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1、eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, classmate, paint, draw, read, write, swim, jump, fast, picture, very, well, fly, high, happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired, new, back, biscuit, then等词汇。 2同学们还要学习并掌握句型Whats his/her name? His/Her names Can he/she swim? Yes, he/she can. / No, h

2、e/she cant. How do you feel? Im/ Were 等。【单元分析】Unit 1Meeting new people一、基本要求:1能听说读写下面的单词:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen classmate only mask2能听说读下面的单词:meet people student number near live walk every basketball well about funny ask put laugh3能听说读写并在情景中熟练运用基本句型:Whats his/her name? His/

3、Her names 4能用结合旧知介绍自己的家人、朋友或同学。5能表演唱“Listen and enjoy”中的歌曲。6能在掌握辅音字母组sk 在单词中的发音/sk/ 的基础上,诵读相关的儿歌。二、发展性要求:1 、能听说读下面的单词和词组:seventeen十七 eighteen十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 twenty-one二十一 twenty-two二十二 twenty-three二十三 twenty-four二十四 twenty-five二十五 twenty-six二十六 twenty-seven二十七 twenty-eight二十八 twenty-nine二十九 t

4、hirty三十2、能听说读下面的句型:Whats your fathers name? 你父亲叫什么名字?Whats your student number? 你的学号是多少?My student number is twenty-five. 我的学号是二十五。三、情感与人文:了解如何介绍自己的新朋友,教导学生与同学、朋友相处的礼仪。四、教学策略:(一)教材处理与教时分配Period 1: 整合Look and say与Look and learn,学习主要单词 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen。学习并运用句型His/ H

5、er name is. 来介绍他人的姓名。Period 2: 学习Look and read 中如何用英语介绍自己的新同学,并模仿课文内容介绍自己的同学或朋友。Period 3: 整合Say and act与Listen and enjoy,学习并表演对话A new classmate,学习Listen and enjoy 中的儿歌。Period 4: 学习字母sk在单词中的发音。完成配套练习。(二)教学策略一、语音与词汇1、语音训练方式。sk /sk/desk mask ask建议能清晰正确的朗读的Learn the sound 中的短文内容,Unit 1, 2, 3 中的Learn the

6、 sound 内容可整合起来一起学。2、单词教学。建议新授单词要结合课文中语境和语篇,并在旧句型中进行操练和运用。二、结构与语法1、句型教学。建议将新授句型置入段落、对话、故事中进行教学,结合教材中的语段和情景,引导学生新旧句型的整合,努力地进行多句的语段输出。2、语法教学 建议不直接教授语法,而是把语法点编制成可归纳的语法现象中,让学生自己归纳,自己感悟并理解其规律。三、语段与阅读1、语段的编写建议结合课文中的句子和段落进行语段与阅读材料的编写。2、阅读文本My names Kitty. Im eleven years old. Im a student of Class Three, Gr

7、ade Four. I have a big brother. His names Jack. Hes sixteen years old. He is a middle school student. He can play basketball very well. I think he is very cool. I have no sister but I have a cousin. Her name is Jessica. Shes a beautiful girl. Shes thirteen years old. She likes singing. We are good f

8、riends.Unit 2 Abilities 1 能听说读写paint draw read write swim jump fast picture very well fly high wasp crisps2. 能听说读ability pony climb count dream interview welcome guest both away time everyone 等词汇3能分辨单词“paint”和“draw”音形义的区别4能掌握并运用下面的句型询问他人:Can he/she ?并能作相应的回答Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she cant. 并进行简单介

9、绍。5. 能熟练朗读Look and read中的对话并进行表演。6能较优美的表演唱 Listen and enjoy 中的歌曲7. 能在掌握辅音字母组sp在单词中的发音 /sp/ 的基础上,熟练诵读相关的儿歌。1、能听说读下面的单词:dive 跳水 throw扔 pick 摘 drive 驾驶 shoot 射击 feed 喂养 row划船 kick 踢Show me your abilities. 给我看看你的本事。What subject do you like? I like P.E. lessons. 你喜欢哪门科目?我喜欢体育课。3. 能模仿“Look and read”对话,扮演小

