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1、A. good B. dependent C. confident 信心 D. interested 【C】3. Pessimism is often regarded as a kind of psychological disease, and can have _ negative _ effects on ones physical health. 悲观通常被认为是一种心理疾病,会对人的身体健康产生负面影响A. minor B. questionable C. positive D. negative 负面【D】4. Whatever the condition is, my came

2、ra can be _ adjusted _ to taking pictures. 无论情况如何,我的相机都可以调整为拍照。A. accepted B. adjusted调整 C. received D. remedied5. Each individual has his own right to _ pursue _ his own career and freedom. 每个人都有自己的权利去追求自己的事业和自由。A. find B. pursue追赶;继续进行 C. consider D. register6. They aimed to _ construct _ a new th

3、eory of evolution based on the latest findings in archaeology (考古学). 他们的目标是根据考古学的最新发现建立一个新的进化理论A. define B. produce C. construct D. instruct 7. She should spend _ at least _ one hour practicing spoken English every day if she hopes to pass the College Spoken English Test in November. 如果她希望在11月通过大学英语

4、口语考试,她应该每天至少花一个小时练习英语口语。A. at last B. at best C. at most D. at least 至少8. A _ stressed _word is often on a higher pitch and it has a longer duration, i.e. the vowel appears to be longer. 一个有重音的单词通常在较高的音高上,而且它的持续时间更长,也就是说,元音的长度似乎更长。A. pressed B. crucial C. stressed 重音的 D. impressed 9. Some people don

5、t think that online articles are _reliable_ sources of information. 有些人不认为在线文章是可靠的信息来源A. available B. prevalent C. dependent D. reliable可靠的人10. The students _ complained _ to the teacher that they had too much school work to do, and as a result, they had little time to relax. 学生们向老师抱怨说,他们有太多的功课要做,因此

6、,他们几乎没有时间放松。A. complained 诉苦B. charged C. insisted D. maintained 【A】11. The computer is likely to overheat if used for too long. 如果使用时间太长,电脑可能会过热。A. tends B. intends C. pretends D. contents 12. As they approached the village, they saw a lot of new houses being built. 当他们接近村庄时,他们看到许多新房子正在建造中。A. arriv

7、ed B. returned C. reached D. came near 走近 13. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among the refugees. 在难民中分发了衣服和毯子。A handed in交给 B. turned out打扮好的,穿戴好的C. got up起床 D. given out发出,分给 14. The bank is said to have been robbed in broad daylight. The police are now investigating the case. 据说这家银行在光天

8、化日之下遭到抢劫。警方正在调查此案A. looking up抬头B. looking into调查 C. looking over看着D. looking through 浏览 15. For the good of both parties, the discussion soon struck the real issue. 为了双方的利益,讨论很快就触及了真正的问题。A. difficulty困难 B. question问题C. problem难题,麻烦 D. consideration考虑 16. Why are some cancers cured by chemotherapy a

9、lone, whereas others are unaffected by drugs? 为什么有些癌症仅靠化疗就能治愈,而另一些则不受药物影响?A. while虽然,然而 B. where哪里 C. when 当时 D. however不管怎样17. We were almost asleep when Chris finally showed up. 当Chris终于出现时我们都快睡着了A. showed off展示,卖弄,炫耀 B. presented提出 C. vanished 销声匿迹 D. appeared 出现,露面 18. Its Friday again. What abo

10、ut going to the pub to have some entertainment? 今天是星期五了。去酒吧找点乐子怎么样?A. programs B. pleasure快乐;希望;娱乐;令人高兴的事 C. happiness D. joy 19. Only ten minutes remained before the train left, but we managed to arrive there in time. 火车还没开,只剩下十分钟了,但我们还是及时赶到了。A. dealt with it处理它 B. got around it周围有 C. made up for i

11、t弥补它 D. made it 成功20. The course in World Civilization History will be offered online to the freshmen.A. given B. showed C. sent D composed 21. The local government is trying every means to make the tourist industry bloom.A. extend B. reinforce C. reform D. develop 22. I can best summarize the advan

