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1、Account Name :Account Number :AND与Seller (卖方)Tel:Fax:Represented By:Position:Sellers Bank Details 卖方银行信息:Sellers Bank:Bank address:Account No:Account Name:SWIFT CODE:Bank Tel:We, the SELLER hereby agree to sell and BUYER hereby agrees to purchase the Iron ore material in accordance with the terms an

2、d conditions as hereinafter set forth.兹有买卖双方同意互购互销铁矿石原材料,并签定以下条款:CLAUSE 1 : DEFINITIONS条款1: 名词定义In this CONTRACT, the following terms shall, unless otherwise defined, have the following meanings:在此合同中,除非另有说明,下列名词的意义为:1. US Dollars and US Cents : means respectively dollars and cents in lawful currenc

3、y of the United States of AmericaUS美元和美分 : 指美国法定货币的美元和美分2. Ton : means metric tons of 1000kgs as defined in the “international system of units”. 吨 : 指国际标准的公吨=1000公斤3. DMTU : Dry Metric Tons means a metric ton of ore on dry basis.干公吨 : 干公吨指干态下一公吨。4. References to Ore on a “Natural Basis” : means Ore

4、in its natural or wet state湿状态下的矿石 : 指湿或者自然状态下的矿石5. References to Ore on a “Dry Basis” : means Ore dried at 105 degrees Centigrade干状态下的矿石 : 指在105摄氏度下干燥的矿石6. Parties : means Buyer and Seller both together双方 : 指买卖双方一起7. Loading port : means any port(s) in Indonesia装货港 : 在印度尼西亚任何港口8. L/C : means Irrevo

5、cable, letter of credit opened in United States Dollars 信用证 : 指以美圆显示的不可撤销的信用证。9. CIQ : means Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of The Peoples Republic of China商检局 : 指中国的出入境检验检疫局。10. CNF : shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in INCOTERMS 2000 (as amended from time to time), except as modified

6、by this contractCNF : 按INCOTERMS 2000定义的(时时修改), 除非本合同有修改11. Article & Clauses : both the article and clause in this contract shall have the same meaning文字与条款 : 在此合同中, 文字与条款有同样的意义CLAUSE 2 : COMMODITY条款2: 货物A). Name of commodity : Iron Ore (Lump)货物名称 :铁矿石B). Country of Origin : INDONESIA货物原产地 :印度尼西亚C)

7、. Packing : In bulk包装 :散装D). Total Quantity : 30,000MT/ month12 months. Total quantity is 360,000 MT (+/-10% at Sellers option).总数量 :每月30000MT, 共12个月, 总发货量为360,000吨 (+/-10% 由卖方决定)CLAUSE 3 : SHIPMENT条款3: 装运A). Loading port : BAJARMASIN, INDONESIAB). Discharge port : Fangchenggang Port, ChinaC). 卸货港 :

8、 中国防城港D). Partial Shipment : Not Allowed分批装货 : 不允许E). Transshipment :转运 :F). TIME OF SHIPMENT : Within 35 days after receipt of the L/C装船时间 : 卖方收到信用证后35天内CLAUSE 4 : SPECIFICATIONS条款4:规格A) Chemical Composition化学成分 Guaranteed 保证值 (On dry Basis 干燥状态) (Percentage by Weight重量百分比)Fe铁 63% basis SIO2 二氧化硅 3

9、.5% maxAl2O3 三氧化二铝 3.5% maxP 磷 0.08% maxS 硫 0.08% maxTiO2 二氧化钛 0.5% max As (Arsenic) 0.07% maxB) Moisture (Free Moisture Loss at 105 degrees C) 8.0% Max 含水量(105摄氏度下自由水分损失) C) Physical Composition物理成分Size 尺寸: Above 50mm 10% Max Below 50mm 90% MinCLAUSE 5 : BASE PRICE条款5:基本价格A). Unit price: USDxxx.00