10、主持人采访自己的同学。了解周围同学和朋友们的能力,并能学会相互分享彼此的长处。四、教学建议: 从Listen and enjoy 引入,学习Look and learn中的主要单词paint draw read write swim jump fast等并结合Look and say中句型Can he/she ?并能作相应的回答Yes, he/she can. / No, he/she cant. 并利用Supergirl的故事进行简单介绍。学习Look and read中内容,熟练朗读对话并进行表演并完成配套练习。学习字母sp在单词中的发音。并完成play a game中的游戏及Ask an

11、d answer中的内容。(二)教学策略。sp /sp/ wasp crisp spoon spring space建议新授单词要结合语境和语篇,在旧句型中进行操练和运用。3、句型教学。建议将新授句型置入段落、对话、故事中进行教学。4、对话与儿歌。配以相应的动作、节奏表演儿歌。(三)文本再构This is our friend. Her names Supergirl. Shes thin and tall. Her eyes are big. Her hair is long. She can run fast and swim well,but she cant paint a pictu

12、re. She likes flying very much. She has a partner. Its names Superdog. Its small and lovely. It can both run fast and fly high. We like Supergirl and Superdog. Theyre both super. Look! Theyre coming.Unit 3 How do you feel?happy hungry thirsty sad full tired new back biscuit then toast postman lamp p

13、ost2能听说认读以下单词:each other crow bottle pebble idea cream berry large lemonade post office a piece of3. 能掌握并运用下面的句型询问自己的朋友或家人:How do you feel?并能作相应的回答Im / Were 4. 能复述并表演 “Read a story”中的小故事:A thirsty crow5. 能表演“Look and say”中的小对话。6. 能在掌握辅音字母组st在单词中的发音 /st/ 的基础上,熟练诵读相关的儿歌。afraid 害怕的 excited 兴奋的 sleepy 困

14、的 shy 害羞的angry 生气的 lonely 孤单的 brave 勇敢的 nervous 紧张的2、能运用下面的句型:How does he/she feel? Hes/Shes 3、能听说读下面的句型:How are you doing today? I am feeling blue.你今天怎么样? 我感到很难过。He is green at his job. 他干那个工作还没经验。We are noisy in the classroom. My teacher sees red.我们在教室里很吵,老师非常生气。Its black and white to me. 对我来说这是一件

15、很清楚的事。教育学生用“How do you feel?”对别人的感受表示关心。(一)教材处理与教时分配(本课内容涉及句型较多,建议4课时教学) 整合Look and learn,look and say 与Play a game,学习并运用“How do you feel? Im/Were ”学习词汇“happy hungry thirsty sad full tired” 及句型“How do you feel? Im/Were ” 整合Play a game与Say and act,掌握并运用“How does he/she feel? Hes/Shes ,”及词汇 “angry, af

16、raid, each other” 整合Listen and enjoy与read a story,学习词汇“crow, dry, pebble, idea, bottle, thin” 学习Learn the sounds 辅音字母-st在单词中的发音st, 完成配套练习册。-st st 建议在教学时穿插sk sp 的练习,重点训练st的发音。并能清晰、 正确地朗读儿歌。建议将新授句型置入教材中的段落、对话和故事中进行整合教学。4、语段和阅读。语段的再编要根据教材中主要人物进行再构。4、儿歌。在教学儿歌时,可以配以相应的动作进行表演。Module 2 Me,my family and fri

17、ends 章节分析本章围绕“Me, my family and friends”这一教学主题开展各项教学活动,由“Jills family”、“Jobs”、“I have a friend”三个部分组成。1在一、二、三年级的学习中,同学们已经学习了一部分关于家庭成员的单词:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, me, brother, sister, parents等。2. 同学们还接触了一部分有关职业的单词和词组:farmer, postman, post office。3. 同学们还学习了部分有关服装的单词:coat, shirt,blouse

