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江苏译林版三上《Unit 5 Look at me》word教案1Word格式.docx

1、Is, Look at, my)1.GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/afternoon .Miss Wu. How are you? Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im good, thank you. Nice to see you.(把这样的打招呼方式常态化。)2.Warming upa. Say some rhymes What a nice day!(天气不好就换个说法) Lets sing a rhyme to begin to learn our English .(

2、1)Lets learn(2)Look at the moonYou are so great.(先让学生耳朵熟悉本课的重点内容:look at, great, nice)b. Daily report课前布置的内容:让学生准备一张家庭全家福或者是好朋友的照片S:Hello!My name is XX. Im (age).This is my family/friend.Hes/Shes (name).Hes/Shes a (job).及早渗透多种交流语言,把打招呼常态化很好。我的做法是:由This is介绍家人,朋友过渡到介绍衣服,并加入单词look的读音,如:Look, this is m

3、y jacket.Step 2 Presentation1. Play a game-Great box游戏规则:教师准备一只大盒子,里面装一些学生学过的物品,先让学生抽,然后再让学生用Its a 来回答。 You did a good job. Now lets play a game.I have a great box.教师出示great,并出示中文意思:棒极了 Try to read with me ,please.(1) Read together(2) Read one by one(3) Read group by group There are many pictures in

4、 Great box. Try to use Its ato describe it.教师出示:Its ,并出示中文意思:它是(1)Read together(2)Read one by one(3)Read group by groupeg: a bananaHello, Great box. Its a banana. Is he/she right? Lets say Hey, hey,great!.(从这一环节开始,让学生习惯用英语表扬或者赞美别人。2.Play a game-Look at me! Im great You are great. Now lets play anoth

5、er game.教师出示图片,先词组,再让学生组成完整的句子。 You can see this sentence structure :Look at.教师出示Look at,并教授(出示中文意思)at /t/ 教授a 的发音,为后面cap学习做好铺垫Eg: pencil my pencilThis is my pencil.Look at my pencil.其他学生回答:Hey, hey, great!3.Story timea.听录音,回答老师问题,学习单词:a T-shirt, a skirt a capMiss Wu has a great box. Yang Ling has a

6、 great wardrobe .(/w:drub/)lets watch the cartoon. Try to answer my question, please.(1) What clothes does Yang Ling mention(提及,提到) in the cartoon?a T-shirt, a skirt a cap.学习单词a T-shirt, a skirt ,a shirt ,a cap.1)教师出示单词a T-shirt和图片,并教授Can you tell me how to read it?学生学过这个单词,但是作为本单元的重点还是要重点讲。(a) 学生试着

7、说(b) 教师示范(c) 小组拼读(d) 全班拼读(e) Say a rhymeA T-shirt, a T-shirt,Its my T-shirt.Look at my T-shirt.2)教授单词和图片 a skirt.出示ir,教授组合发音/:/iris pronounced /:/.跟读:ir /:/ T-shirt(出示skirt)T:Can you try?(a)学生试着说(b)教师示范(c)小组拼读(d)全班拼读Say a rhyme3)教授单词capT(教授出示cat):Look at the cat. It has a cap.a is pronounced / / at

8、cat cap4)复习a T-shirt, a skirt, cap,拓展单词a shirt和a jacketir : T-shirt skirt shirt birdT-shirt skirt shirt cap教师出示a jacket图片和单词Look at it.Is this a ?S: No,its a jacket.教读单词a jacketLook at my jacket.Its nice.They are all clothes.(2)How to praise(赞扬)?Its nice./ How nice, /Great!/Its great.教师同时出示四句句子,T: C

9、an you read it?让学生先想想怎么怎么读,自己选会读的句子,做小老师。 I can read Its nice.等学生说完,教师再教授,并出示中文。b. Listen to the tape, try to fill in the blanks.教师出示课文图片,听录音,完成练习: Look at my T-shirt. Look at my skirt.Its nice. (跟录音读) How nice!(跟录音读)Look at my cap . Look at me ! Its great.(跟录音读) Great ! (跟录音读)c.Read-Story time分角色朗读

10、,全班一起读。这四个衣服类单词末尾的读音都是请辅音,要引导学生注意发音。Step 3 Consolidation1.完成单词,并在括号里写中文。T- irt ( ) sk t( )c p ( ) hir ( ) ack t( )拼读上面的单词2.Try to make dialogues(画图,做对话)在刚才第一题上画图,然后和同桌做对话A:Look at myB: 3. How do we give praise.当我们赞扬和夸奖时,可以说“Great!”,“How nice!”等。如果你发现值得赞扬和夸奖的人或事物,就说这些话吧!Step 4 Homework1.Finish the ex