10、per dry metric ton (DMT), CNF Fangchenggang Port, China, basis on 63% Fe contained.单价: 铁矿基本价格为干燥状态下USDxxx.00 /干吨, CNF中国防城港,以含铁量63%为基准。B). Base Price Adjustment: The base price will be reconsidered and confirmed by both partiers within 7 days after receipt of the Original Set of B/Ls at the buyers ba

11、nk for every subsequent shipment. The new base price will be effective, if the LC for that shipment is renewed / reissued within 5 (five) days after the addendum is signed between both parties.合同的基础价格调整: 基础价格要双方重新商议和确认, 时间在收到前次的B/L后的7日内。 新的基价将用书面方式,双方签章确认。基础价格生效基于在双方签属附加条款后5日内修改或开出LC。CLAUSE 6 : PRIC

12、E ADJUSTMENT条款6:价格调整A). Fe content 铁For each 1% Fe content above 63%, the base price shall be increased by US$ 2.00 per dry metric tons fraction prorate and for each 1% Fe content below 63%, the base price shall be decreased by US$ 2.00 per dry metric tons fraction prorate. Or buyer has the right to

13、 reject if the cargo Fe falls below 60% or negotiate a price acceptable by both buyer and seller.干燥状态下,含铁量超过63%以上,品位每提高1%,铁矿基本价格应按比例每干公吨调涨USD2.00;含铁量低于63%, 每降低1%,铁矿基本价格应按比例每干公吨减少USD2.00。干燥状态下,含铁量低于60%买方可以拒收,或达成一项双方都能接受的价格.B). For Alumina (Al2O3) 三氧化二铝For excess Alumina “Al2O3” at the rate of US$ 0.0

14、5 per dry metric tons or fraction prorate for each 0.1 % in excess of 3.5%.三氧化二铝的含量在3.5%基础上每超过0.1%其价格将扣减5美分。C). For Silica ( SiO2) 二氧化硅For excess Silica “SiO2” at the rate of US$ 0.05 per dry metric tons or fraction prorate for each 0.1 % in excess of 3.5%.二氧化硅的含量在3.5%基础上每超过0.1%其价格将扣减5美分D). Phosphor

15、ous (P) 磷For excess Phosphorous “P” at the rate of US$ 0.05 per dry metric tons or fraction prorate for each 0.01 % in excess of 0.08 %.磷的含量在0.08%基础上每超过0.01%其价格将扣减5美分。E). Sulphur (S) 硫For excess Sulphur “S” at the rate of US$ 0.05 per dry metric tons or fraction prorate for each 0.01 % in excess of

16、0.08%.硫的含量在0.08%基础上每超过0.01%其价格将扣减5美分。F). TiO2 二氧化钛For excess TiO2, at the rate of US$ 0.05 per dry metric tons or fraction prorate for each 0.1 % in excess of 0.5%. 二氧化钛的含量在0.5%基础上每超过0.1%其价格将扣减5美分。G). As 砷For excess As, at the rate of US$ 0.05 per dry metric tons or fraction prorate for each 0.01 %

17、in excess of 0.07%. The cargo will be rejected if the As contain above 0.1%.二氧化钛的含量在0.07%基础上每超过0.01%其价格将扣减5美分。超过0.1%距收。H). Moisture 水份If free Moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade as finally determined pursuant to the provisions of Clause 10 exceed the guaranteed maximum referred to in Clause 4. T

18、he excess moisture above 8% shall be deducted from Draft Survey.如果依据第十条款最终结果摄氏105度自由状态下水份超过第四条款中所述的保证最高值时,卖方必须将超出含水率8%部分的全部实际运费偿付给买方并扣除在8%以上多余的水分。I) For SIZEIf the cargo above 50 mm exceeds the guaranteed maximum of 10%, a penalty at the rate of 1% per USD0.05 per DMT shall be applied to the quantit

19、y exceeding 10%.CLAUSE 7: PERFORMANCE BOND AND L/C PAYMENT条款7:履约保函和信用证付款A). Seller shall through a prime bank, issue 2% Performance Bond of the contract value for each shipment value to buyer, in favor of buyer upon receipt of signed final contract within five (5) banking days. The Performance Bond