18、, T-shirt, skirt, sweater, shorts, dress, trousers, hat, scarf, jacket, gloves, socks, shoes等,还学习了词组:a pair of gloves, a pair of socks. 等。4.同学们还学习了句型:I have They have We have It has Whos he/she? Hes/ Shes Is he/she? How old are you? 等。单元分析Unit 1 Jills family1能听说读写uncle aunt cousin police officer dis

19、h fish wash cloud cool garden man mooncake sometimes dive等词汇。2. 能听说读family photo visit grandparents Grandpa Grandma riddle lady Mid-autumn Day等词汇Do you have ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.4能复述和表演“Read a story”中的故事。6能在掌握辅音字母组-sh 在单词中的发音的基础上,诵读相关的儿歌。nephew侄子、外甥 niece侄女、外甥女 daughter女儿 son 儿子 grandson 孙子 gran

20、ddaughter 孙女great-grandfather 曾祖父great-grandmother 曾祖母 son-in-law 女婿 daughter-in-law 儿媳Have you got any cousins? 你有一些表兄妹吗?Yes, I have./No, I havent. 是的,我有的。/不,我没有。培养学生了解家庭成员及亲属,重视亲情,热爱家庭的情感。 整合Look and learn和Look and say。学习主要单词uncle,aunt,cousin以及句型Do you have? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.运用这些句型来表达是否拥有某物或

21、某种亲属关系。继续学习Look and say中的句型Whos that man?及词组police officer 来表达职业,运用but 表示转折。并学习完成Do a survey部分。学习Say and act 部分,学习、表演并改编故事Photos of Jills family并学习Listen and enjoy 中的儿歌。学习故事Mid-autumn Day。学习字母单词中的发音,并诵读相关的儿歌。1、语音与词汇能清晰、正确的朗读sh /的发音。sh / dish fish wash段落要求:能清晰正确朗读。2、结构与语法通过Do you have? Yes, I do./ No

22、, I dont.的不同例句让学生来操练句型结构。知道问句的运用和肯定、否定回答。通过对比but的不同例句使学生知道but用法: but表示意思的转折,句子前后意思的相反或不同,并能运用but句型。例如(例句):I have a brother, but I dont have a sister. I dont have a brother, but I have a sister. He likes balls, but he doesnt like dolls. He doesnt like balls, but he likes dolls. Danny is not thin, but

23、 Eddie is thin. Danny is fat, but Eddie is thin. Etc.3、语段与阅读语段:S1: Come and look at my new photos.S2: Wow, so nice! Look at this girl. Shes beautiful. Is she your sister? Yes, her name is Alice. Shes eleven. She can swim very well. Do you have brothers? No, I dont. Then, do you have cousins? Yes, I

24、do. This is my cousin.His name is Danny. He is fat. He can dive. How cool!阅读: Whats that, Jim? Is it a photo? Yes, it is an old photo of my family. May I have a look? Ok. Look, here are my parents. They are young! Theyre in the green uniforms. Whos that man? The one behind my mother?Yes. S2: Thats m

25、y uncle in law. Hes a police officer. Cool! Whos that baby? Is it your cousin, Kate? No. S1: I know. Its you! Yes. How old were you in the photo? S2: I dont know. One, I think.4A Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit 2 Jobsdoctor nurse teacher student firefighter cook bus driver dress princess afra

26、id dangerous fire job people fire station fire engine brave put out play with fire dream pretty price3. 能掌握并运用下面的句型询问他人的职业:What does do?并能作相应的回答He/She is 。4. 能表演Listen and enjoy。5能熟练朗读 Look and read 中的对话:Visiting a fire station。6. 能在掌握辅音字母组dr- , pr-在单词中的发音 /dr/,/pr/的基础上,熟练诵读相关的儿歌。1、能听说下面的单词:worker 工人clerk 职员manager经理engineer 工程师guide导游lawyer律师painter画家professor 教授accountant 会计athlete运动员musician音乐家dentist 牙科医生reporter 记者barber理发师fireman消防员milkman送奶员waiter

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