11、ercises.2.Find the other names of the clothes3.Try to recite Story time.板书设计 Unit 5 Look at me! Look at my a T-shirt a skirt Its nice. a cap a shirt How nice! a jacketGreat!Its great作业设计教后反思这堂课设计上有些繁琐,如果可以运用一首儿歌,可以简单化课文的内容。Cap, cap, my cap, look at my cap.Nice, nice, its nice.T-shirt, T-shirt, my T-

12、shirt, look at my T-shirt.Nice, nice, How nice!1.能听懂、会读、会拼写单词:2.能听懂、会读句型Look at,并且能熟练地用Its nice./How nice!3.拓展单词:red,yellow,学生能听懂并且会读4拓展句型:What colour is my ? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用Its来回答。5.能体会Cartoon time 的幽默2.能听懂、会读句型Look at,并且能用Its nice./How nice!red,yellow学生能听懂并且会读第 二 课时让学生准备一些新的学习用品,为对话做准备。 Im well, th

13、ank you.2.Say two rhymesa. Look at the moon Look at the moon. Oh, its bright. Lets say a rhyme- Look at the moon.b. A cat and a dog Look at the dog. Oh, its black. Look at the cat. Oh, its white. Lets say a rhyme- A cat and a dog.1.Warming upa. 教授new I have a new pen. Look at my new pen.教师出示new,并教授F

14、ollow me, please.跟读单词new小组读,全班读。This is my new pen. Look at my new pen. Its nice. / How nice!Can you make a dialogue like this? Try to do it, please.出示句型:A: This is my new Look at my newB:b. Play a game: Do puzzles Now, Lets have a fun. Look at the puzzles.把衣服的图片做成拼图,让学生猜教师出示单词,拼读单词。c. Cartoon time(

15、1)T(出示):Look at the T-shirt. Whose T-shirt is this?. Its Bobbys.T(出示Bobby):Yes, you are right. Hes Bobby. Its Bobbys T-shirt.T(出示Whats this? Its a skirt. Look at the skirt. Is it Bobbys? No.You are right.Lets watch the cartoon together.Try to find the answer whose skirt is it?Whose(谁的) skirt is it?A

16、 B. C. Choose C. You are right. Its Bobbys mothers. There are two mice in the cartoon.One is Bobbys mother.Another one is Bobbys father.Its Bobbys mothers new skirt.a new skirt, my new skirt,学生齐读。(2)Watch the cartoon again.Answer Bobbys mothers question.What colour is my T-shirt?A. red B. yellow教师出示

17、What colour is my T-shirt?What colour 什么颜色Say a rhyme:What colour,what colourIs it red?教师出示red,教授并出示中文。 拼读单词Or is it yellow?教师出示red, 教授并出示中文。拼读单词Its yellow.(3)Why is Bobbys mother angry(生气)?A.Bobbys father doesnt like the T-shirt.B.Bobbys father doesnt look at her(她).给出doesnt的解释:不(4)Try to read Cart

18、oon time together.(5)角色扮演Cartoon time利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。当我让学生交流衣服后,我会设计一个“魔法师”我说现在魔法师利用魔法把你们的衣服都变成新的了,你们开心吗?那就介绍一下你们身上的“新”衣服。学生很乐于表达。新版教材的光盘很实用,并且是分页数收集资料的,所以应该好好利用。Fill in the blanksBobbys mother has a new skirt. Shes very happy. Bobbys father tells(告诉) her its nice .Then, Bobbys mother shows(展示) a ne

19、w T-shirt. The T-shirts colour is yellow .But Bobbys father tells(告诉) her its red .Bobbys mother is very (happy, angry).Because Bobbys father doesnt look at her.Try to read it with Miss Wu.1.Try to retell the dialogue2.Recite Cartoon time Its nice. What colour is ? Its yellow red 1.能会读、会拼写单词:a shirt

20、, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, yellow.red2.能熟练运用句型Look at,并且能熟练地用Its nice./How nice!来回答。a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读4.学生能初步会读本单元小诗Nice clothes4.爱国主义教育第 三 课时这节课的重点是拓展内容和句型的熟练掌握,本单元的小诗是作为巩固用的。Step 2 Warming up1.Play a game-Magic eyes快速闪现单词、图片和句型2.利用上节课的单词、词组和句型小信封,让学生造句(类似于连词成句)3.出示单词a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap,教师带领学生拼读单词。注意把前三个归类,ir组合要用红色标注出来。4.教师出示图片,做对话I have man

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