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1、 24Class hours:5Way of teaching: Instruction and discussion6. Grading: class performance, 20 %; paper writing, 80 %.7. Contents and Aims of the courseThe course is devoted to discussion of such things as the nature of language, the relationship between language and thought, language and culture and

2、language and society, the functions of language, the fields and areas of linguistics, the schools of linguistics, the relationship of linguistic theory and use of language. The aim of this course is to help the students to have a good knowledge of the above-mentioned things, develop individual insig

3、hts into language and linguistics and get prepared for future studies and research in language and linguistics.8. 子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”。The Master said, “He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”Read extensively and intensively in linguistics, make

4、 sure that you have a thorough understanding of what you read, keep your mind open, read critically (try to find fault what you read), do not follow anybody blindly, think while reading, keep notes while reading of your findings and your own inspirations.9. Topics for paper writing:(1)For students o

5、f translationUse any linguistic theory, model or approach to analyze, or criticize Liao Meizhens translation of Jack Londons novel “Before Adam.”(在亚当之前)(Write in Chinese)(2)For students of literatureUse any linguistic theory, model or approach to analyze Robert Frosts poem “Stooping by a woods on a

6、Snowy Evening” or Lu Xuns novel “The True Story of Ah Q.”(Write in English)(3)For students of linguisticsUse any linguistic theory, model or approach to analyze a piece of conversation or social interaction you collected yourself(Write in English).II. Main reference books1. Ferdinand De Saussure, 19

7、59. Course in General Linguistics. Philosophical Library Inc. 2. Bolinger, Dwight. Aspects of Language. 2nd ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1975.*Emphasizing the enormous variety of language.3. Robins, R. H. General Linguistics. Longman Group Limited, 1964.4. Bloomfield, Leonard. Lang

8、uage. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1933. (2001, 外语教学与研究出版社)。5. Traugott, Elizabeth Closs. & Pratt, Mary Louise, 1980. Linguistics for Students of Literature. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. *An ideal book for students of literature, who want to approach literature from a linguistic perspect

9、ive. 6. 徐通锵,语言论,东北师范大学出版社,1997。*A good book for those of you who want to do comparative studies in Chinese and English.7. 胡壮麟,姜望琪,语言学教程,北京大学出版社,2001。*Introductory and comprehensive.8. 刘润清,西方语言学流派,外语教学与研究出版社,2002。*Concentrating on schools of linguistics.9. Fromkin, Victoria, and Robert Rodman. An Int

10、roduction to Language. 2nd ed. New York: Holt, Reinhart and Winston, Inc., 1978.*Most introductory and most comprehensive, including chapters on animal communication, language and the brain and language change.10. Falk, Julia S. Linguistics and Language: A Survey of Basic Concepts and Implications.

11、2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978.11. Greenberg, Joseph H. A New Invitation to Linguistics. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1977.*An outstanding introduction to to language and its use in social context.12. Lyons, John. Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics. London and New York: Cambrid

12、ge University Press, 1968.*An ideal reference book13. Sapir, Edward. Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1921.*One of the classics of linguistics, focusing on many areas of vital interest in contemporary linguistics, especially language and mi

13、nd, and language and varied social and cultural groups.III. Contents of the Course General Linguistics1 What is linguistics?2 What is language?3 Fields of linguistics 3.1 Phonetics3.2 Phonology3.3 Morphology3.4 Semantics3.5 Pragmatics3.6 Generative Syntax3.7 Functional Syntax4 Language and thought5

14、Language and culture6 Language and society7 Descriptive study and prescriptive study8 Synchronic study and diachronic study9 Schools of linguistics10. Ferdinand de Saussure11. Structuralism 11-1 Boas and Sapir11-2 Bloomfield11-3 Post-Bloomfieldian linguistists12. Chomsky and Transformational and Gen

15、erative Grammar13. Functionalism13-1 The Prague School and the Copenhagen School13-2 London School13-2-1 Malinowski13-2-2 Firth13-2-3 Halliday14. Others14-1 Stratificational Grammar14-2 Case Grammar14-3 Generative Semantics14-4 Relational GrammarIV. What is (general) linguistics?1. Definitions1.1Gen