12、tages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results.A. account for B. describe in detailC. give an overall view of D. give some good examples of 23. Whenever he has trouble in study, he always tries, one way or another, to get help from his teachers and classmates. A. somehow B. anyhow

13、 C. no matter how D. anyway 24. Volunteers will be recruited for many important tasks. A. arranged B. demanded C. listed D. enlisted 25. He gave us a specific statement of the case in question. A. specialized B. particular C. useful D. definite 26. So long as he does his work, I dont mind what time

14、he arrives at the office.A. So far as B. As long as C. In case D. Meanwhile 27. Considering his inexperience, I hope the instructor could set the stage for him. A. make a plan B. provide some informationC. set an example D. make some preparations 28. They werent going to reveal any details of the re

15、search. A. send out B. infer C. imply D. make known 29. I cant ensure that he will be there in time. A. make safe B. make certain C. make secure D. make clear 30. In all, 6000 companies are _ producing the parts that are needed for these aircraft.A. involved in B. devoted to C. taken on D. figured o

16、ut31. We _ our email addresses before saying good-bye so that we could write letters to each other.A. obtained B. exchanged C. shifted D. reserved32. Ive _ for another job. Maybe I will move to another city soon.A. claimed B. competed C. applied D. qualified33. The Internet also brings some _ effect

17、 to the society while benefiting us with large amounts of information and on-line communication. A. genuine B. virtual C. positive D. negative34. Vocabulary, grammar rules, and cultural differences are all _ in learning a foreign language. A. guarantees B. means C. media D. barriers35. Children are

18、usually easier to get themselves _ to a new environment. But adults often find it hard to get used to it. A. adopted B. adapted C. affected D. bored36. He is too young and inexperienced to be _ of handling such a complex situation.A. responsible B. aware C. capable D. independent37. When _ the child

19、hood, I cant help thinking of my grandmother, who had given me endless love and care. A. looking towards B. looking back on C. playing back D. reminding of38. You cant imagine what she had gone _ before she made such great achievements.A. along B. around C. through D. by39. I saw him often when he w

20、as at school and university, but after he got married I lost_ of him.A. contact B. connection C. track D. trace40. She _ each of the children to an ice-cream.A. entertained B. feed C. treated D suppliedII. 阅读理解 There are 2 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinish

21、ed statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.题型: 材料题Passage 1Jupiter Communications, a market research firm, reports that 72% of teenagers in the United States will be online by 2003 (Stanton, 2000). This alone indicates that stude

22、nts will learn and communicate electronically more than any previous generation. At the same time, teenagers are not the only digital learners. With the growing number of online courses, the increasing accessibility of computers, and the increasing number of computer users, students of all ages are

23、taking advantage of distance learning or are using computers to enhance the traditional classroom experience.Two things emerge in the study of students attitudes toward online learning: individual situations impact students perceptions of computer-based learning and students varied individual charac

24、teristics make it difficult to define their perceptions conclusively. For example, some students have their own computers, while others rely on computer labs. Such variation in computer access can result in attitudinal differences. In addition, the purpose of computer use varies. Distance education

25、courses, for example, use computers in different ways than traditional classrooms, which can also affect students perceptions. A wide variety of achievement levels and attitudes exist among both online and traditional learners. Although an illusory “typical learner” exists, a variety of factors, inc

26、luding students gender, age, and motivation, could explain different reactions among the student population.T题型:1. What will make online learning more and more popular?A. The crowded classrooms.B. The lower cost of computers.C. The increase of computer users.D. The previous generations interest in d

27、igital communication. 【C】2. Who may become online learners?A. Mainly teenagers.B. Mostly college students.C. Only working people with their own computers.D. People of all ages and backgrounds.3. According to the passage, what does digital learners mean?A. Learners of mathematics.B. Learners of infor

28、mation technology. C. Computer users.D. Online learners.4. Which of the following is the main factor that makes it difficult to define students perceptions of online learning definitely?A. Learners varied locations.B. Learners varied characteristics.C. Learners varied communication skills.D. Learners varied experiences.5. What is the authors attitude towards online learning?A. cautious B. indifferent C. positive D. negativePassage 2Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, thi

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