. Are the cat, the dog and the bird good friends?.Read and judge(阅读短文判断,用“T”或“F”表示)Nick White is 15 years old. He is a student. He is tall, but he doesnt like school

18、. He doesnt like doing homework, and housework, too. He is the only son in his family. His sister says, “You are a useless man.” His parents say, “You can not have a good future.”Nick is red in the face. He thinks he can do everything well. I want to be a good boy! Nick says to his family. But he is

19、 green at his school work. He is blue and doesnt know what to do. He is in brown.His teacherMrs. Green is a nice woman. She says, I can help you, good boy! Study hard, or your future will be black!”( )1. Nick doesnt do homework, but he does housework.( )2. His parents say that he cant have a good fu

20、ture.( )3. He is green at his school work.( )4. His teacher is a good woman.( )5. His teacher cant help Nick.Writing(以My day为题,写一篇英语短文,介绍你的一周生活,不少于30个词)My day _课后巩固 请将本次课错题组卷,进行二次练习,培养错题管理习惯 学霸笔记复习,培养复习习惯I. Copy the sentences with the correct forms(正确抄写下列句子): What time is it now its eight oclock_II.

21、 Read and write (写出下列时间):1. 7:00 _2. 8:15 _3. 12:45 _4. 3:5. 10:30 _6. 5:7. 4:8. 9:9. 6:III. Fill in the blanks (用适当的介词填空):1. Its nine oclock. Tom is late _ school.2. The clock stopped _ ten thirty last night.3. Peter wakes _ and looks _ the clock. Its ten thirty.4. A tiny little mouse is bowing _ a

22、 cow.5. What time is it? (6:45) Its a quarter _ seven.IV. Rewrite the following sentences(按要求改写句子):1. Its nine fifteen. (划线提问)_2. Im brushing my teeth in the kitchen. (用Kitty改写句子) 3. My sister can do a puzzle. (改为现在进行时) 4. Its time for bed. (句意不变) Its time to _ _ bed.5. The Lis are having dinner in the living room. (对划线部分提问) _V. Read and choose.(读短文,选择最恰当的答案) There are some children in the classroom. Its twelve at noon. I am sitting and doing my homework. My deskmate is ma

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