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高考一轮复习必修4 Unit 2 知识串讲讲义.docx

1、高考一轮复习必修4 Unit 2 知识串讲讲义2020高考一轮复习教材串讲必修4 Unit 2 Working the land讲义1._vt. &vi. 斗争;拼搏;努力2. _adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的3. _vt. &vi. 使变大;伸展4. _vt. 摆脱;除去5. _vt. &vi. 配备;装备6. _vt. 使迷惑;使为难7. _vt. 遗憾;惋惜n. 遗憾;懊悔8. _n. 焦点;中心点vt. 集中;聚集9. _vt. 减少;减缩10. _n. 评论;议论vi&vt. 表达意见;作出评论1. _幸亏;由于;因为2. _对感到满意【常用结构】_对做感到满意_满足某人的要求3.

2、 _宁愿;宁可【常用结构】_宁愿做_宁愿不做_本来想做_宁愿也不4. _导致;造成(后果)【常用结构】_导致;致使_导致;促使5. _使免受(影响;伤害等);使不含(有害物)【常用结构】_没有;不受损害_把从释放出来;使摆脱1. _你种过植物吗?如果种过的话,你是怎样种植的?如果没有种过的话,你想要尝试种什么植物?2. _. 每天,有超过8亿人饿着肚子睡觉。3. _.袁隆平种植的是被称之为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。4. _.这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获五分之一的粮食。5. _.用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮 食比以前多了一倍。 考点1regret vt.遗憾;惋惜n.遗憾;懊悔【例句研

3、读】(1)I have always regretted not having studied hard at school.我一直后悔在校期间没有努力学习。(2)I regret to inform you that your contract will not be renewed.我很遗憾地通知你,你的合同将不予续签。(3)To my great regret,we have no much time left to discuss the problem.我感到遗憾的是我们没有多少时间讨论这个问题了。【归纳拓展】refuse with much regret many regrets

4、婉言拒绝 feel regretful for. 对感到后悔to ones regret 令人遗憾的是 express regret for/at/over sth. 对表示遗憾regret+n./pron./doing/having done 后悔做某事 regret+that从句 后悔,遗憾regret to say/tell/inform. 很抱歉地说/告诉/通知Its much to be regretted that. 令人遗憾的是【即时巩固】完成句子(1)He regretted careless.=He regretted careless.他对于自己的粗心大意感到懊悔。 (2)

5、I regret you that we are unable to offer you employment.我遗憾地通知你,我们不能雇用你。 (3) ,I must leave now.令我很遗憾的是,我现在必须离开了。 (4)We heard that you were not successful in your plan. 听到你的计划不能顺利进行,我们觉得很可惜。考点2struggle n.& vi.斗争;拼搏;努力【例句研读】(1)With more and more fast-food concepts reaching the market,the Sparrow menu

6、had to struggle for attention.随着越来越多的快餐理念进入市场,“Sparrow”的菜单不得不为争取注意力而斗争。(2)We have to struggle with all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad.我们必须和来自国内外的各种各样的困难做斗争。(3)He struggled to his feet and dragged slowly ahead.他挣扎着站起来缓慢地前行。【归纳拓展】struggle with/against 与搏斗/斗争 struggle through 奋力通过struggle o

7、n/along (虽艰难仍)继续(做某事) struggle for sth./to do sth. 努力/争取某物/做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 with a struggle 费劲地【即时巩固】完成句子(1)They had to their lives weather and wild animals. 为了生存他们必须与天气和野兽抗争。(2)They had to all kinds of difficulties.他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。 (3)She her attacker.她挣扎着想摆脱那个袭击她的人。 (4) ,the old woma

8、n gained control of her business. 经过长期努力,这位老妇人在业务上已能应付自如。考点3equip vt.& vi.配备;装备【例句研读】(1)The boys equipped themselves with torches and ropes,and set off.男孩们带上火把和绳索后出发了。(2)His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道。(3)Your education will equip you for your fu

9、ture life.你(所受)的教育将使你能适应今后的生活。【归纳拓展】equipment n. U装备;设备equip sb./sth. with sth. 用某物装备某人/物 equipped to do sth. 某人有准备做某事be equipped with sth. 装备有某物equip sb./sth. for (doing) sth. 为(做)某事而准备equip do sth. 使某人能够做某事a piece of equipment 一件设备【即时巩固】完成句子(1)Our classroom a TV set and a tape recorder.

