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1、 Low capital costs and very short payback (typically less than 2 years). Also LED lighting is now available as a potential source to replace Halogen lamps.紧凑型荧光灯比普通白炽灯泡节能越60%多,并且有各种形状、大小和色温,以适应不同的用途。紧凑型荧光灯的整体质量也有很大提高;但是由于质量和品质的差异,在挑选紧凑型荧光灯时还是应当特别注意。荧光灯比普通白炽灯的使用寿命更长(约15,000个小时),并且有各种形状、大小、色温和变暗应用;低资本

2、投入且回报期非常短(一般不超过2年)。另外,现在还有发光二极管灯可以作为卤素灯的潜在替代品。4. Have you explored Occupancy Sensors in Offices and corridors (for decorative fixtures)?是否考虑过办公室和走廊(装饰性设备)使用感应传感器?Occupancy sensors are used as an energy conservation strategy for both lighting and mechanical systems. Occupancy sensors are a very effec

3、tive conservation strategy for hotels, as the type of building that often has high space occupancy diversity as people travel between their rooms and various activities. This is an inexpensive solution to significantly reducing energy consumption. 感应传感器被用于照明和机械系统的节能策略中。感应传感器是酒店一项非常有效的节能策略,由于人们在房间之间走

4、动和进行各种活动,而造成酒店建筑中空间的占用经常发生变化。这是一项价格低廉、但却能大幅降低能耗的解决方案。5. Have you considered energy efficient products? 你是否考虑过使用节能产品? Energy efficient products use less energy and water, save money, and help protect the environment. As a reference you can use the US EPA certifies energy efficient products with the E

5、nergy Star label. Products in more than 50categories are eligible for Energy Star; the full list is at EPAs Energy Star web site. Other regions use their own standard for energy efficient products including Australia and Europe.节能型产品使用更少的能源和水、节省资金,有助于保护环境。作为参考,你可以使用美国环保署(EPA)认证的带有能源之星的节能产品。超过50个种类的产

6、品符合能源之星的标准;完整清单可访问美国环保署的能源之星网站。澳洲和欧洲等其他地区使用它们自己的节能产品标准。6. Do you systematically review and maintain equipment to identify problems before failure and downtime of major equipment?你是否系统化的审核和维护设备,在主要设备发生故障和停工前找到问题?7. Are you able to pre-purchase power at a discount? 你是否能够以折扣价预购电力?Below is an excerpt fr

7、om the Green Engage measurement tool. There are a range of conservation as well as cost-savings ideas included. Many of the ide as have capex implication while others are low or no cost to implement. Consider having your Chief Engineer research legitimate options for your property to save on water,

8、electricity, and gas.以下内容选自Green Engage测量工具。其中包括一系列节能和节省成本的方法。这些方法中,许多对需要的资本投入给出了说明,其他则无需或只需很低投入即可实施。可以考虑让你的总工程师探索确定合理的方法,为你的酒店节约水、电、煤气、能源方面的成本。Overview Water and Gas Management 水与煤气的管理 概述Water Overview: Managing Water demand is key to reducing consumption. By designing systems to improve water effi

9、ciency within the building, the water budget can be significantly reduced. The buildings largest potential consumers of water are likely to be showers, toilets, faucets and any kitchens within the building or guest rooms. 用水概述:管理用水的需求对降低能耗非常关键。通过设计系统提高建筑中用水的能效,能够大幅降低用水预算。大楼中对水资源消耗最大的潜在用户可能是大楼或客房中的淋浴

10、、马桶、龙头和任何厨房。Low flow fixtures could potentially reduce potable water use at a hotel a minimum25%. These fixtures use a large portion of the hotels water, averaging at 85%of overall water consumption within the building. Efforts in this area are a visible sign to “green” commitment; reduce water cons

11、umption and the costs associated. They also reduce the amount of water needing to be heated, thus reducing gas consumption.低水流装置能够潜在地减少酒店中饮用水的使用量至少25%。这些装置会使用酒店很大份额的水源,平均占酒店总耗水85%。这方面的节能努力是“绿色环保”承诺的一个鲜明标志;能够减少耗水量和其他相关成本。还能减少需要加热的水量,从而减少煤气消耗量。8. Water Efficient Fixtures: Have you explored Aerators an

12、d Flow Control? 节水装置:你是否研究过通风装置和水流控制?Aerators / flow control devices restrict flow and create higher pressure at discharge.(Restrict a minimum of 25% of flow on all faucets and showers?). Have you inquired about installing low flow fixtures, a huge step in water conservation efforts? As with every t

13、echnology, the efficiency with which we use water has increased since basic plumbing was introduced. Have you looked into low flow fixtures available for most applications including restroom and food preparation sinks, steam cookers, pre-rinse spray valves, showerheads, toilets and laundry equipment

14、?通风装置/水流控制设备能限制水流,并在释放时创造更高的压力。(限制所有龙头和淋浴至少25%的水流?)你是否了解过安装低水流装置,这将是节水方面一项重要措施?随着各种技术的引入,自从推出基本的管道设备以来,我们在用水的效率方面已经有很大提高。你是否考虑过在大部分应用中采用低水流装置,包括盥洗室和食品制备槽、蒸汽蒸煮器、预冲洗喷雾阀、淋浴头、马桶和洗衣房设备?9. Water Efficient Fixtures: Have you explored Dual Flush/Low Flush toilets?节水装置:你是否研究过双冲水/低冲水马桶?See text on low flow as

