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1、When I cherish you, you dont know how to cherish me. I dont want you, but you bother me.6、做一个女子,有人疼有人爱。简简单单地生活,也是一种幸福。To be a woman, someone to love, to love. Simple living is also a kind of happiness.7、有你的陪伴,相信风景一定会越来越漂亮!有你陪伴,就是幸福!With your company, I believe the scenery will be more and more beaut

2、iful. Accompany you, is happiness!8、很多时候,宁愿被误会,也不想去解释。信与不信,就在你一念之间。Many times, I would rather be misunderstood than explain. Believe or not, its just between you.9、总有一些事情,让你在不经意中就看清一些人。There are always things that make you see some people in a casual way.10、是我太天真,还是太愚蠢,童话剧本,怎能成真。Is I too naive, or t

3、oo stupid, how can a fairy tale script come true?11、每一个不敢再爱的女人,一定都被深深的伤害过。Every woman who dare not love again must have been deeply hurt.12、如果你想哭,我会陪你一起哭,即使不能安慰到你。If you want to cry, I will cry with you, even if I can not comfort you.13、我怕我管你太严了你会嫌烦,太松了你会说我不爱你。I am afraid that if I am too strict wit

4、h you, you will be bored and too loose. You will say I do not love you.14、虽然我知道你永远都不会回来,可是我依然还在等待。Though I know you will never come back, I am still waiting.15、原来有一种难过,只能让人默默流泪,却无法放声大哭。There was a kind of sadness that could only make people cry silently, but could not burst into tears.16、口口声声对你说爱的人却

5、不知道这句话他对多少人说过。I never know how many people he said to you.17、想有个家,有个屋子,有个爱我的人,然后一起慢慢变老。I want to have a home, a house, a person who loves me, and then grow old together.18、一分钟只有60秒,我对你的爱却有80秒,每分钟多爱你20秒。A minute is only 60 seconds. My love for you has 80 seconds, and I love you more than 20 seconds p

6、er minute.19、我吻了吻嘴边的空气,也许它哪天就流动到了你的脸颊上了呢。I kissed the air on my lips. Maybe it came to your cheeks someday.20、我爱你,我不是矫情,是每个女生都有的情节。I love you, I am not pretentious, it is every girls plot.21、我最信任的人,教会了我,不要轻易相信任何人。The person I trust most has taught me not to trust anyone easily.22、过去的页能不翻就不翻,翻落叻灰尘会迷叻

7、双眼。The past pages can not be turned up without turning over.23、情人节其实可短暂了。手一拉一放,一个情人没了。Valentines Day is actually short. One hand and another, one lover is gone.24、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱了。There is a man who teaches you how to love, but he doesnt love it.25、我让自己变得很忙,但是每次停下来,还是会想念你。I make myself very bu

8、sy, but I still miss you every time I stop.26、只是单纯的希望等到你难过时,让你看到你身边还有我。Its only a simple hope that when you are sad, let you see that there is me beside you.27、如果一个男人真的爱你,他会千方百计的让你开心快乐。If a man really loves you, he will do everything possible to make you happy.28、失恋后我哭了弟弟告诉我说以后他保护我不让我再流眼泪。After I br

9、oke up, I cried. My brother told me that he would protect me from tears.29、如果下辈子我还能够记得你,一定是我这辈子死得不够彻底。If I can remember you in my next life, I must have died in my life.30、若不是因为爱著你,我何必轻描淡写苦苦避及那有过的曾经。If it is not for loving you, why should I play lightly to avoid the past?31、一个人时候善待自己,还好爱情不是一切,还好一切不是

10、爱情。One is good to oneself. Fortunately, love is not everything. Fortunately, all is not love.32、如果可以,我希望我能碰到一个甘愿让我不惜放弃生命去爱的人。If I can, I hope I can meet someone who is willing to give up my life to love.33、真希望自己变回小孩,因为,摔破的膝盖总比破碎的心要容易修补。I wish I could be a child again, because a broken knee is easier