20、shall keep active, valid and irrevocable and shall be void and null upon Bill of lading date and others shipping document is presented to buyer bank. Once buyers bank receives the Performance Bond, within five (5) banking days, buyer shall open a 100% irrevocable, transferable, at sight Documentary

21、letter of credit for an amount in US Dollar sufficient to cover 100% of each shipment value (30,000MT) through a prime bank that is acceptable to the seller with all terms in conformity with this contract to Seller. 卖方需在合同签订后5个银行工作日内开具以买方为受益人的履约保函,金额为每船货物的总值2%。履约保函必须始终有效直至提单等运输檔提交给买方的银行。买方应在收到卖方的履约保

22、函后 5个工作日内按照此确认的合同条款通过卖方可接受的银行给卖方开出不可撤销,可转让的即期信用证给卖方。B). Payment shall be at sight upon negotiations of documents under an L/C in the United States currency opened in favor of the Seller to cover 100% value of contract value plus / minus 10 percent. All banking charges outside CHINA shall be paid by

23、the beneficiary. Also, all such banking charges within buyers opening bank under this contract all be to the Buyers account. TT Reimbursement allowed.信用证议付以美圆货币计价的以卖方为受益人的合同金额100%(+/-10%),所有中国的银行的以外费用由卖方负责,所有此合同项下买方银行费用由买方承担,电汇付款是允许的。C). Text of L/C and PBG must be accepted by both parties.信用证格式与履约保

24、函格式必须双方认可。D). LC Terms 信用证条款L/C shall allow the following: 信用证中须允许下述条件1. All documents applicable shall mention contract no.所有檔必须填写上合同号。2. Tolerance of +/- 10% for both quantity and amount.同时允许数量和金额的增减10%幅度3. Documents to be presented within 21 days from B/L date. 允许提单日起21天内提交文件。4. Third Party Docum

25、ents acceptable, except draft and invoice.除了汇单及发票外,第三方档可以接受5. Partial shipment not allowed, transhipment not allowed.不允许分批交运,不允许转运6. Charters B/L acceptable, which should be issued by master or owner of vessel, or shipping company or its authorized agency.可接受租船人的的提单,此提单必须由船东、船公司或其授权代理开出。E). Provisio

26、nal payment 预付款Provisional payment is to be 98% of the CNF value. And such provisional payment shall be released against the presentation of the Sellers documents as stipulated in Clause 8 and draft which is payable by L/C at sight. Shipment cargo value shall be calculated by the result of the draft

27、 survey weight and chemical analysis at loading port issue by Independent surveyor agreed by both Parties.按照第8条的规定的檔按CNF货值以信用证即期预付98%的货款,货品的价格依照买方双方指定的装港重量和成份检验报告结果计算。F). Final payment 最终结算付款The balance 2% of the shipment value due to SELLER after provisional payment shall be paid by L/C against the

28、 presentation of the Sellers final invoice and draft which is payable at sight. Sellers final invoice and draft for final negotiation shall be based on the certificates of the Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine of the Peoples Republic of China (CIQ) as stipulated below to reach Seller within 50 days

29、 after B/L date in China. If umpire analysis is required, payment adjustment arising for this will be made when the umpires certificate is available. In case analysis is not carried out at the discharging port by CIQ or the CIQ certificate does not reach Seller within 50 days after B/L date in China

30、, the loading port results certificate of Weight and/or Quality issued by CCIC shall form the basis for final invoice.剩余2%货款应在收到卖方开出的最终发票和汇单后立即由信用证方式支付。最终方票依据依据中国国家商检报告(CIQ)来开立,但CIQ报告必须于提单日后 50天内送达卖方,如果需要仲裁检验,则依据仲裁结果调整,如果提单日后50天内CIQ报告没有交予卖方,卖方则可依据CCIC 在装港所作的重量和成份证明开立最终发票Clause 8. DOCUMENT条款8:文件A). Provisional Payment 预付货款 1. Signed Provisional commercial invoice for 98% of CNF value in one(1) original and two(2) copies indicating value of goods shipped, name of carrying vessel, contract number, B/L number, number of letter of cr

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