15、 above in overview- (Maximum 1.6 gpf for solid wastes/0.8 gpf for liquid waste for all toilets)参见上文有关低水流的概述(所有马桶固态物冲水最大1.6GPF/液态物冲水0.8GPF)10. Water Efficient Fixtures: Have you considered installing sensor flushes?你是否考虑过安装感应式冲水?Install sensor flushes on all non-guest urinals and toilets. Sensor flus

16、h fixtures assure the system does not run unless a user is in proximity (Local plumbing codes must be checked to ensure that low / no flow fixtures are permitted). Have you examined the possibilities of using Ultra-low flow fixtures, which are yet another way of further reducing water consumption? B

17、e careful to measure any increase in guest complaints. 在所有非客人用的便池和马桶安装感应式冲水。感应式冲水装置能够确保除非附近有人使用,否则系统不会启动冲水(必须检查当地的管道规范,确保可以使用低/无水流装置)。你是否检查过使用超低水流装置的可能,其他有什么方法进一步减少耗水量?仔细评估客人投诉是否增多。11. Water Efficient Fixtures: Have you installed Low Flow Showerheads?你是否安装了低水流淋浴头?Maximum 1.8 gpm for all showerheads

18、for efficiency (Local plumbing codes must be checked to ensure that low / no flow fixtures are permitted.)出于能效考虑,所有淋浴头最大水流量为1.8GPM(必须检查当地的管道规范,确保可以使用低/无水流装置)12. Utilize dual flush toilets in all areas of the hotel. 在酒店所有区域使用双冲水马桶。Investigate use of alternative toilet technology, as well as new advan

19、ces in flush less /waterless urinals. 13. Water Efficient Appliances: How efficient are your washing machines/ Laundry Facilities?节水型设备:你的洗衣机/洗衣设备的节能性如何?Purchase all machines with minimum 10% water savings from standard washing machines. Clothes washing machines significantly contribute to the amoun

20、t of water used in a hotel. Efficient appliances can help you use up to 50% less water. 购买比普通洗衣机至少节水10%的设备。洗衣设备的用水量在酒店中占很大比例。节水型设备能帮助你节省多达50%的水资源。14. Water Efficient Appliances: Have you looked at a return valve for your Boiler?是否考虑过使用锅炉回料阀?Install a return valve for condensate on all boilers (Boile

21、r systems can be designed to ensure return of steam condensate to the boiler for reuse). 在所有锅炉上安装冷凝物的回料阀(锅炉系统可进行设计,确保蒸汽冷凝物回到锅炉中重复使用)。15. Hot water contribution to Energy Efficiency: Have you explored Pipe Insulation?热水对节能的贡献:是否检查过管道的保温?Insulate all hot and chilled water pipes - Pipe insulation reduc

22、es heating/cooling costs and water consumption. 确保所有热水管和冷水管的保温 管道保温能减少加热/制冷的成本和耗水。16. Capturing condensation from rooftop air-conditioning units, and reduce cost of water. 获取屋顶空调组件的冷凝物,降低用水成本Install pumps for water capture containers and directing the water to flower beds在集水容器上安装水泵,将水引导至花床中。17. Dive

23、rt water from the pool during cleaning process?清洁泳池的过程中,将池水转移?Use excess water for perimeter landscaping, in steadof sending it down the drain. 将多余的水用于灌溉四周绿化,而不是从下水道排出。18. Program hotel boilers to be on-line whenever occupancy requires it. 对酒店锅炉进行编排,根据入住率需要情况随时开启。Only use back-up boiler when occupan

24、cies require additional water. 只有当入住率要求更多供水时,才使用备用锅炉。Energy Measurement 能源计量Overview: Equipment and procedures should be used to quantify system performance and energy and water savings. The metering procedures enable the performance of credited actions over time to be verified, which ensures saving

25、s are maintained. Results can be used to tune building systems for improved continuous performance and to assist in energy use evaluation for future hotels. Sites can be compared to identify the effectiveness of credited actions implemented at one hotel versus another. Care should be taken to normal

26、ize for weather and internal loads. Sub-metering can be installed for lighting, boilers, steam, gas, power, water piping and other utilities. 概况:应采用设备和程序量化系统绩效和节能节水情况。计量程序使我们能够验证节能措施在一段时间中创造的绩效,从而保证节能的持续进行。计量结果能用于调整酒店各项系统,从而继续改善绩效,并帮助未来酒店评估其能源使用情况。可以将不同酒店进行对比,以确定在不同酒店实施的节能措施的效果差异。应注意将天气和内部负载因素标准化。照明

27、、锅炉、蒸汽、煤气、电力、水管及其他设施可以安装分路计量表。There are a number of actions in the Green Engage tool which will help you to reduce your energy use. Below are two process actions that can be taken. The advantages of both of the actions outlined below are clear: Long term energy and water savings; Operations and main

28、tenance troubleshooting; Identify problems before failure and downtime; Provides data source for decision making; Identify peak shaving opportunities; Enables performance contracting; Measurement and verification.Green Engage工具中包含大量帮助你减少能源使用的行动方案。以下是可以采取的两种处理方案。下述两种方案的优势非常清晰:长期节能和节水;运营维护及故障排除;故障和停运前发现问题;为决策提供数据来源;寻找最佳减价机会;实现合同能源管理;计量与核查。19. Metering and Sub Metering: Have you recently reviewed your metering?计量和分表计量:你最近查看过计量表吗?Install metering at source level 在供能的源头安装计量表 20. Measurement and Management: Have you signed up to use Green Engage?计量与管理:你是否报

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