10、我们的教室里配有一台电视和一台录音机。 (2)A good education should .良好的教育能使你受用终生。 (3)Our school has been given .我们学校有了一些赠送的新设备。 考点4confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难 【例句研读】(1)It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students.再解释这个是很重要的,否则我们将会使学生困惑。(2)Dont confuse Austria with Australia.不要把奥地利和澳大利亚混淆。【归纳拓展】confuse A

11、 with B把A和B相混淆be confused about/by/over. 对感到混淆confused adj.相混淆的A be confused with BA和B相混淆confusing adj.相混淆的【即时巩固】完成句子(1)Many people are confused the cause of cancer.许多人对癌症的起因感到困惑。 (2)He looked (confuse),because his reaction seemed slowly. 他看起来满脸困惑,因为他的反应似乎很慢。考点5reduce vt.减少,缩减【例句研读】(1)Now the costs

12、of a bike have been reduced to 50 dollars.现在一辆自行车的成本已降低到50美元。(2)It is proper that housing prices reduce by 10%.房价降低10%是适当的。【归纳拓展】reduce ones expenditure 减少某人的开支reduce to. 降至be reduced to despair 陷入绝望reduce by. 减少了【即时巩固】完成句子(1)He persuaded them to the price $1,000.他设法使他们的价格降到1,000美元。 (2)Production co

13、sts have one third.生产成本下降了1/3。 (3)The fire the forest a few trees.大火把森林烧得仅剩下几棵树了。 考点6comment vt.评论n.评论,意见,议论【例句研读】(1)Have you any comments on the proposals?你对这些建议有什么意见吗?(2)It created wide comment in the press.这引起报界广泛的评论。【归纳拓展】 ask for comment 征求意见No comment 无可奉告comment(v.) on/upon sth. 评论,对发表意见make

14、comments on sth. 评论某事without comment 不必多说 comment(v.)+that从句 评论【即时巩固】完成句子(1)He made some useful my work.他对我的作品作了一些实用的评论。 (2)He that it was an excellent film.他评论这部电影很精彩。考点7thanks to 由于;多亏(介词短语,在句中作原因状语,常置于句首或句末)【例句研读】Thanks to Jims warning,we avoided the accident.多亏吉姆的提醒,我们避免了一场事故。【归纳拓展】because of 因为

15、;由于as a result of 作为的结果;由于on account of 由于;因为owing to 由于;因的缘故due to 因为;由于(不能放在句首)【即时巩固】(1)I couldnt attend the meeting illness.我因病不能出席会议。 (2)The delay was power failure.延滞是由于停电。考点8be satisfied with 对感到满意【例句研读】I was satisfied with the result.我对那个结果很满意。【归纳拓展】satisfy vt.满意;使满意 satisfied adj.感到满意的satisf

16、ying adj.令人满意的 satisfactory adj.令人满意的satisfaction n.满意,满足 be satisfied that. 满意 be satisfied to do 乐意干【即时巩固】语法填空(1)Our class teacher is satisfied us. (2)My parents are (satisfy) with my study. (3)There was a (satisfy) smile on his face. (4)To my (satisfy),my boss agreed to my suggestion. 考点9build up

17、 逐渐增强;建立;开发【例句研读】(1)Our relationship is built on trust.我们的关系建立在互相信任的基础上。(2)The new plan will build on the success of the previous programme.这个新计划将以先前那个方案所取得的成功作为基础。(3)I could tell she was building up to some kind of announcement.我看得出她有什么事情准备向大家宣布。【归纳拓展】build up to 为作准备build on 建立在的基础上【即时巩固】写出下列句子中bu

18、ild up的含义。(1)Slowly a thick layer of fat builds up on the pans surface._ (2)Exercise will help build up the muscles._ (3)They have finally built up a big company._考点10lead to 导致;造成(后果);通向【例句研读】(1)He decided to lead a new life after the unusual experience.这次不平常的经历过后,他决定过一种新的生活。(2)Our scientists are l