11、 to fix than a broken heart.34、总有一个人陪你走到生命尽头,在许多人以后。There is always one person who walks with you to the end of life, after many people.35、如果没有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回忆。Without you, tomorrow is not worth looking forward to. Yesterday is not worth remembering.36、只有爱才能拯救世界,我为什么要因为爱而羞愧?Only love can save the w

12、orld. Why should I be ashamed of love?37、一个爱笑的人一旦哭起来,比任何人都要撕心裂肺。A person who laughs can tear up his heart when he cries.38、我希望未来会有棵大树,为我撑起一片绿色的海洋。I hope there will be a big tree in the future to support a green sea for me.39、无法泅渡,那河流的声音,就成为我每日绝望的歌唱。Unable to swim across the river, the voice of the r

13、iver becomes my daily despair.40、你从来不会在乎我的什么,而我总是很很在乎你的一切。You never care about what I am, and I always care about everything about you.41、初恋般的感觉。原来,越是不容易得到的,越值得珍惜。The feeling of first love. It turns out that the more difficult it is to get, the more valuable it is to cherish.42、您多出名啊,拍过这么多部电影,就是现在扫黄

14、不让播了。You are so famous that you have photographed so many films, that is to say, pornography is not allowed.43、打开回忆的门,随之而来的是那被岁月沉淀得无比清晰的伤。Open memories of the door, followed by the years were precipitated very clear injury.44、没有爱情的生活是残缺的生活;没有爱情的婚姻是可悲的婚姻。A life without love is incomplete life; a marr

15、iage without love is a sad marriage.45、哪怕我们有99个理由要分开,但能不能为了那一个理由留下来。Even if we have 99 reasons to separate, but can we stay for that reason?46、她不愿和你亲热,不愿在别人面前和你一起,说到底她不够爱你。She does not want to be intimate with you, unwilling to be with you in front of others.47、我爱的人我会用最美的年华去珍惜你,爱我的我会用一生去伴着你。I love p

16、eople, I will cherish you with the most beautiful years, I will spend my life with you.48、你成不了心态的主人,必然会沦为情绪的奴隶。You cant become the master of your mind, and you will become a slave to your emotions.49、像需要正餐那样需要你,像喜欢零食那样喜欢你。Like you need a meal, like you, like a snack like you.50、也许只有真正的走出来了,才会发现那不是唯一

17、。Perhaps only by really coming out can we discover that it is not the only one.51、渴望安定的人,在爱情中如果要冒险,绝对要保险。Those who are anxious for stability must be insured if they want to take risks in love.52、如果你从未在世上出现,我可能已经成了一个和尚!If you never appeared in the world, I might have become a monk!53、把爱藏心里,因为我没底。今生不牵

18、手,来世我还要!Hide love in my heart, because I have no bottom. This life does not hold hands. Afterlife I also want!54、如果你爱的人让你泪流成河,那么建一座桥,然后离开。If the person you love makes you cry into a river, build a bridge and leave.55、你的了解我爱你,就算狂风让这片密林刮倒也从不会变。Your understanding, I love you, even if the strong wind ma

19、kes this dense forest fall, it will never change.56、诗人常说爱情是盲目的,但不盲目的爱毕竟更健全更可靠。Poets often say love is blind, but not blind love is more sound and reliable.57、有一天,当你发现再也记不起了为什么受伤那就是痊愈之时。One day, when you find that you can never remember why you are injured, it is when you recover.58、他日我若穿戴整齐成为别人的新娘,你

20、将永远是我最初的梦想。If I dress neatly as someone elses bride, you will always be my original dream.59、埋葬不了别人,于是埋葬自己。埋葬不了从前,于是埋葬以后。Bury no one else, so bury yourself. It can not bury the past, so after burial.60、忽然发现,这个世界每个地方,都不是那么简单。Suddenly found that this world is not so simple everywhere.61、别觉得你被世界抛弃了,世界根

21、本就没空搭理你。Dont feel that you have been abandoned by the world, and the world simply has no time to talk to you.62、以为没有你,我可以坚强一个人,终于知道我不行。I thought that without you, I could be strong enough to know that I could not.63、北城一别,散而散矣,目光里的温暖早已恍如隔世。North City separated, scattered and scattered, the warmth of the vision has long been separated.

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