16、eral linguistics is the science of language.It is concerned with human language as a universal and recognizable part of human behavior and of the human faculties, perhaps one of the most essential to human life as we know it, and one of the most far-reaching of human capabilities in relation to the

17、whole span of mankinds achievements (R.H. Robins, 1964) 1.2辞海语言学:研究语言的科学。同哲学、心理学、历史学、文学和自然科学技术均有密切的联系。分理论语言学和具体语言学;前者研究人类语言的一般规律,后者研究具体语言的存在和发展的规律,如汉语语言学、英语语言学,根据不同的研究目的,具体语言学又可分为描写语言学和历史语言学,前者研究语言在某一时期的状态,后者研究语言的古今演变。此外,为研究语言实践问题,特别是同通讯科学技术,机器翻译,语言教学和语言运用等有关的语言实践问题,又分出应用语言学、数理语言学、心理语言学和社会语言学等。语言学的内

18、部分科由语音学、语文学、语法学、语用学等。语言研究已经有二千多年的历史,中国,印度,希腊是世界上最早研究语言的国家。(1989年版)(第447页)1.3 The subject matterThe subject matter of linguistics comprises all manifestations of human speech, whether that of savages or civilized nations, or of archaic, classical or decadent periods. In each period the linguist must

19、consider not only correct speech and flowery language, but all other forms of expression as well. And that is not all: since he is often unable to observe speech directly, he must consider written texts, for only through them can he reach idioms that are remote in time or space. (de Saussure, 1916,

20、p. 6)1.4 The scope of linguisticsThe scope of linguistics should be:a) to describe and trace the history of all observable languages, which amounts to tracing the history of families of languages and reconstructing as far as possible the mother language of each family;b) to determine the forces that

21、 are permanently and universally at work in all languages, and to deduce the general laws to which all specific historical phenomena can be reduced; and c) to delimit and define itself. (de Saussure, 1916, p. 6)1.5 General linguistics as a science. In the widest terms it refers to the fact that the

22、study of language in general and of languages in particular is considered worthy of scholarly attention and that a systematic body of facts and theory is built around it. In more specific and particular terms, it indicates the attitude taken by the linguist today towards his subject. In saying that

23、linguistics is a science in the stricter sense, one is saying that it deals with a specific body of material, namely spoken and written language, and that it proceeds by operations that ban be publicly communicated and described, and justified by reference to statable principles and to a theory capa

24、ble of formulation. Its purpose in this proceeding is the analysis of the material and the making of general statements that summarize, and as far as possible relate to rules and regularities, the infinite variety of phenomena (utterances in speech or writing) that fall within its scope. In its oper

25、ations and statements it is guided by three canons of science:(1) Exhaustiveness, the adequate treatment of all the relevant material;(2) Consistency, the absence of contradiction between different parts of the total statement; and, within the limits imposed by the two preceding principles;(3) Econo

26、my, whereby, other things being equal, a shorter statement or analysis employing fewer terms is to be preferred to one that is longer or more involved. This is sometimes referred to as the capturing of generalizations.It is an empirically based science, in that its subject-matter is observable with

27、the senses, speech as heard, the movements of the vocal organs as seen directly or with the aid of instruments, the sensations of speaking as perceived by speakers, and writing as seen and read. No linguist would disown empiricism in linguistics.Linguistics is also one of the social sciences, in tha

28、t the phenomena forming its subject-matter are part of the behavior or men and women in society, in interaction with their fellows. The essence of language and vast majority of its uses involve two or more persons in social intercourse.1.6 Difference between general linguistics and study of individu

29、al languagesGeneral linguistics is concerned with human language as a universal and recognizable part of human behavior and of the human faculties, perhaps one of the most essential to human life as we know it, and one of the most far-reaching of human capabilities in relation to the whole span of m

30、ankinds achievements.All languages share some features in common, whether in pronunciations, grammatical organization, or expressive power.The evidence for the recognition and study of the province of the general linguist comes from the individual actual languages of the world and from their speaker

31、s and writers, past and present.There are at least three thousand languages in the world.It is impossible for a general linguist to know about every language. He usually concentrates on a limited number of languages including his own language. The more languages a linguist knows, and the deeper he knows each language, the better he is equipped for his subject.All the languages of the world and all the different uses to which in the various circumstances of mank

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