19、eading the way in space research.我们的科学家在宇宙探索中处于领先地位。(3)This has led scientists to think about other solutions to the problem.这就使得科学家不得不想其他解决问题的方法。【归纳拓展】lead+n.+to sth. 引导到 lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事【提示】(1)lead to中的to为介词,后面跟代词、名词或动名词。类似的词组还有:devote to致力于; pay attention to对加以注意;object to反对;stick to坚持;

20、look forward to期望等等。(2)lead to不用被动语态。(3)lead to是前因后果,而lie in (=result from)是前果后因。【即时巩固】完成句子(1)The bank has offered a reward for any information the arrest of the men. 银行悬赏任何能将这些人绳之以法的情报。(2)What acting as a career?是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的? 动词-ing形式 一、动词-ing形式的概念1.动词-ing形式是在动词末尾加 -ing,属于非谓语动词。如:dodoing,writewri

21、ting,sitsitting等等。否定形式:not+v.-ing。2.动词-ing形式作主语或宾语时,称为动名词。 二、动词-ing 的功能(一)动词-ing形式作主语1.动词-ing形式作主语表示抽象的或泛指的动作,谓语动词用单数。如:(1)Reading aloud is very important for us to learn a foreign language.朗读对我们学习外语是很重要的。(2)Going to bed early and getting up early is considered to be a good habit.早睡和早起被看成为是好习惯。2.动词-

22、ing形式作主语时常后置,用it作形式主语,用形容词或名词作表语。常见的作表语的名词或短语有:no use,no good,fun,hard work,a hard/difficult job,a wonder,a waste of time等。如:Is it worthwhile quarrelling with her? 和她争吵值得吗?Its no good waiting here.Lets go home.在这里等没有好处。 让我们回家吧。 It was a waste of time reading that book. 读那本书是浪费时间。3.“There is+no”后可以用动

23、词-ing形式作主语,表示“没法”。如:(1)There was no telling when this might happen again.没法预料这样的事什么时候会再发生。(2)There was no knowing what he could do.他能做什么很难说。(二)动词-ing形式作宾语 1.有些动词如admit,avoid,consider,escape,deny,risk,suggest等后能接动词-ing形式作宾语,而不能接动词不定式。如:Were considering paying a visit to the Science Museum.我们正考虑去科学博物馆

24、参观。2.有些短语如cant help,be used to,end up,feel like,lead to,be busy,be tired of,be fond of,be afraid of,be proud of,think of/about,put off,keep on,insist on,be good at,give up等后常接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。如:(1)I have been used to living here.我已经习惯于住在这里。(2)Im fond of collecting stamps and coins.我喜欢集邮和收集银币。3.need

25、,require,want作“需要”解时,后接动词-ing形式作宾语,主动形式表示被动意义,相当于to be done。如: The radio needs/requires/wants repairing/to be repaired.收音机需要修理。常跟动词-ing作宾语的动词歌诀:【注意】动词-ing形式的复合结构是指在动词-ing形式前面加上逻辑主语来强调动作的执行者,该逻辑主语常为形容词性物主代词或名词所有格;当逻辑主语不出现在句首时,可用人称代词的宾格代替形容词性物主代词或用名词普通格代替名词的所有格。如:(1)Im annoyed about Johns forgetting t

26、o pay.我对约翰忘记付钱很气愤。(2)I really cant understand you treating her like that.我确实不能理解对待她那种方式。4.动词-ing形式的否定形式是在其前面加not,带有逻辑主语时not应在动词-ing形式之前。如:(1)Not cleaning his teeth made him smell bad.不刷牙使他有气味。(2)Your schoolmates not coming home in time made her parents worried.你同学没有及时回家这使她的父母亲着急。常跟不定式作宾语的动词歌诀:以下的动词后

27、面既可接动词的不定式又可以接动词的-ing作宾语:hate,love,prefer,remember,forget,regret,like,try,stop,begin,start 既跟动词-ing又接不定式作宾语的动词歌诀:【练习】用正确的形式填空1.Its necessary to be prepared for a job interview.(have) the answers ready will be of great help. 2.The parents suggested (sleep) in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. 3.How I regret (waste) so much time in the net bar!I should have studied harder. 4.Lydia doesnt feel like (s

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